Article Reports of Lodges, &c. ← Page 2 of 3 Article Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Lodges, &C.
¦ addition to our Grand Lodge register as has ever characterised No . 121 (! during the past 20 years . The consecration ceremony of "The London Scottish" was admirably performed by the Grand . Secretary . A . AV . Bro . Col . Shadwell II . Gierke , P . G . D .. & c . who was assisted by AV . Bro . Bcrridge . P . G . D .. as S . AV . ; AV . Bro . C . F . Matier , P . G . Std . Bearer . as J . AV .: V . W . Bro . Rev . J . S . Brownrigg . P . G . Chap ., as Chap .: AV . Bro . Frank Richardson . P . G . D ., as D . C . ; and AV . Bro . J . F . II . AVoodward , P . G . Swd . Bearcr , as I . G . It is needless to say that under the direction of such proficient officers
the ceremonial was of a most impressive character . The musical portions of the ceremony ( as well as the music after banquet ) , was under the direction of Bro . Arthur Cranch , P . M ., assisted by Bros . Arthur AVeston , AVakefield Reed , and F . H . Laughlin , and gave general satisfaction . On the conclusion of the consecration ceremony the AA . M . Designate , AA . Bro . Capt . James Hepburn-Hastiewas duly installed by the Grand Secretary into the chair of
, . K . S . as First Master of the London Scottish Lodge , and received the hearty congratulations of all present . In acknowledging these Bro . Hastie , in feeling terms , expressed his thanks , and at the same time his regret that , owing to a technical difficultv . the position of
First Master could not be held by the esteemed Colonel of the London Scottish Rifles Regiment , Past Grand Master of Aberdeenshire , the R . AV . Bro . Col . Henry Lumsd ' en , who would , however , be their first S . AV .. raid , he trusted , in due course , preside over the lodge . He had much pleasure in investing Bros . Colonel Lumsden and Captain AV . H . Glynn Smith with their respective collars of office as AA ardens designate . The remaining officers were invested , viz : —Bros . Ernest J . Ilusey , treas . ; J . T . Norman
¦ Callaway , secretary : Alexander Jardine . S . D . ; S . A . Hardi--man . J . D . : H . G . Baker . I . G . ; Chas . Robinson . D . C ; J . J . Mackay , A . D . C . ; M . Grieve , AV . S . ; and J . J . Mackay , C . S ., the appointment of Bro . AA m . Robertson as tyler being left over until first business meeting . Subsequent to the delivery of the addresses to Master , AA ' ardens and Brethren by Bro . Gierke in his customary effective mannerthanks were given to . and honorary
member-, ship was conferred on the Consecrating Officers for their valuable services . In connection with these we should not fail to note the very appropriate oration of the acting Grand Chaplain , Bro . Brownrigg , who , in a most felicitous manner , coupled the masonic and military virtues of discipline and obedience in the course of his address . The visitors to the lodgeevidently much gratified
, with the proceedings in which they had shared , were more than . ordinarily in earnest in offering "Hearty good wishes" to the ; master and brethren , although here and there a certain amount of ; hesitation was observable , the reason for which was not far to seek . However , in perfect order , peace and harmony , the London Scottish
i Rifles Lodge , No . 23 Id , was closed for the first time , and the ! brethren adjourned to the llolborn Restaurant , where the Consecration Banquet was prepared for them . This was an entertainment worthy of the hosts , and wo regret very much that space , or rather . ' the want of it . precludes our reporting to the fullest extent its 1 interesting particularsAVe can however summarise them in the
. words " absolutely perfect ; " and for the present leave our comrades and brothers of the ' London Scottish " to make their lodge , like ' ¦ their Regiment , second to none . Amongst the numerous brethren present in addition to those already named were : —Bros . Dr . \ V . II . Pardoe . M . D .. . 1 . John Mackey . C . Robinson , Craster Humble . J , J . Mackay , R . B . Fowler . Stanley J . Attenborough , AV'illiani
Robertson . Sydnev F . Mackway . R . S . Darling . A . S . Hardiman . and Visitors . —AV . Bros . G . H . Newington Bridges . P . M . 772 , . 1210 . and 1609 . P . G . D ., Somerset ; B . R . Bryant . P . M ., P . Z ., & c . ; James Stevens , P . M . 1210 , P . Z .. kc . ; Corrie Jackson . P . M . 534 ; Chas . E . Smith , FM . 58 . Grand Stewards' Lodge : J . AVilkinson . P . M . 1731 ; AA . II . Boys , P . M . 1058 ; Louis Beck , P . P . G . O ., Middx .: E . 0 . Masse } -, P . M . 1297 ; AV . Davidson . Frank Loughlin , Heney , It . Sillico , ifcc , & c .
