Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Masonic Charities. Page 1 of 3 →
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Mark Masonry.
mainly to the free basis of our constitution ; and tho apparent aptness of our regulations for securing to the Brethren and Lodges unity as a whole , without stifling , by overstrained centralization , the free action of each . "This right spirit of temperate equality has caused the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , at its last half-yearly Meeting on the 10 th of June , to pass resolutions in aid of the same object which has engaged the attention of your Committee , and to the same effect as the recommendations of the enclosed Report , thus opening to all de facto
Lodges the opportunity of joining the Grand Lodge in equal terms with those at present on the roll . In further exemplification of tho same spirit , I may , as Grand Master , answer that my Brethren will agree to any further modification of the constitution , which may be suggested by tho assembly to be convened , or otherwise appear advisable to secure equality to all without injustice to any . " Yours fraternally , " LEIGH .
"The Committee appointed by a resolution of the Meeting of Mark Masters , held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Saturday the 30 th of May , 1857 , report as follows : " The Committee bear in mind that the object of its appointment was to ascertain , by a fair representation of tho different sections of Mark Masters at present disunited , the views of those different
sections as to the means to be adopted to promote unity aud uniformity in the Craft . "After careful consideration , the Committee recommend as follows : " 1 . That all bodies of Freemasons in England aud Wales , who have heretofore actually met and worked as Lodges of Mark Masters , whether under a warrant of constitution , or immemorial custom , or otherwise , should form a Union . " 2 . That this Union of Lodges should be represented by an assembly of their MastersPast Mastersand Wardensaud be governed by
, , , such regulations as this representative assembly shall approve , and by no others . " 3 . That every Mark Master—who shall give proof of having served the office of Master of a Lodge of Mark Masters , or of having conferred the degree upon two or more Brethren previously to the Quarterly Communication of tho United Grand Lodge of England , in June , 1856 , shall be deemed to be a Past Master of a Lodge of Mark Masters , and form part of this Assembly , provided that he join , or be member b such
recognised as a y any uniting Lodge . " 4 . That all Lodges desiring so to unite should communicate with Lord Leigh , the Chairman of this Committee , at his address , No . 30 , Portman Square . " LEIGH , Chairman . " 40 , Leicester Square , London ; 15 th June , 1857 . " The progress of the existing union of Mark Lodges under Lord LEIGH as Grand Mark Master will bo best seen , by the following accounts of some of the Lodges acting under warrants from his Lordship , which has been forwarded to us for insertion .
THE HIRAM LODGE OF MARK MASTERS . There are very few of our Brethren who are ignorant of the fame of the Lodge of Harmony , Richmond ; where the tradition is , that its characteristic is always harmony . Amongst the members of this Lodge are many of high social and Masonic position , and amongst them no one more deservedly respected than Bro . Cole , thrice Master of the Lodge and a most zealous Brother iu the Mark Degree , at present holding the high position of Grand Warden . Bra . Cole is the first Master of the Hiram LodgeNo 13 meeting at Richmond in
, . , connection with the Lodge of Harmony . May his' Lodge sound a loud and harmonious note ! PHCENIX LODGE OF MARK MASTERS , PORTSMOUTH . The Brethren of this Lodge and the Craft generally have experienced a heavy loss in the death of Brother Captain Savage , who , as Mason and soldier , had long enjoyed the unalloyed regard of brethren and comrades .
