Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1
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® Ij £ Jitastfttti ; ^ iar * THURSDAY , jfei ||| 3 p = NOV . 15 , 1888 ,
Edited by W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , & c .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all NeAvsagents through the Publishers , 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . G . Subscribers to T HE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs Avill receiA c their copies by the first post on THURSDAY M ORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers Avill be forwarded by the NIGHT Mail on Wednesday .
TERMS , including postage , payable m advance : — United ICiiiKdom mid Countries comprised Places not in General comprised in India , Postal Union . Postal Union . visi . Urinuisi .
Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . ... 8 s . 8 d . ... 10 s . lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . ... 4 s . 6 d . . . . 5 s . 6 d . Three Months . . . Is . 9 d . ... 2 s . 4 d . ... 3 s . Od . Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . G ., to the Printers , Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . G . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed
& Co . and all communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to them . All other communications , letters . & c , to be addressed " Editor of THE MASONIC STAR , 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , London , E . G . "
Publishing Offices : 123 to 125 , FLEET STREET , E . G .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
V * We do not hold ourselves re . ipon . Hlk for the opinions expressed by our Correspondents . ¦ LABOUR AND REFRESHMENT .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , With regard to your observations on this subject , I should also be glad to offer a f CAV remarks . I have already been in communication with you on another important matter , A \ diich , I have the pleasure of seeing , from a recent
number of the MASONIC STAR , Avill probably shortly be noted for discussion in your columns . But as to the above subject , I have a strong belief that the custom of " Instruction " Lodges in particular is sadly detrimental to the growth of those noble virtues which every Freemason is so forcibly called upon to cultivate . I speak AA-ith reference to the custom of
" refreshment iturnig labour . I am not a total abstainer , and do not Avish to imply that I uphold the action of certain brethren Avho deem it expedient to recognise in their lodge " none but teetotallers , " to the injury of those Avho are not ; I say that such action is unm it sonic . A minister might equally regulate the members of his congregation , but such conduct Avould never be
permitted , because of its inconsistency Avith religious doctrine . Then it is not consistent in a lodge of Freemasons , Avhose principles are based upon the same foundation—the " Volume of the Sacred Law . " On the other hand—returning to the subject of " refreshment " in the Lodges of Instruction—a matter discussed many and mam' a
time . My belief is this , that neither m the instruction nor in the regular lodge should " refreshments" be permitted during the Avorking or labour of that lodge , inasmuch as the Sacred Volume being in the midst of the brethren , demands the most devout conduct and reverence of every one , as much as in a church or chapel , in Avhich places it would certainly be thought most horrible
for the preacher or the members of the congregation to partake of refreshment during diAdne service , and , amongst Freemasons , it is often an expression , " Why , I think a Freemason ' s lodge is beautiful , and indeed to be compared Avith any place of Avorship . " Doubtless it should be so , and would be so , if every true Mason
were to uphold every principle of his profession , and stand up bravely for the honour and reverence Avhich are at all times and in every place due to the Creator , especially in the presence of His most Sacred Word . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours very fraternally , 3 rd Nov ., 1888 . A . E . L .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , There are some Preceptories of Knights Templar to Avhich Priories of Malta are attached . The Malta ceremony is seldom worked . In fact , most of the members of the order Avho desire to take the Malta degree go to London for the purpose ; the only
Preceptory in the provinces , as far as I knoAV , Avorking the Malta degree , is the BaldAvyn Preceptory at Bristol . Will you inform me , through the medium of THE MASONIC STAR , whether an eminent Preceptor of one of these Preceptories , to which a Priory of Malta is ( nominally ) attached , has a right to use and wear the distinctive badge of a Prior of Malta ? Yours fraternally , P . E . P .
Original Correspondence.
To the -Editor of IKS MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , I shall feel very much obliged if one of your readers , or if you yourself , Avill enlighten me on the folloAving point of Masonic
jurisprudence . Can a Deputy Provincial or District Grand Master , during his tenure of that office , be elected and serve in the chair of a private lodge ? By virtue of his office , he has the right , in the absence of the Prov . G . M . to preside in any lodge which he visits . ; he can therefore , if he likes , always preside in his OAVII lodge .
