Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Review .
THE RELIGION OP FREEMASONRY . —By Bro . Henry Josiah Whymper , P . Dcp . D . G . M .. Punjab ; with an Introduction by Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . G . S . D . Eng . ; Edited by Bro . G . W . Speth , P . M ., Secretary of " Quatuor Coronati" Lodge , London ; and published by Bro . George Kenning , 1888 . We have deferred for a week or two . since acknowledgment ,
notice of this important Avork , desiring to make the fullest acquaintance Avith its pages before expressing an opinion . Its contents are most interesting , and deserve earnest consideration from all readers , Avhcther they incline towards or disagree with the object in support of Avhich they have been written . We are not prepared to acquiesce in all the arguments of tho author , rather are Ave
disposed to think the general question such as could not at the present time be thoroughly discussed w ith safety or satisfaction . It may be that later , the desire for the continuance of " Masonry UniA'crsal " may not be so strong as now , and then the suggestions made as to the admission of other " Great Lights " than that Ave have defined and acknoAvledge may have attention . The separation of Lodges from the Craft as at present constituted to meet the
AUCAVS of religionists and render the Order less cosmopolitan , would , in . our judgment , be a fatal error for Freemasonry ; and , so far , Ave cannot be in accord Avith our talented Brother . NcA'erthcless , his admirable Avork is full of interest and information , and its perusal has given us great delight . We do not hesitate to say that it should be known to eA ery member of the Order who desires " light—more light . "
We extract tho f olloAving from a chapter on " English and Foreign Constitutions , kc , " as a concise exposition of the premises upon Avhich tho author ' s arguments arc based . Referring to certain changes in the Constitutions as set forth in the earliest charges , he says : —
" W hilst Ave must deplore the changes Avhich have been made , Ave must not further be blind to the IV suits which have accrued from them in India . By the elimination of Christianity a very different institution now exists there to that Avhich prevailed in Britain prior to 1717 , and into A \ diich it is tolerably certain neither Mahomedan nor Parsee could , or would haA r e entered . The institution has UOAV
so changed its character that there is no bar to any of these peoples , or to their beliefs . The political good which must result , even if no other arises , cannot of course be ignored , and Ave use the word , political' in its Avidost sense , and as apart from national or party politics . Neither do we Avish to deprive the Craft of the mission of charity AA'hich it is thus enabled to perform . None can value more
highly than Ave do our JeAvish and Parsee brothers ; they fulfil most scrupulously the glorious and sublime injunction first enunciated by our Grand Master and Redeemer , and since sedulously preached by our Fraternity , ' Love one another . ' But Ave maintain that their co-operation has been maintained on a Avrong footing : the arrangements gradually introduced to conciliate them have caused
us to violate on : principles and veil our faith , and must in the long run entail the contempt of these very Brethren themselves . THEY never for one moment sink their professions or belief ; on the contrary , they have secured for a visible symbol of their faiths a place of honour in our Indian Lodges . It is not required of us as Masons to acknowledge any religion as being equally true Avith our OAVII .
We OAVC due respect to the cherished faith of a brother Avho is dear to us , but AVC are not called upon to raise it to a place of honour beside our OAVII . In doing so Ave are recreants to our OAA'II faith , and therefore bad Masons . Our Indian Brothers assert their Faith , whilst respecting ours , and are therefore good Masons . The only legitimate , honest , and manly Avay is to be true to one ' s self and one ' s
creed . In the I irst Degree , every G od-fcaring man may be admitted , and obligated on that book Avhich he holds most dear and sacred ; but in an English lodge the Bible must not be displaced ; it is our Great Light , not the symbol thereof . This fact impressed upon our Indian brother , naturally meets Avith his dissent . Shall AVC , then , retract our Avords , and say : ' Oh no , Ave mistake . The Zendavesta
is the Great Light , at least , whilst Ave are addressing you ! ' Let us be honest , and say : ' Brother , this is our Great Light , it is not yours , Remain our dearly beloved brother ; on this point Ave differ . Come and see us as a visitor , and be ahvays heartily Avelcomed ; but if you cannot accept our Light , betake you to a Lodge Avhich shall reverence YOUR Great Light . Form there a lodge composed entirely
of your OAVII faith , Avhere you may confer the second and third degrees according to your conscience ; but do not profess for one moment to believe there can be a plurality of Great Lights , and do not attempt to constrain us to any such profession : it would be a mere mockery . We cannot accord your Great Light a place in our hearts equal to our OAVII , neither can you do the same by ours . We
should neither of us believe our own professions . But in your OAVII lodge Ave will visit you as a brother , and show that respect to YOUR Great Light Avhich our consideration for your feelings demands , and you Avill , without violence to your religious sentiments , do likc-Avise when visiting us . ' Thus , and thus only can Ave be consistent as Masons , as Christians , as Jews , as honest believers in any religion . " We shall take an early opportunity to refer again , to this
interesting Avork ; and more particularly to the chapters on the Lectures and the Ritual , in Avhich are to be found most instructive passages . Mean-while , a kind and brotherly word may be said in commendation of Bro . Hughan \ s prefatory remarks , and of Bro . Speth ' s careful editing . Bro . Whymper is now in India , but he leaves with us a work Avhich , however we may decide upon its arguments , will keep his memory green in England .
