Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN . SOTBEME CIBAND CONCLAVE . Tim annual Grand Conclave of Masonic Knights Templar was held ou Friday , May 11 th , in the Temple of Freemason ' s Hall . There were present on the occasion Sir Knts . Colonel 0 . Kemeys Tynte , M . E . aud Supreme Grand Master ; William Stuart , V . E . D . Grand Master ; V . E . Charles John Vi ProvGChaplain for DorsetshireVE
gnc , . . ; .. Henry John Hiiixmau , Prov . G . Chaplain for Kent ; Rev . John Huyshe , Prov . G . Chaplain for Devon ; Capt . IT . S . S . Burney , Prov . G . Chaplain for Essex ; Rev . Edward Moore , G . Prelate ; George Francis , G . Captain ; H . H . Burehell Heme , P . G . Captain ; J . H . Law , G . Vice-Chaneellor ; John A . D . Cox , G . Reg . ; S . N . Tomkins , G . Treas . ; W . Ranger , M . H . Shuttiewoi-th , AV . S . Meymott ; also Gen . Sir James Chatterton , Bart ., 1 rov . G . Com . of CorkAVeutworthDawesLicntColonel HClerk
; , , .- . , Richard Boll , J . How , Charles Beaumont , C . J . Bannister , AA . Smith , Rev C . M . Style , Captain C . M . Layton , IT . AY . Spratt . Matthew Cooke , Llisha Cooke , H . S . Thompson , and others . The Grand Conclave was opened at four o ' clock , and the minutes of the preceding Grand Couelave were read and confirmed . The GitAND MASTER then addressed the Knights . He alluded to his severe illness which prevented his meeting them last year , and expressed his to the
gratitude Most High for the restoration of health , which thus enabled him again to meet them . Ho then feelingly alluded to the great loss they had sustained in the death of the Grand Chancellor . The event occurring so near tho period of this , the annual meeting , had cause some embarrassment , but the committee had made such arrangements as they considered best to adopt , and would , they hoped , give satisfaction to all . He also informed the Treasurer thattaking into
, consideration the arduous duties that devolved on the office of Grand Chancellor , he recommended that , to provide for the efficiency of their discharge , a salary of fifty pounds be awarded to the Frater who would fill the office of Vice-Chancellor . Sir Knt . Law had consented to accept the office of Grand Chancellor , aud hence a new appointment would be made .
__ A memorial was read stating that Miss Steele , tho daughter of a Knight Templar , who was relieved last year , was in extreme want . Sir Knt . Ranger moved , aud Sir Knt . Francis seconded , a proposal that five guineas bo given to Miss Steele , which proposal was carried unanimously . Sir Knt . TOMKINS , G . Treas ., referring to the loss of the Grand Chancellor , said , that while attending Sir Knt . Masson iu his last momenta , that worthy brother spoke with feelings of gratitude of the kind attention afforded him during his illness bhis landladMrsBelland
y y . , expressed bis belief that the best tribute or memorial to their departed brother would be some present from tho Grand Couelave . He therefore said he would venture to propose that tho sum of ten guineas be presented to that lady in acknowledgment of the sense of the Order for the kindness she had shewn to Sir Knt . Masson . This motion , being - seconded , was carried by acclamation . The annual report of the committee was then read by the Vice-Chancellor .
The Treasurer ' s report showed that , including £ 250 Us . in hand last year , that the sum received by him was £ 155 lis . 5 d ., aud that there had been expended in various ways . £ 150 5 s . 10 d ., leaving a balance iu the hands of the Treasurer of .- £ 305 Ss . Id . The report of tho committee is as follows : — " Your committee have ou this occasion the melancholy duty of expressing their sense of the very great loss the Order has sustained by the very recent death of the late Grand Chancellor Sir Knight Masson .
