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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The night a brother is raised to the degree of Master Mason , he is launched upon the world—a finished Mason . Could wo but fix in his mind that the ritual is but the alphabet upon which he is expected to build the temple of his Masonic knowledge , Freemasonry would become a subject of investigation , and would command the
respect of the highest intelligence . The many would learn . Let us , my brethren , foster these means of making our membership the recipients of a'l that is good in knowledge that each may grow in wisdom ' s ways , and live as God intended man to live . The Grand Master of West Virqinia . C . S . A .
CouKTEsr . —There is really no necessity that Masonic politeness should take the shape of intimacy and confidence . There is no obligation that requires it . There is no principle of the Order that makes it a duty . And yet the fact is apparent that many Masons on the evidence of a sign , grip or emblem , become strangely familiar . Many very undesirable acquaintances are made in this way that we
find hard to shake off . All we arc called upon to do is to treat the tranger within our gates with hospitality and that sort of courtesy that makes him feel at home and chase away any sense of loneliness that may haunt him . So far as the lodge is concerned , courtesy about which we hear so much , is really a vc ry simple thing , and largely depends upon tho officers . The hailing brother should
not be examined with suspicious rigor where other testimonials are clearly indubitable . A brother can be turned inside out if he is only kindly handled . Then some Masters make it a rule to receive strange visiting brothers with a few words of welcome . If neatly done , it goes a long way to make the visitor feel comfortable . The
Senior Deacon may make it very pleasant in the amiable way he ¦ eats a brother in the lodge . In our city lodges , where visitations are numerous , we are liable to forget the individuality of a visiting brother , and run through the preliminary duties and guarding tests with a sort of perfunctory coldness . —Illustrated Pacific States .
Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex . R . W . B RO . C OLONEL S IR F RANCIS B URDETT . B ART ., P . S . G . AV . OF EXfiLAXI ) , Representative from the Grand Lodge of Ireland . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . 30 . Eardley Crescent , Earl's Court , London , S . W . June 15 th , 18 S !» . THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the TOWN HALL , TWICKENHAM , on Saturday , June 29 th , at Three o ' clock p . m . ' By command of the R . W . Provincial Grand Master , HOAVARD H . ROOM , P . M , Pnv . Giand Sec . N . B . —The TOWN HALL is In the centre of the Town . Banquet at the Town Hall , at 5 . 30 , Cold . Tickets , 8 6 each , exclusive of AVinc . Brethren intending to dine arei eqrested to apply . 'or Tickets , with a remittance ) to the Provincial Grand Secretary on or before June 20 th . otherwise it will bo impossible to make satisfactory arrangements , and in order to ' secure the comfort of those Brethren who have obtained Tickets , none can be issued after that date . Trains , from AVaterloo , 2 . 0 , 2 . 10 , 2 . 17 , 2 . 20 . ; from Twickenham , very frequent . There will be a short Service at the Parish Church , Twickenham , at 4 . 30 p . m . ( "Saturday being market day at Twickenham , the bretliren will not go to Church in procession or in Masonic clothing . ) MOUNIXO DRESS .
