Article Masons of the Year. ← Page 10 of 14 →
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Masons Of The Year.
Australia , and has promised to be an "Eminent Mason at Home " early in the year , MR . JOHN LANE , F . C . A .
MR . JOHN LANE , of Torquay , has done more solid work on behalf of the Literature of Freemasonry , in a period of three years , than any other man I W . J . Hughan truly observed in 1887 , that Mr . Lane ' s "Masonic Records , 1717-1886 " ( Dedicated by permission to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ) , had
" placed the author , al one hound , in the front rank of trusted and competent Masonic experts and historians "; and Gould , two years later , tersely described that massive volume as " a publication of extraordinary merit , and which , as a Gazetteer of the Lodges , became at once to Freemasons as valuable a work
of reference as the famous Dictionary of Dr . Johnson did to the genera ) public in the last century . '' When it is understood that this great work furnishes reliable information respecting all the Lodges which have been warranted under the auspices of the Grand Lodges of England , London and York—and of the
"United Grand Lodge" from 1717 to 1 S 86 , amounting to considerably over 3 , 600 in number—some idea may be formed of the magnitude and importance of that great and elaborate production , as likewise the extent of the researches incident to the preparation and arrangement of such an enormous mass of
figures and other data . What may be termed a companion volume was published in 1 SS 9 , by the same author , entitled " A Handy Book to the Study of the Engraved , Printed , and MS . List of Lodges of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England ( 'Moderns ' and'Ancients' ) , from 1723 to 1 S 14 . " A
less ambitious effort , but one equally as much needed , was the paper read by Mr . Lane , before the members of the " Quatuor Coronati , " on June 25 th , 18 S 8 , on "Masters' Lodges , " and printed with the proceedings of that most successful organisation . Those who have known John Lane from his youth upwards will be aware how his professional duties have
peculiarly tended to fit him for such special and arduous literary labours . Born in 1843 , and spending his early years in a solicitor ' s office , he subsequently commenced practice as an accountant , becoming an Associate of the " Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales" on its
incor-, poration in 1880 , and obtaining the coveted distinction of " F . C . A . " in 1882 . He is secretary to several public companies , and though so overcrowded with professional work , is so methodical , accurate , and diligent , that he contrives to make time for the study of archa _ ological subjects , and nothing that
comes from his pen betrays any evidence of undue haste or lack of careful deliberation . His initiation in the "Jordan " Lodge ( 1402 ) , Torquay , did not take place until September roth , 187 S , so that he is still a young Mason . John Lane , however , was W . M . in iS 82 ; and on the completion of his term of office was voted a gold P . M . ' s jewel . He is again "in collar" as
Treasurer ; and has been Charity Steward from 1 SS 5 . In that capacity he has served eight stewardships , become a Vice-President of the three Institutions , Vice-Patron of the "Devon Masonic Educational Fund , " Life Governor of the " Fortescue Annuity Fund , " and " Mark Benevolent Fund . " His exaltation in No . 328 was on February 25 th , 1880 , and installation as M . E . Z .
in 1 S 89 . The Mark was taken the following year in Ihe Newton Abbot ( 315 ) , and in 188 . 3 ne became founder and first Master of the " J ordan " ( 3191 ) , Torquay , continuing as Secretary from the year following ; and has made himself thoroughly acquainted , ritualistically and generally , with all these ceremonies . The
chivalric degrees have been supported by him since 188 3 , when he became a Knight Templar , & c , and later on in that year was " perfected " as a Rose Croix Mason , attaining the Preceptorship and chair of the eighteenth degree some six years afterwards . John Lane is also a Past Provincial Grand
Registrar of the Craft , Arch and Knight Templars , and Past Provincial Grand Mark Overseer for the Mark . Unfortunately we are not able to chronicle any grand honours in the English Craft , but his appointment , by vote of the Grand Lodge of Iowa , in 1888 , to honorary membership in that distinguished body , with the rank of Senior Grand Warden , was a special
mark of appreciation highly valued by Mr . Lane , as also the rank of Past Senior Grand Overseer of the Mark Grand Lodge , conferred by H . R . H . the Grand Master , in the Jubilee Year . John Lane was elected to full membership in the " Quatuor Coronati " Lodge ( 2076 ) in 1 SS 7 , and to honorary membership
in the senior Lodge , at Plymouth , " St . John ' s" ( 70 ) ; the " Fortitude" ( 131 ) , Truro ; and the "Eboracum " ( 1611 ) , York , in 1 SS 8-9 . Notwithstanding his manifold duties , he has never been absent once from either of his Torquay Lodges or Chapter , thus presenting an unbroken record of attendance which cannot certainly be surpassed .
