Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 Article Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week. Page 1 of 1
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EP EAST LANCASHIRE — HEATOX NORRIS . C'MRTON LODGE No . 1030 . —The report of the meeting of this lodge on the 27 th ult ., -was Avrongly headed " Cheshirc , Stockport . " in our last issue . AA e liave been requested to correct the error . STAFFORDSHIRE . —The foundation stone of IIOAV Masonic "buildings at West Bronvwieh , the capital for Avhich , £ 3 . 000 , has been
• subscribed in shares by the members of tlie Dartmouth Lodge . ~ So .
STAFF .-. MASONIC CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION . —At a Special Meeting of the Committee held at AA ' est BromAvich on 2 Sth ult ., W . Bro . J . Bodenham . Past A . G . D . C . President , in the Chair , it -was proposed by the President and seconded by AT . Bro . Barnett , P . P . G . AV .. and resolved unanimously that— "This Committee having heard Avith profound regret tho result of ( ho inquiry into the
Management , Expenditure , and Discipline of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , is of opinion that it is essential that the Report of the Committee should be at once accepted Avithout reservation , as the basis of a thorough and complete reform . " The resolution was afterwards submitted to the Provincial Granel Lodge helel the same day .
SURREY . —CROYDON . —FREDERICK LODGE OF UNITY , NO . 452 . — A meeting of this Loelge Avas held on Tueselay , the 21 st inst ., at the Masonic Hall Croydon , Surrey . Present : Bros . D . R . AVise , the AV . M . ; C . G . Scott , P . M . acting S . AV . ; Charles M . Ohren , P . M ., acting J . A \ . ; Magnus Ohren , P . M . and Treasurer ; James AVaterman . S . D . ; Aubrey M . Ohren , J . D .: AA m . F . Payne , I . G ., and
Harolel Levett , Sen . SteAvard ; also Past Masters , Arthur J . Dickinson , A . T . Jeffery , and Wm . Geo . Hunter . Amongst tlie visitors were Bros . H . E . Poole , of the Abbey Lodge No . 2 , 030 , and John Rhodes , P . P . G . Organist for Surrey . Letters , messages , and telegrams Avere laid before the Lodge from the folloAving Past Masters : Wm . Sugg . J . AV . Sugg . Fredk . A . Manning , J . C . F . AV . Rogers ,
Wm . Geo . Batchelor , and H . E . Frances ( Secretary ) , AVm . Ackland . J . AV ., and AValter King , Junior SteAvartl . The AA . M . dreAV attention to the fact that the Lodge Avas elraped in black , and the brethren Avore the emblems of mourning , and referred in feeling terms to the great loss the brethren had sustained by the death of the It . AV . Bro . General Brownrigg , their late Provincial Grand Master , and moved that a
letter of condolence be forwarded to his AvidoAv and family expressing the sorrow * of the members of the Lodge , and their deep sympathy with them in this their time of trouble . Thi 3 Avas seconded by the AV . Bro . Magnus Ohren , anel carried unanimously . The other Masonic business having been got through , the AA . M . stated that ho
had a pleasing duty to perforin , viz .. the presentation to the Treasurer , the AA ' . Bro . Magnus Ohren , of a large photographic portrait of himself , Avhich had been subscribed for by the members of the Lodge , as a mark of their respect and esteem , The AV . M . referred to the eminent soi-A-iees Bro . Ohren had rendered to
Freemasonry in general , as Avell as the Frederick Lodge of Unity in particular , for a long series of years , Bro . Ohren joining the Lodge in IS 6 ' 7 , and had since thi . t time promoted the welfare of the Lodge in every way ; he had been the secretary for many years , and for the last nine years the treasurer . —This being the first meeting after the jubilee of the Lodge , the brethren hael availed themselves of the favourable opportunity for marking so important an event . Bro . Magnus Ohren in accepting the portrait , said he fully appreciated
the sentiments expressed by the AV . M ., and the fraternal goodvrill of the members , of those present , as Avell as those Avho sent their fraternal greetings . Many of the members present had been introduced by him into the Loelge , and as he felt sure that it Avould be a pleasure to many to look upon the portrait of an old friend after he had been called '' to the Grand Lodge above , " he hoped that the
brethren Avould alloAV the portrait to remain in the Lodge , anel become the Lodge property , that he might leaA * e behinel him a reminder of one Avho had spent so many happy hours with them in Lodge . He assured them he should ever remember their great kindness to him , and feel honoured by knowing that they Avould haA * e the portrait hung in the Lodge , as a memento of that day ' s presentation . This Avas unanimously agreed to , and the Lodge being
eluly closed , the brethren sat down to one of those nice little dinners ahvays provided for this Lodge , and a very agreeable evening Avas passed , the proceedings being enliA * ened by songs and recitations by the A \ . M ., Bros . Charles and Aubrey Ohren . Harold Levett , anel others , Bro . John Rhodes the Provincial Grand Organist , presiding at the piano . The Tyler ' s toast Avas given soon after nine , as the majority of the members live at some distance from Croydon , and generally catch the 0 .-15 train to London and intermediate stations .
