Article The Masonic " Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article The Masonic " Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
The Masonic " Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected ^) THE LEVEL , PLUMB , AND SQUARE . " We meet upon the Level : Ave part upon the Square ; " What words of glorious meaning those words Masonic arc ! They fall like strains of melody upon the listening ears . As they've sounded '' Hallelujahs " through the world , three-thousand
years . We meet upon the Level , tho' from every station brought , The monarch from his palace , the labourer from his cot : For the one must leave his diadem outside the Mason ' s door , And the other finds his true respect upon the chequered floor .
We act upon the Plumb , 'tis our MASTER ' S great command : AVe walk upright in virtue's Avays . and turn to neither hand ; Th' All-Seeing eye , Avhich searches hearts , can bear us Avitness true That still we strive to honour God , and give each man his due . We part upon the Square , for the Avorld must have it's due ; And Ave mingle with the multitude , yet keep our secrets true ;
And the influence of our gatherings in memory is green , As Ave long upon the Level to renew the happy scene . There ' s a place where all are equal , —Ave are journeying to it fast : We shall meet upon the Level there ,. Avhen the gates of death are passed ; We shall stand before the Orient , and our MASTER Avill be there . To try the blocks Ave offer with His own unerring square .
Wc shall meet upon the Level there , and never thence depart ; There ' s a Mansion , bright and glorious , set for the pure in heart : There's an everlasting Avelcome from the hosts assembled there , Who have met upon the Level and have parted on the Square . Let us meet upon the Level then Avhilst patient labouring here ; Let us meet and let us labour , though the toil may be severe ; Already in the western sky the signs bid us prepare To gather up our working tools , and part upon the Square !
Hands round , ye Royal Brotherhood , close in the golden chain ; We part upon the Square beloAV , to meet in Heaven again ; The ties which have been sundered here shall be united there , And none be lost around God ' s Throne Avho've parted on the Square ! ROB . MORRIS , LL . D ., By permission . Masonic Poet-Laureate .
WE deeply regret to have to announce in the A ^ ery first number of our Journal the death , on the 31 st ult ., of Bro . Dr . ROB . MORRIS , the author of the above poem , Avhich Ave had selected as the most appropriate for our Masonic Poet ' s Corner . This veteran craftsman , during an active life extending over seventy years , Avas Avell knoAvn . more
particularly throughout America , as a Masonic Historian . Lecturer , and Poet Laureate of the Fraternity : and a most enthusiastic member of our Order . We had the honour of his personal acquaintance and his companionship Avhen he last visited England , and the great benefit of his advice on many
literary matters even to a recent and encouraging opinion and recommendation in respect of THE MASONIC STAR . Wc have his full authority to utilize his several poems _ in aid of our pages , and trust thereby to do our part in keeping green the memory of so thorough an exemplar of Freemasonry , as Avell in practice as in precept .
At the date of : he first publication of our contemporary , The Freemason , " March , 1869 , there Avere 1 , 255 Craft Lodges on the Register of the Grand Lodge of England . The last Avarrant granted by the M . W . G . Master , and announced at the last Quarterly communication , is numbered 2 , 2 G 6 , shoAving an addition of more than a thousand Lodges during 19 years , or an average increase of one
Lodge per Aveek throughout that period . Of Royal Arch Chapters there Avero at the former date 3 !> 1 ; there are now C 70 . Mark Master Masons' Lodges numbered 101 ; they now number 391 . Rose Croix Chapters have increased during the 19 years from 29 to 107 ; and Red Gross Conclaves from 14 to 150 . We are emboldened by
those figures to believe that there is plenty of room for THE MASONIC STAR , oven as the third of English Masonic periodicals ; always of course reserving to the Craft the right to judge us on our merits . We may not command business , but at least wc will endeavour to deserve it .
We are compelled to omit from this number many items of information Avhich have been kindly forwarded to us . The limit of our space is determined until , ire shall hare ascertained what support the Craft wilt accord- our paper . In proportion to that support Ave shall increase the size of THE MASONIC STAR ,
or ,- —well , Ave don't like to suppose that English Freemasons Avill not keep a penny journal going , but should that prove to be the case Ave must abandon the enterprise . If Ave are . assisted by a reasonable average of subscribers per Lodge Ave shall endeavour to shine Avith some amount of brilliancy .