EXPOSITION VJXIYEUSEELE DE PARIS , 1889 . ^ NGLO ~ FRENOH VILLAGE WK BLOTJSJL . DES BJ 5 JLETS , Avenue de Versailles , Auteuil , PARIS , NEAR THE EXHIBITION . Ofin Comfortable Bedrooms ; plenty of water and baths ; Good English Food , OUU or Cuisine Frani ; aisc ; Concert Hall and Cafe attached to the Building ; Garden and River ( tlie Seine ) , with Boating . All the features of a Club ; certain accommodation by day , week , or month . Pnie'ES : Bedroom per Night ( including Attendance ) 5 s . Breakfast and Dinner at Ordinary London Tariff . Secretary : Tun Hox . C . C . UJOGAX . Director at Paris : Hr . C . vu CIIASTELAIX . Rooms may be reserved at the Ollices of Mr . E . Cr .. Utic . 432 , Strand ; Messrs . C ' fTin . KUTsox * & Co ., -It , Broinpton Road , Knightsbridge ; and Mr . Jonx PKOCTOR , 81 , Graceeluu-ch Street , E . C .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane . K BAN : , CK BIRKBE THREE per CEXT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSIT repayable on demand . TWO per CENT , on CURRENT ACCOUNTS , calculated on the minimum monthly balances , when not drawn below £ 100 . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , can be obtained post free , on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCltOET Manager
The Birkbeck Building Society's Annual Receipts exceed Five Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , OR A PLOT OF LAND pOR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH . Apply at tho Q ffice of the BIIIKDKCK FBEEUOLD LAND S OCIETY . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
m Z 3 ' f ° 5 > PT 3 "fl * f < 2 f Recommended to the Subscribers to the "Masonic Star . " QTAR AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , k _} Bro . Jonx BRILL , Proprietor . Seven Lodges and Chapters held in the Hotel , which possesses Special Facilities for Concerts , Evening Parties and Banquets . Scale of Charges on Application .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Hamjiton Court Station ( adjoining tho H .-iilwav and facing tlie 1 , 'ivcr and Palace ) . Bro . Jonx MAYO lias ample accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any number up to wo . Spacious landing to River . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet at tin-t ' asile Hotel , and reference may be made to tlie respective Masters as to the e \ itcrin- ' . & e .
BEIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , S . E ., l ' EAKCi : & Sox , Proprietors . Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Balls . Soirees , Concerts , Masonic , Public , or Private Meetings , & e ' . The Suite of l : onms for Balls and Concerts includes tlie Ball Room . Ante-Room , Refreshment and Supper Rooms and Ladies' Retiring Rooms . The Masonic Temple will seat -lo . Terms on Application .
BOURNEMOUTH . Board and Residence , south aspect , close to the Sea , Pier sure Gardens ; centre of Town : ID anc comforts Terms , 30 ' -. Apply M . A . Hood . Caversliain . Poole Hill .
"npiIE BEDFORD " FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL _ -L HOTEL , PORTSMOUTH . Proprietor , R . P . Bliuxr . QT . ELMO ( BOARDING HOUSE ) , No . 13 , LOCH O PROMENADE , DOUGLAS , ISLE OF MAX . Incomparably the Queen of Northern Watering Places . Bro . P . T . SCREECH begs respectfully to offer to intending visitors to this charming health and pleasure resort the comfortable advantages of a Home from Home . This establishment , with an old connection ( 17 years ) , is conveniently situated on the margin of the beautiful Bay , and within two minutes' walk of the landing Pier—the arrangements being personally superintended by Miss SHJMMIX and 31 rs . SCREECH . First-class Cuisine—Terms moderate . Particulars on application .
GEA HOUSE HOTEL , MIDDLE ST ., BRIGHTON . k _} —TnostAs frimis ( late Snpt . Brighton Police Eire . Brigade I . Choicest AVinos and Spirits , Pine Foreign Cigars , Billiards , Private Apartments .
^ ARSON'S HOTEL , RIO DE JANEIRO , BRAZIL . \ _ J English homo comforts , and all in formation a ' oout Brazil , will he found in this Hotel . W . M . 1 ) . CAHSOX , Proprietor .
These spaces are reserved for Hotels offering inducements to Masonic visitors .
"W ^ LJ ^ TTETD . SECOND-H AND Lodge Furniture . Oak or Mahogany preferred ; also Clothing . Reply , with inventory , price and order to view , to X ., Oflice of this paper .
AHl & lPTjOiri &^ ElJSrT "W-A-nNTTIEIDBROTHER , 21 , Good Shorthand Writer , desires engagement as Cashier , Correspondent , Book-keeper , or other position of Trust . Eight years' references . M . M ., c / o TOILER , 7 . Harrow Rd .. W .