KENT . —The preparatory meeting of the Provincial Granel Lodge of Kent Avas held at the Apollonian Hall , Dover , on the 2 ' . lth ult .. the R . AV . Bro . the Right Hon . Earl Amherst . P . G . M ., presiding . ' The brethren present numbered nearly a hundred and fifty , and some important business Avas transactetl . Tho date of the Grand Festival Avas fixed for the 2 nd of July , at Bromley . It Avas decieled to give to the AVieloAvs' Benefit Fund twenty guineas in the names
of ten lodges ( £ 210 ) , beginning at the oldest lodge and working upwards . The sum of . C 10 ~> Avas A * oted for the Girls' Schools in the names of five loelges . and also £ l ! l !) K ) s . to the Boys' Schools in the name of the Provincial Grand Master , to enable him to become a A ice-Patron . At 4 . 30 o ' clock a banquet Avas given at the TOAVII Hall , about a hundred of the brethren being present . The Pro-A-incial Grand Master presided , anel the proceedings terminated at about half-past eight o ' clock .
HYDE PARK LODGE OP IXSTLUOTTON—No . 1425 . —A meeting Avas held on Monday , 3 rd June , at the Porchester Hotel , Leinstei Place , CloA * eland Square , Paddington , AV . Present : Bros . J . Cruttenden . AV . M . : O . AV . Pattley , S . AV . ; E . Coleman , J . AV . ; II . Debane . P . M . 1543 , Sec . ; Major Ferris . S . D . ; N . Spver . J . D ; A . B . Northcroft . I . G . ; AV . II . Chalfont , P . M . 1425 . Assistant Preceptor ;
J . R . Allman , P . M . 1425 ; II . Grentrip , visitor ; AV . J . Millington , 22-K ! . The lodge Avas opened in due foi m anel the minutes of the last lodge meeting were read anel confirmed . The lodge Avas opened in the second elegree anel resumed to the first . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed . Bro . Millington being candidate . Tho
loelge Avas called oif and on . Bro . Millington Avas elected a member and Bro . Battley AV . M . for June 17 th . the oifieers to be in rotation . A A ote of condolence Avith Mrs . and Bro . Smith Avas passed , on the lamentable death of Mr . Miller . After hearty good wishes the lodge Avas closed .
IF AVC Avere all to agree in the things pertaining to our Order , it would be a sure indication that there remained but little of interest in our Institution . The very friction of able Masonic writers and jurists upon questions of laAV . government , ethics , etc ., indicates the profundity anel diversity of Masonry . — Voire if Masonry . To experience the bickering , the em * y , the strife , the discord Avhich too often arise among Masons and in Lodges , casts our ieleal
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
" All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "— General Laws and Regulations . U ° t \« c P A 1 IE 0 F LODGE AND CUAI ' TER . PLACE OP MEETING . Lodge . I NAME OV LODGE ^ C HAPTER . } P LACE OP M EETING .
( THIS DAY ) ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , JUNE Gth . ' ( J AVcstminster and Keystone ... K . M . H . 11 ) 2 Lion ami Lamb ... ' Cannon Sireet Hot ., E . C . 1178 Perfect Ashlar Bridge House Hot ., S . F ,. Lifil United Service Cafe Roval . Regent Street , AV . 18 ( 1-1 Cobom Vestry 1 [ all , Bow 11 ) 50 Southgatc Railway Hot ., New Southgatc "Murk . 211 ; Trinity College 13 , Manelevillo Place , AV .
( 1 st ) FRIDAY , JUNE 7 th . 70 ( 1 j Florence Nightingale AL IL , William Street , AVoolAvich £ 271 I Star Ship Ho :., Greenwich i-ist ) I Marquis of llipon Cock Tav ., Highbury , X . ( 2 nd ) SATURDAY , JUNE 8 th .
17 ii Caveac ; Albion'I ' aw , Aldcrsgate Street ' J-Mi ; Mount Edgenmbe Uridge House Hot ., S . E . : ! . jS-l Loyally ami Charity Star and Garter Hot ., Kew Uridge " jiiKO GucTph Town Hail , Lcylon ¦ 2070 CJnatiior Coronati F . M . H . ( 2 nd ) MONDAY , JUNE 10 th .
