Article THE ARK AND MARK DEGREES. ← Page 3 of 3 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON THE SYMBOLISM OF THE ROSE. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES AND QUERIES FOR FREE-MASONS. Page 1 of 1
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The Ark And Mark Degrees.
Grand Lodge went upon another tack . It professed its readiness to enter into amicable relations with the Scottish Grand Chapter , and a correspondence , of some years , is still dragging its slow length along . Every now and then the SELF-STYLED Grand Mark Lodge confidently states that " in less than three months " the Grand Chapter of Scotland will recognise it . The treaty is
prepared , and only waits for signature , but it seems quite to esca ]"> e the petitioners that the Grand Chapter of Scotland possess a Scribe that , with all the talent a ' , command of the SELF-STYLED body , —and no one who values truth will deny the talent and perseverance of , at least , one official which it is to be deplored is not exercised in some better cause , —yet with this talent at command the SELF-STYLED Grand Mark Lodge spins
round like a teetotum under the thumb and linger of the Scribe in Edinburgh . Dance round about him as they will ; shout defiance , supplicate , cajole , the Scotch Grand Scribe , nothing moved , hears all ; smiles , and takes but little heed of threats , whining , or blandishments . But "If the God , Affects to nod , "
then peans of joy shake the spheres and the old saw is reiterated with glee ; " Only wait three months longer and then you'll see " —a something past the comprehension of the SELF-STYLED Grand Mark Lodge , —a Scribe true to his obligation and the duties of his office . On behalf of the SELF-STYLED Grand Mark Lodge war is declared . It has failed in its object of attaining genuine powers
from the Ark and now resorts to the untradesmanlike formula of " No connection with any other house in the trade ! Astounding " bargains ! ! Now selling , at unprecedentedly low prices ! ! ! " The entire stock in trade of Brother Morton Edwards and Co . " is submitted to the craft at a discount of FIFTY PER CENT . "for cash . " Such being the mode of warfare these gentlemen (?) have
originated , the readiest plan , —which we strongly counsel the other parly io adopt , —is to meet them on their own ground and ' " spoil their little game , " by setting forth that : — " The proprietors of the Original Ark-Mariner , and several " other superior degrees , respectfully invite customers to try their " genuine unadulterated Mark Man and Mark Master , which is " offered at a nominal price by the PATENTEES ; and a full
" " explanation of the method of working the INFRINGEMENT , " by the SELF-STYLED GRAND MARK LODGE ( seeking establish" ment ) , will be presented to every purchaser , GRATIS . "
T he Editor docs not hold himself responsible for the facts , or opinions , expressed t > y any correspondent . IIe reserves to himself the right of deciding when any subject shall he discontinued , and of rejecting such matter as he deems unsuitable to THE MASONIC EXAMINER . Every communication must be accompanied by the full names , masonic rank , and address of the writer , not necessarily for publication , wilcss desiredbut as a guarantee nf good faith . These particulars will
, always be treated as a confidential trust , close tyled . ] SUMMING UP . To the Editor of THE MASONIC EXAMINER . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER : —My previous letters having re' niained unanswered , I am entitled to conclude that the statements
therein contained are admitted by my opponents as true . 1 st The forgery of the pretended statutes of Frederick the Great . 2 nd . The generally spurious nature of the Rite , and the contemptible nature of its Masonic pedigree . I have now to exhibit how the present high Masonic functionaries stultify themselves , and yet have not even the wit to see that they are doing so .
These gentlemen in their regard for high-flown titles depreciate the old and genuine Rite of the Temple , as practised by the old York Conclaves and by the Council of Ancient Rites at Bath , to such an extent that they will not even sanction or recognise them , and yet these very same Puissant Magnates boast that their predecessors from whom they draw their title , received their degrees
and powers from these same Templar Encampmen ts which they despise . Can anything be more absurd ? To find a parallel for their conduct we must fancy his Holiness Pope Pius the Ninth tracing his succession through Martin Luther and John Calvin . — Fraternally yours , J YARKER .
Notes On The Symbolism Of The Rose.