PROVINCIAL . KENT . —THE AMHERST LODGE—No . 1223—Held its Installation Meeting at the Amherst Arms Hotel . Riverhe . id , near Sevenoaks . on Saturday last , the 4 th inst . Bro . AVilliam Sparrowhawk , AV . M .. presided at the opening of the lodge , and was fully supported by his officers . After usual routine businessthe installation of Bro
, Alfred Herbert Lee as AV . M . was carried out in perfect form and with great ability by Bro . A . AV . Duret , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Bro . Edwin S . Strange , P . M . acting as D . C ! . The newly-installed Master invested his officers in the following order : —Bros . Jno . Hrmlin , S . AV . ; Frodk P . Lee . J . AV . : R . Durtnell . P . M .. P . P . G .. Sun . Works , treas
J . II . Jewell . P . M .. P . P . G . R .. sec .: D . J . Kent , S . D . ; C . Hooker , J . D . ; AV . II . Pascoe , I . G . ; 11 . S . Strange , D . C . ; AV . Burfort , Asst . D . C . ; Geo . Dixon , steward ; Jno . Fyfe , asst . steward ; AA . South , tyler . Bro . Chas . Edward Birth , P . M ., was re-elected to serve on the Charity Committee . Five gentlemen were proposed for initiation at ensuing meeting . Bro . C . E . Birch , P . M . presented the lodge with a photo , framed , the photo taken from a very rare
Masonic Picture ; and apologies for non-attendance , with regret , and hearty good wishes were received from the Prov . Grand Master . Earl Amherst ; the Deputy Prov . Grand Master . Bro . Eastes ; the Prov . Grand Treasurer ; the Prov . Grand Secretary , and over fifty other members of the Prov . Grand Lodge and Presiding Masters in the Province ; and the visitors present also paid the usual courtesy to the AV . M . and brethren of the entertaining lodge . The Installa-
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
" All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . " —General Lawn and Regulations . ^?; i SAME OP LODGE Axn CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . ?~\ 2 l | NAME OF Lonos ANDCHVPTEK . PLACE OP MEETING . Louge . LOllgC .
( THIS DAY ) ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , MAY 9 th . 19 Royal Athelstan Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . -206 Friendship Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., K . C . 23 H Pilgrim F . M . H . 879 ! Sonthwark Bridge House Hot ., S . E . 1076 i Capper Guildhall Tav ., Greshnm Street , E . C . 1218 I Macdonald 1 st Surrey Rifles , Cainberwell
1558 j Duke of Conuaught Surrey M . H ., Camberwell 1 C 42 Earl of Carnarvon Ladbrokc Hall , Xotting Hill £ 033 i I ' niversitv of London F . M . II . 216 S Derbv Allcroft Alhenatun , Camden Road , X . . Mark . ; 331 Davison 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C . Jv ' . T . 117 New Temple Inner Temple , Fleet Street , E . C .
( 2 nd ) FRIDAY , MAY Kith . 33 Ili-itaimie F . M . H . ' 131 Caledonian Ship and Turtle Leadenhall Street 157 liedford F . M . If . 1002 Sir Hiufil 51 i Idleton \ gricultural Hall , X . 1 !)!) 7 John Carpenter Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc Street , E . C . TLA . C . 0 Friendship Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s , \ V . 569 Fit / . roy Ild .-Qrs ., Hon . Artillery Co ., Citv Road K . T . " 20 Faith and Fidelity Cannon Street Hot ., K . C .