WILL any brother greatly oblige a P . M . and P . Z . by kindly forwarding to him a spare copy of their Lodge or Chapter summons , as he is endeavouring to form a complete collection of them from No . 1 upwards . ' —Address , C . E . FERRY , 55 , Tregunter Road , South Kensington , S . W . —[ ADVT . ]
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The Committee of Management of this Institution met at Freemasons' Hall on the 14 th inst .. Bro . W . M . ByAvater , P . G . S . B .. Vice-President , in the chair , and there Avere also present Bros ! James Brett , P . G . P . : A . H . Tattcrshall . Charles Kempton , W . B Daniell . J . J . Berry , Win . Smith , W . Belchamber , E . West , L . Stean , C . H . Driver , P . G . Supt . of Works ; Herbert J . Adams , G . S . B . ; C .
A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; L . G . Gordon Robbins , C . F . Hogard , P . G . Std . Br . : Thomas Cubitt , P . G . P . ; C . J . PerceA-al , W . J . Murlis , J . M . Case , P . G . D . ; C II . Webb . Hugh Cotter , Charles Lacey , W . Hilton . II . M . Hobbs , James S . Fraser , R . Turtle Pigott , P . A . G . D . C ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; J . Newton , Alex . Forsyth , John E . Dawson , P . G . S . B . ; B . E . Blasby , John Larkin . and James Terry . P . G . S . B ., Sec .
Ihe minutes of the previous meeting Avere verified . The deaths of eight annuitants ( five males and three Avidows ) were reported . The receipt of £ 200 , being part of the residue of the estate of the late Miss Louisa McKellar , Avas acknowledged . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart reported as to the land at Croydon , and the transfer of the
building to new trustees . Tho widows of three recently-deceased annuitants had half of their late husbands' annuities granted to them . Four men and six widows were placed on the list of candidates for tli 3 election in May next .
Installation Meeting Of The Stour Valley Lodge, No. 1224, At Sudbury.
A large gathering of Suffolk brethren attended at the Masonic Hall , Sudbury , on Friday last , the Kith inst ., on the occasion of the installation of Bro . W . I . Mason ' s successor to the chair of K . S . Amongst the number present Avere—Bros . W . Inglis Mason , W . M . ; C .
