Article MYSTIC SYMBOLS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASON'S GRAVE. Page 1 of 1
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Mystic Symbols.
Moat respectfully dedicated to Lodge No . 173 , A . F . and A . M ., Union , Mo .
BY MRS . G . O . REINIGEK . I remember once a little chat Ahout a golden toy That hung upon my husband's chain ,
Denoting Masonry . Why do you wear that foolish thing , Said I , uponyom chain anti ting ? Smiling , he answered , dearest wife , I hope you'll never need it , dear ;
But if you should , these emblems might Direct you some your heart to cheer . AVe might be in a distant land , Have troubles like some ones on earth ; These are no detriments , my dear , To keep in sadness or in mirth .
Gay years rolled on ; 0 happy time ! Twelve years of golden wedded love ; I'd most forgot that little chat , Till all in sorrow , like a dove , The Symbols floated in our home . Masonic Brethren brought them there ;
'Mid sorrowing grief and death ' s dark gloom , They came to help in time of care . The bitterest drops that life e'er poured Were portioned out to my poor heart ; I saw my noble husband die , From his dear form I had to part ;
And when the " sprigs of cedar " fell From the Masonic Brethren's hand , In saddest truth the words came clear , That I WAS in a distant land . —Clarion .
A Western justice of the peace ordered a Avitness to " come up and be sworn . " He was informed that the person was deaf and dumb . " I don't care , " said the judge
passionately , " whether he is 01 not—here is the Constitution of the United States before me . It guarantees to eA eiy man the right of speech ; and so long as T have the honour of a seat on the bench , it shall neither be violated or invaded , "
The Mason's Grave.
Bury me on the hill-top , Where sunbeams earliest come , And starlight longest lingers—¦ Make there your Brother's home ; There through the hours of darkness ,
The glittering hosts will pass , And dew-drops weep my requiem , And night winds sigh alas!—AVhen I am dead .
But not by ocean billow , Oh , not on briny shore , This form consign to nature;—I hate its hollow roar : Cold weeds and sea things floating
Above me on the wave , AVoidd rex my spirit's slumber In that unquiet grave , When I am dead .
No stone to mark my resting , — No gentle form to bow;—01 ) , Brothers , true and tender , Lay not your Brother so ; Within my soul a yearning
Impleads a Mason's homo;—Bury me on the hill-top , Where sunbeams earliest come , When I am dead .
Andrew Jackson Avas once making a stump speech in a country village out West . Just as lie was concluding , Amos Kendall , AVIIO sat beside him , Avhispered , "Tip ' em a little Lathi , General ; they won't be satisfied without it . " The " hero
of JSTGAV Orleans" instantly thought of a feAV phrases he knoAV , and in a voice of thunder , wound up his speech by exclaiming : " E pluribus unum , Sine qua non , Ne plus ultra , Multnm in parvo . " The effect was tremendous , and the shouts could he heard for miles .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mystic Symbols.
Moat respectfully dedicated to Lodge No . 173 , A . F . and A . M ., Union , Mo .
BY MRS . G . O . REINIGEK . I remember once a little chat Ahout a golden toy That hung upon my husband's chain ,
Denoting Masonry . Why do you wear that foolish thing , Said I , uponyom chain anti ting ? Smiling , he answered , dearest wife , I hope you'll never need it , dear ;
But if you should , these emblems might Direct you some your heart to cheer . AVe might be in a distant land , Have troubles like some ones on earth ; These are no detriments , my dear , To keep in sadness or in mirth .
Gay years rolled on ; 0 happy time ! Twelve years of golden wedded love ; I'd most forgot that little chat , Till all in sorrow , like a dove , The Symbols floated in our home . Masonic Brethren brought them there ;
'Mid sorrowing grief and death ' s dark gloom , They came to help in time of care . The bitterest drops that life e'er poured Were portioned out to my poor heart ; I saw my noble husband die , From his dear form I had to part ;
And when the " sprigs of cedar " fell From the Masonic Brethren's hand , In saddest truth the words came clear , That I WAS in a distant land . —Clarion .
A Western justice of the peace ordered a Avitness to " come up and be sworn . " He was informed that the person was deaf and dumb . " I don't care , " said the judge
passionately , " whether he is 01 not—here is the Constitution of the United States before me . It guarantees to eA eiy man the right of speech ; and so long as T have the honour of a seat on the bench , it shall neither be violated or invaded , "
The Mason's Grave.
Bury me on the hill-top , Where sunbeams earliest come , And starlight longest lingers—¦ Make there your Brother's home ; There through the hours of darkness ,
The glittering hosts will pass , And dew-drops weep my requiem , And night winds sigh alas!—AVhen I am dead .
But not by ocean billow , Oh , not on briny shore , This form consign to nature;—I hate its hollow roar : Cold weeds and sea things floating
Above me on the wave , AVoidd rex my spirit's slumber In that unquiet grave , When I am dead .
No stone to mark my resting , — No gentle form to bow;—01 ) , Brothers , true and tender , Lay not your Brother so ; Within my soul a yearning
Impleads a Mason's homo;—Bury me on the hill-top , Where sunbeams earliest come , When I am dead .
Andrew Jackson Avas once making a stump speech in a country village out West . Just as lie was concluding , Amos Kendall , AVIIO sat beside him , Avhispered , "Tip ' em a little Lathi , General ; they won't be satisfied without it . " The " hero
of JSTGAV Orleans" instantly thought of a feAV phrases he knoAV , and in a voice of thunder , wound up his speech by exclaiming : " E pluribus unum , Sine qua non , Ne plus ultra , Multnm in parvo . " The effect was tremendous , and the shouts could he heard for miles .