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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIC DUTIES . —One of the important duties—and one Ave fear the most neglected—of one occupying the Oriental Chair , is that of visiting the sick , the needy , and those Avho by advanced years are enfeebled and unable to attend the meetings of their lodge . While it is all-important that a Worshipful Master should learn something of masonic jurisprudence , that he may not only
govern his lodge Avith justice and equity , but also in accordance Avith the Ancient Usages , Customs and Landmarks of the Fraternity , and should know and understand his work ( and see that his officers know and understand theirs ) that he and they may be able to perform the business and Avork of the lodge in a creditable , solemn and impressive manner , it is also his duty , and not only his , but
that also of his officers and members , to see that the sick , needy and erring ( if any ) are looked after , cared for , and admonished . AVe feel assured , and Ave speak from personal experience , that did officers and members only realize the pleasure and comfort the performing of this duty gaA o to those AVIIO are unable to attend the lodge on
account of old age and affliction , they Avould much oftener perform it , though it might be at some sacrifice of time—though not of pleasure , for pleasure Avill result from the knoAvledge that they have given comfort and consolation to those sufferir . g from age , sickness , and sometimes from the Avant of even the A'erv necessaries of life .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . "TDEQUIRED . —A Matron , to enter on her duties on 1 st August , _ L \ j 1889 . She must be a spinster or a AvidoAv Avithout encumbrance ; betAveen thirty and forty years of age ; experienced in all domestic duties and in the control of servants : able to keep accounts ; and a good manager . Salary to commence at . C 80 per annum , Avith board , kc . Full particulars may be obtained from the Secretary of the Institution , as under . Applications Avith testimonials to be sent in to the Secretary not later than 12 o ' clock noon , on Mondav , Sth July next . FREDERICK BINCKES . Secretary . Office—f > , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street . London , W . C . 24 th June , 889 .
ROYALORDEROFSCOTLAND. Provincial Grand Lodge of London and the Metropolitan Counties . THE Knight Companions will meet in Council at 33 . Golden Square , W ., on SATURDAY , the 13 th July , 1889 , at 2 . 30 for 3 p . m . precisely , and the R . W . Prov . G . M . desires the attendance of all duly qualified Brethren . Names and addresses of Candidates Avith name of Chapter , must be sent to me not later than the 3 rd July next . The ANNUAL BANQUET Avill be held at the Zoological Gardens . Regent ' s Park . N . W .. at ( i . 'iO precisely . By Order , 28 , Golden Square , W . FRANK RICHARDSON , Prov . Cf . Sec .
PROVINCEOFMIDDLESEX, The M . E . Comp . Col . Sir FRANCIS BURDETT , Bart ., 1 'KOVIXCIAb ( IRANI ) SUI'KHINTKS DK . NT . THE ANNUAL CONVOCATION of the PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER will he held at the Greyhound Hotel , Hampton Court , on Saturday , the Gth day of July , at Three o'clock p . m . precisely . By command of the M . E . Grand Superintendent , AVILLIAM HENRY LEE , P . Z .. Prov . G . Scribe E . 32 , Shakespeare Road , Heme Hill . S . E . 22 nd June , 1 SSD . Banquet at the Greylnund Hotel , at 5 p . m . Tickets fis . Od . each , exclusive of wine . N . R . —Companion * Intending to remain for the bani | iiet tire requested to send their names to the Prov . Grand S . E ., with a remittance , before Wednesday , the 3 rd of July , as tickets will not be issued after that date . Trains leave Waterloo 1 . 5 " ; 2 . 10 . Arrive at , Hampton Court 2 . 32 ; 2 .-1 S . AIORNl . VU IMillSS .
F » OST CARD COMPETITION . PRIZE VALUE 30 s . PARIS EXHIBITION . The French are annoyed because the English and Americans close their stands on Sundays . For further particulars see July number of "HOPE . " Do you " approve" or "disapprove" of the action of the Anglo-Saxons ? Write word " approve" or " disapprove" on Post Card , put your name and address , and guess the number of Post Cards you think will be sent in . Prize 30 s . for nearest guess . Post Cards to be sent lo J . N . MASTERS , before July V > th . Post Free . ] "HL O J ? E , " [ One Year , \ 6 . J . N . MASTEES , Jeweller , BYE .