****% In our supplemental sheet will be found a Subscription Form , upon the return of Avhich to our publisher in something like reasonable numbers Avill greatly depend our extension of these pages to cover the known wants of many Brethren for Masonic information .
The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all NeAvsagents . Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs Avill receive their copies by the first post on THURSDAY MORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers Avill be forwarded bv
the NIGHT Mail on Wednesday . TERMS , including postage , payable in advance : — I ' niti'd Kinj- 'doni .-Mid Countries comprised IMMCCS not in ( tencnil < - (> n >] irisnl in
Postal linon . Postal Pnioii . If vi .-i Urimlisi . Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . ... 8 s . 8 d . ... 10 s . lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . ... 4 s . 6 d . ... 5 s . 6 d . Three Months ... Is . 9 d . ... 2 s . 4 d . ... 3 s . Od .
Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office . London , E . G ., to the Publishers , Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., ' >' . ) . Moor Lane . London . E . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed " Alliance Bank . "
All communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to the Publishers as above . All other communications , letters , & c , to be addressed •'• ' Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . 38 . BOAV Lane , London . E . C . "
% \} t Jitastfitir Mat
.THURSDAY , ^^ S ^ = AUGUST 23 , 1888 .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
To the Editor if THE MASONIC STAR . Dear Sir and Brother ,
I heard for the first time in the City to-day of the birth of a New Masonic Weekly Paper under the above title , to be published for one penny . 1 heartily wish it success , and think there is plenty of room for it as a medium of Masonic information , and that at the price named it will be readily purchased by the whole of the Craft . It is pretty Avell admitted as a commercial principle that chcaji mediums of communication , cither of UCAVS or advertisements , if conducted on sound impartial principles , will pay well , and be a
boon to the public . I trust this new-born babe may shine and prosper , I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully , WALTER E . GOMPERTZ . 44 , Darnley Road , Hackney , P . M ., 8 G 9 , P . Z ., 141 , and 20 th August , 1888 . Secretary , 1475 .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . Dear Sir and Brother , We are pleased to hear that the Craft is about to have the advantage of a NCAV Journal at a low price . I Avritc in the name of many of my Masonic acquaintances , and on their behalf , as Avell as for myself , give you "hearty good Avishcs . "
By tho bye , if , as Ave presume , your pages Avill be open for discussion of Masonic questions , I should like to ask you , also for self and friends , what is the law or custom in regard to the expression of "hearty good Avishcs" in a Lodge . Of late there seems to be a great divergence of opinion as to the propriety of such expression at
the close of our respective meetings . Probably some of your readers could enlighten us if you would give them opportunity . Promising support to THE MASONIC STAR , believe me , Yours fraternally , August 18 th , 1888 . J . OLIVER , P . M .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
S . Yv . — 1 'liank you for your good wishes ; and many more thanks for the suggestion you have made . We shall endeavour to profit by it . Al . l'ItA . Never fear ! wc know how far we can properly go in relation to Masonic publicity , and shall carefully observe the limit imposed upon us by our obligations . J . Sol . To , P . M . -Your assistance in the manner you propose will be most valuable . AVe bad arranged , prior to receipt of your letter , that the W . M . of each Lodge , and the Secretary of each Lodge of Instruction , should receive a copy of this
number , so in that wo have anticipated you , but the other matters of advice arc open questions , which we will give the fullest consideration and probably adoption . Meanwhile , thank you , very much . J . O . -We saw the publication you refer to in a well-known weekly periodical . There is much in it that we would rather nothaveseen , hutnothingof injurious importance to the Craft . AVe could show you much more in print than that article produces . C . WOODS . -YOU will note that we use your esteemed contribution . Your letter shall have attention .
