Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 5 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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their respective duties to his entire satisfaction , he also thanked the W . M . for appointing him S . W ., and said that it was the hope of reward that sweetened labour , his labours as S . W . would be sweetened by the hope of receiving the approbation of the brethren . —The W . MASTER said that he now brought before the notice of the brethren a toast which , he had no doubt , would be well responded to ; the Masonic body happily possessed a Magazine , at all times to defend the Craft and promulgate its
true tenets , and in its pages much instruction and information were to be found . He would therefore give " The FREEMASONS ' MAGAZINE , " coupled with the health of Bro . J . A . Gibson , Secretary of this lodge , hoping he would respond , he being for many years in the well-known firm of Messrs . Waterlow and Sons , Printers , London Wall , City . —Bro . GIBSON thanked the W . M . on behalf of himself and the MAGAZINE in particular , and could confirm the statement of the W . M . with regard to tho
usefulness of the publication . —The Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a termination . —The enjoyment of the brethren was considerably enhanced by the harmony of Bros . Davis , Woodman , and Hames .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . TEWKESBURY . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 900 ) . —The festival of St . John was celebrated in this lodge on Friday , the 22 nd inst ., in the presence of a full attendance of the brethren , and as tho W . M . elect was highly respected in the Royal Union Lodge , Cheltenham , where he had served the office of Warden , the AV . M ., Wardens , and others , came as visitors to do him honourOld time ruled wellthe officers being in their
. , places very punctually , all inclined to assist in the anticipated ' ceremony of installation . Previous to which , the W . M ., Bro . E . S . Cossens , reported that the accounts for the past year , had been audited by him and Bro . Moore , J . W ., which showed a goodly balance to band over to the new Treasurer . He should , therefore , move that £ 5 he subscribed by the lodge towards the fund for presenting to the very much-esteemed D . Prov . G . M .
the qualification as a Vice-President of the Benevolent Fund , which was duly seconded , and unanimously carried . The W . M . moved that £ 5 5 s . be presented to Bro . John Smith , of Worcester , as an expression of the esteem of the brethren towards him , he having during the past year discharged tho duties of Tyler so satisfactorily . It was seconded and carried . The W . M . then proceeded to instal his successor , Bro . T . AV . Swinburnewho at the last lodge had been elected as the W . M . of
, the ensuing year . Bro . Cossens' mode of delivering the Masonic ceremonies is too well-known to need any comment . The visitors and brethren , however , could not fail to express their admiration of the deep sense of devotion , his quiet and subdued tone in the more solemn sentences , and his exhilarating
bearing in the more joyous portions of the work . He was in capital health when he commenced , but it was too evident that the work of the evening was sufficient to tell seriously on his physique . He was warmly applauded at the completion of the addresses to the W . M ., the Wardens , and to the brethren generally . Bro . Swinburne commenced his task as W . M . with much kindred and good feeling , and embraced that opportunity of expressing fraternal sentences with regard to Bro . Cossens
, who was not only the founder of the lodge , but had passed through the arduous duties of W . M . during the first two years of its establishment in the most gratifying manner ; and to mark the appreciation of his meritorious services by the lodge , be proposed that a presentation gold jewel be offered for his his acceptance on his becoming the first Past Master . It was seconded by Bro . E . G . Stone , P . Prov . S . G . W . Worcester , and
P . M . 280 . With many eulogistic expressions towards their late W . M ., it was put to the vote and carried with unanimity . The W . M . then made the following promotions : —Bros . F . Moore , S . W . ; S . P . Brookes , J . AV . ; G . Blizard , S . D . ; W . Rice , jun ., Dir . of Cers . ; H . Browett , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; W . Godsall , Special Steward ; E . M . Gillman was reappointed as Sec . and Org . ; and F . H . Harvey was appointed J . D . Bro . D . Chandler was duly elected as the Tler . Bro . Price was elected at the
y at the last Lodge as the Treasurer . All the officers , excepting the S . D ., being present they were duly invested and installed . Two gentlemen of the neighbourhood were proposed for initiation at the next lodge . The brethren and visitors followed the W . M . to the banquetting room which had been well ornamented by Bro .