Joslm , S . W . ; C . W . Lord . J . W . : Rev . C . J . Martyn . D . P . G . M . Chap . ; J . F . Hills , Treas . : F . Wheeler , Sec . ; M . Reid , S . D . ; William Bailey , J . D . ; C . E . Mauldon . D . C . ; B . II . Hurst , Org . ; E . Andrews , I . G . ; J . George , Stwd . ; H . C . Pratt , P . S . G . W ., I . P . M . ; D . Alston . P . M . ; H . Welham , P . M ;; W . G . Walford . P . M . : J . B . Ardley ,
P . M .: C . W . Grimwood . P . M . ; W . H . Smith . P . M . ; G . H
GrimAvood , P . M . ; E . S . Garrett , H . Hills , H . F . Hills , J . G . Steed , A . W . J . Salzmann , J . S . Carlton . Rev . David Hughes , N . Apicle , W . L . Lewis , C . SeAvell , G . G . Whorlow , RCA \ W . Edmond Dixon , J . C . Sheehan . C . J . N . ROAV , G . F . Hawkins . Visitors—E . Hennemeyer . P . P . G . S . W . Essex ; James SteA'ens , P . M . 121 ( J ; Frank B . Smythies , 433 ; A . Taylor , J . W . 332 ; C . S . Goodchild , W . M . 1823 ;
Charles Cooke , P . P . G . D ., P . M . 1823 ; B . B . Syer . P . G . Chap . 1823 ; Thomas Stokoe , P . M . 1823 ; E . H . Inman , P . G . Reg . Essex , 2154 F . J . Allen , J . W . 305 ; Zack Hunt , 2154 ; Charles E . Porter , 879 ; ' W . Clark , P . G . P . 114 ; James BardAvell , 1823 ; Robert Bullen , 943 . The officers having entered in procession , the Lodge Avas opened with solemn prayer and music . A ballot was taken for Bro . G . II .
Thynne , of the Parthenon Louge , No . 5 S 1 , a joining member , and was found clear . AAvaiting the arrival of the Deputy Pro . Grand Master , the subscribing members to the Charitable Association of the Lodge balloted for two life subscriberships to the masonic institutions , which fell respectively to Bros . J . George and T . Ardley , P . M ., P . G . S . D . The V . W . Dep . Prov . G . M ., the Rev . C . J .
Martyn , Avas then announced , received w ith salutations , and the ceremony of installation Avas at once proceeded Avith . Bro . C . Joslin , S . W . and W . M . elect , Avas presented by Bro . Mason , and was inducted in due form and with perfect ceremony into the chair of K . S ., and received the salutations of all present in the usual manner . I . P . M . Bro . Mason was then invested , and the officers
appointed and invested were—Bros . Charles W . Lord , S . W . ; Mitchell Reid . J . W . ; V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . M .. P . G . C ., Chap . ; W . Bro . Joseph F . Hills , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Bro . Frederick Wheeler . P . M ., Sec . ; Bernard Hurst , D . C . and Org . ; William Bailey , S . D . ; ' Ephraim Andrews , J . D . ; Harris Hills , I . G . ; Joseph George , StAvd . ; Henry M . Sholl , Tyler .
The addresses to officers and brethren Avere admirably delivered . A very handsome past master ' s jeAvel , manufactured by Bro . H . T . Lamb , and certainly one of the best we haA e seen for some time , was then presented to Bro . W . Inglis Mason , amidst . the merited applause of the brethren , for valuable and earnest services to Freemasonry , as Avell in the Lodge itself as in the locality generally .
The charity box Avas circulated Avith excellent result , and in peace and harmony the Lodge Avas solemnly closed . A A'ery excellent banquet was served at the Rose and CroAvn , by Bro . J . George , the host of that Avell-knoAvn hotel , and a SteAvard in the Lodge . To his Avife and self many praises Avent forth from the guests generally for the quality and quantity of the piwisions and
good service , Avhich it would be found difficult to excel in many Metropolitan hotels . After the cloth had been cleared , the usual postprandial masonic speeches set in Avith vigour , relieved throughout the eA'ening by the performance of a capital selection of vocal and instrumental music , performed under the direction of Bro . Charles Osmond , P . M . 51 , P . P . G . O ., by Bros . Gowers , F . B . Smythies , and
R . 0 . Coombs . The violin solos by Bro . Smythies were extremely well rendered and called forth many expressions of satisfaction . Brevity in speech was the order of the evening , and the masonic toasts Avere proposed and responded to in customary set phrases , tho principal replies being those of the Dep . Prov . G . Master in
acknowledgment of the toast of " The Installing Master ; " of Bro . Mason in that of " The I . P . M . ; " of Bro . Roe in that of "The Charities , " and of Bro . Hennemeyer to the toast of "The Visitors . " A collection in aid of Bro . Mason ' s stewardship at the forthcoming festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , resulted in adding tho sum of £ S to his present list .
PRESS EXCHANGES AND BOOKS RECEIVED . Masonic Record of Western India , Allahabad ( quoted on page 189 )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Review .
