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« -phe Past Master of Lodge 113 , Bro . Altham ; the W . M . of Lod"e 31-1 , Bro . Shuttleworth ; the W . M . of Lodge 333 , Bro . Hobte ; and the W . M . of Lodge 343 , Bro . N . H . Beazley , and their officers , past and present , " proposed by the Chairman , and responded to by Bro . Hobbs ,- "The West Lancashire Masonic Institutions for the Children of Distressed Masons , and other Masonic Institutions , " proposed by Bro . Bannister ; " The Visiting Brethren" proposed bthe Chairman" The Ladies"
pro-, y ; , posed by the Chairman , and responded to by Bros . Hibbert aud Gilbertson ; and " To all Poor Distressed Masons , and Speedy Relief , " proposed by the Chairman . The company enjoyed themselves thoroughly , and tho interesting proceedings were brought to a close at a suitable hour .
MIDDLESEX . HouNSlow . —DaUousie Lodge ( cTo . 865 , late 1167 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge took place at the Town Hall , on AVeduesday , the 20 th inst ., at half-past six p . m . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . E . S . Willett ( caused by domestic affliction ) , the chair was taken by Bro . J . J . Harder , S . P . M ., and father of the lodge . There were also present Bros . FrostS . W . ; A . A . RichardsJ . W . ; Edward KeoghJ . D . ;
, , , Pellatt , I . G . ; Stacey , Sec . ; Farrant , Treas . ; and many other brethren . There were also present , as visitors , Bros . Eve , Prov . G . Supt . of Works South Wales ; Laxton , and Henry Jupp . The usual ballot having been taken , the following gentlemen were unanimously elected members of the lodge , and initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry ( the beautiful ceremony of initiation having been done by the acting MasterBvo . Havdeyiu a very imuvessbre manner ) namely
, , , , Messrs . Walker , Marshall , George F . Cooper , William Huston , Alfred Jupp , and Alfred H . Johnson . Several other gentlemen attended , anxious to become members of the lodge , and initiated into the Order ; but , as it is a strict rule that not more than five shall be initiated in any lodge on one day , those beyond the privileged number were complied to remain over as aspirants for Freemasonry until the next meeting of the lodge . All Masonic business having been ended and the lodge duly closedthe brethren
ad-, journed to an excellent banquet at Bro . Lewis's , the Red Lion , where they met not as Freemasons , but as private individuals , the banquet being attended by those gentlemen who , although admitted members of the lodge , had not yet bad the advantage of being initiated into the secrets of the Order . At the banquet the chair was taken by the acting W . M ., Bro . Hardey , the vicechairs being ably filled by Bros . Frost and Richards . The usual loyal toasts , and several appropriate and complimentary toasts ,
were given ; but all Masonic toasts and allusions were carefully eschewed , in consequence of the presence of those gentlemen not yet initiated . At 9 . 45 p . m . the brethren separated , those going towards London proceeding by the 10 p . m . last up train . The success of this lodge is most complete . It is only two years and a-half since it commenced with seven members ; it now numbers about fifty , and there are nearly a dozen gentlemen most anxious to be admitted into it , but who must patiently await their turns .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Isca Lodge ( No . GS 3 ) . —The installation of Bro . Charles Simpson as W . M . of this flourishing lodge , took place at the lodge-room , in Dock-street , on Tuesday last , Jan . 12 th . The ceremony was very ably performed by Bro . Henry Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . Somersetshire . The following brethren were appointed to fill the various offices : —Bros . William Burton , S . W . ; S . G . Homfray , J . W . ; James Maddocks , Treas . ; John
Middleton , Sec ; Henry Mullock , S . D . ; Robert Bond , J . D . ; Abraham Isaacs , J . G . ; W . McFee , Tyler . Two brethren were previously raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The banquet took place at the large room of the AVcstgate Hotel , Avhere Bro . Hallen had prepared a sumptuous repast . The chair was taken at six o ' clock by Bro . Charles Simpson , AV . M ., supported b y Bro . Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . Somersetshire ; Charles Lyne , D . Prov . G . M . Monmouthshire ; E . Wells , Prov . S . G . W . ;
John Laybourne , Dr . Morgan , Mayor of Newport ; J . Middleton , R . Laybourne , R . J . Cathcart , P . M . 's ; Wm . Burton , S . W . and Prov . G . S . ; S . G . Homfray , J . W . and Prov . G . S . B . ; George Gould , P . M . ; H . Mullock , S . D . ; A . Isaacs , I . G . ; J . Maddocks , Treas . ; J . Griffiths , S . W . 471 ; R . B . Evans , W . M . 471 ; G . J . Hands , J . D . 471 ; W . Pickford , P . M ., Treas . 471 , Prov . G . Treas . ; H . J . Groves , P . Prov . G . Org . ; Bros . Henry Vinson , Thomas AViliams , G . W . Jones , Ex-Mayor ; C . Kirby ,