1571 Leopold Uridge House Hotel , Loudon Iiridgo isai St . Amino liaron's Court Hot ., West Kensington l'J 22 Karl uf La hoiu Greyhound Hot ., Strcaihaui Ct . A . 0 . 58 Felicity •¦ - Shin and Turtle , Leadenhall Street IMG ilighgutu Gale House Taw , Highgate
' ¦ ! I j j - j ( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , JUNE llth . 1 G 7 j St . John ' s Holly Lush Taw , Hamnsloail 255 j Harnionv ! ( ireyhound . Richmond , Surrey s : u Danelagh | Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . 12119 I Stanhope j Surrey M . II ., Camberwell Mark . | ' ¦ 223 i AVest Sinilhliold Fa , Red Lion Square , AV . C . K . T . ! ! MM | Studhnlmc 33 , Golden Square , AV . 1 I . C . I 71 j Layard 33 , Golden Square , AV .
I j < ; ( 2 nd ) AVEDNESDAY . JUNE 12 th . 13 Union AVaierloo . AI . IL , AVilliain Street , AVoolwieh 12 > s Loaconfroe Pri . Lo ., Rod Lion , Leytonstone 12 ( t ) . lohli lleiv-ey l <\ AL H . 1580 Upper Norwood AVhite Hart Hot ., Upper Norwood Kilo Northern Par Cafe Royal , Regent Street . AV . 162 !) United V . M . IL P . A . C . 152-1 Duke of Connaught Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , K . C . I . ' -li ) Chaucer Uridge House Hotel , London lidg ., S . L . 1900 Montague Guest Inns of Court Hot ., AV . C . K . C . 1 Grand Metropolitan Criterion , Piccadilly , W . ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , JUNE Kith . 107 C Capper Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 2033 i University of London K M . II . 20-17 liecUenhani Public Hall , Leckcnham K . A . c . : ( 15 , I'rosperily Guildhall Tav ., K . C . Win balhousie Andcnon ' s Hotel , fleet Street , K . C . ¦ M 7 J loyal Albert Wliho llan Tuv ., Abchurch Lam ; B . C . K . C . ! 97 1 Lose and Lily 33 , Golden Square , AV .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
EP EAST LANCASHIRE — HEATOX NORRIS . C'MRTON LODGE No . 1030 . —The report of the meeting of this lodge on the 27 th ult ., -was Avrongly headed " Cheshirc , Stockport . " in our last issue . AA e liave been requested to correct the error . STAFFORDSHIRE . —The foundation stone of IIOAV Masonic "buildings at West Bronvwieh , the capital for Avhich , £ 3 . 000 , has been
• subscribed in shares by the members of tlie Dartmouth Lodge . ~ So .
STAFF .-. MASONIC CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION . —At a Special Meeting of the Committee held at AA ' est BromAvich on 2 Sth ult ., W . Bro . J . Bodenham . Past A . G . D . C . President , in the Chair , it -was proposed by the President and seconded by AT . Bro . Barnett , P . P . G . AV .. and resolved unanimously that— "This Committee having heard Avith profound regret tho result of ( ho inquiry into the
Management , Expenditure , and Discipline of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , is of opinion that it is essential that the Report of the Committee should be at once accepted Avithout reservation , as the basis of a thorough and complete reform . " The resolution was afterwards submitted to the Provincial Granel Lodge helel the same day .