To the Editor of the MASONIC EXAMINER . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER : —At page io of the MASONIC EXAMINER is a paper entitled " Notes on the Symbolism of the " Rose , " which is somewhat familiar to me . I fancy I have heard the same , or something very like it , at a Consecration of a Rose Croix Chapter where I attended . If this was the case I am desirous of kiro-wing by what authority you claim it as your
own , seeing you head the same " By the Editor " ? I can scarcely imagine you are so far gone in opposition as to publish part of a ceremony you are jealously bound to guard , nor will I do you the injustice to think you prefer a claim , to the authorship if you have it not . Still I cannot reconcile the two . I feel sure I have heard it , as I state , and yet " By the Editor , " seems to controvert the possibility . I pause for an explanation , and remain , yours
fraternally , S . P . R . X . [ There is no difficulty in the matter . In 1864 the Editor of the MASONIC EXAMINER , was requested by a member of the Sup . G . Council to write some notes on various portions of the Rose Croix ceremony and symbols , for the express purpose that the brother , so requesting , might be enabled to deliver a kind of lecture at the consecration of Rose Croix Chapters , or at other
times when an opportunity presented itself . Accordingly the Editor furnished his friend with the " Notes on the Symbolism of "the Rose" ( printed at p . 10 ) , and others on the Cross ; the Eagle ; the Pelican ; Heredom ; the Ancient and Accepted Rite ; the Eighteenth degree ; the Figures and Symbols of the ceremony ; the Seven Circles ; the Ladder of Perfection ; the Mystic Rose ; the Cubic Stone ; and the Culminating Point . S . P . R . X . may , therefore , have heard the same and , if he has done so , he now knows who wrote it and why . —ED . MAS . EX . ]
WHERE can I obtain the other portions that followed the " Symbolism of . ' the Rose , " —printed in last month ' s MASONIC EXAMINER , —and of which , if I recollect rightly , there was a good deal more ? NOTTS , 18 th . [ See the former reply . The other illustrations are in MS .,
but should they be sought by any number of our brethren we may , from time to time and as space occurs , print them in future numbers . —ED . MAS . EX . ] P . B . demands to know how air ostracised person dare print the " Symbolism of the Rose " ? [ Simply for the reasons given above . —ED . MAS . EX . ]
Notes And Queries For Free-Masons.
s THE BEST CYPHER . What is the best cypher and the most difficult to unravel ? SPES . [ There ar-e several very good but we have lately come into the possession of one which is perfection . Without a knowledge of the key , which everyone can make different for himself , it cannot be discovered . We shall be happy to show it you .- ED . MAS . EX . ] .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Ark And Mark Degrees.
Grand Lodge went upon another tack . It professed its readiness to enter into amicable relations with the Scottish Grand Chapter , and a correspondence , of some years , is still dragging its slow length along . Every now and then the SELF-STYLED Grand Mark Lodge confidently states that " in less than three months " the Grand Chapter of Scotland will recognise it . The treaty is
prepared , and only waits for signature , but it seems quite to esca ]"> e the petitioners that the Grand Chapter of Scotland possess a Scribe that , with all the talent a ' , command of the SELF-STYLED body , —and no one who values truth will deny the talent and perseverance of , at least , one official which it is to be deplored is not exercised in some better cause , —yet with this talent at command the SELF-STYLED Grand Mark Lodge spins
round like a teetotum under the thumb and linger of the Scribe in Edinburgh . Dance round about him as they will ; shout defiance , supplicate , cajole , the Scotch Grand Scribe , nothing moved , hears all ; smiles , and takes but little heed of threats , whining , or blandishments . But "If the God , Affects to nod , "
then peans of joy shake the spheres and the old saw is reiterated with glee ; " Only wait three months longer and then you'll see " —a something past the comprehension of the SELF-STYLED Grand Mark Lodge , —a Scribe true to his obligation and the duties of his office . On behalf of the SELF-STYLED Grand Mark Lodge war is declared . It has failed in its object of attaining genuine powers
from the Ark and now resorts to the untradesmanlike formula of " No connection with any other house in the trade ! Astounding " bargains ! ! Now selling , at unprecedentedly low prices ! ! ! " The entire stock in trade of Brother Morton Edwards and Co . " is submitted to the craft at a discount of FIFTY PER CENT . "for cash . " Such being the mode of warfare these gentlemen (?) have
originated , the readiest plan , —which we strongly counsel the other parly io adopt , —is to meet them on their own ground and ' " spoil their little game , " by setting forth that : — " The proprietors of the Original Ark-Mariner , and several " other superior degrees , respectfully invite customers to try their " genuine unadulterated Mark Man and Mark Master , which is " offered at a nominal price by the PATENTEES ; and a full
" " explanation of the method of working the INFRINGEMENT , " by the SELF-STYLED GRAND MARK LODGE ( seeking establish" ment ) , will be presented to every purchaser , GRATIS . "
T he Editor docs not hold himself responsible for the facts , or opinions , expressed t > y any correspondent . IIe reserves to himself the right of deciding when any subject shall he discontinued , and of rejecting such matter as he deems unsuitable to THE MASONIC EXAMINER . Every communication must be accompanied by the full names , masonic rank , and address of the writer , not necessarily for publication , wilcss desiredbut as a guarantee nf good faith . These particulars will
, always be treated as a confidential trust , close tyled . ] SUMMING UP . To the Editor of THE MASONIC EXAMINER . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER : —My previous letters having re' niained unanswered , I am entitled to conclude that the statements
therein contained are admitted by my opponents as true . 1 st The forgery of the pretended statutes of Frederick the Great . 2 nd . The generally spurious nature of the Rite , and the contemptible nature of its Masonic pedigree . I have now to exhibit how the present high Masonic functionaries stultify themselves , and yet have not even the wit to see that they are doing so .