" To his unwearied exertions on behalf of the Order , and his unremitting labour to advance its welfare , must be attributed the great increase ivhieh has taken place in Templar Masonry through England aud her dependencies . " At the last meeting of the committee , though then evidently illfitted from disease to perform tho task " , he took ou himself the preparation of the present report , which he had before his death placed iu tho printer ' s hands , and this report , to which the committee , would add their
present statement by way of introduction , will detail to you the progress and existing condition of tho Order , as well as the anxiety of the late Grand Chancellor for its prosperity , and may be looked upon as his death bed proof of zeal and devotion to its interests . " Tho time has now arrived which your committee has long anticipated , and which the late Grand Chancellor had himself felt must shortly occur , when the very laborious nature of the Grand Chancellor ' s office would require a fresh arrangement of its dutiesaud the
appoint-, ment of some salaried officer to keep properly the returns , and answer the numerous applications from existing and contemplated Encampments . " The Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , whose concurrence in their views on this subject the committee are glad to announce , will propose to the Grand Conclave the name of a Sir Knight well known to tho Order , who has kindly consented to accept the office of Vieo-Chaneollorand on whom it is proposed the duties as abovo-nieutiuiied
, should for the most part devolve . Towards enabling him the belter to lullil tho same , a proposal Cue an allowance of in annual sum from tho funds of the Grand Conclave will be made to you from the chair . " The committee may congratulate tho Order that a Knight so competent em thus be found to undertake so onerous a task . Your com- ]
mittoe are afraid that , notwithstanding tho great care aud punctuality of the late Grand Chancellor , in consequence of his illness and death some Encampments and individual members may not have received acknowledgments of payments made by them , and that some communications may have remained unanswered . They entreat , as has already been done , the patience and forbearance of the Fraters under the present trying circumstances , until the new arrangements have been perfected by time .
" For the same reason , iu tho appointment of Grand Officers they areunable to ascertain with any certainty what correspondence has passed between the late Grand Chancellor and Provincial Grand Commanders : and others , as to the names of Sir Knights to bo submitted to the Grand . Master for his favourable consideration and approval ; aud they regret that for the present year it is possible the well founded hopes of some members of the Order for rank and distinction iu the same , to which their position in society and progress in Templar Masonry most
decidedly entitle them , may be disappointed by the late Grand Chaueellor having been so suddenly called away from the world . " It is again in the power of your committee to report with great satisfaction the increase aud prosperity of the Order , since the report of May , 1 S 59 , was published , and placed in possession of all Provincial Grand Commanders aud Eminent Commanders , presiding over Encampments at home and abroad , under fealty to our venerable Chief Colonel Charles Kemeys Kemeys Tynte , Most Eminent and Supreme Grand
Master of the Order . " Since its general distribution last year , warrants have been granted to five new Encampments — two iu England , one iu India , one iu Victoria , and one iii a distinguished regiment in the British army , and demonstration right made , indicates that more warrants will soon be required where the Order is in high favour and making great progress . The registration of new members indicates an increase of one hundred and sixty within the year .
" Tho Grand Treasurer ' s accounts have been carefully audited , and an abstract of the same published with this report , shows how tho different Encampments have giveu in their returns , and the very satisfactory position in which the financial affairs of the Grand Conclave rest .
" The late Grand Chancellor had intimated that the system of examination iu sections , in strict accordance with the ritual of the Order , which ho compiled and issued on authority , each sot at 10 s ., has been found to work so well and instructively , that tho receipts now exceed the expenses of getting it up , and the issue of the remaining number is restricted to that officer alone , tho surplus to form—by his desire—tho respectable foundation of a charity fund . " The alms fund , in the hands of the Grand Almoner , amounts to
tho sum of £ ' 21 , aud the collections of this day increase the same to £ 2 i Is . " In conclusion , your committee remark that many years have now elapsed since Colonel Charles Kemeys Kemeys Tynte was happily unanimously chosen the legitimate successor of his late lamented friend , his late royal highness the Duke of Sussex , as Most Eminent and Supremo Grand Master of the Order , during ivhieh long period thirtysix Encampments have been sanctioned by him , and added to tho