TO BIB LET . TO THE TEA TRADE . Anyone requiring a Fine First Floor , situated close to Leadenhall Street , and within 3 minutes of Mark and Mincing Lanes . Rent £ 50 . Apply—BLAND & CAMPION , 15 , Fenchurch Street , E . C .
TO FOUNDERS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , PRECEPTORIES , & c . The Windsor Castle Masonic Temple to be let . Replete with every convenience ( including Organ ) for Craft Lodges , R . A . Chapters , Encampments , Preceptories , kc . Resident Tyler . Apply to E . GRISBROOK , Windsor .
The SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT of Gout and Rheumatism and the Recipe , by H . T . LAIT , Fressingfield , Ilarleston , Norfolk . Free to all on receipt of stamp for postage ,. " Mr , Lait ' s aim is to eradicate the disease from the system by removing the cause , and this is most successfully done by his treatment . "— Tltc Court Journal . " Mr . Lait ' s remedy has proved most successful , and that his treatment is tho true one seems beyond all doubt . "—The Ipsivich Journal .
WANTED TO PURCHASE , a complete get of Craft and Arch Working Tools . Apply by letter , " Manager , " MASONIC STAR Newspaper , 5 ° , Moor Lane , E . C . j
ALFRED W , MURRAY , 27 , Merchant aid Military Tailor , , KING STREET , LONDON , E . C . First-class Materials and Ferfect Fit Guaranteed . Prices exceedingly moderate . lusjievtion . in citid .
Crown Svo ., 2 , 6 . Cloth , lettered ( post free ) , 2 . 9 . " UNIFORMITY OF MASONIC RITUAL AND OBSERVANCE , " By W . Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . With which is also published ihe masonic poems —" . MAMJX .- ' VOWS . " "'ZJ . - l . Kvr . i . AN ; , 'i HE SejtAiti :, " and " THE G ' r . Mts OP ALYSONKY . " Address : — " Evelyn , " Catforcl , S . E .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The night a brother is raised to the degree of Master Mason , he is launched upon the world—a finished Mason . Could wo but fix in his mind that the ritual is but the alphabet upon which he is expected to build the temple of his Masonic knowledge , Freemasonry would become a subject of investigation , and would command the
respect of the highest intelligence . The many would learn . Let us , my brethren , foster these means of making our membership the recipients of a'l that is good in knowledge that each may grow in wisdom ' s ways , and live as God intended man to live . The Grand Master of West Virqinia . C . S . A .
CouKTEsr . —There is really no necessity that Masonic politeness should take the shape of intimacy and confidence . There is no obligation that requires it . There is no principle of the Order that makes it a duty . And yet the fact is apparent that many Masons on the evidence of a sign , grip or emblem , become strangely familiar . Many very undesirable acquaintances are made in this way that we
find hard to shake off . All we arc called upon to do is to treat the tranger within our gates with hospitality and that sort of courtesy that makes him feel at home and chase away any sense of loneliness that may haunt him . So far as the lodge is concerned , courtesy about which we hear so much , is really a vc ry simple thing , and largely depends upon tho officers . The hailing brother should
not be examined with suspicious rigor where other testimonials are clearly indubitable . A brother can be turned inside out if he is only kindly handled . Then some Masters make it a rule to receive strange visiting brothers with a few words of welcome . If neatly done , it goes a long way to make the visitor feel comfortable . The
Senior Deacon may make it very pleasant in the amiable way he ¦ eats a brother in the lodge . In our city lodges , where visitations are numerous , we are liable to forget the individuality of a visiting brother , and run through the preliminary duties and guarding tests with a sort of perfunctory coldness . —Illustrated Pacific States .
Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex . R . W . B RO . C OLONEL S IR F RANCIS B URDETT . B ART ., P . S . G . AV . OF EXfiLAXI ) , Representative from the Grand Lodge of Ireland . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . 30 . Eardley Crescent , Earl's Court , London , S . W . June 15 th , 18 S !» . THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the TOWN HALL , TWICKENHAM , on Saturday , June 29 th , at Three o ' clock p . m . ' By command of the R . W . Provincial Grand Master , HOAVARD H . ROOM , P . M , Pnv . Giand Sec . N . B . —The TOWN HALL is In the centre of the Town . Banquet at the Town Hall , at 5 . 30 , Cold . Tickets , 8 6 each , exclusive of AVinc . Brethren intending to dine arei eqrested to apply . 'or Tickets , with a remittance ) to the Provincial Grand Secretary on or before June 20 th . otherwise it will bo impossible to make satisfactory arrangements , and in order to ' secure the comfort of those Brethren who have obtained Tickets , none can be issued after that date . Trains , from AVaterloo , 2 . 0 , 2 . 10 , 2 . 17 , 2 . 20 . ; from Twickenham , very frequent . There will be a short Service at the Parish Church , Twickenham , at 4 . 30 p . m . ( "Saturday being market day at Twickenham , the bretliren will not go to Church in procession or in Masonic clothing . ) MOUNIXO DRESS .
EXPOSITION VJXIYEUSEELE DE PARIS , 1889 . ^ NGLO ~ FRENOH VILLAGE WK BLOTJSJL . DES BJ 5 JLETS , Avenue de Versailles , Auteuil , PARIS , NEAR THE EXHIBITION . Ofin Comfortable Bedrooms ; plenty of water and baths ; Good English Food , OUU or Cuisine Frani ; aisc ; Concert Hall and Cafe attached to the Building ; Garden and River ( tlie Seine ) , with Boating . All the features of a Club ; certain accommodation by day , week , or month . Pnie'ES : Bedroom per Night ( including Attendance ) 5 s . Breakfast and Dinner at Ordinary London Tariff . Secretary : Tun Hox . C . C . UJOGAX . Director at Paris : Hr . C . vu CIIASTELAIX . Rooms may be reserved at the Ollices of Mr . E . Cr .. Utic . 432 , Strand ; Messrs . C ' fTin . KUTsox * & Co ., -It , Broinpton Road , Knightsbridge ; and Mr . Jonx PKOCTOR , 81 , Graceeluu-ch Street , E . C .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane . K BAN : , CK BIRKBE THREE per CEXT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSIT repayable on demand . TWO per CENT , on CURRENT ACCOUNTS , calculated on the minimum monthly balances , when not drawn below £ 100 . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , can be obtained post free , on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCltOET Manager
The Birkbeck Building Society's Annual Receipts exceed Five Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , OR A PLOT OF LAND pOR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH . Apply at tho Q ffice of the BIIIKDKCK FBEEUOLD LAND S OCIETY . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
m Z 3 ' f ° 5 > PT 3 "fl * f < 2 f Recommended to the Subscribers to the "Masonic Star . " QTAR AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , k _} Bro . Jonx BRILL , Proprietor . Seven Lodges and Chapters held in the Hotel , which possesses Special Facilities for Concerts , Evening Parties and Banquets . Scale of Charges on Application .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Hamjiton Court Station ( adjoining tho H .-iilwav and facing tlie 1 , 'ivcr and Palace ) . Bro . Jonx MAYO lias ample accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any number up to wo . Spacious landing to River . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet at tin-t ' asile Hotel , and reference may be made to tlie respective Masters as to the e \ itcrin- ' . & e .
BEIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , S . E ., l ' EAKCi : & Sox , Proprietors . Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Balls . Soirees , Concerts , Masonic , Public , or Private Meetings , & e ' . The Suite of l : onms for Balls and Concerts includes tlie Ball Room . Ante-Room , Refreshment and Supper Rooms and Ladies' Retiring Rooms . The Masonic Temple will seat -lo . Terms on Application .
BOURNEMOUTH . Board and Residence , south aspect , close to the Sea , Pier sure Gardens ; centre of Town : ID anc comforts Terms , 30 ' -. Apply M . A . Hood . Caversliain . Poole Hill .