Trotman , in his best style . The refreshments , wine , and dessert , were excellent , and gave universal satisfaction . The usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to with groat gusto . The addresses of the W . M . were warmly applauded . Bro . Cossens responded to " The Prov . G . Master , " " D . Prov . G . M . and Officers , " and announced the intention of Lord Sherborne to hold his next Provincial Grand Lodge at Tewkesbury ; also to the highly complimentary joint-toast— " The Installing
and the Past Master of St . George ' s Lodge . The visitors' toast was responded very ably by Bro . Waite , tho W . M . of tho Royal Union Lodge , who announced his desire to become a joining member of the lodge . The banquet was enlivened by the musical efforts of Bro . Dix , J . W ., Royal Union , and Bro . Cossens , who gave , the first time , " The Parting Toast , " and one of the true old-fashioned Bacchanalian songs . The AV . M . retired from his post in excellent time , to enable the visiting brethren returning homewards before the "bewitching time of night , " resulting in one of the most satisfactory Masonic gatherings that has taken place at Tewkesbury .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . PRESTON . —Lodge , of Unanimity ( No . 113 ) . —On Thursday , the 14 th inst ., a meeting of the members of this lodge was held , by special dispensation from the R . W . Prov . G . M . for West Lancashire , Bro . Le G . N . Starkie , P . Prov . J . D ., at the Bull Hotel , Preston . Bro . Robert Townley Parker , Cuerdeii Hall , was installed to the Mastership of the lodge ; Bro . Major Birchall to the office of S . W . ; and Bro . H . N . Beazley to the
office of J . W . Afterwards a sumptuous dinner was served , at which the following Masons were present : —Bro . It . T . Parker in the chair , supported by Bros . Sir Thomas George Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., Lord Skelmersdalc , the Chaplain , S . P . Brabner , Thos . Wylie , J . Billinge , H . Gamble , C . Sherlock , and C . J . Bannister , Major Birchall and N . H . Beazley , occupied the vice-chairs ; also Bros . AV . Davies , John Thorley , Joseph Mawdesley , Thomas Goodier , J . L . Howard , A . M'Carter , James
Fitchie , T . Blackshaw , S . Lj'on , Anyon , John Yates , James Hibbert , E . G . Melling , Thomas Eastham , Thomas Goodair , George Taifc , C . Alfcharo , Prov . G-. Dir . of Cers ; Allender , George Eastham , J . B . Hughes , J . J . Myres , J . Norwood , Richard Bee , Branson , James Yates , Rigby , Samuel Ashton , J . Johnson , Richard Brown , John Dallas , Thomas , Ord , Dr . Hammond , C . J . Yates , W . Drennan , Dr . Taylor , J . Byrnes , T . M . ShuttleworthA . C . MottW . J . May CoppelF . DeaconW .
, , , , Brown , Richard Robinson , T . A . Smith , J . Gerrard , 11 . Counshaw , P . C . Turner , J . Jacques , John Yates , J . C . Ambler , Richard Hunt , George Pye , W . Gilbertson , W . Catterall , F . Trundle , II . Ball , James Paley , W . Blackhursfc , II . Armstrong , J . Hamer , S . Thewlis , J . Pepper , J . Sanders , J . Molineaux , J . M'Glinchy , C . Carnegie , II . P . Watson , J . F . Grier , Daniel
Graham , John Cartmel , Heury Halliwell , J . Walters , Richard H . Turner , W . Birket , C . Fryer , William Hayhurst , and Gerald T . Tully . The Chairman proposed successively " Tho Queen , " "The Prince and Princess of Wales and the infant Prince , " and " The rest of the Royal Family , " all of which were most cordially received . Sir T . G . Hesketh then proposed "The Most Worshipful the Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , " and "The Right Worshipful the DeputGrand Masterthe Earl de Grey
y , and Ripon , which were heartily drunk , and responded to by Lord Skelmersdale , who submitted " The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master for West Lancashire , Bro . Le G . N . Starkie . " The toast having been duly honoured , the Chairman proposed " The Right Worshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for West Lancashire , Sir T . G . Hesketh , " which was received with approbation , and suitably responded to . Major
Birchall , in suitable terms , gave " The Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Unanimity ( No . 113 ) , Bro . R . T . Parker . " The toast was enthusiastically drunk and appropriately acknowledged . The following other toasts were then proposed , suitably received , and responded to by the gentlemen named : — " The Provincial Grand Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Lancashire , past and present , " proposed by Bro . Shuttleworth , W . M . '
of Lodge 314 , and responded to byBro . Wylie ; " The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master for East Lancashire , Bro . Stephen Blair , and his Grand Officers , past and present , " proposed by Lord Skelmersdalc ; "the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master of Cheshire , Viscount Cornbermere , and his Grand Officers , past and [ present , " proposed by Sir T . G . Hesketh , Bart ., and responded to by Bro . John Lord Howard ; "The Army , Navy , aud Volunteers" was next proposed , and responded to by Captain Mott and Sergeant Cunningham j