THE ADAMS LODGE OF MARK MASTERS , SnEERNESS . This snug little lodge appears to be working heartily under the able guidance of Brother Kiddle , W . M ., whose Hebrew researches have cast so much light upon the important stone . THE CARNARVON LODGE OF MARK MASTERS , THATCHER HOUSE TAVERN . The grant of this warrant augurs well for the progress of the degree amongst those zealous Brethren whom Bro . Lord Carnarvon has
rallied round him from the ranks of his compeers His Lordship is to be the 1 st Master , assisted by Bro . Beach , M . P . for Hants ; the Rev . G- R . Portal is S . W . ; and Bro John Hammerton J . W . Under these auspices we trust to see the Lodge second to none under the English constitution . THE MARK LODGE . No . 4 . The position assumed by this Lodge under the Mastership of Bro . Rid the Gd . Registrarhas been such as to satisfthe most
sangway , , y guine of its friends ; and we may safely say , that a more pleasant Masonic recreation cannot be enjoyed than a ' visit to this thoroughly united and flourishing Lodge . At the last meeting a vote of thanks was cordially bestowed on Bro . Ridgway for a superbly bound volume of the sacred law . The massive medieval binding received especial praise . We may notice that the same taste prevails in the jewels of this Lodge , which are certainly some of tho most handsome in the Craft .
THE FORTESQUE LODGE , SOUTH MOLTON . At the August meeting of this Lodge , Bro . Bremridge , of Exeter , was reinstalled W . M . Bro . Captain Davy , 1 st Devon Militia , S W ., and Bro . Capt . Trowor , of the Yeomanry , " but late of the 9 th Lancers , J . W . Seven Brethren were advanced to the degree . Groat gratification was expressed at the progress of the Mark in Devon , and the rumoured intention of Lord Leigh to confer the office of P . G . M . on a well-known Brother in the province .
THE LEIGH LODGE OF MARK MASTERS . A graceful compliment has been paid to Lord Leigh by Bro . Purton Cooper , P . G . M . for Kent , in naming his Mark Lodge at Erith the Leigh Lodge , ably assisted by Bro . Bisgood , tho Deputy P . G . M . This Lodge must flourish , and we trust will afford many a summer day ' s recreation to the London brethren of the Mark .
THE KENT LODGE OF MARK MASTERS . On Friday , the 11 th of Sept ., this old Lodge met at the George Tavern , Commercial Road , for the first time since its union with the other Lodges under the English constitution . Bro . Peter Matthews , who was marked in the Lodge some fourteen years ago , was installed in tho Master ' s Chair , by Bro .-Ridgway , the Gr . Reg . The ancient brethren mustered strong , and were evidently , under their new regime , imbued with redoubled vigour , both at labour and refreshment . Bro . the Rev . D . Shaborafter the banquet ( which was a
, miracle of luxury considering its cost ) , expressed in very beautiful language and thorough Masonic feeling , his appreciation of the degree to which he had that night been admitted , and in accepting the Chaplain ' s Collar , gave earnest that such a talented brother would long remain an ornament to the Lodge . The W . M ., in a few lucid and torse remarks , congratulated himself aud the Lodge on the course they had taken . There was no credit due to them . They could not resist the liberal , though far from equal terms , on which
this union had taken place . They got everything , and gave nothing , not even registration fees . They were now part of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , and ready to extend to other unassooiated Mark Lodges the same open hand which had been extended to them , without any other stipulation than a hearty desire to promote the best interests of Masonry . From the great number of candidates for advancement in this Cruck Lodge , it is anticipated there will , ere long , be a swarm thrown off from the parent hive . The Kent Lodge ranks with other old Lodges similarly situated at the top of the roll of Lodges without a number .
Masonic Charities.
Masonic Charities .