The chief argument against his holding the double office seems to me , that the lodge of Avhich he is W . M . loses a vote in Provincial Grand Lodge . I shall be glad to hear Avhat is the opinion of your readers on the subject . FRATER .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . As many of the brethren Avill have to go to Paris next year , either as visitors or exhibitors , in connection Avith the forthcoming Great Exhibition , alloAv me to suggest the desirability of the formation of a masonic club in Paris Avhilst the exhibition is going on .
To exhibitors itAvould be most valuable as a comfortable and economical home , and for visitors it Avould give them a much more enjoyable trip , as they Avould have a proper place to go to Avhere they could obtain every information they might require , saving them much time , trouble and expense at a minimum cost , and certainly relieving them of a greater part of the extortion they
must expect if they Avander about on their OAVU responsibility . It certainly Avould induce many to go Avho Avould not othenvise be tempted to do so . Masons like to enjoy themselves rationally , but they like to have value for the outlay , and the small subscription necessary for the purpose I suggest Avould be required Avould be returned to them one-hundred fold . The press had their club last
exhibition in Paris , and a very comfortable and enjoyable affair it was . Having had some considerable experience in exhibitions , I knoAV too Avell the uncomfortable position of the exhibitor on such expeditions , and Avhat a great boon such an institution Avould bo to them ; and as to the visitors , many of Avhom I often had to get out of their troubles , they find themselves landed at an hotel in Paris ,
Avith no knowledge of the language , visiting for the first time a vast exhibition , and certainly one of the most enjoyable cities in the Avorld ; yet , not knoAving where to find Avhat they have come purposely to see , and surrounded by people Avho are bent on making out of them all they can , Avhilst the visitor is kept in a constant broil of discontent , and often returns disgusted Avith everything , . and really has had nothing to compensate for the outlay .
I should like to knoAV if any of the brethren are of the same opinion as myself , and also if there are any Avho Avould co-operate and assist in the promotion of such an undertaking , Avhich appears to me , if properly carried out , Avould be a benefit to the brethren generally and . to Freemasonry at large . I enclose my address , and shall be very pleased to receive correspondence on the subject . I remain , yours obediently , OLD EXHIBITOR .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , I think Bro . P . M . Beavis has alloAved his pen to run quicker than his usual tact and sound judgment ; he states that he is not aAvare of any deduction being made to cover " expenses , " and then adds in the next sentence , " an entrance fee of one shilling is
charged , Avhich barely covers expenses . " What is that buta deduction or jtayment to coA ^ er expenses , Avhich , unless AVC are to quibble upon Avords , is precisely the same thing . NOAV , A \ hat are the expenses ? A book in Avhich to enter all subscriptions , of the value of five to seven shillings , and to each subscriber a small book of the A-alue of threepence each at the most , is all that is required . I Avrite Avith a
contract before me of books of equal value . It is only fair to assume that there Avould be an averagj of thirty to each charitable association . If Bro . P . M . Beavis will refer to my letter , he will see that I did not raise a difficulty , but " hojjed" no attempt Avould be made to pay brethren . I did that for tAvo reasons , an observation had been
made that if officers of Grand Lodge or of the charities , Avho , I presume , are the same , receive a percentage , Avhy not pay secretaries of charitable associations , Avho haA e similar duties to perform—and in Bro . P . M . Beavis' letter , there is such a strong observation upon payment to the collector ; shoAving , ijjso facto , that if it is just and proper in one case it must be so in the other .
He having raised the question , other minds Avill draAV their OAVII conclusions as to the equity and fairness of paying one person , and not paying another , for one and the same kind of Avork . If I am not taking up too much of your space , let ine say . it appears to me , that the salary or emolument of the collector should not in any Avay depend upon the amount of money collected ; but
Avhat are the " personal expenses" of association secretaries / With reference to the present system , Avhich is so perfect in the estimation of our esteemed brother—as a tentative proposition it might be desirable to formulate a suggested alteration in the system , but no single charitable association could do more than
support the proposition , Avhich Avould have for its object a con junction or combination , and continuity from a single basis through out the length and breadth of Freemasonry . Fraternally yours , Nov . 9 th , 1888 . W . W . PARKINSON .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
® Ij £ Jitastfttti ; ^ iar * THURSDAY , jfei ||| 3 p = NOV . 15 , 1888 ,
Edited by W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , & c .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all NeAvsagents through the Publishers , 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . G . Subscribers to T HE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs Avill receiA c their copies by the first post on THURSDAY M ORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers Avill be forwarded by the NIGHT Mail on Wednesday .