THE RELIGION OP FREEMASONRY . —By Bro . Henry Josiah Whymper , P . Dcp . D . G . M .. Punjab ; with an Introduction by Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . G . S . D . Eng . ; Edited by Bro . G . W . Speth , P . M ., Secretary of " Quatuor Coronati" Lodge , London ; and published by Bro . George Kenning , 1888 . We have deferred for a week or two . since acknowledgment ,
notice of this important Avork , desiring to make the fullest acquaintance Avith its pages before expressing an opinion . Its contents are most interesting , and deserve earnest consideration from all readers , Avhcther they incline towards or disagree with the object in support of Avhich they have been written . We are not prepared to acquiesce in all the arguments of tho author , rather are Ave
disposed to think the general question such as could not at the present time be thoroughly discussed w ith safety or satisfaction . It may be that later , the desire for the continuance of " Masonry UniA'crsal " may not be so strong as now , and then the suggestions made as to the admission of other " Great Lights " than that Ave have defined and acknoAvledge may have attention . The separation of Lodges from the Craft as at present constituted to meet the
AUCAVS of religionists and render the Order less cosmopolitan , would , in . our judgment , be a fatal error for Freemasonry ; and , so far , Ave cannot be in accord Avith our talented Brother . NcA'erthcless , his admirable Avork is full of interest and information , and its perusal has given us great delight . We do not hesitate to say that it should be known to eA ery member of the Order who desires " light—more light . "
We extract tho f olloAving from a chapter on " English and Foreign Constitutions , kc , " as a concise exposition of the premises upon Avhich tho author ' s arguments arc based . Referring to certain changes in the Constitutions as set forth in the earliest charges , he says : —
" W hilst Ave must deplore the changes Avhich have been made , Ave must not further be blind to the IV suits which have accrued from them in India . By the elimination of Christianity a very different institution now exists there to that Avhich prevailed in Britain prior to 1717 , and into A \ diich it is tolerably certain neither Mahomedan nor Parsee could , or would haA r e entered . The institution has UOAV
so changed its character that there is no bar to any of these peoples , or to their beliefs . The political good which must result , even if no other arises , cannot of course be ignored , and Ave use the word , political' in its Avidost sense , and as apart from national or party politics . Neither do we Avish to deprive the Craft of the mission of charity AA'hich it is thus enabled to perform . None can value more
highly than Ave do our JeAvish and Parsee brothers ; they fulfil most scrupulously the glorious and sublime injunction first enunciated by our Grand Master and Redeemer , and since sedulously preached by our Fraternity , ' Love one another . ' But Ave maintain that their co-operation has been maintained on a Avrong footing : the arrangements gradually introduced to conciliate them have caused
us to violate on : principles and veil our faith , and must in the long run entail the contempt of these very Brethren themselves . THEY never for one moment sink their professions or belief ; on the contrary , they have secured for a visible symbol of their faiths a place of honour in our Indian Lodges . It is not required of us as Masons to acknowledge any religion as being equally true Avith our OAVII .
We OAVC due respect to the cherished faith of a brother Avho is dear to us , but AVC are not called upon to raise it to a place of honour beside our OAVII . In doing so Ave are recreants to our OAA'II faith , and therefore bad Masons . Our Indian Brothers assert their Faith , whilst respecting ours , and are therefore good Masons . The only legitimate , honest , and manly Avay is to be true to one ' s self and one ' s
creed . In the I irst Degree , every G od-fcaring man may be admitted , and obligated on that book Avhich he holds most dear and sacred ; but in an English lodge the Bible must not be displaced ; it is our Great Light , not the symbol thereof . This fact impressed upon our Indian brother , naturally meets Avith his dissent . Shall AVC , then , retract our Avords , and say : ' Oh no , Ave mistake . The Zendavesta
is the Great Light , at least , whilst Ave are addressing you ! ' Let us be honest , and say : ' Brother , this is our Great Light , it is not yours , Remain our dearly beloved brother ; on this point Ave differ . Come and see us as a visitor , and be ahvays heartily Avelcomed ; but if you cannot accept our Light , betake you to a Lodge Avhich shall reverence YOUR Great Light . Form there a lodge composed entirely
of your OAVII faith , Avhere you may confer the second and third degrees according to your conscience ; but do not profess for one moment to believe there can be a plurality of Great Lights , and do not attempt to constrain us to any such profession : it would be a mere mockery . We cannot accord your Great Light a place in our hearts equal to our OAVII , neither can you do the same by ours . We
should neither of us believe our own professions . But in your OAVII lodge Ave will visit you as a brother , and show that respect to YOUR Great Light Avhich our consideration for your feelings demands , and you Avill , without violence to your religious sentiments , do likc-Avise when visiting us . ' Thus , and thus only can Ave be consistent as Masons , as Christians , as Jews , as honest believers in any religion . " We shall take an early opportunity to refer again , to this
interesting Avork ; and more particularly to the chapters on the Lectures and the Ritual , in Avhich are to be found most instructive passages . Mean-while , a kind and brotherly word may be said in commendation of Bro . Hughan \ s prefatory remarks , and of Bro . Speth ' s careful editing . Bro . Whymper is now in India , but he leaves with us a work Avhich , however we may decide upon its arguments , will keep his memory green in England .