THE BOYS' SCHOOL . SPECIAL GRAND LODGE AND INAUGURATION FETE . [ Condensed from the Freemason ' s Magazine . ] The interesting ceremony of inaugurating the new school-house for the reception of such of the sons of Freemasons as may be elected to the benefits of this valuable institution , took place on Tuesday , the 11 th of August : but we regret to owing to the shortness of the
say , notice , the season of the year ( when nearly every Lodge is closed ) , and the absence of the M . W . G . M . and the majority of the principal Officers of the Craft , the attendance was not so good as we eould have wished , not more than about 230 persons , including ladies , being present at any period of the day ; though , notwithstanding the drawbacks to which we have alluded , the attendance would have
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
mainly to the free basis of our constitution ; and tho apparent aptness of our regulations for securing to the Brethren and Lodges unity as a whole , without stifling , by overstrained centralization , the free action of each . "This right spirit of temperate equality has caused the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , at its last half-yearly Meeting on the 10 th of June , to pass resolutions in aid of the same object which has engaged the attention of your Committee , and to the same effect as the recommendations of the enclosed Report , thus opening to all de facto
Lodges the opportunity of joining the Grand Lodge in equal terms with those at present on the roll . In further exemplification of tho same spirit , I may , as Grand Master , answer that my Brethren will agree to any further modification of the constitution , which may be suggested by tho assembly to be convened , or otherwise appear advisable to secure equality to all without injustice to any . " Yours fraternally , " LEIGH .
"The Committee appointed by a resolution of the Meeting of Mark Masters , held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Saturday the 30 th of May , 1857 , report as follows : " The Committee bear in mind that the object of its appointment was to ascertain , by a fair representation of tho different sections of Mark Masters at present disunited , the views of those different
sections as to the means to be adopted to promote unity aud uniformity in the Craft . "After careful consideration , the Committee recommend as follows : " 1 . That all bodies of Freemasons in England aud Wales , who have heretofore actually met and worked as Lodges of Mark Masters , whether under a warrant of constitution , or immemorial custom , or otherwise , should form a Union . " 2 . That this Union of Lodges should be represented by an assembly of their MastersPast Mastersand Wardensaud be governed by
, , , such regulations as this representative assembly shall approve , and by no others . " 3 . That every Mark Master—who shall give proof of having served the office of Master of a Lodge of Mark Masters , or of having conferred the degree upon two or more Brethren previously to the Quarterly Communication of tho United Grand Lodge of England , in June , 1856 , shall be deemed to be a Past Master of a Lodge of Mark Masters , and form part of this Assembly , provided that he join , or be member b such
recognised as a y any uniting Lodge . " 4 . That all Lodges desiring so to unite should communicate with Lord Leigh , the Chairman of this Committee , at his address , No . 30 , Portman Square . " LEIGH , Chairman . " 40 , Leicester Square , London ; 15 th June , 1857 . " The progress of the existing union of Mark Lodges under Lord LEIGH as Grand Mark Master will bo best seen , by the following accounts of some of the Lodges acting under warrants from his Lordship , which has been forwarded to us for insertion .
THE HIRAM LODGE OF MARK MASTERS . There are very few of our Brethren who are ignorant of the fame of the Lodge of Harmony , Richmond ; where the tradition is , that its characteristic is always harmony . Amongst the members of this Lodge are many of high social and Masonic position , and amongst them no one more deservedly respected than Bro . Cole , thrice Master of the Lodge and a most zealous Brother iu the Mark Degree , at present holding the high position of Grand Warden . Bra . Cole is the first Master of the Hiram LodgeNo 13 meeting at Richmond in
, . , connection with the Lodge of Harmony . May his' Lodge sound a loud and harmonious note ! PHCENIX LODGE OF MARK MASTERS , PORTSMOUTH . The Brethren of this Lodge and the Craft generally have experienced a heavy loss in the death of Brother Captain Savage , who , as Mason and soldier , had long enjoyed the unalloyed regard of brethren and comrades .
