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Polly Rivers's Trip Te Stowslay Cattle Show, An' What Com On't. *
" Ay , " sez Tom . " AYhat , Ah ' 11 awand ' s gahin' t' seeam geeat 1 " "Ay , " sez he , "Ah is . Bud how ' s thou this mooanin ' , Polly 1 " An' he rahde round te mah sahde . Ah telt him ' at Ah was varry weel , an '
Ah howped he wer t' seeam ; an' we toked on all t' way tit toon . An' we drahve up tit Gowklen Lion , an' put up there ; an ' Bill went clown tit Bay Hoss , fer that awlus wer their wost house , an' Farrowshez kept it a vast o ' -years . Our Tom an' me went tiv a . frinnd ' s
house , te wer dinners ; an' efter we 'd had ' cm , we tonucd out te hev a leeak about t ' toon . An' when we were nicel y te wer sels , Ah telt Tom , ' at Ah thowt we 'd better pate , fer he mud be i' mah way , au Ah mud mebby be iv hiz ; an' be sed ' at Ah wer reetfer he wanted te gan wi '
, sumboddy else , an' he thowt ' at he knew weea Ah wanted te gan wiv ; but we wad meet at six o ' clock , at t' Lion . Seea off he went , an' Ah set off te hev a leeak a t ' shops . Ah wer just stanin' leeakin' in at
Barker ' s winder when Bill com aback o ' mah ; an ' , sez ho , — " lata chusin' thesel' a new gown ? " " Nay , " sed Ah , " Ah , izzent i' want o ' yan , or else Ah cud chuse plenty here . " "Ay . " sez Bill , "Barkers awlus hez a lot o' bewties . Bud iz tha gahin' up tit field , Polly ?" Ah sed ' at Ah wer ; an' he sed ' at he
wer just gahin ' , an' we mi ght as weel gan tegiclder ; an' Ah sed ' at Ah wer willin ' . Seea off we set , An' when we gat there , we went all round beeath show fields , an ' had a gud leeak at t' kye , an' t' sheep ( sike teeaps au' yowes !) an' t' pigs , an' tlier wer
a bonny lot on ' em . Ther was sum varry big bulls fra Westadill . Bud toking about beeas , Ah think ther wer t' bonniest heffer at Stowslay Show last year ' at ivver Ah clapt e ' en on . Sheea belangt tiv Ed . Barkero' Stowslay , an' her neck wer fairl
, y hung round wi' medals ' at sheea 'd won at udder Shows . But Ah ' s wandrin' fra my stooaiy . We went ower t' wooden brig across t ' beck inte t' udder field , an' had a gud leeak at t' bosses . AVe ' re oppen tiv all Ingland
fer showiu' bosses ; seea there was carthosses , an' cooach-hosses , an' hunters , an ' rahdin ' -hosses ov all sooarts , —mair ner yan had fairly tahme to leeak at . Oimy
body ' at likes bosses , Ah seear , owt te gan te Stowslay Cattle Show . They ' 11 see plenty ov all sooarts there , Ah seear , te settisfy ' em . Then we com ower t' wudd brig in tit t ' fost field ageean , te hev a leeak at t ' pooltry ; an' ther was a fahue lot . T'
turkeys an' geese was nivver better . Stony o' t' Teeam Brig had getten t' fost prahze fer beeath , an' he desahv'd it teca An' t ' dueks fra Fidler ' s mill cuddent be bet .
Then ther was sum bonny rabbits ; an ' sike o' lot o' fahne pidjins as Ah nivver seed afooar . An' Bill an' me steead an ' watcht ' em ivver seea lang . Ther was a pair i' yah cage ' at they sed was duvs ; an ' they kept coo , coo-iu' ou yan at annudder , an' they leeakt seea luviu '; an' Ah nooatist
' at Bill had n ' t mitch te say ov a bit . At last he gat hod o' me hand , an' he scpteeaz'd it fast iv hiz ; an' then sez he : — " Polly , " sez he , " if nobbut thou an' me was as luvin' to yan annudde-- as them tweea vuug pidjins is , how pleased Ah sud be ! " " Ah wer rayder teean aback when it com , for all Ah 'd bin thinkin' it wad cum te
this sum day . llowsumivver Ah manisht te say : — " Now wad ta reeally , Bill ? " " Ay , that Ah wad , " sed he . " Bud wad thou be pleeas'd annole 1 " Au Ah sed : — "WhyahAh can't see mitch in 't te
, vex onnybody . Bud cum on , " sed Ah , "let ' s hev a walk outsahde . " An' out we went , an' bad a tonn in tiv a pate o' t' field where ther wahnt seea monny fooaks . An' we had a gud lang talk . An' he sed ' at he'd wanted te tell
man fer a lang wahle what a vast he thowt about mah . An' Ah telt him 'at Ah thowt ' at he did ; an' Ah 'd offeu wunder'd ' at he nivver sed owt timmah about it afooar . An' he sed , " AAliyah , it wer varry weel ' at we 'd cumni'd tit Show tegidder ;
fer if it haddent be « n fer them pidjins , he did n't think he sud a muster'd corridge then . " Howivver , we gat te understand yan annudder afooar we left t' field , better ner we 'd ivver deean i' wer lives
afooar . At six o ' clock , Bill an' me went tit Lion , te meet our Torn . We 'd seen him wiv a yung wuraman tweea three tahmes i t efterneean . An'Tom sed we need n't set offyamferan hour yit . as it wer sike a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Polly Rivers's Trip Te Stowslay Cattle Show, An' What Com On't. *