TERMS , including postage , payable m advance : — United ICiiiKdom mid Countries comprised Places not in General comprised in India , Postal Union . Postal Union . visi . Urinuisi .
Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . ... 8 s . 8 d . ... 10 s . lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . ... 4 s . 6 d . . . . 5 s . 6 d . Three Months . . . Is . 9 d . ... 2 s . 4 d . ... 3 s . Od . Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . G ., to the Printers , Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . G . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed
& Co . and all communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to them . All other communications , letters . & c , to be addressed " Editor of THE MASONIC STAR , 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , London , E . G . "
Publishing Offices : 123 to 125 , FLEET STREET , E . G .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
V * We do not hold ourselves re . ipon . Hlk for the opinions expressed by our Correspondents . ¦ LABOUR AND REFRESHMENT .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , With regard to your observations on this subject , I should also be glad to offer a f CAV remarks . I have already been in communication with you on another important matter , A \ diich , I have the pleasure of seeing , from a recent
number of the MASONIC STAR , Avill probably shortly be noted for discussion in your columns . But as to the above subject , I have a strong belief that the custom of " Instruction " Lodges in particular is sadly detrimental to the growth of those noble virtues which every Freemason is so forcibly called upon to cultivate . I speak AA-ith reference to the custom of
" refreshment iturnig labour . I am not a total abstainer , and do not Avish to imply that I uphold the action of certain brethren Avho deem it expedient to recognise in their lodge " none but teetotallers , " to the injury of those Avho are not ; I say that such action is unm it sonic . A minister might equally regulate the members of his congregation , but such conduct Avould never be
permitted , because of its inconsistency Avith religious doctrine . Then it is not consistent in a lodge of Freemasons , Avhose principles are based upon the same foundation—the " Volume of the Sacred Law . " On the other hand—returning to the subject of " refreshment " in the Lodges of Instruction—a matter discussed many and mam' a
time . My belief is this , that neither m the instruction nor in the regular lodge should " refreshments" be permitted during the Avorking or labour of that lodge , inasmuch as the Sacred Volume being in the midst of the brethren , demands the most devout conduct and reverence of every one , as much as in a church or chapel , in Avhich places it would certainly be thought most horrible
for the preacher or the members of the congregation to partake of refreshment during diAdne service , and , amongst Freemasons , it is often an expression , " Why , I think a Freemason ' s lodge is beautiful , and indeed to be compared Avith any place of Avorship . " Doubtless it should be so , and would be so , if every true Mason
were to uphold every principle of his profession , and stand up bravely for the honour and reverence Avhich are at all times and in every place due to the Creator , especially in the presence of His most Sacred Word . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours very fraternally , 3 rd Nov ., 1888 . A . E . L .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , There are some Preceptories of Knights Templar to Avhich Priories of Malta are attached . The Malta ceremony is seldom worked . In fact , most of the members of the order Avho desire to take the Malta degree go to London for the purpose ; the only
Preceptory in the provinces , as far as I knoAV , Avorking the Malta degree , is the BaldAvyn Preceptory at Bristol . Will you inform me , through the medium of THE MASONIC STAR , whether an eminent Preceptor of one of these Preceptories , to which a Priory of Malta is ( nominally ) attached , has a right to use and wear the distinctive badge of a Prior of Malta ? Yours fraternally , P . E . P .
Original Correspondence.
To the -Editor of IKS MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , I shall feel very much obliged if one of your readers , or if you yourself , Avill enlighten me on the folloAving point of Masonic
jurisprudence . Can a Deputy Provincial or District Grand Master , during his tenure of that office , be elected and serve in the chair of a private lodge ? By virtue of his office , he has the right , in the absence of the Prov . G . M . to preside in any lodge which he visits . ; he can therefore , if he likes , always preside in his OAVII lodge .