We have been asked to state our opinion as to the policy and propriety of permitting newly accepted members of our Order to exercise their voting poAver in regard to the affairs of the Lodge in which they accept membership before they shall have qualified to " take their seats in a Master Mason ' s Lodge . " We consider it neither politic nor proper , and will give our reasons in a future issue Meanwhile the subject is Avorth the consideration of our readers .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
The Masonic " Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected ^) THE LEVEL , PLUMB , AND SQUARE . " We meet upon the Level : Ave part upon the Square ; " What words of glorious meaning those words Masonic arc ! They fall like strains of melody upon the listening ears . As they've sounded '' Hallelujahs " through the world , three-thousand
years . We meet upon the Level , tho' from every station brought , The monarch from his palace , the labourer from his cot : For the one must leave his diadem outside the Mason ' s door , And the other finds his true respect upon the chequered floor .
We act upon the Plumb , 'tis our MASTER ' S great command : AVe walk upright in virtue's Avays . and turn to neither hand ; Th' All-Seeing eye , Avhich searches hearts , can bear us Avitness true That still we strive to honour God , and give each man his due . We part upon the Square , for the Avorld must have it's due ; And Ave mingle with the multitude , yet keep our secrets true ;
And the influence of our gatherings in memory is green , As Ave long upon the Level to renew the happy scene . There ' s a place where all are equal , —Ave are journeying to it fast : We shall meet upon the Level there ,. Avhen the gates of death are passed ; We shall stand before the Orient , and our MASTER Avill be there . To try the blocks Ave offer with His own unerring square .
Wc shall meet upon the Level there , and never thence depart ; There ' s a Mansion , bright and glorious , set for the pure in heart : There's an everlasting Avelcome from the hosts assembled there , Who have met upon the Level and have parted on the Square . Let us meet upon the Level then Avhilst patient labouring here ; Let us meet and let us labour , though the toil may be severe ; Already in the western sky the signs bid us prepare To gather up our working tools , and part upon the Square !
Hands round , ye Royal Brotherhood , close in the golden chain ; We part upon the Square beloAV , to meet in Heaven again ; The ties which have been sundered here shall be united there , And none be lost around God ' s Throne Avho've parted on the Square ! ROB . MORRIS , LL . D ., By permission . Masonic Poet-Laureate .
WE deeply regret to have to announce in the A ^ ery first number of our Journal the death , on the 31 st ult ., of Bro . Dr . ROB . MORRIS , the author of the above poem , Avhich Ave had selected as the most appropriate for our Masonic Poet ' s Corner . This veteran craftsman , during an active life extending over seventy years , Avas Avell knoAvn . more
particularly throughout America , as a Masonic Historian . Lecturer , and Poet Laureate of the Fraternity : and a most enthusiastic member of our Order . We had the honour of his personal acquaintance and his companionship Avhen he last visited England , and the great benefit of his advice on many
literary matters even to a recent and encouraging opinion and recommendation in respect of THE MASONIC STAR . Wc have his full authority to utilize his several poems _ in aid of our pages , and trust thereby to do our part in keeping green the memory of so thorough an exemplar of Freemasonry , as Avell in practice as in precept .
At the date of : he first publication of our contemporary , The Freemason , " March , 1869 , there Avere 1 , 255 Craft Lodges on the Register of the Grand Lodge of England . The last Avarrant granted by the M . W . G . Master , and announced at the last Quarterly communication , is numbered 2 , 2 G 6 , shoAving an addition of more than a thousand Lodges during 19 years , or an average increase of one
Lodge per Aveek throughout that period . Of Royal Arch Chapters there Avero at the former date 3 !> 1 ; there are now C 70 . Mark Master Masons' Lodges numbered 101 ; they now number 391 . Rose Croix Chapters have increased during the 19 years from 29 to 107 ; and Red Gross Conclaves from 14 to 150 . We are emboldened by
those figures to believe that there is plenty of room for THE MASONIC STAR , oven as the third of English Masonic periodicals ; always of course reserving to the Craft the right to judge us on our merits . We may not command business , but at least wc will endeavour to deserve it .
We are compelled to omit from this number many items of information Avhich have been kindly forwarded to us . The limit of our space is determined until , ire shall hare ascertained what support the Craft wilt accord- our paper . In proportion to that support Ave shall increase the size of THE MASONIC STAR ,
or ,- —well , Ave don't like to suppose that English Freemasons Avill not keep a penny journal going , but should that prove to be the case Ave must abandon the enterprise . If Ave are . assisted by a reasonable average of subscribers per Lodge Ave shall endeavour to shine Avith some amount of brilliancy .