J . Spicket , J . Griffiths , Frederick Williams , & c . The cloth having been removed , and dessert placed on the table , the W . M . gave the first toast , " The Queen and Craft , " which was received with Masonic honours . "The Prince and Princess of Wales , the Infant Prince , and the rest of the Royal Family , " was drunk with equal enthusiasm . The W . M . then proposed , "The Most Worshipful the Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland . " ( Applause . ) « The R . W . Deputy Grand Master
of England , the Earl de Grey and Ripon , and- the Grand Officers , " coupled with the name of Bro . Bridges , Prov . G . S . B ., who bad kindly come from a distance to give his countenance and support at the installation . Bro . Bridges appropriately returned thanks . He felt proud of being a Past Grand Officer of the Grand Lodge of England ; and he was glad to hear that arrangements were being made whereby every province Avould have a representative in the Grand Lodge . ( Cheers . ) " The
Health of the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Rolls . " ( Loud cheers . ) The Chairman proposed , in complimentary terms , "TheD . Prov , G . M ., Bro . Lyne , and the Provincial Grand Officers . " Bro . Lyne acknowledged the compliment . The W . M . had been pleased to pass high encomiums on himself in connection with his appointment to the office of D . Prov . G . M . He trusted he should always be actuated by one feeling—that of goodwill towards Masonry in general . The moment lie was appointed
he felt that any predisposition which he might entertain as to this or that lodge must cease and give place to feelings and sympathies of a wider and more general character . He was heartily pleased to see the satisfactory progress the Isca Lodge was making . The Chairman then proposed "TheArmy , Navy ,
and Volunteers . " Bro . Captain Homfray , as a militia officer , returned thanks on behalf of the army , Bro . Major Lyne on behalf of the navy , and Bro . Captain Cathcart for the Volunteers . Bro . Lyne proposed the next toast . It was , he said , the toast of the evening . They had met to do homage to the AV . M . elect of the Isca Lodge . He had known Bro . Simpson for many years , and he could safely and honestly say that he had ever found him that man whom a lodge should
have as Worshipful Master—a man of intrinsic worth and honour—a sincere friend . ( Cheers . ) If he might venture to give an opinion , he thought the appointment did infinite credit to the Isca Lodge . He was pleased to see Bro . Simpson surrounded on this occasion , not only by the members of the Isca , hut by those of the Silurian Lodge as well . He could assure the Isca brethren they would not lack good true friends from every part of the province . He congratulated them on their
increasing numbers—the new members being composed of men who would do credit to Masonry and to the lodge . He begged to propose " The Health of the W . M . " wishing him and succeeding Masters every prosperity . ( Applause . ) The AV . M . returned thanks in an appropriate speech , expressive of his gratitude to all who had so generously and kindly supported him in his installation , and who had now so freely evidenced their good wishes . ( Cheers . ) The W . M . again rose and proposed " The
Visitors and the Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Silurian Lodge . " Bro . R . B . Evans appropriately acknowledged the compliment . Other toasts followed , the company separating at a seasonable time , the geniality of tho hour having served to draw closer those assembled ia the bonds of " peace , love , and harmony . "
NORFOLK . NOEAVICU . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 213 ) . —This flourishing lodge held its annual meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , the 26 th inst ., when Bro . John Boyce was installed W . M . for the ensuing year , and the following officers were appointed by the AV . M .: —Bros . J . English , S . AV . ; H . E . F . Bussey , J . W . ; R . Broese , S . D . ; J . Short , J . D . ; Whittrick ,
I . G . ; the Rev . S . Tvtlow , P . Prov . G . Chap ., Chaplain ; R . Gkluey , Sec . ; and J . Skippon , Treas . The installation ceremony was impressively performed by Bro . Dawbarn , P . M ., and Bro . Colsey , P . M ., officiated as M . C . After the lodge business , upwards of thirty brethren , including several members of other lodges , under the presidency of the newly-installed AV . M ., partook of an excellent dinner , supplied by Bro . AVoods , and the evening was spent in a most harmonious manner . During the
after-dinner proceedings a handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the retiring Master by Bro . Dawbarn , P . M ., on behalf of the brethren of the lodge , as a token of their high appreciation of the exemplary manner in which lie has passed through his year of office .