( 2 nd ) SATURDAY , MAY 11 th . 173 Phreltix 1 F . M . It . 176 Cavcac Albion Taw , Aldersgatc Street , E . C . 1328 Granite F . M . II . 1 GH 5 Giiclph Town Hall , Leyton lfit-6 I ' axtun Surrey M . IT ., Camlierwcll 1928 Gallery IJrixton Hall , Acre Lane 8 Red Lion
2029 Kim- ' Solomon a , Sq ., W . C . Vi . A . C . I 1297 1 West . Kent Thicket licit ., Auerley 1397 ! Anerley Ditto Mark . I 1234 Ili'iNton Anderton ' s Hold , E . C . ( 2 nd ) MONDAY , MAY 13 th .
5 St . ficorge ' s & Corner Stone .... F . M . H . 58 Felicity ' Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall St ., E . C . 136 Good Report I Inns of Court Hotel , W . C . 193 Confidence j Anderton's Hot ., Fleet , Street , K . C . 957 Leigh I F . M . II . 1237 F . nlicM I George Hot .., Enfield 1366 Highgate Gate Ifcus : e Taw , Highgate 1571 Leopold liridge House HotelLondon Drid .
, ge 1670 Au ' o . phi ... j V . M . II . 1780 Cinque ' Cafe Royal , Regent Street , W . 1922 Earl of Lathom j Greyhound Hot ., Streatham -2030 The Abbey ( Installation ) ... I Town Hal ) , Westminster 2243 Argonauts Own well Hall , Put ney
( 2 nd ) MONDAY , MAY Vith—continued . U . A . C . , 720 : Panmure Horns Taw , Kennington , S . E . 862 j Whittington Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 1118 i University F . M . H . K . C . j ! 53 ! Holy Sanctuary ! 33 , Golden Square , AV .
( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , MAY 11 th . 167 ! St . John ' s ! Holly Hush Tav ., Hampstcad 235 Nine Musts j Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s , W . 12 G 9 Stanhope Surrey M . H ., Cainberwell 1593 Royal Naval College Ship lint ., Greenwich 1604 Wanderers F . M . II . 166 S j Samson Cafe Roval , Regent Street , W .
Mark , i 315 j Heimlker Sa , Red Lion Square , W . C . 332 liorough of Greenwich William tlietlh , Trafalgar lid ., Grn \ vch . I Supreme Counsel 33 " 33 , Golden Square , W .
( 3 rd ) WEDNESDAY , MAY 15 th . <; w ftiwhm Greyhound Tav ., Diliwieh " no Nelson Masonic Hall , Woolwich 969 Maybury inns of Court Hot ., W . C . 1278 liurdelt ' Coutts | Approach Taw , Victoria Park V . \ m Koyai Arthur 1 Prince of Wales" Hot ., Wimbledon 1382 Corinthian i George Hot . Ciilutt TownK
, , . 1539 Surrey Masonic Hull ! Surrey M . 1 L , S . E 1803 Cornliill London Tav ., Feuchurch Street 2110 Huguenot Criterion , Piccadillv , W . R . A . C . 1598 Leyspring ] Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . Mark . j 144 Grosvenor i Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 199 Duke of Conuaught ' Town Hall , Shoreilitch
R . C . . ! 79 Orpheus I 33 , Golden Square , W . Supreme Counsel 33 " ! Ditto ( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , MAY Kith . 55 j Constitutional Cannon Street Hot ., E . G . 813 ¦ New Concord Guildhall TawEC
, .. 1227 ; l . ' pton Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate , K . 1320 l lUackheath Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich — 1321 ' Kmblcmatie liridge House Hot ., S . E . 13 G 5 . Clapton 191 , liishopsgatc St ., E . C . 1963 i Duke of Albanv Albert I'afaee , Baltersea Park R . A . C . : 03 St . Man ' s F . M . II . 217 ; Stabilitv Anderton ' Hot
s ., E . C . 507 i (/ lifted Pilgrims V . M . H . 742 S Crystal Palace Thicket Hot ., Anerley 834 Andrew Windsor Castle Hot ., . Hammersmith 1216 , Macdonald Hd . * , > rs . 1 st Surrey Rifles , Camberwell J 3 * 3 I Frieiiils-in-C'oiincil 33 , Gulden Square , W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
¦ addition to our Grand Lodge register as has ever characterised No . 121 (! during the past 20 years . The consecration ceremony of "The London Scottish" was admirably performed by the Grand . Secretary . A . AV . Bro . Col . Shadwell II . Gierke , P . G . D .. & c . who was assisted by AV . Bro . Bcrridge . P . G . D .. as S . AV . ; AV . Bro . C . F . Matier , P . G . Std . Bearer . as J . AV .: V . W . Bro . Rev . J . S . Brownrigg . P . G . Chap ., as Chap .: AV . Bro . Frank Richardson . P . G . D ., as D . C . ; and AV . Bro . J . F . II . AVoodward , P . G . Swd . Bearcr , as I . G . It is needless to say that under the direction of such proficient officers