muster roll of the Order , conferring the benefits of Christian Masonry over every part of the civilized world ; and that the Knights Templar of Scotland , Ireland , and the United States of America , are in cordial confraternity with their brethren and respected Companions , the Knights Templar of England aud AVales . " The appointment of officers for the ensuing year was as follows , and such as were present were invested with the collar and jewel of office : The M . E . Grand Blaster , elected for three years in May , 1 S 5 S , being Col . G T . Kemeys Tynte ; Rev . V . E . Era , AVilliam Stuart , D . G . M . ; Fraters Bern . Bond Cabbell , G . Prior ; Lieut . Col . Henry Clerk G . Sub
Prior ; Rev . Edward Moore , G . Prelate ; Lord Graves , First Grand Captain ; William Ranger , Second Grand Captain ; John H . Law , G . Chancellor ; M . Shuttleworth , G . Vice Chancellor ; John A . D . Cox , G . Reg . ; 3 . N . Tomkins , G . Treas . ; G . AVorley , G . Chaueellor ; R . Nelson , G . Hospitaller ; H . L . Alpass , First G . Expert ; Capt . Wenfcworth Dawes , Second G . Expert ; R . Baker , First G . Standard Bearer ; Rov . R . P . Norman , Second G . Standard Bearer ; M . H . Shuttleworth , G . Almoner ; AA . J . Meymott , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Rev . C . M . Style , G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Second
Dr . Lees , First G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Capt . C . M . Layton , G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Moore , First G . Capt . of Lines ; Tepppv , Second G-. Capt . of Lines ; 11 . Simpson , G . Sword Bearer ; 11 . Dowse , First G . Herald ; F . S . Dobson , Second G . Herald ; H . AV . Spratt , G . Supt . of AVorks ; M . Cooke , G . Org . ; AVm . Smith , G . Banner Bearer . The M . E . Grand Master then appointed as his members of the committee , Eras . Rev . E . Moore , Geo . Francis , and It . J . Spiers . The fraters elected AV . Ranger , AA . J . Mevmott , AVm . Smith , Capt . Layton , and
H . AY . Spratt . At six o ' clock the Knights assembled at the banquet . After paying honour to "The Queen , " " Prince Albert , " and "Tho Royal Family , " Sir Knt . STUART , the D . G . M ., rose to propose the health of their venerated chief , and referring to the meeting of tho previous year , at ivhieh he was absent , said , as they now had the happiness U see him a » aiu presiding and in some measure restored , he was sure nil would gladly respond to his calling upon them for a proof of their cordial good feeling towards their Grand Master , Colonel Tynte . The GBAJID MASTUK in reply said it was with , excited feelings , he rose
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN . SOTBEME CIBAND CONCLAVE . Tim annual Grand Conclave of Masonic Knights Templar was held ou Friday , May 11 th , in the Temple of Freemason ' s Hall . There were present on the occasion Sir Knts . Colonel 0 . Kemeys Tynte , M . E . aud Supreme Grand Master ; William Stuart , V . E . D . Grand Master ; V . E . Charles John Vi ProvGChaplain for DorsetshireVE
gnc , . . ; .. Henry John Hiiixmau , Prov . G . Chaplain for Kent ; Rev . John Huyshe , Prov . G . Chaplain for Devon ; Capt . IT . S . S . Burney , Prov . G . Chaplain for Essex ; Rev . Edward Moore , G . Prelate ; George Francis , G . Captain ; H . H . Burehell Heme , P . G . Captain ; J . H . Law , G . Vice-Chaneellor ; John A . D . Cox , G . Reg . ; S . N . Tomkins , G . Treas . ; W . Ranger , M . H . Shuttiewoi-th , AV . S . Meymott ; also Gen . Sir James Chatterton , Bart ., 1 rov . G . Com . of CorkAVeutworthDawesLicntColonel HClerk
; , , .- . , Richard Boll , J . How , Charles Beaumont , C . J . Bannister , AA . Smith , Rev C . M . Style , Captain C . M . Layton , IT . AY . Spratt . Matthew Cooke , Llisha Cooke , H . S . Thompson , and others . The Grand Conclave was opened at four o ' clock , and the minutes of the preceding Grand Couelave were read and confirmed . The GitAND MASTER then addressed the Knights . He alluded to his severe illness which prevented his meeting them last year , and expressed his to the
gratitude Most High for the restoration of health , which thus enabled him again to meet them . Ho then feelingly alluded to the great loss they had sustained in the death of the Grand Chancellor . The event occurring so near tho period of this , the annual meeting , had cause some embarrassment , but the committee had made such arrangements as they considered best to adopt , and would , they hoped , give satisfaction to all . He also informed the Treasurer thattaking into
, consideration the arduous duties that devolved on the office of Grand Chancellor , he recommended that , to provide for the efficiency of their discharge , a salary of fifty pounds be awarded to the Frater who would fill the office of Vice-Chancellor . Sir Knt . Law had consented to accept the office of Grand Chancellor , aud hence a new appointment would be made .