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
their respective duties to his entire satisfaction , he also thanked the W . M . for appointing him S . W ., and said that it was the hope of reward that sweetened labour , his labours as S . W . would be sweetened by the hope of receiving the approbation of the brethren . —The W . MASTER said that he now brought before the notice of the brethren a toast which , he had no doubt , would be well responded to ; the Masonic body happily possessed a Magazine , at all times to defend the Craft and promulgate its
true tenets , and in its pages much instruction and information were to be found . He would therefore give " The FREEMASONS ' MAGAZINE , " coupled with the health of Bro . J . A . Gibson , Secretary of this lodge , hoping he would respond , he being for many years in the well-known firm of Messrs . Waterlow and Sons , Printers , London Wall , City . —Bro . GIBSON thanked the W . M . on behalf of himself and the MAGAZINE in particular , and could confirm the statement of the W . M . with regard to tho
usefulness of the publication . —The Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a termination . —The enjoyment of the brethren was considerably enhanced by the harmony of Bros . Davis , Woodman , and Hames .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . TEWKESBURY . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 900 ) . —The festival of St . John was celebrated in this lodge on Friday , the 22 nd inst ., in the presence of a full attendance of the brethren , and as tho W . M . elect was highly respected in the Royal Union Lodge , Cheltenham , where he had served the office of Warden , the AV . M ., Wardens , and others , came as visitors to do him honourOld time ruled wellthe officers being in their
. , places very punctually , all inclined to assist in the anticipated ' ceremony of installation . Previous to which , the W . M ., Bro . E . S . Cossens , reported that the accounts for the past year , had been audited by him and Bro . Moore , J . W ., which showed a goodly balance to band over to the new Treasurer . He should , therefore , move that £ 5 he subscribed by the lodge towards the fund for presenting to the very much-esteemed D . Prov . G . M .
the qualification as a Vice-President of the Benevolent Fund , which was duly seconded , and unanimously carried . The W . M . moved that £ 5 5 s . be presented to Bro . John Smith , of Worcester , as an expression of the esteem of the brethren towards him , he having during the past year discharged tho duties of Tyler so satisfactorily . It was seconded and carried . The W . M . then proceeded to instal his successor , Bro . T . AV . Swinburnewho at the last lodge had been elected as the W . M . of
, the ensuing year . Bro . Cossens' mode of delivering the Masonic ceremonies is too well-known to need any comment . The visitors and brethren , however , could not fail to express their admiration of the deep sense of devotion , his quiet and subdued tone in the more solemn sentences , and his exhilarating
bearing in the more joyous portions of the work . He was in capital health when he commenced , but it was too evident that the work of the evening was sufficient to tell seriously on his physique . He was warmly applauded at the completion of the addresses to the W . M ., the Wardens , and to the brethren generally . Bro . Swinburne commenced his task as W . M . with much kindred and good feeling , and embraced that opportunity of expressing fraternal sentences with regard to Bro . Cossens
, who was not only the founder of the lodge , but had passed through the arduous duties of W . M . during the first two years of its establishment in the most gratifying manner ; and to mark the appreciation of his meritorious services by the lodge , be proposed that a presentation gold jewel be offered for his his acceptance on his becoming the first Past Master . It was seconded by Bro . E . G . Stone , P . Prov . S . G . W . Worcester , and
P . M . 280 . With many eulogistic expressions towards their late W . M ., it was put to the vote and carried with unanimity . The W . M . then made the following promotions : —Bros . F . Moore , S . W . ; S . P . Brookes , J . AV . ; G . Blizard , S . D . ; W . Rice , jun ., Dir . of Cers . ; H . Browett , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; W . Godsall , Special Steward ; E . M . Gillman was reappointed as Sec . and Org . ; and F . H . Harvey was appointed J . D . Bro . D . Chandler was duly elected as the Tler . Bro . Price was elected at the
y at the last Lodge as the Treasurer . All the officers , excepting the S . D ., being present they were duly invested and installed . Two gentlemen of the neighbourhood were proposed for initiation at the next lodge . The brethren and visitors followed the W . M . to the banquetting room which had been well ornamented by Bro .