SIR OFFLEY WAKEMAN , BART . SIR OFFLEY WAKEMAN , BART ., was born in 1850 , and succeeded to the estates in 185 S ; he married Catherine Mary ,
the only surviving daughter of Sir Charles H . Rouse Broughton ,. Bart ., in 1 SS 5 . Sir Offtey is a J . P ., chairman of Quarter Sessions for Shropshire , an elected County Councillor for the same , and a representative of the diocese of Hereford in the House of Laymen ; he is also a barrister of the Inner Temple .
Sir Offley Wakeman was initiated in the Churchill Lodge ( 478 ) , Oxford , in 1870 , and joined the Salopian Lodge ( 262 ) , Shrewsbury , in 1873 ; he passed the chair in both Lodges . He was elected Provincial Grand Senior Warden of Oxfordshire in 1 S 81 , and Deputy-Provincial Grand Master of North Wales and
Shropshire in 1882 , becoming P . G . M . of Shropshire in 18 S 5 . He is a Vice-President of the Boys' and Benevolent Institutions , a Vice-Patron of the Girls ' , and presided on the occasion of the
festival of that institution in 1 SS 6 .
MR . EX-SHERIFF HARRIS . MR . EX-SHERIFF WALTER H . HARRIS is a Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies of the year , amember of the Court
of Lieutenancy of the City of London , and a Justice of the Peace of the County of Surrey . He was Sheriff of London with Mr . Walter Alderman Knill , 1889-90 , during the Mayoralty of Sir Henry Isaacs , retiring on the 29 th of September last , when a warm tribute to their efficiency , general courtesy , and liberality
was paid to them in Common Hall , on the motion of Dr . Freshfield , and seconded by the Prime Warden of the Goldsmiths' Company . Mr . Sheriff Walter Harris and his colleague accompanied the Lord Mayor to the Edinburgh Exhibition , which occasion was memorable as being the first on which the
Lord Mayor and Sheriffs have officially visited the northern capital . Whilst in Edinburgh , he became affiliated to the Lodge of Edinburgh , No . 1 , under the seal of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . He is a Past Master of the St . Mark ' s Lodge ( S 57 ) a subscribing member to the Lodge of Felicity , the
, Phcenix Lodge , and the Honour and Prudence Lodge of Cornwall . He is also a life governor of all the Masonic Institutions , a member of the Merchant Taylors' , Loriners' , Innholders' , Spectacle Makers' , Gold and Silver Wire Drawers' , Playing Card Makers' , and Blacksmiths' Companies .
Mr . Walter Harris holds a high position in City circles , and is a popular and influential member of the Raleigh , the Lyric , and City Carlton Clubs .
Castle , Yorks , and Viscount Raincliffe , of Raincliffe Castle , in the same county , Vice-Admiral of Yorks and Hon . Colonel of the 1 st Battalion of the East Yorks Regiment , was born fiftysix years ago , and succeeded his father , a prominent Mason , in i 860 , in which year he was appointed a Senior Grand Warden of England . Three years later he married the youngest daughter of the seventh Duke of Beaufort . Lord Londesborough
Title | Category | Page |
Masons of the Year. | Article | 1 |
Round and About. | Article | 16 |
Brothers. | Article | 20 |
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masons Of The Year.