" Ay , " sez Tom . " AYhat , Ah ' 11 awand ' s gahin' t' seeam geeat 1 " "Ay , " sez he , "Ah is . Bud how ' s thou this mooanin ' , Polly 1 " An' he rahde round te mah sahde . Ah telt him ' at Ah was varry weel , an '
Ah howped he wer t' seeam ; an' we toked on all t' way tit toon . An' we drahve up tit Gowklen Lion , an' put up there ; an ' Bill went clown tit Bay Hoss , fer that awlus wer their wost house , an' Farrowshez kept it a vast o ' -years . Our Tom an' me went tiv a . frinnd ' s
house , te wer dinners ; an' efter we 'd had ' cm , we tonucd out te hev a leeak about t ' toon . An' when we were nicel y te wer sels , Ah telt Tom , ' at Ah thowt we 'd better pate , fer he mud be i' mah way , au Ah mud mebby be iv hiz ; an' be sed ' at Ah wer reetfer he wanted te gan wi '
, sumboddy else , an' he thowt ' at he knew weea Ah wanted te gan wiv ; but we wad meet at six o ' clock , at t' Lion . Seea off he went , an' Ah set off te hev a leeak a t ' shops . Ah wer just stanin' leeakin' in at
Barker ' s winder when Bill com aback o ' mah ; an ' , sez ho , — " lata chusin' thesel' a new gown ? " " Nay , " sed Ah , " Ah , izzent i' want o ' yan , or else Ah cud chuse plenty here . " "Ay . " sez Bill , "Barkers awlus hez a lot o' bewties . Bud iz tha gahin' up tit field , Polly ?" Ah sed ' at Ah wer ; an' he sed ' at he
wer just gahin ' , an' we mi ght as weel gan tegiclder ; an' Ah sed ' at Ah wer willin ' . Seea off we set , An' when we gat there , we went all round beeath show fields , an ' had a gud leeak at t' kye , an' t' sheep ( sike teeaps au' yowes !) an' t' pigs , an' tlier wer
a bonny lot on ' em . Ther was sum varry big bulls fra Westadill . Bud toking about beeas , Ah think ther wer t' bonniest heffer at Stowslay Show last year ' at ivver Ah clapt e ' en on . Sheea belangt tiv Ed . Barkero' Stowslay , an' her neck wer fairl
, y hung round wi' medals ' at sheea 'd won at udder Shows . But Ah ' s wandrin' fra my stooaiy . We went ower t' wooden brig across t ' beck inte t' udder field , an' had a gud leeak at t' bosses . AVe ' re oppen tiv all Ingland
fer showiu' bosses ; seea there was carthosses , an' cooach-hosses , an' hunters , an ' rahdin ' -hosses ov all sooarts , —mair ner yan had fairly tahme to leeak at . Oimy
body ' at likes bosses , Ah seear , owt te gan te Stowslay Cattle Show . They ' 11 see plenty ov all sooarts there , Ah seear , te settisfy ' em . Then we com ower t' wudd brig in tit t ' fost field ageean , te hev a leeak at t ' pooltry ; an' ther was a fahue lot . T'
turkeys an' geese was nivver better . Stony o' t' Teeam Brig had getten t' fost prahze fer beeath , an' he desahv'd it teca An' t ' dueks fra Fidler ' s mill cuddent be bet .
Then ther was sum bonny rabbits ; an ' sike o' lot o' fahne pidjins as Ah nivver seed afooar . An' Bill an' me steead an ' watcht ' em ivver seea lang . Ther was a pair i' yah cage ' at they sed was duvs ; an ' they kept coo , coo-iu' ou yan at annudder , an' they leeakt seea luviu '; an' Ah nooatist
' at Bill had n ' t mitch te say ov a bit . At last he gat hod o' me hand , an' he scpteeaz'd it fast iv hiz ; an' then sez he : — " Polly , " sez he , " if nobbut thou an' me was as luvin' to yan annudde-- as them tweea vuug pidjins is , how pleased Ah sud be ! " " Ah wer rayder teean aback when it com , for all Ah 'd bin thinkin' it wad cum te
this sum day . llowsumivver Ah manisht te say : — " Now wad ta reeally , Bill ? " " Ay , that Ah wad , " sed he . " Bud wad thou be pleeas'd annole 1 " Au Ah sed : — "WhyahAh can't see mitch in 't te
, vex onnybody . Bud cum on , " sed Ah , "let ' s hev a walk outsahde . " An' out we went , an' bad a tonn in tiv a pate o' t' field where ther wahnt seea monny fooaks . An' we had a gud lang talk . An' he sed ' at he'd wanted te tell
man fer a lang wahle what a vast he thowt about mah . An' Ah telt him 'at Ah thowt ' at he did ; an' Ah 'd offeu wunder'd ' at he nivver sed owt timmah about it afooar . An' he sed , " AAliyah , it wer varry weel ' at we 'd cumni'd tit Show tegidder ;
fer if it haddent be « n fer them pidjins , he did n't think he sud a muster'd corridge then . " Howivver , we gat te understand yan annudder afooar we left t' field , better ner we 'd ivver deean i' wer lives
afooar . At six o ' clock , Bill an' me went tit Lion , te meet our Torn . We 'd seen him wiv a yung wuraman tweea three tahmes i t efterneean . An'Tom sed we need n't set offyamferan hour yit . as it wer sike a