Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Obituary .
We regret to announce the death of Bro . Lord Alfred Paget , who had held the office of Clerk Marshal to Her Majesty w _ th one or two brief interruptions since 184 ( 5 and concurrently till 1874 , that of Chief Equerry as well . Our deceased brother was a great favourite with both the Queen and Prince of AVales , and was also popular in society . He was Vice-Commodore of the Royal Thames Yacht
Club , and his death , which occurred suddenly on the evening of Friday , the 24 th . ult ., took place on board Ms yacht , off Inverness The deceased was the third son of the distinguished cavalry officer , the Marquess of Anglesea , "who lost his leg at AVaterloo , and was in his 72 nd year , having been born in 181 ( 5 . The funeral took place
in Hampton Church on Wednesday , among those present being , in addition to the members of the family , Bros . Lord Sufficld . Admirals Lord Alcester and Sir E . A . Inglefield . and others . The Hon . AV . H . Carington , Equerry to the Queen , represented Her Majesty , and Major-General Arthur Ellis the Prince of AVales .
The funeral of Bro . John T . Alston , of the firm of Messrs . J . and AV . Alston , contractors , of Liverpool , took place at Everton Cemetery on AVednesday , the 22 nd ult ., and was attended by a large gathering of the family and friends of the deceased , as well as very many members of the Masonic Fraternity , with which he had been connected for several years , being a Past Master of the Ancient Union Lodge , No .
213 . Among the brethren present to show respect to Bro . Alston s memory were Bros . G . R . Ashton , AV . M . 203 : C . Birch , P . M ., 203 ; E . Johnston . P . M .. P . S . G . D .: J . P . Bryan , P . M .. P . P . G . O . ; T . May Smith , 1570 ; J . N . Hounsell . P . M . 203 : AV . McCulloch . 203 ; AV . Gick , P . M . 203 ; P . Ball , P . P . G . T . ' : J . Casey . P . M . 1570 ; H . Taylor . 203 ; H . James , P . M ., P . G . D .: J . M . Smythe . H . 203 : B . Bailey . S . D . 2114 ; S . Dean , 203 ; T . Saxon , 241 ; J . Brotherton . P . M . 241 ; J . Winsor ,
P . M . 241 ; AV . Thomas . 203 ; AV . H . Martin . 203 ; J . Martin , 823 ; J . AV . Baker . Sec . 203 ; J . Galloway , I . P . M . 203 ; AV . Eastwood , 203 ; F . S . Fisher . 203 : J . McEwen , Steward 203 ; R . Britten , P . M . 1750 ; J . Grierson . P . M . 1756 ; Bradley Pass , 477 ; T . S . Sergeant , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; ' AV . AVilson , 203 : AV . Heaton , 203 ; Phillips . 203 i E . Donnelly , S . AV . 203 : J . G . Highfield . 203 ; G . J . Clough , S . D . 203 ; F . G . Elsworth , 241 : J . B . Treasure . 1013 ; C . Bargery , P . M . 1756 . P . G . D . ; Bullen . 1756 ; and others .
The remains of the late Bro . Joseph E . Hirst , of 124 , Spencer Street , and 6 and 8 , Rigby Street . Liverpool , were interred in the Necropolis of that city , on Saturday afternoon , the 25 th ult .. in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends . The deceased was highly respected in his business , and by his kindly disposition had endeared himself to a large circle . Up to his death the deceased was a member of the Everton Lodge . No . 823 , and the following
brethren of his lodge joined in the procession : Bro ' s . AV . Maddox , AV . M . ; AV . J . Lunt , CO .. P . M . ; Robt . AV . Gow . I . P . M . ; J . J . Boyle , P . M . ; R . T . Britten , S . AV . ; AV . Spencer , Steward ; Evan Morgan , AV . J . Quine , Edward Beaven . Robert Arden , AValter Gaskill , P . Nicholson , C . II . AV . Bush , G . Thomas , and others . The services in the chapel , and likewise at the grave , were conducted by the Rev . Daniel Jones , minister of Everton Road Baptist Chapel .
Bro . HENRY JEFFS , the well-known antiquary and Freemason , died at Gloucester , his native city , on AVednesday , the 29 th ult . The deceased gentleman , who was 69 years of age , for many years was a voluminous writer on various subjects connected with tho early history of Gloucester , and particularly of the Cathedral . He for several years gratuitously edited the Gloucester Mercury , and was a well-known contributor to the press on archaeological subjects
generally . He was mainly instrumental in securing the erection of the monument to Bishop Hooper which stands near Gloucester Cathedral . As a Freemason , Bro . Jeffs was also highly respected by a very wide circle of acquaintances . He joined the Royal Lebanon Lodge , of which he filled the chair in the years 1866-7 and 1875 , and on the removal of the Zetland Lodge to Gloucester he joined that , occupying the chair in 1881 , 1883 and 1886 . He filled the office of Provincial Grand Junior AVarden of the Province of
Gloucestershire in 1872 and 1873 . and last year received Jubilee honours at the hands of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach . Bart .. M . P .. by his appointment to the rank of Past P . G . S . AV . He was also Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Master Mark Masons of the county of Gloucestershire . He filled the office of High Sheriff of the city of Gloucester in 1882-3 . The local freemasons presented him with a handsome shrieval chair of office , which he afterwards gave to the Gloucester Corporation for the use of his successors .
