Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
POETRIA Dream of Fair Faces - - - 107 Another New Year - - - 231 A Place in the Lodge for Me - 242 A Yery Lamentable Lamentation - 492 Be Happy as you Can - - 352 Better Things - - - - 61
Cela - - - - 134 Courage - ---- 113 Crown the Sacred Hill - - 391 Down by the Sea - - - 190 Eheu Fugaces Anni , 0 Postume - 310 Faith , Hope and Charity - - 315 Hail - - - - - 255 How May I Know You to be a Mason - 173
I Mused Last Night in Pensive Mood 320 Immortality .. 223 Incineration - - - - 192 In Memoriam - - - - 128 Installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales - - - - 378 Jam Satis Est - - - - 86 Labour - . - - 348
Light , Beautiful Light - - - 186 Losses . - - - - 351 Masonic Requiem - - - 373 Masonic Song - - - 198 Masonrv v . Anti-Masonrv - 388
My Books . - - - 237 Mystic Symbols - - - 2 Nous Avons Change Tout Cela - 134 Ode on the Installation - - -354 Oh ! the Mistletoe Bough - - 202 On the Stair-way - - - 160 Paddy ' s Experience of Masonry - - 338 Parting Greeting - - - 251
People will Talk - - - 125 P . P . C . 143 Recollection - - - - 303 Response of the Pilgrim - - 3 IJ 2 Shadows - - - - 149 So Mote it Be - - - - 179 Talking to the Dead - - 270 T' Distant Spring - - 286
The Bricklayer - - - - 28 „ Chequered Floor Cloth - 47 „ Hour Glass - - - - 261 „ Living Temple - - - 284 „ Maiden ' s Last Farewell - - 45 , Masonic Measure of Life - 289 „ Mason ' s Grave - - 2 Mystery ... - 27
„ „ New Morality - 18 , 41 , 70 , 100 „ Nightingale - - - 51 „ Old Masonic Poem - - 13 , 40 , 69 „ Present - - - 2 G 5 „ Season - - - - 75 „ Sprig of Acacia 79 „ Voice of the Builders - - 163
! POETRY—Continued , Time and Eternity - - - 318 Tired - - - 95 Uncertainty - 384 Vain Regrets - - - - 247 Verses Written on Board a Lough Erne Steamer - - - - 294 Woman ' Rights 279
s - - - Records of the Past - - - 143 , 174 Relief - - - - 379 REVIEWSA Defence of Freemasonry - -311
.. Lending unto the Lord - 29 The Death of iEgeus , and other Poems 349 Rip Van Winkle Lodge - - 61 Roman Catholic Persecution of Freemasons 220 Rudder Grange - - - 242 , 271 Saved from Prison - 203
Taking it for Granted 52 The Adventures and Travels of a Box of Bonbons - - - - - 307
,, Age of Ancient Masonic Manuscripts 98 „ Angel Ministers - 279 „ Broken Emblem - - - 19 „ Change of Years - - - 114 „ Dying Child - - 387 „ Good Fellow - - 94 „ Little Rift within the Lute - - 209 „ Mason ' s Temple - - - 275
„ Nightingale - - - - 128 „ Old Tyler - - - - 250 „ Present Influence and Future Position of Masonry - - - - 157 „ Public Masonic Charities of the United States of America - 290 „ Silver Lining - - - - 63 „ Solomonic Origin of Masonry 189 , 206
„ Spirit o"f Freemasonry - 187 , 213 „ Survey of Palestine - - 87 ,, True Mission of Freemasonry 252 Under a Mask - 71 Unveiled ... - 79 Waiting for Her - - 231 , 261 , 295 Was the Duke of Wellington a Freemason ? 198 What Good * - - - 246 What is the Good of Freemasonry ? 126 , 150
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
POETRIA Dream of Fair Faces - - - 107 Another New Year - - - 231 A Place in the Lodge for Me - 242 A Yery Lamentable Lamentation - 492 Be Happy as you Can - - 352 Better Things - - - - 61
Cela - - - - 134 Courage - ---- 113 Crown the Sacred Hill - - 391 Down by the Sea - - - 190 Eheu Fugaces Anni , 0 Postume - 310 Faith , Hope and Charity - - 315 Hail - - - - - 255 How May I Know You to be a Mason - 173
I Mused Last Night in Pensive Mood 320 Immortality .. 223 Incineration - - - - 192 In Memoriam - - - - 128 Installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales - - - - 378 Jam Satis Est - - - - 86 Labour - . - - 348
Light , Beautiful Light - - - 186 Losses . - - - - 351 Masonic Requiem - - - 373 Masonic Song - - - 198 Masonrv v . Anti-Masonrv - 388
My Books . - - - 237 Mystic Symbols - - - 2 Nous Avons Change Tout Cela - 134 Ode on the Installation - - -354 Oh ! the Mistletoe Bough - - 202 On the Stair-way - - - 160 Paddy ' s Experience of Masonry - - 338 Parting Greeting - - - 251
People will Talk - - - 125 P . P . C . 143 Recollection - - - - 303 Response of the Pilgrim - - 3 IJ 2 Shadows - - - - 149 So Mote it Be - - - - 179 Talking to the Dead - - 270 T' Distant Spring - - 286
The Bricklayer - - - - 28 „ Chequered Floor Cloth - 47 „ Hour Glass - - - - 261 „ Living Temple - - - 284 „ Maiden ' s Last Farewell - - 45 , Masonic Measure of Life - 289 „ Mason ' s Grave - - 2 Mystery ... - 27
„ „ New Morality - 18 , 41 , 70 , 100 „ Nightingale - - - 51 „ Old Masonic Poem - - 13 , 40 , 69 „ Present - - - 2 G 5 „ Season - - - - 75 „ Sprig of Acacia 79 „ Voice of the Builders - - 163
! POETRY—Continued , Time and Eternity - - - 318 Tired - - - 95 Uncertainty - 384 Vain Regrets - - - - 247 Verses Written on Board a Lough Erne Steamer - - - - 294 Woman ' Rights 279
s - - - Records of the Past - - - 143 , 174 Relief - - - - 379 REVIEWSA Defence of Freemasonry - -311
.. Lending unto the Lord - 29 The Death of iEgeus , and other Poems 349 Rip Van Winkle Lodge - - 61 Roman Catholic Persecution of Freemasons 220 Rudder Grange - - - 242 , 271 Saved from Prison - 203
Taking it for Granted 52 The Adventures and Travels of a Box of Bonbons - - - - - 307
,, Age of Ancient Masonic Manuscripts 98 „ Angel Ministers - 279 „ Broken Emblem - - - 19 „ Change of Years - - - 114 „ Dying Child - - 387 „ Good Fellow - - 94 „ Little Rift within the Lute - - 209 „ Mason ' s Temple - - - 275
„ Nightingale - - - - 128 „ Old Tyler - - - - 250 „ Present Influence and Future Position of Masonry - - - - 157 „ Public Masonic Charities of the United States of America - 290 „ Silver Lining - - - - 63 „ Solomonic Origin of Masonry 189 , 206
„ Spirit o"f Freemasonry - 187 , 213 „ Survey of Palestine - - 87 ,, True Mission of Freemasonry 252 Under a Mask - 71 Unveiled ... - 79 Waiting for Her - - 231 , 261 , 295 Was the Duke of Wellington a Freemason ? 198 What Good * - - - 246 What is the Good of Freemasonry ? 126 , 150