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F.C.MAY, JfisljSSaksmaii, 81 BILLII ^ aSG-ATE . Office : 24 , LOVE LANE , E . G . Country Fishmongers Supplied .
J*FOSSEY, Sairtrtex.anirf|a*[mt**Daft^r-3 , GROVE PLACE , HIGH ROAD , TOTTENHAM . The Cheapest House in the Neighbourhood for all kinds of Saddlery , Harness , Horse Cla _ l _ i __ g , £ - __< a . S * EfcT _» le ___ e « a . - £ -isi _ es . A TRIAL SOLICITED .
8MALLPA6E&SON, TAILORS, 41 d 43 , MADDOX STREET , BOND STREET , I _ 0 _ xTI > ON , ____ ALSO AGENTS FOR THE WHITE STAR LINE , & c , & c . NEW YORK AGENT : j r . ___ . JVXCE lar jsisr , $ _ , East 23 rd Street ( corner _ th Avenue ) .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF AJ 1 T . ENT J ? J ? EE AJND ACCEPTED jKASONS IN THE COUNTY OF WOBCESTEB . Tlie Right Worshipful Brother Sir EDMUND A . II . LKCILMKIIK , Bart ., M . l ' . J I ' rorincial Grand . Uaster . The Worshipl ' ul Brother Auousrus KUKDHKICK GODSOX , ![ . _ ., r . V . S . G . AV ., ]) rpu . tg I ' rorincial ( irami . Uaster . Bracebridge House , Kidderminster , "Artg . 11 th , 1 SSS . Dear Sir and Brother , —By command of the Rig-Tit Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , I hereby give you notice that the next Annual Meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the Moseley and Balsall Heath Institute , Moseley , on AVednesday , the ' 12 th inst .. at Twelve o ' clock at noon . All Master Masons are invited to attend . —Yours fraternally . GEORGE TAYLOR , P . P . S . G . W ., Prov . Grand Sec . DUKSS : —Black Suits , White Gloves and Silk Hats . RAH / WAY AmiAXCiKMRXTs : —Kor Trains , sec Time Bills for September . Six Brethren from any Station will be allowed to travel First-class at a Kare . and a Quarter for the Double Journey . Secretaries of Lodges are requested to give a . few days' notice at their respective Railway Stations . Light Refreshments will be provided for Brethren from a distance by the W . Master and Brethren of "Maselicld " Lodge , No . 203-t , and served at the Institute . A Banquet will to served at 4 . Z 0 p . m . for which Tickets may loo procured from the Provincial Grand Stewards , at 6 6 each , dessert and attendance included . *( , * Provincial Grand Ollieers unable to attend are requested to forward their Jewels , and I . . •ovincial Grand . Stewards their Clothing and Jewels , to tho Provincial Grand Secretary .
OVERTON'S HEW AND ARTISTIC OYSTER SALOON , LUNCHEON BAR , iP RESTAURANT , Kos . 3 , 4 , 5 ft 6 , YICTOHIIBTHLDBIGS ( Opposite Victoria Station ) . Luncheons , Dinners and Suppers served with every delicacy . ' SEPARATE TABLES TILL 12 . 30 P . M .
OLD OR NEW SUMMONSESCRAFT OR ARCH . P^P . M . and P . Z ., now forming a COLLECTION , would bo greatly obliged if any brethren would kindly forward him a spare copy of tlicir Lodge or Chanter Summons . Address , C . E . I „ imv , 55 , Treguntcr lioad , South Kensington , S . W .
. ^^^^^^^^^^'^55^SpMTECTNICONr gfeg ^^ HOUSEHOLD REMOVALS 1 ll ^^ wllll ^^ lw i ^^^^ - ^^ f . " ^^_ JJ _ _^^^ T ° - ^^^ ° tfEP 'J iii ^ SII fy ESTXM . HLaC' . ES __?"_! E ___;__! . S # SS ~ j ^ 17 Albert Mansions , Yictoria Street , S . W .
\\\\\_////// © firms uf __ Jj 5 cripij 0 ] T , . rtrlutuitrr jmsfanc , . _^ H |^_ % - „ nnnlik in rtitbaiuc . r ^ W ^^^^ . TWELVE MONTHS - 6 6 wm ,,.,, „ postaKC / or ^ jPnW ^ S ^ Six M ONTHS - - 3 4 > places not included in , n / lllW THREE MONTHS - 1 9 J PosMU '""" - €fyzjtta^tm^iat[. SUBSCRIPTION FORM . MESSRS . ADAMS BROS ., Publishers , 59 , MOOR LANE , E . C . ' Please send % \ jt JKasomt : J . iar until further notice . ^ Enclosed herewith is a Postal 'Order ( or Stamps ) for . Shillings and Pence , for ^ Months ' subscription . ZName cRddress ; ^) ate N . B . —Should it be necessary to mutilate this Copy in order to remit above Subscription Form , another shall be forwarded to the Subscriber in lieu of the one spoilt .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
F.C.MAY, JfisljSSaksmaii, 81 BILLII ^ aSG-ATE . Office : 24 , LOVE LANE , E . G . Country Fishmongers Supplied .