GRANDORIGINALMASONICPAINTING, Most appropriate for a Masonic Hall , Temple , or Large Lodge Room . SUBJECT : — FREEMASONRY&CIVILIZATION. An Allegorical Illustration of the Rise of the Orders of Architecture . Size of Painting , 48 " by 36 " . HANDSOMEI ? _ __ _________ 3 D . Owner will sell the above at a great sacrifice , on original cost . It is now in one of the Lodge llooms in , a Large Loudon Hotel , and can , be seen by appointment . Address , in the first instance , E . II ., THE MASONIC STAR Offices , S 8 , Bow Lime , London , E . G .
Grown 8 vo , Masonic cloth , lettered . Price 3 / 6 ( by post 3 9 ) . vttirs FROM A ftOllGttA&ttkAR "Knocked off" by the Gavel of Common Sense ; __ . . DISCOTJBSE ON TUK RITUAL AND CEREMONIAL OF FREEMASONRY , By BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z . LONDON : Printed and Published by BEO . RICHARD TILLING , 5 , WARXER STREET , GREAT DOVEH STREET , S . E .
FAREHAM BRICK WORKS , HANTS . _____ ¦ £ _ $ ¦___¦ _ £ v _ £ i __¦____ L _ 3 _ )¦ ( Late WILLIAM CAWTE ) ' Manufacturer of the Celebrated FAREHAM RED RUBBING and BUILDING BRICKS , also ROOF and FLOOR TILES . FOR SAMPLES , PRICES , & C , APPLY TO THE WORKS AS ABOVE . Sec St . Thomas ' s Hospital , lloyal Albert Hall and South Kensington , Museum .
JOHNEENB&TMAESDBN'S "RESTAllR05" OR - * HEALTHRESWRINGP0WDERS. " Taken in the form of a , Draught mixed with water . " THESE POWDERS were for years prescribed in tho practice of a ' KKTLUHD MEIIICU . MAX , ' whose certillrate to that , ellect can be seen at our Olllee . " THE KESTAUltO " can lie taken at any time during the day as a , pick-me-up , or for acidity with llaiuluuco before n meal for defective digestion ; or a iiuarrer of an hour before risiii-r in the morning for headache . The "KESTAUKO" is essentially a strengthening tonic and n mild aperient . It assists nature to rccorer the tone ! of tin-body , and the invigorating elteet on the nervous system is experienced almost immediately , One of numerous Testimonials . Ilillworth House , Devizes , Wilts ., . Tanuarv 13 th , isss DEAR Slit , —I have every confidence MI recommending a trial of your " RESTAURO " Powders to any who , from sedentary Ii _ , or other causes , suffer from constipation . In my own case the relief obtained , though gradual , was sure , lint improved appetite and general health was an immediate result . On discontinuance of the powders no relaii _ was experienced , thus diifering from many other remedies for the same trouble . To Travellers thev should be invaluable , being us portable as they are effective . To J . E . MAUSDHX , Esd . Yours truly , II . E . MEEK . Can be obtained from Messrs . N EWRERY _ Soxs , Kmr . uins _ Soxs , BARCLAY _ SONS , SAXUER _ Soxs , Loudon , and all Medicine Vendors throughout the World ; or direct from J . E . MARSDEN'S Factory , 63 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London , England .
PUBLISHER'S MANAGER AND SUB-EDITOR WANTED . A Freemason and Shorthand Writer . Address , letters only , M . S ., c / o Messrs . Adams Bros ., 09 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , E . G . Three days' silence a , uegatire .
AGENTS for " THE MASOXIC STAR " wanted in provincial towns . Address Manager , "Masonic Star , " 38 . Bow Lane , E . C .
MA30KICJEWELS. FOR Cleaning Masonic Jewels use only Medlen ' s Gold and Silver INSTANT RESTORER , which is especially adapted for this puxpose . Neither Mercury nor any injurious ingredient used in the manufacture . A perfectly harmless preparation . Once tried always used . Used in Regimental Messes and by Jewellers for cleaning Gold , Silver and Electro Plate . In Bottle _ r ^^ s ^ anGrisT _ ? ost Free , 3 d . extra . M . & C . MEDLEN , Sole Manufacturers , 246 , KENTISH TOWN ROAD , LONDON , N . W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Obituary .