Trotman , in his best style . The refreshments , wine , and dessert , were excellent , and gave universal satisfaction . The usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to with groat gusto . The addresses of the W . M . were warmly applauded . Bro . Cossens responded to " The Prov . G . Master , " " D . Prov . G . M . and Officers , " and announced the intention of Lord Sherborne to hold his next Provincial Grand Lodge at Tewkesbury ; also to the highly complimentary joint-toast— " The Installing
and the Past Master of St . George ' s Lodge . The visitors' toast was responded very ably by Bro . Waite , tho W . M . of tho Royal Union Lodge , who announced his desire to become a joining member of the lodge . The banquet was enlivened by the musical efforts of Bro . Dix , J . W ., Royal Union , and Bro . Cossens , who gave , the first time , " The Parting Toast , " and one of the true old-fashioned Bacchanalian songs . The AV . M . retired from his post in excellent time , to enable the visiting brethren returning homewards before the "bewitching time of night , " resulting in one of the most satisfactory Masonic gatherings that has taken place at Tewkesbury .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . PRESTON . —Lodge , of Unanimity ( No . 113 ) . —On Thursday , the 14 th inst ., a meeting of the members of this lodge was held , by special dispensation from the R . W . Prov . G . M . for West Lancashire , Bro . Le G . N . Starkie , P . Prov . J . D ., at the Bull Hotel , Preston . Bro . Robert Townley Parker , Cuerdeii Hall , was installed to the Mastership of the lodge ; Bro . Major Birchall to the office of S . W . ; and Bro . H . N . Beazley to the
office of J . W . Afterwards a sumptuous dinner was served , at which the following Masons were present : —Bro . It . T . Parker in the chair , supported by Bros . Sir Thomas George Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., Lord Skelmersdalc , the Chaplain , S . P . Brabner , Thos . Wylie , J . Billinge , H . Gamble , C . Sherlock , and C . J . Bannister , Major Birchall and N . H . Beazley , occupied the vice-chairs ; also Bros . AV . Davies , John Thorley , Joseph Mawdesley , Thomas Goodier , J . L . Howard , A . M'Carter , James
Fitchie , T . Blackshaw , S . Lj'on , Anyon , John Yates , James Hibbert , E . G . Melling , Thomas Eastham , Thomas Goodair , George Taifc , C . Alfcharo , Prov . G-. Dir . of Cers ; Allender , George Eastham , J . B . Hughes , J . J . Myres , J . Norwood , Richard Bee , Branson , James Yates , Rigby , Samuel Ashton , J . Johnson , Richard Brown , John Dallas , Thomas , Ord , Dr . Hammond , C . J . Yates , W . Drennan , Dr . Taylor , J . Byrnes , T . M . ShuttleworthA . C . MottW . J . May CoppelF . DeaconW .
, , , , Brown , Richard Robinson , T . A . Smith , J . Gerrard , 11 . Counshaw , P . C . Turner , J . Jacques , John Yates , J . C . Ambler , Richard Hunt , George Pye , W . Gilbertson , W . Catterall , F . Trundle , II . Ball , James Paley , W . Blackhursfc , II . Armstrong , J . Hamer , S . Thewlis , J . Pepper , J . Sanders , J . Molineaux , J . M'Glinchy , C . Carnegie , II . P . Watson , J . F . Grier , Daniel
Graham , John Cartmel , Heury Halliwell , J . Walters , Richard H . Turner , W . Birket , C . Fryer , William Hayhurst , and Gerald T . Tully . The Chairman proposed successively " Tho Queen , " "The Prince and Princess of Wales and the infant Prince , " and " The rest of the Royal Family , " all of which were most cordially received . Sir T . G . Hesketh then proposed "The Most Worshipful the Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , " and "The Right Worshipful the DeputGrand Masterthe Earl de Grey
y , and Ripon , which were heartily drunk , and responded to by Lord Skelmersdale , who submitted " The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master for West Lancashire , Bro . Le G . N . Starkie . " The toast having been duly honoured , the Chairman proposed " The Right Worshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for West Lancashire , Sir T . G . Hesketh , " which was received with approbation , and suitably responded to . Major
Birchall , in suitable terms , gave " The Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Unanimity ( No . 113 ) , Bro . R . T . Parker . " The toast was enthusiastically drunk and appropriately acknowledged . The following other toasts were then proposed , suitably received , and responded to by the gentlemen named : — " The Provincial Grand Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Lancashire , past and present , " proposed by Bro . Shuttleworth , W . M . '
of Lodge 314 , and responded to byBro . Wylie ; " The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master for East Lancashire , Bro . Stephen Blair , and his Grand Officers , past and present , " proposed by Lord Skelmersdalc ; "the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master of Cheshire , Viscount Cornbermere , and his Grand Officers , past and [ present , " proposed by Sir T . G . Hesketh , Bart ., and responded to by Bro . John Lord Howard ; "The Army , Navy , aud Volunteers" was next proposed , and responded to by Captain Mott and Sergeant Cunningham j