SURREY . —CROYDON . —FREDERICK LODGE OF UNITY , NO . 452 . — A meeting of this Loelge Avas held on Tueselay , the 21 st inst ., at the Masonic Hall Croydon , Surrey . Present : Bros . D . R . AVise , the AV . M . ; C . G . Scott , P . M . acting S . AV . ; Charles M . Ohren , P . M ., acting J . A \ . ; Magnus Ohren , P . M . and Treasurer ; James AVaterman . S . D . ; Aubrey M . Ohren , J . D .: AA m . F . Payne , I . G ., and
Harolel Levett , Sen . SteAvard ; also Past Masters , Arthur J . Dickinson , A . T . Jeffery , and Wm . Geo . Hunter . Amongst tlie visitors were Bros . H . E . Poole , of the Abbey Lodge No . 2 , 030 , and John Rhodes , P . P . G . Organist for Surrey . Letters , messages , and telegrams Avere laid before the Lodge from the folloAving Past Masters : Wm . Sugg . J . AV . Sugg . Fredk . A . Manning , J . C . F . AV . Rogers ,
Wm . Geo . Batchelor , and H . E . Frances ( Secretary ) , AVm . Ackland . J . AV ., and AValter King , Junior SteAvartl . The AA . M . dreAV attention to the fact that the Lodge Avas elraped in black , and the brethren Avore the emblems of mourning , and referred in feeling terms to the great loss the brethren had sustained by the death of the It . AV . Bro . General Brownrigg , their late Provincial Grand Master , and moved that a
letter of condolence be forwarded to his AvidoAv and family expressing the sorrow * of the members of the Lodge , and their deep sympathy with them in this their time of trouble . Thi 3 Avas seconded by the AV . Bro . Magnus Ohren , anel carried unanimously . The other Masonic business having been got through , the AA . M . stated that ho
had a pleasing duty to perforin , viz .. the presentation to the Treasurer , the AA ' . Bro . Magnus Ohren , of a large photographic portrait of himself , Avhich had been subscribed for by the members of the Lodge , as a mark of their respect and esteem , The AV . M . referred to the eminent soi-A-iees Bro . Ohren had rendered to
Freemasonry in general , as Avell as the Frederick Lodge of Unity in particular , for a long series of years , Bro . Ohren joining the Lodge in IS 6 ' 7 , and had since thi . t time promoted the welfare of the Lodge in every way ; he had been the secretary for many years , and for the last nine years the treasurer . —This being the first meeting after the jubilee of the Lodge , the brethren hael availed themselves of the favourable opportunity for marking so important an event . Bro . Magnus Ohren in accepting the portrait , said he fully appreciated
the sentiments expressed by the AV . M ., and the fraternal goodvrill of the members , of those present , as Avell as those Avho sent their fraternal greetings . Many of the members present had been introduced by him into the Loelge , and as he felt sure that it Avould be a pleasure to many to look upon the portrait of an old friend after he had been called '' to the Grand Lodge above , " he hoped that the
brethren Avould alloAV the portrait to remain in the Lodge , anel become the Lodge property , that he might leaA * e behinel him a reminder of one Avho had spent so many happy hours with them in Lodge . He assured them he should ever remember their great kindness to him , and feel honoured by knowing that they Avould haA * e the portrait hung in the Lodge , as a memento of that day ' s presentation . This Avas unanimously agreed to , and the Lodge being
eluly closed , the brethren sat down to one of those nice little dinners ahvays provided for this Lodge , and a very agreeable evening Avas passed , the proceedings being enliA * ened by songs and recitations by the A \ . M ., Bros . Charles and Aubrey Ohren . Harold Levett , anel others , Bro . John Rhodes the Provincial Grand Organist , presiding at the piano . The Tyler ' s toast Avas given soon after nine , as the majority of the members live at some distance from Croydon , and generally catch the 0 .-15 train to London and intermediate stations .
KENT . —The preparatory meeting of the Provincial Granel Lodge of Kent Avas held at the Apollonian Hall , Dover , on the 2 ' . lth ult .. the R . AV . Bro . the Right Hon . Earl Amherst . P . G . M ., presiding . ' The brethren present numbered nearly a hundred and fifty , and some important business Avas transactetl . Tho date of the Grand Festival Avas fixed for the 2 nd of July , at Bromley . It Avas decieled to give to the AVieloAvs' Benefit Fund twenty guineas in the names
of ten lodges ( £ 210 ) , beginning at the oldest lodge and working upwards . The sum of . C 10 ~> Avas A * oted for the Girls' Schools in the names of five loelges . and also £ l ! l !) K ) s . to the Boys' Schools in the name of the Provincial Grand Master , to enable him to become a A ice-Patron . At 4 . 30 o ' clock a banquet Avas given at the TOAVII Hall , about a hundred of the brethren being present . The Pro-A-incial Grand Master presided , anel the proceedings terminated at about half-past eight o ' clock .
HYDE PARK LODGE OP IXSTLUOTTON—No . 1425 . —A meeting Avas held on Monday , 3 rd June , at the Porchester Hotel , Leinstei Place , CloA * eland Square , Paddington , AV . Present : Bros . J . Cruttenden . AV . M . : O . AV . Pattley , S . AV . ; E . Coleman , J . AV . ; II . Debane . P . M . 1543 , Sec . ; Major Ferris . S . D . ; N . Spver . J . D ; A . B . Northcroft . I . G . ; AV . II . Chalfont , P . M . 1425 . Assistant Preceptor ;
J . R . Allman , P . M . 1425 ; II . Grentrip , visitor ; AV . J . Millington , 22-K ! . The lodge Avas opened in due foi m anel the minutes of the last lodge meeting were read anel confirmed . The lodge Avas opened in the second elegree anel resumed to the first . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed . Bro . Millington being candidate . Tho
loelge Avas called oif and on . Bro . Millington Avas elected a member and Bro . Battley AV . M . for June 17 th . the oifieers to be in rotation . A A ote of condolence Avith Mrs . and Bro . Smith Avas passed , on the lamentable death of Mr . Miller . After hearty good wishes the lodge Avas closed .
