Article WHAT WAS THE HERMETIC SOCIETY OF 1721 ? ← Page 2 of 3 →
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What Was The Hermetic Society Of 1721 ?
averment 1 have mentioned above of a hermetic or supreme degree . It is but fair also to mention that the whole of the preface is built upon tbe foundation of pure christian Masonry , and christian Masonry alone , ancl is , in fact , the original probably of Hutchinson ' s later mystical views . But now I find these words , explain them as we may : —•
And now , my Brethren , yon of the higher Class permit me a few Words , since you are but few ! and these words I shall speak to yon hi Riddles , because to you it is given to know those Mysteries which are hidden from the Unworthy . Have you not seen then , my dearest Brethren , that stupendous Bath filled with most limpid Water , than which no Pure can be purer , of such admirable Mechanism that makes even the greatest Philosopher gaze with Wonder and Astonishment , and is the Subject of the eternal Contemplation of the wisest Men . Its Form is a Quadrate sublimely placed on six others , blazing all with celestial Jewels , each angularly supported with four Lions . Here
repose our mighty King and Queen ( I speak foolishly , I am not worthy to be of you ) the King shining in his glorious Apparel of transparent incormptable Gold , beset with living sapphires ; he is fair and ruddy , and feeds amongst the Billies ; his Eyes two Carbuncles the most brilliant , darting prolific , never-dying Fires : and his large flowing Hair , blacker than the deepest black , or Plumage of the long-lived Crow ; his Eoyal Comfort vested in Tissue of immortal Silver , watered with Emeralds , Pearl , and Coral . 6 mystical Union ! 0 admirable Commerce ! Cast now your Eyes to the Basis of this celestial Structure , and yon will discover just
before it a large Bason of Porphyria *) Marble , receiving from . the Mouth of a large Lion ' s Head , to which two Bodies displayed on each side of it are conjoined a greenish Fountain of liquid Jasper . Ponder this well , and consider . Haunt no more the Woods and Forests ; ( I speak as a Fool ) hunt no more the fleet Hart ; let the flying Eagle fly unobserved ; busy
yourselves no longer with the dancing Idiot , swollen Toads , ancl his own Tail-devouring Dragon ; leave these as Elements to your Tyrones . The Object of your Wishes and Desires ( some of you perhaps have obtained it , I speak as a Fool ) is that admirable thing which hath a Substance neither too fiery , nor altogether earthy , nor simply watery ; neither a Quality the most acute , or most obtuse , butof a Middle Nature , and light to the Touch , and in some manner soft , at least not hard ; not having Asperity , but even iu some sort sweet to the Taste , odorous to the Smell , grateful to the Sightagreeable and delectable to the Hearingand leasant to the Thoughtin shortthat
, , p ; , One only Thing besides which there is no other , and yet everywhere possible to be found , the blessed and most sacred Subject of the Square of wise Men , that is I had almost blabbed it out , and been sacrilegiously pm-jured . I shall therefore speak of it with a Circumlocution yet more dark and obscure , that none but the Sons of Science , and those who are illuminated with the suhlimest Mysteries and profoundest Secrets of MASONRY may understand It is then , what brings you , my dearest Brethren , to that pellucid , diaphanous Palace of the true disinterested Lovers of Wisdomthat transparent Pyramid of
, purple Salt more sparkling and radiant than the finest orient Ruby , in the centre of which reposes inaccessible Light epitomiz'd , that incorruptible celestial Fire , blazing like burning Crystal , and brighter than the Sun in his full Meridian Glories , which is that immortal , eternal , never-dying PYROPUS , the King of Gemms , whence proceeds everything that is great and wise and happy .
These Things are deeply hidden from common View , and covered with Pavilions of thickest Darkness , that what is sacred may not be given to Dogs , or your Pearls cast before Swine , lest they trample them under Feet , and tura again and rent you . However , this will by no means hinder you from doing good where there are worthy Objects , and you know the Day is now far gone , and the Night approaches when no Man can work : Wherefore , 0 my most beloved and for-ever-blessed Brethren , hear me , hear the voice of your Brother .
AYe have promised great Things . Greater Things are promised to us . Let us keep these . Let us sigh after those . Small is our Suffering . The Glory infinite . Many are called , Few chosen .