HOTELS Recommended to the Subscribers to the " Masonic Star . "
QTAR AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , ^ O Bro . JOHN Run . I ., Proprietor . Seven Lodges and Chapters held in the Hotel , which possesses Special Facilities for Concerts , Evening Parlies and Banquets . Scale of Charges on Application .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Hampton Court Station ( adjoining the Railwav and facing the River and Palace . Bro . JOHN MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any number up to 100 . Spacious landing to River . Specimens of Menus , witlt prices , sent on application . 'Three Lodges meet at the Castle Hotel , and reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & c .
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , S . E ., "I ' KAlU' 15 & SON , Proprietors . Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Balls , Soirees , Concerts , Masonic , Public , or Private Meetings , & e . The Suite of Booms for Bulls and Concerts includes the Hall Room , Ante-Room , Refreshment and Supper Rooms and Ladies' Retiring Rooms . The Masonic Temple will seat -Id . Terms on Application . BOURNEMOUTH . Board and Residence , south aspect , close to the Sea , Pleasure Gardens ; centre of Town ; Home comforts Terms , 30 ' -. Apply AI . A . Hood , Caversham , Poole Hill .
"rjlHE BEDFORD" FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL JL HOTEL , PORTSMOUTH . Proprietor , It . P . BIUANT . QT . ELMO ( BOARDING HOUSE ) , No . 13 , LOCH kJ PROMENADE , DOUGLAS , ISLE OF MAX . Incomparably the Queen of Northern Watering Places . Bro . P . T . SCRKF . CII begs respectfully to offer to intending visitors to this charming health and pleasure resort the comfortable advantages of a Home from Home . This establishment , with an old connection ( 17 years ) , is conveniently situated on the margin of the beautiful Bay , and within two minutes' walk of the landing Pier—the arrangements being personally superintended b , y Miss SHIMMIN and Mrs . SCREECH . First-class Cuisine—Terms moderate . Particulars on application . CEA HOUSE HOTEL , MIDDLE ST ., BRIGHTON . kJ —THOMAS Gums ( late Supt . Brighton Police Fire Brigade ) . Choicest Wines and Spirits , Fine Foreign Cigars , Billiards , Private Apartments . PARSON'S HOTEL , RIO DE JANEIRO , BRAZIL . V- ^ English homo comforts , and all information about Brazil , will be found in this Hotel . AV . M . D . CARSOX , Proprietor .
These spaces are reserved for Hotels offering inducements to Masonic visitors .
EXPOSITION UXIVERSELLE DE PARIS , 1 S 81 I . ^NGLOFRENCHVILLAGE Wk HOTEL DES BAINS , Avenue de Versailles , Auleuil , PARIS , NEAR THE EXHIBITION . Oflfl Comfortable Bedrooms ; plenty of water and baths ; Good English Food , UUU or Cuisine Frarieuise ; Concert Hall and Cab : ' attached to the Building ; Garden and Kiver ( the Seine ) , with Boating . All the features of a Club ; certain accommodation by day , week , or month . PIUCKS : Bedroom per Night ( including Attendance ) 5 s . Breakfast and Dinner at Ordinary London Tariff . Secretary : THE Hox . C . CADOOAX . Director at Paris : Mr . C . DM CilASTKl . Atx . Rooms may be reserved at ( he Ollices of Mr . E . Cl . AUK . 432 , Strand ; Messrs . CI : TUI . KRTSON & Co ., -14 , Brompton Road , Knightsbridgo ; and Mr . JOHN PROCTOR , 81 , Graeechnreh Street , E . C .
-WJ ^ ZCsTTIEID . SECOND-HAND Lodge Furniture , Oak or Mahogany preferred ; also Clothing . Reply , with inventory , price and order to view , to N ., Office of this paper .
TO BE HHEST . TO THE TEA TRADE . Anyone requiring a Fine First Floor , situated close to Leadenhall Street , and within 3 minutes of Mark and Mincing Lanes . Rent .-CoO . Apply—BLAND & CAMPION , la , Fenchurcli Street , E . C .