the ceremonial was of a most impressive character . The musical portions of the ceremony ( as well as the music after banquet ) , was under the direction of Bro . Arthur Cranch , P . M ., assisted by Bros . Arthur AVeston , AVakefield Reed , and F . H . Laughlin , and gave general satisfaction . On the conclusion of the consecration ceremony the AA . M . Designate , AA . Bro . Capt . James Hepburn-Hastiewas duly installed by the Grand Secretary into the chair of
, . K . S . as First Master of the London Scottish Lodge , and received the hearty congratulations of all present . In acknowledging these Bro . Hastie , in feeling terms , expressed his thanks , and at the same time his regret that , owing to a technical difficultv . the position of
First Master could not be held by the esteemed Colonel of the London Scottish Rifles Regiment , Past Grand Master of Aberdeenshire , the R . AV . Bro . Col . Henry Lumsd ' en , who would , however , be their first S . AV .. raid , he trusted , in due course , preside over the lodge . He had much pleasure in investing Bros . Colonel Lumsden and Captain AV . H . Glynn Smith with their respective collars of office as AA ardens designate . The remaining officers were invested , viz : —Bros . Ernest J . Ilusey , treas . ; J . T . Norman
¦ Callaway , secretary : Alexander Jardine . S . D . ; S . A . Hardi--man . J . D . : H . G . Baker . I . G . ; Chas . Robinson . D . C ; J . J . Mackay , A . D . C . ; M . Grieve , AV . S . ; and J . J . Mackay , C . S ., the appointment of Bro . AA m . Robertson as tyler being left over until first business meeting . Subsequent to the delivery of the addresses to Master , AA ' ardens and Brethren by Bro . Gierke in his customary effective mannerthanks were given to . and honorary
member-, ship was conferred on the Consecrating Officers for their valuable services . In connection with these we should not fail to note the very appropriate oration of the acting Grand Chaplain , Bro . Brownrigg , who , in a most felicitous manner , coupled the masonic and military virtues of discipline and obedience in the course of his address . The visitors to the lodgeevidently much gratified
, with the proceedings in which they had shared , were more than . ordinarily in earnest in offering "Hearty good wishes" to the ; master and brethren , although here and there a certain amount of ; hesitation was observable , the reason for which was not far to seek . However , in perfect order , peace and harmony , the London Scottish
i Rifles Lodge , No . 23 Id , was closed for the first time , and the ! brethren adjourned to the llolborn Restaurant , where the Consecration Banquet was prepared for them . This was an entertainment worthy of the hosts , and wo regret very much that space , or rather . ' the want of it . precludes our reporting to the fullest extent its 1 interesting particularsAVe can however summarise them in the
. words " absolutely perfect ; " and for the present leave our comrades and brothers of the ' London Scottish " to make their lodge , like ' ¦ their Regiment , second to none . Amongst the numerous brethren present in addition to those already named were : —Bros . Dr . \ V . II . Pardoe . M . D .. . 1 . John Mackey . C . Robinson , Craster Humble . J , J . Mackay , R . B . Fowler . Stanley J . Attenborough , AV'illiani
Robertson . Sydnev F . Mackway . R . S . Darling . A . S . Hardiman . and Visitors . —AV . Bros . G . H . Newington Bridges . P . M . 772 , . 1210 . and 1609 . P . G . D ., Somerset ; B . R . Bryant . P . M ., P . Z ., & c . ; James Stevens , P . M . 1210 , P . Z .. kc . ; Corrie Jackson . P . M . 534 ; Chas . E . Smith , FM . 58 . Grand Stewards' Lodge : J . AVilkinson . P . M . 1731 ; AA . II . Boys , P . M . 1058 ; Louis Beck , P . P . G . O ., Middx .: E . 0 . Masse } -, P . M . 1297 ; AV . Davidson . Frank Loughlin , Heney , It . Sillico , ifcc , & c .