WILL any brother greatly oblige a P . M . and P . Z . by kindly forwarding to him a spare copy of their Lodge or Chapter summons , as he is endeavouring to form a complete collection of them from No . 1 upwards . ' —Address , C . E . FERRY , 55 , Tregunter Road , South Kensington , S . W . —[ ADVT . ]
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The Committee of Management of this Institution met at Freemasons' Hall on the 14 th inst .. Bro . W . M . ByAvater , P . G . S . B .. Vice-President , in the chair , and there Avere also present Bros ! James Brett , P . G . P . : A . H . Tattcrshall . Charles Kempton , W . B Daniell . J . J . Berry , Win . Smith , W . Belchamber , E . West , L . Stean , C . H . Driver , P . G . Supt . of Works ; Herbert J . Adams , G . S . B . ; C .
A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; L . G . Gordon Robbins , C . F . Hogard , P . G . Std . Br . : Thomas Cubitt , P . G . P . ; C . J . PerceA-al , W . J . Murlis , J . M . Case , P . G . D . ; C II . Webb . Hugh Cotter , Charles Lacey , W . Hilton . II . M . Hobbs , James S . Fraser , R . Turtle Pigott , P . A . G . D . C ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; J . Newton , Alex . Forsyth , John E . Dawson , P . G . S . B . ; B . E . Blasby , John Larkin . and James Terry . P . G . S . B ., Sec .
Ihe minutes of the previous meeting Avere verified . The deaths of eight annuitants ( five males and three Avidows ) were reported . The receipt of £ 200 , being part of the residue of the estate of the late Miss Louisa McKellar , Avas acknowledged . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart reported as to the land at Croydon , and the transfer of the
building to new trustees . Tho widows of three recently-deceased annuitants had half of their late husbands' annuities granted to them . Four men and six widows were placed on the list of candidates for tli 3 election in May next .
Installation Meeting Of The Stour Valley Lodge, No. 1224, At Sudbury.
A large gathering of Suffolk brethren attended at the Masonic Hall , Sudbury , on Friday last , the Kith inst ., on the occasion of the installation of Bro . W . I . Mason ' s successor to the chair of K . S . Amongst the number present Avere—Bros . W . Inglis Mason , W . M . ; C .