TO FOUNDERS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , PRECEPTORIES , & c . The Windsor Castle Masonic Temple to be let . Replete with every convenience ( including Organ ) for Craft Lodges , It . A . Chapters , Encampments , Preceptorios , kc . Resident Tyler . Apply to E . GRISBROOK , Windsor .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIC DUTIES . —One of the important duties—and one Ave fear the most neglected—of one occupying the Oriental Chair , is that of visiting the sick , the needy , and those Avho by advanced years are enfeebled and unable to attend the meetings of their lodge . While it is all-important that a Worshipful Master should learn something of masonic jurisprudence , that he may not only
govern his lodge Avith justice and equity , but also in accordance Avith the Ancient Usages , Customs and Landmarks of the Fraternity , and should know and understand his work ( and see that his officers know and understand theirs ) that he and they may be able to perform the business and Avork of the lodge in a creditable , solemn and impressive manner , it is also his duty , and not only his , but
that also of his officers and members , to see that the sick , needy and erring ( if any ) are looked after , cared for , and admonished . AVe feel assured , and Ave speak from personal experience , that did officers and members only realize the pleasure and comfort the performing of this duty gaA o to those AVIIO are unable to attend the lodge on
account of old age and affliction , they Avould much oftener perform it , though it might be at some sacrifice of time—though not of pleasure , for pleasure Avill result from the knoAvledge that they have given comfort and consolation to those sufferir . g from age , sickness , and sometimes from the Avant of even the A'erv necessaries of life .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . "TDEQUIRED . —A Matron , to enter on her duties on 1 st August , _ L \ j 1889 . She must be a spinster or a AvidoAv Avithout encumbrance ; betAveen thirty and forty years of age ; experienced in all domestic duties and in the control of servants : able to keep accounts ; and a good manager . Salary to commence at . C 80 per annum , Avith board , kc . Full particulars may be obtained from the Secretary of the Institution , as under . Applications Avith testimonials to be sent in to the Secretary not later than 12 o ' clock noon , on Mondav , Sth July next . FREDERICK BINCKES . Secretary . Office—f > , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street . London , W . C . 24 th June , 889 .
ROYALORDEROFSCOTLAND. Provincial Grand Lodge of London and the Metropolitan Counties . THE Knight Companions will meet in Council at 33 . Golden Square , W ., on SATURDAY , the 13 th July , 1889 , at 2 . 30 for 3 p . m . precisely , and the R . W . Prov . G . M . desires the attendance of all duly qualified Brethren . Names and addresses of Candidates Avith name of Chapter , must be sent to me not later than the 3 rd July next . The ANNUAL BANQUET Avill be held at the Zoological Gardens . Regent ' s Park . N . W .. at ( i . 'iO precisely . By Order , 28 , Golden Square , W . FRANK RICHARDSON , Prov . Cf . Sec .
PROVINCEOFMIDDLESEX, The M . E . Comp . Col . Sir FRANCIS BURDETT , Bart ., 1 'KOVIXCIAb ( IRANI ) SUI'KHINTKS DK . NT . THE ANNUAL CONVOCATION of the PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER will he held at the Greyhound Hotel , Hampton Court , on Saturday , the Gth day of July , at Three o'clock p . m . precisely . By command of the M . E . Grand Superintendent , AVILLIAM HENRY LEE , P . Z .. Prov . G . Scribe E . 32 , Shakespeare Road , Heme Hill . S . E . 22 nd June , 1 SSD . Banquet at the Greylnund Hotel , at 5 p . m . Tickets fis . Od . each , exclusive of wine . N . R . —Companion * Intending to remain for the bani | iiet tire requested to send their names to the Prov . Grand S . E ., with a remittance , before Wednesday , the 3 rd of July , as tickets will not be issued after that date . Trains leave Waterloo 1 . 5 " ; 2 . 10 . Arrive at , Hampton Court 2 . 32 ; 2 .-1 S . AIORNl . VU IMillSS .
F » OST CARD COMPETITION . PRIZE VALUE 30 s . PARIS EXHIBITION . The French are annoyed because the English and Americans close their stands on Sundays . For further particulars see July number of "HOPE . " Do you " approve" or "disapprove" of the action of the Anglo-Saxons ? Write word " approve" or " disapprove" on Post Card , put your name and address , and guess the number of Post Cards you think will be sent in . Prize 30 s . for nearest guess . Post Cards to be sent lo J . N . MASTERS , before July V > th . Post Free . ] "HL O J ? E , " [ One Year , \ 6 . J . N . MASTEES , Jeweller , BYE .