****% In our supplemental sheet will be found a Subscription Form , upon the return of Avhich to our publisher in something like reasonable numbers Avill greatly depend our extension of these pages to cover the known wants of many Brethren for Masonic information .
The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all NeAvsagents . Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs Avill receive their copies by the first post on THURSDAY MORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers Avill be forwarded bv
the NIGHT Mail on Wednesday . TERMS , including postage , payable in advance : — I ' niti'd Kinj- 'doni .-Mid Countries comprised IMMCCS not in ( tencnil < - (> n >] irisnl in
Postal linon . Postal Pnioii . If vi .-i Urimlisi . Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . ... 8 s . 8 d . ... 10 s . lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . ... 4 s . 6 d . ... 5 s . 6 d . Three Months ... Is . 9 d . ... 2 s . 4 d . ... 3 s . Od .
Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office . London , E . G ., to the Publishers , Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., ' >' . ) . Moor Lane . London . E . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed " Alliance Bank . "
All communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to the Publishers as above . All other communications , letters , & c , to be addressed •'• ' Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . 38 . BOAV Lane , London . E . C . "
% \} t Jitastfitir Mat
.THURSDAY , ^^ S ^ = AUGUST 23 , 1888 .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
To the Editor if THE MASONIC STAR . Dear Sir and Brother ,
I heard for the first time in the City to-day of the birth of a New Masonic Weekly Paper under the above title , to be published for one penny . 1 heartily wish it success , and think there is plenty of room for it as a medium of Masonic information , and that at the price named it will be readily purchased by the whole of the Craft . It is pretty Avell admitted as a commercial principle that chcaji mediums of communication , cither of UCAVS or advertisements , if conducted on sound impartial principles , will pay well , and be a
boon to the public . I trust this new-born babe may shine and prosper , I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully , WALTER E . GOMPERTZ . 44 , Darnley Road , Hackney , P . M ., 8 G 9 , P . Z ., 141 , and 20 th August , 1888 . Secretary , 1475 .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . Dear Sir and Brother , We are pleased to hear that the Craft is about to have the advantage of a NCAV Journal at a low price . I Avritc in the name of many of my Masonic acquaintances , and on their behalf , as Avell as for myself , give you "hearty good Avishcs . "
By tho bye , if , as Ave presume , your pages Avill be open for discussion of Masonic questions , I should like to ask you , also for self and friends , what is the law or custom in regard to the expression of "hearty good Avishcs" in a Lodge . Of late there seems to be a great divergence of opinion as to the propriety of such expression at
the close of our respective meetings . Probably some of your readers could enlighten us if you would give them opportunity . Promising support to THE MASONIC STAR , believe me , Yours fraternally , August 18 th , 1888 . J . OLIVER , P . M .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
S . Yv . — 1 'liank you for your good wishes ; and many more thanks for the suggestion you have made . We shall endeavour to profit by it . Al . l'ItA . Never fear ! wc know how far we can properly go in relation to Masonic publicity , and shall carefully observe the limit imposed upon us by our obligations . J . Sol . To , P . M . -Your assistance in the manner you propose will be most valuable . AVe bad arranged , prior to receipt of your letter , that the W . M . of each Lodge , and the Secretary of each Lodge of Instruction , should receive a copy of this
number , so in that wo have anticipated you , but the other matters of advice arc open questions , which we will give the fullest consideration and probably adoption . Meanwhile , thank you , very much . J . O . -We saw the publication you refer to in a well-known weekly periodical . There is much in it that we would rather nothaveseen , hutnothingof injurious importance to the Craft . AVe could show you much more in print than that article produces . C . WOODS . -YOU will note that we use your esteemed contribution . Your letter shall have attention .
We have been asked to state our opinion as to the policy and propriety of permitting newly accepted members of our Order to exercise their voting poAver in regard to the affairs of the Lodge in which they accept membership before they shall have qualified to " take their seats in a Master Mason ' s Lodge . " We consider it neither politic nor proper , and will give our reasons in a future issue Meanwhile the subject is Avorth the consideration of our readers .