"npiIE BEDFORD " FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL _ -L HOTEL , PORTSMOUTH . Proprietor , R . P . Bliuxr . QT . ELMO ( BOARDING HOUSE ) , No . 13 , LOCH O PROMENADE , DOUGLAS , ISLE OF MAX . Incomparably the Queen of Northern Watering Places . Bro . P . T . SCREECH begs respectfully to offer to intending visitors to this charming health and pleasure resort the comfortable advantages of a Home from Home . This establishment , with an old connection ( 17 years ) , is conveniently situated on the margin of the beautiful Bay , and within two minutes' walk of the landing Pier—the arrangements being personally superintended by Miss SHJMMIX and 31 rs . SCREECH . First-class Cuisine—Terms moderate . Particulars on application .
GEA HOUSE HOTEL , MIDDLE ST ., BRIGHTON . k _} —TnostAs frimis ( late Snpt . Brighton Police Eire . Brigade I . Choicest AVinos and Spirits , Pine Foreign Cigars , Billiards , Private Apartments .
^ ARSON'S HOTEL , RIO DE JANEIRO , BRAZIL . \ _ J English homo comforts , and all in formation a ' oout Brazil , will he found in this Hotel . W . M . 1 ) . CAHSOX , Proprietor .
These spaces are reserved for Hotels offering inducements to Masonic visitors .
"W ^ LJ ^ TTETD . SECOND-H AND Lodge Furniture . Oak or Mahogany preferred ; also Clothing . Reply , with inventory , price and order to view , to X ., Oflice of this paper .
AHl & lPTjOiri &^ ElJSrT "W-A-nNTTIEIDBROTHER , 21 , Good Shorthand Writer , desires engagement as Cashier , Correspondent , Book-keeper , or other position of Trust . Eight years' references . M . M ., c / o TOILER , 7 . Harrow Rd .. W .
TO BIB LET . TO THE TEA TRADE . Anyone requiring a Fine First Floor , situated close to Leadenhall Street , and within 3 minutes of Mark and Mincing Lanes . Rent £ 50 . Apply—BLAND & CAMPION , 15 , Fenchurch Street , E . C .
TO FOUNDERS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , PRECEPTORIES , & c . The Windsor Castle Masonic Temple to be let . Replete with every convenience ( including Organ ) for Craft Lodges , R . A . Chapters , Encampments , Preceptories , kc . Resident Tyler . Apply to E . GRISBROOK , Windsor .
The SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT of Gout and Rheumatism and the Recipe , by H . T . LAIT , Fressingfield , Ilarleston , Norfolk . Free to all on receipt of stamp for postage ,. " Mr , Lait ' s aim is to eradicate the disease from the system by removing the cause , and this is most successfully done by his treatment . "— Tltc Court Journal . " Mr . Lait ' s remedy has proved most successful , and that his treatment is tho true one seems beyond all doubt . "—The Ipsivich Journal .
WANTED TO PURCHASE , a complete get of Craft and Arch Working Tools . Apply by letter , " Manager , " MASONIC STAR Newspaper , 5 ° , Moor Lane , E . C . j
ALFRED W , MURRAY , 27 , Merchant aid Military Tailor , , KING STREET , LONDON , E . C . First-class Materials and Ferfect Fit Guaranteed . Prices exceedingly moderate . lusjievtion . in citid .
Crown Svo ., 2 , 6 . Cloth , lettered ( post free ) , 2 . 9 . " UNIFORMITY OF MASONIC RITUAL AND OBSERVANCE , " By W . Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . With which is also published ihe masonic poems —" . MAMJX .- ' VOWS . " "'ZJ . - l . Kvr . i . AN ; , 'i HE SejtAiti :, " and " THE G ' r . Mts OP ALYSONKY . " Address : — " Evelyn , " Catforcl , S . E .