HOTELS Recommended to the Subscribers to the " Masonic Star . "
QTAR AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , ^ O Bro . JOHN Run . I ., Proprietor . Seven Lodges and Chapters held in the Hotel , which possesses Special Facilities for Concerts , Evening Parlies and Banquets . Scale of Charges on Application .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Hampton Court Station ( adjoining the Railwav and facing the River and Palace . Bro . JOHN MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any number up to 100 . Spacious landing to River . Specimens of Menus , witlt prices , sent on application . 'Three Lodges meet at the Castle Hotel , and reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & c .
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , S . E ., "I ' KAlU' 15 & SON , Proprietors . Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Balls , Soirees , Concerts , Masonic , Public , or Private Meetings , & e . The Suite of Booms for Bulls and Concerts includes the Hall Room , Ante-Room , Refreshment and Supper Rooms and Ladies' Retiring Rooms . The Masonic Temple will seat -Id . Terms on Application . BOURNEMOUTH . Board and Residence , south aspect , close to the Sea , Pleasure Gardens ; centre of Town ; Home comforts Terms , 30 ' -. Apply AI . A . Hood , Caversham , Poole Hill .
"rjlHE BEDFORD" FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL JL HOTEL , PORTSMOUTH . Proprietor , It . P . BIUANT . QT . ELMO ( BOARDING HOUSE ) , No . 13 , LOCH kJ PROMENADE , DOUGLAS , ISLE OF MAX . Incomparably the Queen of Northern Watering Places . Bro . P . T . SCRKF . CII begs respectfully to offer to intending visitors to this charming health and pleasure resort the comfortable advantages of a Home from Home . This establishment , with an old connection ( 17 years ) , is conveniently situated on the margin of the beautiful Bay , and within two minutes' walk of the landing Pier—the arrangements being personally superintended b , y Miss SHIMMIN and Mrs . SCREECH . First-class Cuisine—Terms moderate . Particulars on application . CEA HOUSE HOTEL , MIDDLE ST ., BRIGHTON . kJ —THOMAS Gums ( late Supt . Brighton Police Fire Brigade ) . Choicest Wines and Spirits , Fine Foreign Cigars , Billiards , Private Apartments . PARSON'S HOTEL , RIO DE JANEIRO , BRAZIL . V- ^ English homo comforts , and all information about Brazil , will be found in this Hotel . AV . M . D . CARSOX , Proprietor .
These spaces are reserved for Hotels offering inducements to Masonic visitors .
EXPOSITION UXIVERSELLE DE PARIS , 1 S 81 I . ^NGLOFRENCHVILLAGE Wk HOTEL DES BAINS , Avenue de Versailles , Auleuil , PARIS , NEAR THE EXHIBITION . Oflfl Comfortable Bedrooms ; plenty of water and baths ; Good English Food , UUU or Cuisine Frarieuise ; Concert Hall and Cab : ' attached to the Building ; Garden and Kiver ( the Seine ) , with Boating . All the features of a Club ; certain accommodation by day , week , or month . PIUCKS : Bedroom per Night ( including Attendance ) 5 s . Breakfast and Dinner at Ordinary London Tariff . Secretary : THE Hox . C . CADOOAX . Director at Paris : Mr . C . DM CilASTKl . Atx . Rooms may be reserved at ( he Ollices of Mr . E . Cl . AUK . 432 , Strand ; Messrs . CI : TUI . KRTSON & Co ., -14 , Brompton Road , Knightsbridgo ; and Mr . JOHN PROCTOR , 81 , Graeechnreh Street , E . C .
-WJ ^ ZCsTTIEID . SECOND-HAND Lodge Furniture , Oak or Mahogany preferred ; also Clothing . Reply , with inventory , price and order to view , to N ., Office of this paper .
TO BE HHEST . TO THE TEA TRADE . Anyone requiring a Fine First Floor , situated close to Leadenhall Street , and within 3 minutes of Mark and Mincing Lanes . Rent .-CoO . Apply—BLAND & CAMPION , la , Fenchurcli Street , E . C .
TO FOUNDERS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , PRECEPTORIES , & c . The Windsor Castle Masonic Temple to be let . Replete with every convenience ( including Organ ) for Craft Lodges , It . A . Chapters , Encampments , Preceptorios , kc . Resident Tyler . Apply to E . GRISBROOK , Windsor .