PROVINCIAL . KENT . —THE AMHERST LODGE—No . 1223—Held its Installation Meeting at the Amherst Arms Hotel . Riverhe . id , near Sevenoaks . on Saturday last , the 4 th inst . Bro . AVilliam Sparrowhawk , AV . M .. presided at the opening of the lodge , and was fully supported by his officers . After usual routine businessthe installation of Bro
, Alfred Herbert Lee as AV . M . was carried out in perfect form and with great ability by Bro . A . AV . Duret , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Bro . Edwin S . Strange , P . M . acting as D . C ! . The newly-installed Master invested his officers in the following order : —Bros . Jno . Hrmlin , S . AV . ; Frodk P . Lee . J . AV . : R . Durtnell . P . M .. P . P . G .. Sun . Works , treas
J . II . Jewell . P . M .. P . P . G . R .. sec .: D . J . Kent , S . D . ; C . Hooker , J . D . ; AV . II . Pascoe , I . G . ; 11 . S . Strange , D . C . ; AV . Burfort , Asst . D . C . ; Geo . Dixon , steward ; Jno . Fyfe , asst . steward ; AA . South , tyler . Bro . Chas . Edward Birth , P . M ., was re-elected to serve on the Charity Committee . Five gentlemen were proposed for initiation at ensuing meeting . Bro . C . E . Birch , P . M . presented the lodge with a photo , framed , the photo taken from a very rare
Masonic Picture ; and apologies for non-attendance , with regret , and hearty good wishes were received from the Prov . Grand Master . Earl Amherst ; the Deputy Prov . Grand Master . Bro . Eastes ; the Prov . Grand Treasurer ; the Prov . Grand Secretary , and over fifty other members of the Prov . Grand Lodge and Presiding Masters in the Province ; and the visitors present also paid the usual courtesy to the AV . M . and brethren of the entertaining lodge . The Installa-
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
" All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . " —General Lawn and Regulations . ^?; i SAME OP LODGE Axn CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . ?~\ 2 l | NAME OF Lonos ANDCHVPTEK . PLACE OP MEETING . Louge . LOllgC .
( THIS DAY ) ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , MAY 9 th . 19 Royal Athelstan Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . -206 Friendship Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., K . C . 23 H Pilgrim F . M . H . 879 ! Sonthwark Bridge House Hot ., S . E . 1076 i Capper Guildhall Tav ., Greshnm Street , E . C . 1218 I Macdonald 1 st Surrey Rifles , Cainberwell
1558 j Duke of Conuaught Surrey M . H ., Camberwell 1 C 42 Earl of Carnarvon Ladbrokc Hall , Xotting Hill £ 033 i I ' niversitv of London F . M . II . 216 S Derbv Allcroft Alhenatun , Camden Road , X . . Mark . ; 331 Davison 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C . Jv ' . T . 117 New Temple Inner Temple , Fleet Street , E . C .
( 2 nd ) FRIDAY , MAY Kith . 33 Ili-itaimie F . M . H . ' 131 Caledonian Ship and Turtle Leadenhall Street 157 liedford F . M . If . 1002 Sir Hiufil 51 i Idleton \ gricultural Hall , X . 1 !)!) 7 John Carpenter Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc Street , E . C . TLA . C . 0 Friendship Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s , \ V . 569 Fit / . roy Ild .-Qrs ., Hon . Artillery Co ., Citv Road K . T . " 20 Faith and Fidelity Cannon Street Hot ., K . C .