IF AVC Avere all to agree in the things pertaining to our Order , it would be a sure indication that there remained but little of interest in our Institution . The very friction of able Masonic writers and jurists upon questions of laAV . government , ethics , etc ., indicates the profundity anel diversity of Masonry . — Voire if Masonry . To experience the bickering , the em * y , the strife , the discord Avhich too often arise among Masons and in Lodges , casts our ieleal
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
" All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "— General Laws and Regulations . U ° t \« c P A 1 IE 0 F LODGE AND CUAI ' TER . PLACE OP MEETING . Lodge . I NAME OV LODGE ^ C HAPTER . } P LACE OP M EETING .
( THIS DAY ) ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , JUNE Gth . ' ( J AVcstminster and Keystone ... K . M . H . 11 ) 2 Lion ami Lamb ... ' Cannon Sireet Hot ., E . C . 1178 Perfect Ashlar Bridge House Hot ., S . F ,. Lifil United Service Cafe Roval . Regent Street , AV . 18 ( 1-1 Cobom Vestry 1 [ all , Bow 11 ) 50 Southgatc Railway Hot ., New Southgatc "Murk . 211 ; Trinity College 13 , Manelevillo Place , AV .
( 1 st ) FRIDAY , JUNE 7 th . 70 ( 1 j Florence Nightingale AL IL , William Street , AVoolAvich £ 271 I Star Ship Ho :., Greenwich i-ist ) I Marquis of llipon Cock Tav ., Highbury , X . ( 2 nd ) SATURDAY , JUNE 8 th .
17 ii Caveac ; Albion'I ' aw , Aldcrsgate Street ' J-Mi ; Mount Edgenmbe Uridge House Hot ., S . E . : ! . jS-l Loyally ami Charity Star and Garter Hot ., Kew Uridge " jiiKO GucTph Town Hail , Lcylon ¦ 2070 CJnatiior Coronati F . M . H . ( 2 nd ) MONDAY , JUNE 10 th .
1571 Leopold Uridge House Hotel , Loudon Iiridgo isai St . Amino liaron's Court Hot ., West Kensington l'J 22 Karl uf La hoiu Greyhound Hot ., Strcaihaui Ct . A . 0 . 58 Felicity •¦ - Shin and Turtle , Leadenhall Street IMG ilighgutu Gale House Taw , Highgate
' ¦ ! I j j - j ( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , JUNE llth . 1 G 7 j St . John ' s Holly Lush Taw , Hamnsloail 255 j Harnionv ! ( ireyhound . Richmond , Surrey s : u Danelagh | Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . 12119 I Stanhope j Surrey M . II ., Camberwell Mark . | ' ¦ 223 i AVest Sinilhliold Fa , Red Lion Square , AV . C . K . T . ! ! MM | Studhnlmc 33 , Golden Square , AV . 1 I . C . I 71 j Layard 33 , Golden Square , AV .
I j < ; ( 2 nd ) AVEDNESDAY . JUNE 12 th . 13 Union AVaierloo . AI . IL , AVilliain Street , AVoolwieh 12 > s Loaconfroe Pri . Lo ., Rod Lion , Leytonstone 12 ( t ) . lohli lleiv-ey l <\ AL H . 1580 Upper Norwood AVhite Hart Hot ., Upper Norwood Kilo Northern Par Cafe Royal , Regent Street . AV . 162 !) United V . M . IL P . A . C . 152-1 Duke of Connaught Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , K . C . I . ' -li ) Chaucer Uridge House Hotel , London lidg ., S . L . 1900 Montague Guest Inns of Court Hot ., AV . C . K . C . 1 Grand Metropolitan Criterion , Piccadilly , W . ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , JUNE Kith . 107 C Capper Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 2033 i University of London K M . II . 20-17 liecUenhani Public Hall , Leckcnham K . A . c . : ( 15 , I'rosperily Guildhall Tav ., K . C . Win balhousie Andcnon ' s Hotel , fleet Street , K . C . ¦ M 7 J loyal Albert Wliho llan Tuv ., Abchurch Lam ; B . C . K . C . ! 97 1 Lose and Lily 33 , Golden Square , AV .