These gentlemen in their regard for high-flown titles depreciate the old and genuine Rite of the Temple , as practised by the old York Conclaves and by the Council of Ancient Rites at Bath , to such an extent that they will not even sanction or recognise them , and yet these very same Puissant Magnates boast that their predecessors from whom they draw their title , received their degrees
and powers from these same Templar Encampmen ts which they despise . Can anything be more absurd ? To find a parallel for their conduct we must fancy his Holiness Pope Pius the Ninth tracing his succession through Martin Luther and John Calvin . — Fraternally yours , J YARKER .
Notes On The Symbolism Of The Rose.
To the Editor of the MASONIC EXAMINER . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER : —At page io of the MASONIC EXAMINER is a paper entitled " Notes on the Symbolism of the " Rose , " which is somewhat familiar to me . I fancy I have heard the same , or something very like it , at a Consecration of a Rose Croix Chapter where I attended . If this was the case I am desirous of kiro-wing by what authority you claim it as your
own , seeing you head the same " By the Editor " ? I can scarcely imagine you are so far gone in opposition as to publish part of a ceremony you are jealously bound to guard , nor will I do you the injustice to think you prefer a claim , to the authorship if you have it not . Still I cannot reconcile the two . I feel sure I have heard it , as I state , and yet " By the Editor , " seems to controvert the possibility . I pause for an explanation , and remain , yours
fraternally , S . P . R . X . [ There is no difficulty in the matter . In 1864 the Editor of the MASONIC EXAMINER , was requested by a member of the Sup . G . Council to write some notes on various portions of the Rose Croix ceremony and symbols , for the express purpose that the brother , so requesting , might be enabled to deliver a kind of lecture at the consecration of Rose Croix Chapters , or at other
times when an opportunity presented itself . Accordingly the Editor furnished his friend with the " Notes on the Symbolism of "the Rose" ( printed at p . 10 ) , and others on the Cross ; the Eagle ; the Pelican ; Heredom ; the Ancient and Accepted Rite ; the Eighteenth degree ; the Figures and Symbols of the ceremony ; the Seven Circles ; the Ladder of Perfection ; the Mystic Rose ; the Cubic Stone ; and the Culminating Point . S . P . R . X . may , therefore , have heard the same and , if he has done so , he now knows who wrote it and why . —ED . MAS . EX . ]
WHERE can I obtain the other portions that followed the " Symbolism of . ' the Rose , " —printed in last month ' s MASONIC EXAMINER , —and of which , if I recollect rightly , there was a good deal more ? NOTTS , 18 th . [ See the former reply . The other illustrations are in MS .,
but should they be sought by any number of our brethren we may , from time to time and as space occurs , print them in future numbers . —ED . MAS . EX . ] P . B . demands to know how air ostracised person dare print the " Symbolism of the Rose " ? [ Simply for the reasons given above . —ED . MAS . EX . ]
Notes And Queries For Free-Masons.
s THE BEST CYPHER . What is the best cypher and the most difficult to unravel ? SPES . [ There ar-e several very good but we have lately come into the possession of one which is perfection . Without a knowledge of the key , which everyone can make different for himself , it cannot be discovered . We shall be happy to show it you .- ED . MAS . EX . ] .