__ A memorial was read stating that Miss Steele , tho daughter of a Knight Templar , who was relieved last year , was in extreme want . Sir Knt . Ranger moved , aud Sir Knt . Francis seconded , a proposal that five guineas bo given to Miss Steele , which proposal was carried unanimously . Sir Knt . TOMKINS , G . Treas ., referring to the loss of the Grand Chancellor , said , that while attending Sir Knt . Masson iu his last momenta , that worthy brother spoke with feelings of gratitude of the kind attention afforded him during his illness bhis landladMrsBelland
y y . , expressed bis belief that the best tribute or memorial to their departed brother would be some present from tho Grand Couelave . He therefore said he would venture to propose that tho sum of ten guineas be presented to that lady in acknowledgment of the sense of the Order for the kindness she had shewn to Sir Knt . Masson . This motion , being - seconded , was carried by acclamation . The annual report of the committee was then read by the Vice-Chancellor .
The Treasurer ' s report showed that , including £ 250 Us . in hand last year , that the sum received by him was £ 155 lis . 5 d ., aud that there had been expended in various ways . £ 150 5 s . 10 d ., leaving a balance iu the hands of the Treasurer of .- £ 305 Ss . Id . The report of tho committee is as follows : — " Your committee have ou this occasion the melancholy duty of expressing their sense of the very great loss the Order has sustained by the very recent death of the late Grand Chancellor Sir Knight Masson .
" To his unwearied exertions on behalf of the Order , and his unremitting labour to advance its welfare , must be attributed the great increase ivhieh has taken place in Templar Masonry through England aud her dependencies . " At the last meeting of the committee , though then evidently illfitted from disease to perform tho task " , he took ou himself the preparation of the present report , which he had before his death placed iu tho printer ' s hands , and this report , to which the committee , would add their
present statement by way of introduction , will detail to you the progress and existing condition of tho Order , as well as the anxiety of the late Grand Chancellor for its prosperity , and may be looked upon as his death bed proof of zeal and devotion to its interests . " Tho time has now arrived which your committee has long anticipated , and which the late Grand Chancellor had himself felt must shortly occur , when the very laborious nature of the Grand Chancellor ' s office would require a fresh arrangement of its dutiesaud the
appoint-, ment of some salaried officer to keep properly the returns , and answer the numerous applications from existing and contemplated Encampments . " The Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , whose concurrence in their views on this subject the committee are glad to announce , will propose to the Grand Conclave the name of a Sir Knight well known to tho Order , who has kindly consented to accept the office of Vieo-Chaneollorand on whom it is proposed the duties as abovo-nieutiuiied
, should for the most part devolve . Towards enabling him the belter to lullil tho same , a proposal Cue an allowance of in annual sum from tho funds of the Grand Conclave will be made to you from the chair . " The committee may congratulate tho Order that a Knight so competent em thus be found to undertake so onerous a task . Your com- ]
mittoe are afraid that , notwithstanding tho great care aud punctuality of the late Grand Chancellor , in consequence of his illness and death some Encampments and individual members may not have received acknowledgments of payments made by them , and that some communications may have remained unanswered . They entreat , as has already been done , the patience and forbearance of the Fraters under the present trying circumstances , until the new arrangements have been perfected by time .
" For the same reason , iu tho appointment of Grand Officers they areunable to ascertain with any certainty what correspondence has passed between the late Grand Chancellor and Provincial Grand Commanders : and others , as to the names of Sir Knights to bo submitted to the Grand . Master for his favourable consideration and approval ; aud they regret that for the present year it is possible the well founded hopes of some members of the Order for rank and distinction iu the same , to which their position in society and progress in Templar Masonry most
decidedly entitle them , may be disappointed by the late Grand Chaueellor having been so suddenly called away from the world . " It is again in the power of your committee to report with great satisfaction the increase aud prosperity of the Order , since the report of May , 1 S 59 , was published , and placed in possession of all Provincial Grand Commanders aud Eminent Commanders , presiding over Encampments at home and abroad , under fealty to our venerable Chief Colonel Charles Kemeys Kemeys Tynte , Most Eminent and Supreme Grand
Master of the Order . " Since its general distribution last year , warrants have been granted to five new Encampments — two iu England , one iu India , one iu Victoria , and one iii a distinguished regiment in the British army , and demonstration right made , indicates that more warrants will soon be required where the Order is in high favour and making great progress . The registration of new members indicates an increase of one hundred and sixty within the year .