We regret to announce the death of Bro . Lord Alfred Paget , who had held the office of Clerk Marshal to Her Majesty w _ th one or two brief interruptions since 184 ( 5 and concurrently till 1874 , that of Chief Equerry as well . Our deceased brother was a great favourite with both the Queen and Prince of AVales , and was also popular in society . He was Vice-Commodore of the Royal Thames Yacht
Club , and his death , which occurred suddenly on the evening of Friday , the 24 th . ult ., took place on board Ms yacht , off Inverness The deceased was the third son of the distinguished cavalry officer , the Marquess of Anglesea , "who lost his leg at AVaterloo , and was in his 72 nd year , having been born in 181 ( 5 . The funeral took place
in Hampton Church on Wednesday , among those present being , in addition to the members of the family , Bros . Lord Sufficld . Admirals Lord Alcester and Sir E . A . Inglefield . and others . The Hon . AV . H . Carington , Equerry to the Queen , represented Her Majesty , and Major-General Arthur Ellis the Prince of AVales .
The funeral of Bro . John T . Alston , of the firm of Messrs . J . and AV . Alston , contractors , of Liverpool , took place at Everton Cemetery on AVednesday , the 22 nd ult ., and was attended by a large gathering of the family and friends of the deceased , as well as very many members of the Masonic Fraternity , with which he had been connected for several years , being a Past Master of the Ancient Union Lodge , No .
213 . Among the brethren present to show respect to Bro . Alston s memory were Bros . G . R . Ashton , AV . M . 203 : C . Birch , P . M ., 203 ; E . Johnston . P . M .. P . S . G . D .: J . P . Bryan , P . M .. P . P . G . O . ; T . May Smith , 1570 ; J . N . Hounsell . P . M . 203 : AV . McCulloch . 203 ; AV . Gick , P . M . 203 ; P . Ball , P . P . G . T . ' : J . Casey . P . M . 1570 ; H . Taylor . 203 ; H . James , P . M ., P . G . D .: J . M . Smythe . H . 203 : B . Bailey . S . D . 2114 ; S . Dean , 203 ; T . Saxon , 241 ; J . Brotherton . P . M . 241 ; J . Winsor ,
P . M . 241 ; AV . Thomas . 203 ; AV . H . Martin . 203 ; J . Martin , 823 ; J . AV . Baker . Sec . 203 ; J . Galloway , I . P . M . 203 ; AV . Eastwood , 203 ; F . S . Fisher . 203 : J . McEwen , Steward 203 ; R . Britten , P . M . 1750 ; J . Grierson . P . M . 1756 ; Bradley Pass , 477 ; T . S . Sergeant , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; ' AV . AVilson , 203 : AV . Heaton , 203 ; Phillips . 203 i E . Donnelly , S . AV . 203 : J . G . Highfield . 203 ; G . J . Clough , S . D . 203 ; F . G . Elsworth , 241 : J . B . Treasure . 1013 ; C . Bargery , P . M . 1756 . P . G . D . ; Bullen . 1756 ; and others .
The remains of the late Bro . Joseph E . Hirst , of 124 , Spencer Street , and 6 and 8 , Rigby Street . Liverpool , were interred in the Necropolis of that city , on Saturday afternoon , the 25 th ult .. in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends . The deceased was highly respected in his business , and by his kindly disposition had endeared himself to a large circle . Up to his death the deceased was a member of the Everton Lodge . No . 823 , and the following
brethren of his lodge joined in the procession : Bro ' s . AV . Maddox , AV . M . ; AV . J . Lunt , CO .. P . M . ; Robt . AV . Gow . I . P . M . ; J . J . Boyle , P . M . ; R . T . Britten , S . AV . ; AV . Spencer , Steward ; Evan Morgan , AV . J . Quine , Edward Beaven . Robert Arden , AValter Gaskill , P . Nicholson , C . II . AV . Bush , G . Thomas , and others . The services in the chapel , and likewise at the grave , were conducted by the Rev . Daniel Jones , minister of Everton Road Baptist Chapel .
Bro . HENRY JEFFS , the well-known antiquary and Freemason , died at Gloucester , his native city , on AVednesday , the 29 th ult . The deceased gentleman , who was 69 years of age , for many years was a voluminous writer on various subjects connected with tho early history of Gloucester , and particularly of the Cathedral . He for several years gratuitously edited the Gloucester Mercury , and was a well-known contributor to the press on archaeological subjects
generally . He was mainly instrumental in securing the erection of the monument to Bishop Hooper which stands near Gloucester Cathedral . As a Freemason , Bro . Jeffs was also highly respected by a very wide circle of acquaintances . He joined the Royal Lebanon Lodge , of which he filled the chair in the years 1866-7 and 1875 , and on the removal of the Zetland Lodge to Gloucester he joined that , occupying the chair in 1881 , 1883 and 1886 . He filled the office of Provincial Grand Junior AVarden of the Province of
Gloucestershire in 1872 and 1873 . and last year received Jubilee honours at the hands of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach . Bart .. M . P .. by his appointment to the rank of Past P . G . S . AV . He was also Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Master Mark Masons of the county of Gloucestershire . He filled the office of High Sheriff of the city of Gloucester in 1882-3 . The local freemasons presented him with a handsome shrieval chair of office , which he afterwards gave to the Gloucester Corporation for the use of his successors .