There is a just reward for all . Brethren , wnile we have Time , let us do good Works . Finally , Brethren , ( I speak now to you in holy Brother St . Paul ' s Words ) farewell , be perfect , be of good Comfort , be of one Mind , live in Peace ; and tbe God of Love and Peace shall be with you .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
What Was The Hermetic Society Of 1721 ?
averment 1 have mentioned above of a hermetic or supreme degree . It is but fair also to mention that the whole of the preface is built upon tbe foundation of pure christian Masonry , and christian Masonry alone , ancl is , in fact , the original probably of Hutchinson ' s later mystical views . But now I find these words , explain them as we may : —•
And now , my Brethren , yon of the higher Class permit me a few Words , since you are but few ! and these words I shall speak to yon hi Riddles , because to you it is given to know those Mysteries which are hidden from the Unworthy . Have you not seen then , my dearest Brethren , that stupendous Bath filled with most limpid Water , than which no Pure can be purer , of such admirable Mechanism that makes even the greatest Philosopher gaze with Wonder and Astonishment , and is the Subject of the eternal Contemplation of the wisest Men . Its Form is a Quadrate sublimely placed on six others , blazing all with celestial Jewels , each angularly supported with four Lions . Here
repose our mighty King and Queen ( I speak foolishly , I am not worthy to be of you ) the King shining in his glorious Apparel of transparent incormptable Gold , beset with living sapphires ; he is fair and ruddy , and feeds amongst the Billies ; his Eyes two Carbuncles the most brilliant , darting prolific , never-dying Fires : and his large flowing Hair , blacker than the deepest black , or Plumage of the long-lived Crow ; his Eoyal Comfort vested in Tissue of immortal Silver , watered with Emeralds , Pearl , and Coral . 6 mystical Union ! 0 admirable Commerce ! Cast now your Eyes to the Basis of this celestial Structure , and yon will discover just
before it a large Bason of Porphyria *) Marble , receiving from . the Mouth of a large Lion ' s Head , to which two Bodies displayed on each side of it are conjoined a greenish Fountain of liquid Jasper . Ponder this well , and consider . Haunt no more the Woods and Forests ; ( I speak as a Fool ) hunt no more the fleet Hart ; let the flying Eagle fly unobserved ; busy
yourselves no longer with the dancing Idiot , swollen Toads , ancl his own Tail-devouring Dragon ; leave these as Elements to your Tyrones . The Object of your Wishes and Desires ( some of you perhaps have obtained it , I speak as a Fool ) is that admirable thing which hath a Substance neither too fiery , nor altogether earthy , nor simply watery ; neither a Quality the most acute , or most obtuse , butof a Middle Nature , and light to the Touch , and in some manner soft , at least not hard ; not having Asperity , but even iu some sort sweet to the Taste , odorous to the Smell , grateful to the Sightagreeable and delectable to the Hearingand leasant to the Thoughtin shortthat
, , p ; , One only Thing besides which there is no other , and yet everywhere possible to be found , the blessed and most sacred Subject of the Square of wise Men , that is I had almost blabbed it out , and been sacrilegiously pm-jured . I shall therefore speak of it with a Circumlocution yet more dark and obscure , that none but the Sons of Science , and those who are illuminated with the suhlimest Mysteries and profoundest Secrets of MASONRY may understand It is then , what brings you , my dearest Brethren , to that pellucid , diaphanous Palace of the true disinterested Lovers of Wisdomthat transparent Pyramid of
, purple Salt more sparkling and radiant than the finest orient Ruby , in the centre of which reposes inaccessible Light epitomiz'd , that incorruptible celestial Fire , blazing like burning Crystal , and brighter than the Sun in his full Meridian Glories , which is that immortal , eternal , never-dying PYROPUS , the King of Gemms , whence proceeds everything that is great and wise and happy .
These Things are deeply hidden from common View , and covered with Pavilions of thickest Darkness , that what is sacred may not be given to Dogs , or your Pearls cast before Swine , lest they trample them under Feet , and tura again and rent you . However , this will by no means hinder you from doing good where there are worthy Objects , and you know the Day is now far gone , and the Night approaches when no Man can work : Wherefore , 0 my most beloved and for-ever-blessed Brethren , hear me , hear the voice of your Brother .
AYe have promised great Things . Greater Things are promised to us . Let us keep these . Let us sigh after those . Small is our Suffering . The Glory infinite . Many are called , Few chosen .
There is a just reward for all . Brethren , wnile we have Time , let us do good Works . Finally , Brethren , ( I speak now to you in holy Brother St . Paul ' s Words ) farewell , be perfect , be of good Comfort , be of one Mind , live in Peace ; and tbe God of Love and Peace shall be with you .