J*FOSSEY, Sairtrtex.anirf|a*[mt**Daft^r-3 , GROVE PLACE , HIGH ROAD , TOTTENHAM . The Cheapest House in the Neighbourhood for all kinds of Saddlery , Harness , Horse Cla _ l _ i __ g , £ - __< a . S * EfcT _» le ___ e « a . - £ -isi _ es . A TRIAL SOLICITED .
8MALLPA6E&SON, TAILORS, 41 d 43 , MADDOX STREET , BOND STREET , I _ 0 _ xTI > ON , ____ ALSO AGENTS FOR THE WHITE STAR LINE , & c , & c . NEW YORK AGENT : j r . ___ . JVXCE lar jsisr , $ _ , East 23 rd Street ( corner _ th Avenue ) .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF AJ 1 T . ENT J ? J ? EE AJND ACCEPTED jKASONS IN THE COUNTY OF WOBCESTEB . Tlie Right Worshipful Brother Sir EDMUND A . II . LKCILMKIIK , Bart ., M . l ' . J I ' rorincial Grand . Uaster . The Worshipl ' ul Brother Auousrus KUKDHKICK GODSOX , ![ . _ ., r . V . S . G . AV ., ]) rpu . tg I ' rorincial ( irami . Uaster . Bracebridge House , Kidderminster , "Artg . 11 th , 1 SSS . Dear Sir and Brother , —By command of the Rig-Tit Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , I hereby give you notice that the next Annual Meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the Moseley and Balsall Heath Institute , Moseley , on AVednesday , the ' 12 th inst .. at Twelve o ' clock at noon . All Master Masons are invited to attend . —Yours fraternally . GEORGE TAYLOR , P . P . S . G . W ., Prov . Grand Sec . DUKSS : —Black Suits , White Gloves and Silk Hats . RAH / WAY AmiAXCiKMRXTs : —Kor Trains , sec Time Bills for September . Six Brethren from any Station will be allowed to travel First-class at a Kare . and a Quarter for the Double Journey . Secretaries of Lodges are requested to give a . few days' notice at their respective Railway Stations . Light Refreshments will be provided for Brethren from a distance by the W . Master and Brethren of "Maselicld " Lodge , No . 203-t , and served at the Institute . A Banquet will to served at 4 . Z 0 p . m . for which Tickets may loo procured from the Provincial Grand Stewards , at 6 6 each , dessert and attendance included . *( , * Provincial Grand Ollieers unable to attend are requested to forward their Jewels , and I . . •ovincial Grand . Stewards their Clothing and Jewels , to tho Provincial Grand Secretary .
OVERTON'S HEW AND ARTISTIC OYSTER SALOON , LUNCHEON BAR , iP RESTAURANT , Kos . 3 , 4 , 5 ft 6 , YICTOHIIBTHLDBIGS ( Opposite Victoria Station ) . Luncheons , Dinners and Suppers served with every delicacy . ' SEPARATE TABLES TILL 12 . 30 P . M .
OLD OR NEW SUMMONSESCRAFT OR ARCH . P^P . M . and P . Z ., now forming a COLLECTION , would bo greatly obliged if any brethren would kindly forward him a spare copy of tlicir Lodge or Chanter Summons . Address , C . E . I „ imv , 55 , Treguntcr lioad , South Kensington , S . W .
. ^^^^^^^^^^'^55^SpMTECTNICONr gfeg ^^ HOUSEHOLD REMOVALS 1 ll ^^ wllll ^^ lw i ^^^^ - ^^ f . " ^^_ JJ _ _^^^ T ° - ^^^ ° tfEP 'J iii ^ SII fy ESTXM . HLaC' . ES __?"_! E ___;__! . S # SS ~ j ^ 17 Albert Mansions , Yictoria Street , S . W .
\\\\\_////// © firms uf __ Jj 5 cripij 0 ] T , . rtrlutuitrr jmsfanc , . _^ H |^_ % - „ nnnlik in rtitbaiuc . r ^ W ^^^^ . TWELVE MONTHS - 6 6 wm ,,.,, „ postaKC / or ^ jPnW ^ S ^ Six M ONTHS - - 3 4 > places not included in , n / lllW THREE MONTHS - 1 9 J PosMU '""" - €fyzjtta^tm^iat[. SUBSCRIPTION FORM . MESSRS . ADAMS BROS ., Publishers , 59 , MOOR LANE , E . C . ' Please send % \ jt JKasomt : J . iar until further notice . ^ Enclosed herewith is a Postal 'Order ( or Stamps ) for . Shillings and Pence , for ^ Months ' subscription . ZName cRddress ; ^) ate N . B . —Should it be necessary to mutilate this Copy in order to remit above Subscription Form , another shall be forwarded to the Subscriber in lieu of the one spoilt .