Joslm , S . W . ; C . W . Lord . J . W . : Rev . C . J . Martyn . D . P . G . M . Chap . ; J . F . Hills , Treas . : F . Wheeler , Sec . ; M . Reid , S . D . ; William Bailey , J . D . ; C . E . Mauldon . D . C . ; B . II . Hurst , Org . ; E . Andrews , I . G . ; J . George , Stwd . ; H . C . Pratt , P . S . G . W ., I . P . M . ; D . Alston . P . M . ; H . Welham , P . M ;; W . G . Walford . P . M . : J . B . Ardley ,
P . M .: C . W . Grimwood . P . M . ; W . H . Smith . P . M . ; G . H
GrimAvood , P . M . ; E . S . Garrett , H . Hills , H . F . Hills , J . G . Steed , A . W . J . Salzmann , J . S . Carlton . Rev . David Hughes , N . Apicle , W . L . Lewis , C . SeAvell , G . G . Whorlow , RCA \ W . Edmond Dixon , J . C . Sheehan . C . J . N . ROAV , G . F . Hawkins . Visitors—E . Hennemeyer . P . P . G . S . W . Essex ; James SteA'ens , P . M . 121 ( J ; Frank B . Smythies , 433 ; A . Taylor , J . W . 332 ; C . S . Goodchild , W . M . 1823 ;
Charles Cooke , P . P . G . D ., P . M . 1823 ; B . B . Syer . P . G . Chap . 1823 ; Thomas Stokoe , P . M . 1823 ; E . H . Inman , P . G . Reg . Essex , 2154 F . J . Allen , J . W . 305 ; Zack Hunt , 2154 ; Charles E . Porter , 879 ; ' W . Clark , P . G . P . 114 ; James BardAvell , 1823 ; Robert Bullen , 943 . The officers having entered in procession , the Lodge Avas opened with solemn prayer and music . A ballot was taken for Bro . G . II .
Thynne , of the Parthenon Louge , No . 5 S 1 , a joining member , and was found clear . AAvaiting the arrival of the Deputy Pro . Grand Master , the subscribing members to the Charitable Association of the Lodge balloted for two life subscriberships to the masonic institutions , which fell respectively to Bros . J . George and T . Ardley , P . M ., P . G . S . D . The V . W . Dep . Prov . G . M ., the Rev . C . J .
Martyn , Avas then announced , received w ith salutations , and the ceremony of installation Avas at once proceeded Avith . Bro . C . Joslin , S . W . and W . M . elect , Avas presented by Bro . Mason , and was inducted in due form and with perfect ceremony into the chair of K . S ., and received the salutations of all present in the usual manner . I . P . M . Bro . Mason was then invested , and the officers
appointed and invested were—Bros . Charles W . Lord , S . W . ; Mitchell Reid . J . W . ; V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . M .. P . G . C ., Chap . ; W . Bro . Joseph F . Hills , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Bro . Frederick Wheeler . P . M ., Sec . ; Bernard Hurst , D . C . and Org . ; William Bailey , S . D . ; ' Ephraim Andrews , J . D . ; Harris Hills , I . G . ; Joseph George , StAvd . ; Henry M . Sholl , Tyler .
The addresses to officers and brethren Avere admirably delivered . A very handsome past master ' s jeAvel , manufactured by Bro . H . T . Lamb , and certainly one of the best we haA e seen for some time , was then presented to Bro . W . Inglis Mason , amidst . the merited applause of the brethren , for valuable and earnest services to Freemasonry , as Avell in the Lodge itself as in the locality generally .
The charity box Avas circulated Avith excellent result , and in peace and harmony the Lodge Avas solemnly closed . A A'ery excellent banquet was served at the Rose and CroAvn , by Bro . J . George , the host of that Avell-knoAvn hotel , and a SteAvard in the Lodge . To his Avife and self many praises Avent forth from the guests generally for the quality and quantity of the piwisions and
good service , Avhich it would be found difficult to excel in many Metropolitan hotels . After the cloth had been cleared , the usual postprandial masonic speeches set in Avith vigour , relieved throughout the eA'ening by the performance of a capital selection of vocal and instrumental music , performed under the direction of Bro . Charles Osmond , P . M . 51 , P . P . G . O ., by Bros . Gowers , F . B . Smythies , and
R . 0 . Coombs . The violin solos by Bro . Smythies were extremely well rendered and called forth many expressions of satisfaction . Brevity in speech was the order of the evening , and the masonic toasts Avere proposed and responded to in customary set phrases , tho principal replies being those of the Dep . Prov . G . Master in
acknowledgment of the toast of " The Installing Master ; " of Bro . Mason in that of " The I . P . M . ; " of Bro . Roe in that of "The Charities , " and of Bro . Hennemeyer to the toast of "The Visitors . " A collection in aid of Bro . Mason ' s stewardship at the forthcoming festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , resulted in adding tho sum of £ S to his present list .
PRESS EXCHANGES AND BOOKS RECEIVED . Masonic Record of Western India , Allahabad ( quoted on page 189 )