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« -phe Past Master of Lodge 113 , Bro . Altham ; the W . M . of Lod"e 31-1 , Bro . Shuttleworth ; the W . M . of Lodge 333 , Bro . Hobte ; and the W . M . of Lodge 343 , Bro . N . H . Beazley , and their officers , past and present , " proposed by the Chairman , and responded to by Bro . Hobbs ,- "The West Lancashire Masonic Institutions for the Children of Distressed Masons , and other Masonic Institutions , " proposed by Bro . Bannister ; " The Visiting Brethren" proposed bthe Chairman" The Ladies"
pro-, y ; , posed by the Chairman , and responded to by Bros . Hibbert aud Gilbertson ; and " To all Poor Distressed Masons , and Speedy Relief , " proposed by the Chairman . The company enjoyed themselves thoroughly , and tho interesting proceedings were brought to a close at a suitable hour .
MIDDLESEX . HouNSlow . —DaUousie Lodge ( cTo . 865 , late 1167 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge took place at the Town Hall , on AVeduesday , the 20 th inst ., at half-past six p . m . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . E . S . Willett ( caused by domestic affliction ) , the chair was taken by Bro . J . J . Harder , S . P . M ., and father of the lodge . There were also present Bros . FrostS . W . ; A . A . RichardsJ . W . ; Edward KeoghJ . D . ;
, , , Pellatt , I . G . ; Stacey , Sec . ; Farrant , Treas . ; and many other brethren . There were also present , as visitors , Bros . Eve , Prov . G . Supt . of Works South Wales ; Laxton , and Henry Jupp . The usual ballot having been taken , the following gentlemen were unanimously elected members of the lodge , and initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry ( the beautiful ceremony of initiation having been done by the acting MasterBvo . Havdeyiu a very imuvessbre manner ) namely
, , , , Messrs . Walker , Marshall , George F . Cooper , William Huston , Alfred Jupp , and Alfred H . Johnson . Several other gentlemen attended , anxious to become members of the lodge , and initiated into the Order ; but , as it is a strict rule that not more than five shall be initiated in any lodge on one day , those beyond the privileged number were complied to remain over as aspirants for Freemasonry until the next meeting of the lodge . All Masonic business having been ended and the lodge duly closedthe brethren
ad-, journed to an excellent banquet at Bro . Lewis's , the Red Lion , where they met not as Freemasons , but as private individuals , the banquet being attended by those gentlemen who , although admitted members of the lodge , had not yet bad the advantage of being initiated into the secrets of the Order . At the banquet the chair was taken by the acting W . M ., Bro . Hardey , the vicechairs being ably filled by Bros . Frost and Richards . The usual loyal toasts , and several appropriate and complimentary toasts ,
were given ; but all Masonic toasts and allusions were carefully eschewed , in consequence of the presence of those gentlemen not yet initiated . At 9 . 45 p . m . the brethren separated , those going towards London proceeding by the 10 p . m . last up train . The success of this lodge is most complete . It is only two years and a-half since it commenced with seven members ; it now numbers about fifty , and there are nearly a dozen gentlemen most anxious to be admitted into it , but who must patiently await their turns .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Isca Lodge ( No . GS 3 ) . —The installation of Bro . Charles Simpson as W . M . of this flourishing lodge , took place at the lodge-room , in Dock-street , on Tuesday last , Jan . 12 th . The ceremony was very ably performed by Bro . Henry Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . Somersetshire . The following brethren were appointed to fill the various offices : —Bros . William Burton , S . W . ; S . G . Homfray , J . W . ; James Maddocks , Treas . ; John
Middleton , Sec ; Henry Mullock , S . D . ; Robert Bond , J . D . ; Abraham Isaacs , J . G . ; W . McFee , Tyler . Two brethren were previously raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The banquet took place at the large room of the AVcstgate Hotel , Avhere Bro . Hallen had prepared a sumptuous repast . The chair was taken at six o ' clock by Bro . Charles Simpson , AV . M ., supported b y Bro . Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . Somersetshire ; Charles Lyne , D . Prov . G . M . Monmouthshire ; E . Wells , Prov . S . G . W . ;
John Laybourne , Dr . Morgan , Mayor of Newport ; J . Middleton , R . Laybourne , R . J . Cathcart , P . M . 's ; Wm . Burton , S . W . and Prov . G . S . ; S . G . Homfray , J . W . and Prov . G . S . B . ; George Gould , P . M . ; H . Mullock , S . D . ; A . Isaacs , I . G . ; J . Maddocks , Treas . ; J . Griffiths , S . W . 471 ; R . B . Evans , W . M . 471 ; G . J . Hands , J . D . 471 ; W . Pickford , P . M ., Treas . 471 , Prov . G . Treas . ; H . J . Groves , P . Prov . G . Org . ; Bros . Henry Vinson , Thomas AViliams , G . W . Jones , Ex-Mayor ; C . Kirby ,