GRANDORIGINALMASONICPAINTING, Most appropriate for a Masonic Hall , Temple , or Large Lodge Room . SUBJECT : — FREEMASONRY&CIVILIZATION. An Allegorical Illustration of the Rise of the Orders of Architecture . Size of Painting , 48 " by 36 " . HANDSOMEI ? _ __ _________ 3 D . Owner will sell the above at a great sacrifice , on original cost . It is now in one of the Lodge llooms in , a Large Loudon Hotel , and can , be seen by appointment . Address , in the first instance , E . II ., THE MASONIC STAR Offices , S 8 , Bow Lime , London , E . G .
Grown 8 vo , Masonic cloth , lettered . Price 3 / 6 ( by post 3 9 ) . vttirs FROM A ftOllGttA&ttkAR "Knocked off" by the Gavel of Common Sense ; __ . . DISCOTJBSE ON TUK RITUAL AND CEREMONIAL OF FREEMASONRY , By BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z . LONDON : Printed and Published by BEO . RICHARD TILLING , 5 , WARXER STREET , GREAT DOVEH STREET , S . E .
FAREHAM BRICK WORKS , HANTS . _____ ¦ £ _ $ ¦___¦ _ £ v _ £ i __¦____ L _ 3 _ )¦ ( Late WILLIAM CAWTE ) ' Manufacturer of the Celebrated FAREHAM RED RUBBING and BUILDING BRICKS , also ROOF and FLOOR TILES . FOR SAMPLES , PRICES , & C , APPLY TO THE WORKS AS ABOVE . Sec St . Thomas ' s Hospital , lloyal Albert Hall and South Kensington , Museum .
JOHNEENB&TMAESDBN'S "RESTAllR05" OR - * HEALTHRESWRINGP0WDERS. " Taken in the form of a , Draught mixed with water . " THESE POWDERS were for years prescribed in tho practice of a ' KKTLUHD MEIIICU . MAX , ' whose certillrate to that , ellect can be seen at our Olllee . " THE KESTAUltO " can lie taken at any time during the day as a , pick-me-up , or for acidity with llaiuluuco before n meal for defective digestion ; or a iiuarrer of an hour before risiii-r in the morning for headache . The "KESTAUKO" is essentially a strengthening tonic and n mild aperient . It assists nature to rccorer the tone ! of tin-body , and the invigorating elteet on the nervous system is experienced almost immediately , One of numerous Testimonials . Ilillworth House , Devizes , Wilts ., . Tanuarv 13 th , isss DEAR Slit , —I have every confidence MI recommending a trial of your " RESTAURO " Powders to any who , from sedentary Ii _ , or other causes , suffer from constipation . In my own case the relief obtained , though gradual , was sure , lint improved appetite and general health was an immediate result . On discontinuance of the powders no relaii _ was experienced , thus diifering from many other remedies for the same trouble . To Travellers thev should be invaluable , being us portable as they are effective . To J . E . MAUSDHX , Esd . Yours truly , II . E . MEEK . Can be obtained from Messrs . N EWRERY _ Soxs , Kmr . uins _ Soxs , BARCLAY _ SONS , SAXUER _ Soxs , Loudon , and all Medicine Vendors throughout the World ; or direct from J . E . MARSDEN'S Factory , 63 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London , England .
PUBLISHER'S MANAGER AND SUB-EDITOR WANTED . A Freemason and Shorthand Writer . Address , letters only , M . S ., c / o Messrs . Adams Bros ., 09 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , E . G . Three days' silence a , uegatire .
AGENTS for " THE MASOXIC STAR " wanted in provincial towns . Address Manager , "Masonic Star , " 38 . Bow Lane , E . C .
MA30KICJEWELS. FOR Cleaning Masonic Jewels use only Medlen ' s Gold and Silver INSTANT RESTORER , which is especially adapted for this puxpose . Neither Mercury nor any injurious ingredient used in the manufacture . A perfectly harmless preparation . Once tried always used . Used in Regimental Messes and by Jewellers for cleaning Gold , Silver and Electro Plate . In Bottle _ r ^^ s ^ anGrisT _ ? ost Free , 3 d . extra . M . & C . MEDLEN , Sole Manufacturers , 246 , KENTISH TOWN ROAD , LONDON , N . W .