Australia , and has promised to be an "Eminent Mason at Home " early in the year , MR . JOHN LANE , F . C . A .
MR . JOHN LANE , of Torquay , has done more solid work on behalf of the Literature of Freemasonry , in a period of three years , than any other man I W . J . Hughan truly observed in 1887 , that Mr . Lane ' s "Masonic Records , 1717-1886 " ( Dedicated by permission to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ) , had
" placed the author , al one hound , in the front rank of trusted and competent Masonic experts and historians "; and Gould , two years later , tersely described that massive volume as " a publication of extraordinary merit , and which , as a Gazetteer of the Lodges , became at once to Freemasons as valuable a work
of reference as the famous Dictionary of Dr . Johnson did to the genera ) public in the last century . '' When it is understood that this great work furnishes reliable information respecting all the Lodges which have been warranted under the auspices of the Grand Lodges of England , London and York—and of the
"United Grand Lodge" from 1717 to 1 S 86 , amounting to considerably over 3 , 600 in number—some idea may be formed of the magnitude and importance of that great and elaborate production , as likewise the extent of the researches incident to the preparation and arrangement of such an enormous mass of
figures and other data . What may be termed a companion volume was published in 1 SS 9 , by the same author , entitled " A Handy Book to the Study of the Engraved , Printed , and MS . List of Lodges of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England ( 'Moderns ' and'Ancients' ) , from 1723 to 1 S 14 . " A
less ambitious effort , but one equally as much needed , was the paper read by Mr . Lane , before the members of the " Quatuor Coronati , " on June 25 th , 18 S 8 , on "Masters' Lodges , " and printed with the proceedings of that most successful organisation . Those who have known John Lane from his youth upwards will be aware how his professional duties have
peculiarly tended to fit him for such special and arduous literary labours . Born in 1843 , and spending his early years in a solicitor ' s office , he subsequently commenced practice as an accountant , becoming an Associate of the " Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales" on its
incor-, poration in 1880 , and obtaining the coveted distinction of " F . C . A . " in 1882 . He is secretary to several public companies , and though so overcrowded with professional work , is so methodical , accurate , and diligent , that he contrives to make time for the study of archa _ ological subjects , and nothing that
comes from his pen betrays any evidence of undue haste or lack of careful deliberation . His initiation in the "Jordan " Lodge ( 1402 ) , Torquay , did not take place until September roth , 187 S , so that he is still a young Mason . John Lane , however , was W . M . in iS 82 ; and on the completion of his term of office was voted a gold P . M . ' s jewel . He is again "in collar" as
Treasurer ; and has been Charity Steward from 1 SS 5 . In that capacity he has served eight stewardships , become a Vice-President of the three Institutions , Vice-Patron of the "Devon Masonic Educational Fund , " Life Governor of the " Fortescue Annuity Fund , " and " Mark Benevolent Fund . " His exaltation in No . 328 was on February 25 th , 1880 , and installation as M . E . Z .
in 1 S 89 . The Mark was taken the following year in Ihe Newton Abbot ( 315 ) , and in 188 . 3 ne became founder and first Master of the " J ordan " ( 3191 ) , Torquay , continuing as Secretary from the year following ; and has made himself thoroughly acquainted , ritualistically and generally , with all these ceremonies . The
chivalric degrees have been supported by him since 188 3 , when he became a Knight Templar , & c , and later on in that year was " perfected " as a Rose Croix Mason , attaining the Preceptorship and chair of the eighteenth degree some six years afterwards . John Lane is also a Past Provincial Grand
Registrar of the Craft , Arch and Knight Templars , and Past Provincial Grand Mark Overseer for the Mark . Unfortunately we are not able to chronicle any grand honours in the English Craft , but his appointment , by vote of the Grand Lodge of Iowa , in 1888 , to honorary membership in that distinguished body , with the rank of Senior Grand Warden , was a special
mark of appreciation highly valued by Mr . Lane , as also the rank of Past Senior Grand Overseer of the Mark Grand Lodge , conferred by H . R . H . the Grand Master , in the Jubilee Year . John Lane was elected to full membership in the " Quatuor Coronati " Lodge ( 2076 ) in 1 SS 7 , and to honorary membership
in the senior Lodge , at Plymouth , " St . John ' s" ( 70 ) ; the " Fortitude" ( 131 ) , Truro ; and the "Eboracum " ( 1611 ) , York , in 1 SS 8-9 . Notwithstanding his manifold duties , he has never been absent once from either of his Torquay Lodges or Chapter , thus presenting an unbroken record of attendance which cannot certainly be surpassed .