" Tho Grand Treasurer ' s accounts have been carefully audited , and an abstract of the same published with this report , shows how tho different Encampments have giveu in their returns , and the very satisfactory position in which the financial affairs of the Grand Conclave rest .
" The late Grand Chancellor had intimated that the system of examination iu sections , in strict accordance with the ritual of the Order , which ho compiled and issued on authority , each sot at 10 s ., has been found to work so well and instructively , that tho receipts now exceed the expenses of getting it up , and the issue of the remaining number is restricted to that officer alone , tho surplus to form—by his desire—tho respectable foundation of a charity fund . " The alms fund , in the hands of the Grand Almoner , amounts to
tho sum of £ ' 21 , aud the collections of this day increase the same to £ 2 i Is . " In conclusion , your committee remark that many years have now elapsed since Colonel Charles Kemeys Kemeys Tynte was happily unanimously chosen the legitimate successor of his late lamented friend , his late royal highness the Duke of Sussex , as Most Eminent and Supremo Grand Master of the Order , during ivhieh long period thirtysix Encampments have been sanctioned by him , and added to tho
muster roll of the Order , conferring the benefits of Christian Masonry over every part of the civilized world ; and that the Knights Templar of Scotland , Ireland , and the United States of America , are in cordial confraternity with their brethren and respected Companions , the Knights Templar of England aud AVales . " The appointment of officers for the ensuing year was as follows , and such as were present were invested with the collar and jewel of office : The M . E . Grand Blaster , elected for three years in May , 1 S 5 S , being Col . G T . Kemeys Tynte ; Rev . V . E . Era , AVilliam Stuart , D . G . M . ; Fraters Bern . Bond Cabbell , G . Prior ; Lieut . Col . Henry Clerk G . Sub
Prior ; Rev . Edward Moore , G . Prelate ; Lord Graves , First Grand Captain ; William Ranger , Second Grand Captain ; John H . Law , G . Chancellor ; M . Shuttleworth , G . Vice Chancellor ; John A . D . Cox , G . Reg . ; 3 . N . Tomkins , G . Treas . ; G . AVorley , G . Chaueellor ; R . Nelson , G . Hospitaller ; H . L . Alpass , First G . Expert ; Capt . Wenfcworth Dawes , Second G . Expert ; R . Baker , First G . Standard Bearer ; Rov . R . P . Norman , Second G . Standard Bearer ; M . H . Shuttleworth , G . Almoner ; AA . J . Meymott , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Rev . C . M . Style , G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Second
Dr . Lees , First G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Capt . C . M . Layton , G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Moore , First G . Capt . of Lines ; Tepppv , Second G-. Capt . of Lines ; 11 . Simpson , G . Sword Bearer ; 11 . Dowse , First G . Herald ; F . S . Dobson , Second G . Herald ; H . AV . Spratt , G . Supt . of AVorks ; M . Cooke , G . Org . ; AVm . Smith , G . Banner Bearer . The M . E . Grand Master then appointed as his members of the committee , Eras . Rev . E . Moore , Geo . Francis , and It . J . Spiers . The fraters elected AV . Ranger , AA . J . Mevmott , AVm . Smith , Capt . Layton , and
H . AY . Spratt . At six o ' clock the Knights assembled at the banquet . After paying honour to "The Queen , " " Prince Albert , " and "Tho Royal Family , " Sir Knt . STUART , the D . G . M ., rose to propose the health of their venerated chief , and referring to the meeting of tho previous year , at ivhieh he was absent , said , as they now had the happiness U see him a » aiu presiding and in some measure restored , he was sure nil would gladly respond to his calling upon them for a proof of their cordial good feeling towards their Grand Master , Colonel Tynte . The GBAJID MASTUK in reply said it was with , excited feelings , he rose