( 2 nd ) SATURDAY , MAY 11 th . 173 Phreltix 1 F . M . It . 176 Cavcac Albion Taw , Aldersgatc Street , E . C . 1328 Granite F . M . II . 1 GH 5 Giiclph Town Hall , Leyton lfit-6 I ' axtun Surrey M . IT ., Camlierwcll 1928 Gallery IJrixton Hall , Acre Lane 8 Red Lion
2029 Kim- ' Solomon a , Sq ., W . C . Vi . A . C . I 1297 1 West . Kent Thicket licit ., Auerley 1397 ! Anerley Ditto Mark . I 1234 Ili'iNton Anderton ' s Hold , E . C . ( 2 nd ) MONDAY , MAY 13 th .
5 St . ficorge ' s & Corner Stone .... F . M . H . 58 Felicity ' Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall St ., E . C . 136 Good Report I Inns of Court Hotel , W . C . 193 Confidence j Anderton's Hot ., Fleet , Street , K . C . 957 Leigh I F . M . II . 1237 F . nlicM I George Hot .., Enfield 1366 Highgate Gate Ifcus : e Taw , Highgate 1571 Leopold liridge House HotelLondon Drid .
, ge 1670 Au ' o . phi ... j V . M . II . 1780 Cinque ' Cafe Royal , Regent Street , W . 1922 Earl of Lathom j Greyhound Hot ., Streatham -2030 The Abbey ( Installation ) ... I Town Hal ) , Westminster 2243 Argonauts Own well Hall , Put ney
( 2 nd ) MONDAY , MAY Vith—continued . U . A . C . , 720 : Panmure Horns Taw , Kennington , S . E . 862 j Whittington Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 1118 i University F . M . H . K . C . j ! 53 ! Holy Sanctuary ! 33 , Golden Square , AV .
( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , MAY 11 th . 167 ! St . John ' s ! Holly Hush Tav ., Hampstcad 235 Nine Musts j Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s , W . 12 G 9 Stanhope Surrey M . H ., Cainberwell 1593 Royal Naval College Ship lint ., Greenwich 1604 Wanderers F . M . II . 166 S j Samson Cafe Roval , Regent Street , W .
Mark , i 315 j Heimlker Sa , Red Lion Square , W . C . 332 liorough of Greenwich William tlietlh , Trafalgar lid ., Grn \ vch . I Supreme Counsel 33 " 33 , Golden Square , W .
( 3 rd ) WEDNESDAY , MAY 15 th . <; w ftiwhm Greyhound Tav ., Diliwieh " no Nelson Masonic Hall , Woolwich 969 Maybury inns of Court Hot ., W . C . 1278 liurdelt ' Coutts | Approach Taw , Victoria Park V . \ m Koyai Arthur 1 Prince of Wales" Hot ., Wimbledon 1382 Corinthian i George Hot . Ciilutt TownK
, , . 1539 Surrey Masonic Hull ! Surrey M . 1 L , S . E 1803 Cornliill London Tav ., Feuchurch Street 2110 Huguenot Criterion , Piccadillv , W . R . A . C . 1598 Leyspring ] Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . Mark . j 144 Grosvenor i Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 199 Duke of Conuaught ' Town Hall , Shoreilitch
R . C . . ! 79 Orpheus I 33 , Golden Square , W . Supreme Counsel 33 " ! Ditto ( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , MAY Kith . 55 j Constitutional Cannon Street Hot ., E . G . 813 ¦ New Concord Guildhall TawEC
, .. 1227 ; l . ' pton Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate , K . 1320 l lUackheath Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich — 1321 ' Kmblcmatie liridge House Hot ., S . E . 13 G 5 . Clapton 191 , liishopsgatc St ., E . C . 1963 i Duke of Albanv Albert I'afaee , Baltersea Park R . A . C . : 03 St . Man ' s F . M . II . 217 ; Stabilitv Anderton ' Hot
s ., E . C . 507 i (/ lifted Pilgrims V . M . H . 742 S Crystal Palace Thicket Hot ., Anerley 834 Andrew Windsor Castle Hot ., . Hammersmith 1216 , Macdonald Hd . * , > rs . 1 st Surrey Rifles , Camberwell J 3 * 3 I Frieiiils-in-C'oiincil 33 , Gulden Square , W .