J . Spicket , J . Griffiths , Frederick Williams , & c . The cloth having been removed , and dessert placed on the table , the W . M . gave the first toast , " The Queen and Craft , " which was received with Masonic honours . "The Prince and Princess of Wales , the Infant Prince , and the rest of the Royal Family , " was drunk with equal enthusiasm . The W . M . then proposed , "The Most Worshipful the Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland . " ( Applause . ) « The R . W . Deputy Grand Master
of England , the Earl de Grey and Ripon , and- the Grand Officers , " coupled with the name of Bro . Bridges , Prov . G . S . B ., who bad kindly come from a distance to give his countenance and support at the installation . Bro . Bridges appropriately returned thanks . He felt proud of being a Past Grand Officer of the Grand Lodge of England ; and he was glad to hear that arrangements were being made whereby every province Avould have a representative in the Grand Lodge . ( Cheers . ) " The
Health of the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Rolls . " ( Loud cheers . ) The Chairman proposed , in complimentary terms , "TheD . Prov , G . M ., Bro . Lyne , and the Provincial Grand Officers . " Bro . Lyne acknowledged the compliment . The W . M . had been pleased to pass high encomiums on himself in connection with his appointment to the office of D . Prov . G . M . He trusted he should always be actuated by one feeling—that of goodwill towards Masonry in general . The moment lie was appointed
he felt that any predisposition which he might entertain as to this or that lodge must cease and give place to feelings and sympathies of a wider and more general character . He was heartily pleased to see the satisfactory progress the Isca Lodge was making . The Chairman then proposed "TheArmy , Navy ,
and Volunteers . " Bro . Captain Homfray , as a militia officer , returned thanks on behalf of the army , Bro . Major Lyne on behalf of the navy , and Bro . Captain Cathcart for the Volunteers . Bro . Lyne proposed the next toast . It was , he said , the toast of the evening . They had met to do homage to the AV . M . elect of the Isca Lodge . He had known Bro . Simpson for many years , and he could safely and honestly say that he had ever found him that man whom a lodge should
have as Worshipful Master—a man of intrinsic worth and honour—a sincere friend . ( Cheers . ) If he might venture to give an opinion , he thought the appointment did infinite credit to the Isca Lodge . He was pleased to see Bro . Simpson surrounded on this occasion , not only by the members of the Isca , hut by those of the Silurian Lodge as well . He could assure the Isca brethren they would not lack good true friends from every part of the province . He congratulated them on their
increasing numbers—the new members being composed of men who would do credit to Masonry and to the lodge . He begged to propose " The Health of the W . M . " wishing him and succeeding Masters every prosperity . ( Applause . ) The AV . M . returned thanks in an appropriate speech , expressive of his gratitude to all who had so generously and kindly supported him in his installation , and who had now so freely evidenced their good wishes . ( Cheers . ) The W . M . again rose and proposed " The
Visitors and the Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Silurian Lodge . " Bro . R . B . Evans appropriately acknowledged the compliment . Other toasts followed , the company separating at a seasonable time , the geniality of tho hour having served to draw closer those assembled ia the bonds of " peace , love , and harmony . "
NORFOLK . NOEAVICU . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 213 ) . —This flourishing lodge held its annual meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , the 26 th inst ., when Bro . John Boyce was installed W . M . for the ensuing year , and the following officers were appointed by the AV . M .: —Bros . J . English , S . AV . ; H . E . F . Bussey , J . W . ; R . Broese , S . D . ; J . Short , J . D . ; Whittrick ,
I . G . ; the Rev . S . Tvtlow , P . Prov . G . Chap ., Chaplain ; R . Gkluey , Sec . ; and J . Skippon , Treas . The installation ceremony was impressively performed by Bro . Dawbarn , P . M ., and Bro . Colsey , P . M ., officiated as M . C . After the lodge business , upwards of thirty brethren , including several members of other lodges , under the presidency of the newly-installed AV . M ., partook of an excellent dinner , supplied by Bro . AVoods , and the evening was spent in a most harmonious manner . During the
after-dinner proceedings a handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the retiring Master by Bro . Dawbarn , P . M ., on behalf of the brethren of the lodge , as a token of their high appreciation of the exemplary manner in which lie has passed through his year of office .