The chief argument against his holding the double office seems to me , that the lodge of Avhich he is W . M . loses a vote in Provincial Grand Lodge . I shall be glad to hear Avhat is the opinion of your readers on the subject . FRATER .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . As many of the brethren Avill have to go to Paris next year , either as visitors or exhibitors , in connection Avith the forthcoming Great Exhibition , alloAv me to suggest the desirability of the formation of a masonic club in Paris Avhilst the exhibition is going on .
To exhibitors itAvould be most valuable as a comfortable and economical home , and for visitors it Avould give them a much more enjoyable trip , as they Avould have a proper place to go to Avhere they could obtain every information they might require , saving them much time , trouble and expense at a minimum cost , and certainly relieving them of a greater part of the extortion they
must expect if they Avander about on their OAVU responsibility . It certainly Avould induce many to go Avho Avould not othenvise be tempted to do so . Masons like to enjoy themselves rationally , but they like to have value for the outlay , and the small subscription necessary for the purpose I suggest Avould be required Avould be returned to them one-hundred fold . The press had their club last
exhibition in Paris , and a very comfortable and enjoyable affair it was . Having had some considerable experience in exhibitions , I knoAV too Avell the uncomfortable position of the exhibitor on such expeditions , and Avhat a great boon such an institution Avould bo to them ; and as to the visitors , many of Avhom I often had to get out of their troubles , they find themselves landed at an hotel in Paris ,
Avith no knowledge of the language , visiting for the first time a vast exhibition , and certainly one of the most enjoyable cities in the Avorld ; yet , not knoAving where to find Avhat they have come purposely to see , and surrounded by people Avho are bent on making out of them all they can , Avhilst the visitor is kept in a constant broil of discontent , and often returns disgusted Avith everything , . and really has had nothing to compensate for the outlay .
I should like to knoAV if any of the brethren are of the same opinion as myself , and also if there are any Avho Avould co-operate and assist in the promotion of such an undertaking , Avhich appears to me , if properly carried out , Avould be a benefit to the brethren generally and . to Freemasonry at large . I enclose my address , and shall be very pleased to receive correspondence on the subject . I remain , yours obediently , OLD EXHIBITOR .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , I think Bro . P . M . Beavis has alloAved his pen to run quicker than his usual tact and sound judgment ; he states that he is not aAvare of any deduction being made to cover " expenses , " and then adds in the next sentence , " an entrance fee of one shilling is
charged , Avhich barely covers expenses . " What is that buta deduction or jtayment to coA ^ er expenses , Avhich , unless AVC are to quibble upon Avords , is precisely the same thing . NOAV , A \ hat are the expenses ? A book in Avhich to enter all subscriptions , of the value of five to seven shillings , and to each subscriber a small book of the A-alue of threepence each at the most , is all that is required . I Avrite Avith a
contract before me of books of equal value . It is only fair to assume that there Avould be an averagj of thirty to each charitable association . If Bro . P . M . Beavis will refer to my letter , he will see that I did not raise a difficulty , but " hojjed" no attempt Avould be made to pay brethren . I did that for tAvo reasons , an observation had been
made that if officers of Grand Lodge or of the charities , Avho , I presume , are the same , receive a percentage , Avhy not pay secretaries of charitable associations , Avho haA e similar duties to perform—and in Bro . P . M . Beavis' letter , there is such a strong observation upon payment to the collector ; shoAving , ijjso facto , that if it is just and proper in one case it must be so in the other .
He having raised the question , other minds Avill draAV their OAVII conclusions as to the equity and fairness of paying one person , and not paying another , for one and the same kind of Avork . If I am not taking up too much of your space , let ine say . it appears to me , that the salary or emolument of the collector should not in any Avay depend upon the amount of money collected ; but
Avhat are the " personal expenses" of association secretaries / With reference to the present system , Avhich is so perfect in the estimation of our esteemed brother—as a tentative proposition it might be desirable to formulate a suggested alteration in the system , but no single charitable association could do more than
support the proposition , Avhich Avould have for its object a con junction or combination , and continuity from a single basis through out the length and breadth of Freemasonry . Fraternally yours , Nov . 9 th , 1888 . W . W . PARKINSON .