SIR OFFLEY WAKEMAN , BART . SIR OFFLEY WAKEMAN , BART ., was born in 1850 , and succeeded to the estates in 185 S ; he married Catherine Mary ,
the only surviving daughter of Sir Charles H . Rouse Broughton ,. Bart ., in 1 SS 5 . Sir Offtey is a J . P ., chairman of Quarter Sessions for Shropshire , an elected County Councillor for the same , and a representative of the diocese of Hereford in the House of Laymen ; he is also a barrister of the Inner Temple .
Sir Offley Wakeman was initiated in the Churchill Lodge ( 478 ) , Oxford , in 1870 , and joined the Salopian Lodge ( 262 ) , Shrewsbury , in 1873 ; he passed the chair in both Lodges . He was elected Provincial Grand Senior Warden of Oxfordshire in 1 S 81 , and Deputy-Provincial Grand Master of North Wales and
Shropshire in 1882 , becoming P . G . M . of Shropshire in 18 S 5 . He is a Vice-President of the Boys' and Benevolent Institutions , a Vice-Patron of the Girls ' , and presided on the occasion of the
festival of that institution in 1 SS 6 .
MR . EX-SHERIFF HARRIS . MR . EX-SHERIFF WALTER H . HARRIS is a Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies of the year , amember of the Court
of Lieutenancy of the City of London , and a Justice of the Peace of the County of Surrey . He was Sheriff of London with Mr . Walter Alderman Knill , 1889-90 , during the Mayoralty of Sir Henry Isaacs , retiring on the 29 th of September last , when a warm tribute to their efficiency , general courtesy , and liberality
was paid to them in Common Hall , on the motion of Dr . Freshfield , and seconded by the Prime Warden of the Goldsmiths' Company . Mr . Sheriff Walter Harris and his colleague accompanied the Lord Mayor to the Edinburgh Exhibition , which occasion was memorable as being the first on which the
Lord Mayor and Sheriffs have officially visited the northern capital . Whilst in Edinburgh , he became affiliated to the Lodge of Edinburgh , No . 1 , under the seal of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . He is a Past Master of the St . Mark ' s Lodge ( S 57 ) a subscribing member to the Lodge of Felicity , the
, Phcenix Lodge , and the Honour and Prudence Lodge of Cornwall . He is also a life governor of all the Masonic Institutions , a member of the Merchant Taylors' , Loriners' , Innholders' , Spectacle Makers' , Gold and Silver Wire Drawers' , Playing Card Makers' , and Blacksmiths' Companies .
Mr . Walter Harris holds a high position in City circles , and is a popular and influential member of the Raleigh , the Lyric , and City Carlton Clubs .
Castle , Yorks , and Viscount Raincliffe , of Raincliffe Castle , in the same county , Vice-Admiral of Yorks and Hon . Colonel of the 1 st Battalion of the East Yorks Regiment , was born fiftysix years ago , and succeeded his father , a prominent Mason , in i 860 , in which year he was appointed a Senior Grand Warden of England . Three years later he married the youngest daughter of the seventh Duke of Beaufort . Lord Londesborough