THE ADAMS LODGE OF MARK MASTERS , SnEERNESS . This snug little lodge appears to be working heartily under the able guidance of Brother Kiddle , W . M ., whose Hebrew researches have cast so much light upon the important stone . THE CARNARVON LODGE OF MARK MASTERS , THATCHER HOUSE TAVERN . The grant of this warrant augurs well for the progress of the degree amongst those zealous Brethren whom Bro . Lord Carnarvon has
rallied round him from the ranks of his compeers His Lordship is to be the 1 st Master , assisted by Bro . Beach , M . P . for Hants ; the Rev . G- R . Portal is S . W . ; and Bro John Hammerton J . W . Under these auspices we trust to see the Lodge second to none under the English constitution . THE MARK LODGE . No . 4 . The position assumed by this Lodge under the Mastership of Bro . Rid the Gd . Registrarhas been such as to satisfthe most
sangway , , y guine of its friends ; and we may safely say , that a more pleasant Masonic recreation cannot be enjoyed than a ' visit to this thoroughly united and flourishing Lodge . At the last meeting a vote of thanks was cordially bestowed on Bro . Ridgway for a superbly bound volume of the sacred law . The massive medieval binding received especial praise . We may notice that the same taste prevails in the jewels of this Lodge , which are certainly some of tho most handsome in the Craft .
THE FORTESQUE LODGE , SOUTH MOLTON . At the August meeting of this Lodge , Bro . Bremridge , of Exeter , was reinstalled W . M . Bro . Captain Davy , 1 st Devon Militia , S W ., and Bro . Capt . Trowor , of the Yeomanry , " but late of the 9 th Lancers , J . W . Seven Brethren were advanced to the degree . Groat gratification was expressed at the progress of the Mark in Devon , and the rumoured intention of Lord Leigh to confer the office of P . G . M . on a well-known Brother in the province .
THE LEIGH LODGE OF MARK MASTERS . A graceful compliment has been paid to Lord Leigh by Bro . Purton Cooper , P . G . M . for Kent , in naming his Mark Lodge at Erith the Leigh Lodge , ably assisted by Bro . Bisgood , tho Deputy P . G . M . This Lodge must flourish , and we trust will afford many a summer day ' s recreation to the London brethren of the Mark .
THE KENT LODGE OF MARK MASTERS . On Friday , the 11 th of Sept ., this old Lodge met at the George Tavern , Commercial Road , for the first time since its union with the other Lodges under the English constitution . Bro . Peter Matthews , who was marked in the Lodge some fourteen years ago , was installed in tho Master ' s Chair , by Bro .-Ridgway , the Gr . Reg . The ancient brethren mustered strong , and were evidently , under their new regime , imbued with redoubled vigour , both at labour and refreshment . Bro . the Rev . D . Shaborafter the banquet ( which was a
, miracle of luxury considering its cost ) , expressed in very beautiful language and thorough Masonic feeling , his appreciation of the degree to which he had that night been admitted , and in accepting the Chaplain ' s Collar , gave earnest that such a talented brother would long remain an ornament to the Lodge . The W . M ., in a few lucid and torse remarks , congratulated himself aud the Lodge on the course they had taken . There was no credit due to them . They could not resist the liberal , though far from equal terms , on which
this union had taken place . They got everything , and gave nothing , not even registration fees . They were now part of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , and ready to extend to other unassooiated Mark Lodges the same open hand which had been extended to them , without any other stipulation than a hearty desire to promote the best interests of Masonry . From the great number of candidates for advancement in this Cruck Lodge , it is anticipated there will , ere long , be a swarm thrown off from the parent hive . The Kent Lodge ranks with other old Lodges similarly situated at the top of the roll of Lodges without a number .
Masonic Charities.
Masonic Charities .
THE BOYS' SCHOOL . SPECIAL GRAND LODGE AND INAUGURATION FETE . [ Condensed from the Freemason ' s Magazine . ] The interesting ceremony of inaugurating the new school-house for the reception of such of the sons of Freemasons as may be elected to the benefits of this valuable institution , took place on Tuesday , the 11 th of August : but we regret to owing to the shortness of the
say , notice , the season of the year ( when nearly every Lodge is closed ) , and the absence of the M . W . G . M . and the majority of the principal Officers of the Craft , the attendance was not so good as we eould have wished , not more than about 230 persons , including ladies , being present at any period of the day ; though , notwithstanding the drawbacks to which we have alluded , the attendance would have