Article Masonic Mems. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Masonic Mems.
The Freemason , under date August 10 , says : " Bro . Ermilo G . Canton , director and proprietor of the Boletin Masonico , the " official" organ of the " Del . Sup . Gr . Or . de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos , " has printed the complete text of the lecture on " The Great Pyramid and Freemasonry , " delivered by Bro . John Chapman in Philadelphia and in several Lodges in this country . The text
has been carefully printed in Spanish from a translation by his son , Mr . John Henry Chapman . The circulation of the lecture through Spain by our Bro . E . Contreras , in the El Taller , and now in Mexico by Bro . E . G . Canton , will give it considerably more publicity .
* * * Mr . Robert Toy having secured the contract for the new Masonic hall for Tregenna Lodge ( 1272 ) has commenced operations . This Lodge will have a magnificent suite of rooms , and from the healthy state of the Order at St . Ives great benefits are expected by the removal of several Lodges from the present places of meeting .
* * * An interesting Masonic service was attended by the brethren of Lodge St . Andrew ' s ( 199 ) , Cumbernauld , in the parish church , a few Sundays ago . The brethren mustered in their Lodge-room , under Bro . Stark , R . W . M ., while deputations from Lodge St . John ,
No . 16 , Falkirk , under Bro . M'Beth ; Lodge Denny and Loanhead , No . 17 6 , under Bro . Frew ; No . 431 , under Bro . O'Brien ; No . 588 , Callendar , Falkirk , under Bro . Gray , also joined . The brethren formed into order and marched to the church , accompanied by the esteemed and reverend chaplain of the Lodge , Bro . Park , parish
minister , along with the Rev . Bro . Somervile , of Blackfriars Church , Glasgow , Grand Lodge Chaplain , who conducted the services , which were of a most interesting and impressive nature . In a most eloquent discourse , during which the reverend brother referred
to the exquisite beauty of design and excellent character of the workmanship that so justly entitled the glorious temple of Solomon to the pre-eminent distinction of being unequalled—the wonder of the world until now—he made some very interesting and lucid remarks on several of the ancient Masonic symbolisms met with , and forcibly and tersely pointed out their probable moral reference .
The chief aim of his discourse was , however , directed to modern Freemasonry , " which significantly means that every brother ought to rear up as magnificent a temple as he can construct , a character as faultless as can be borne , live a life of doing good , and strive to obtain in the end an entrance into the Grand Lodge above . " The
discourse was listened to with marked attention and appreciation by a very large congregation , the church being filled in every part . An excellent choir , under the leadership of Bro . Fleming , assisted materially in the services .
* * * As some bricklayers were piercing the wall of the old Parochial School at Mauchline , the other day , they came upon the memorial stone of the additions built in 1865 . The chisel passed through a glass bottle , in which were found a list of the members of
Mauchline St . Mungo's Lodge , No . 179 , the names of the teachers in the parish school and the New Educational Institute , as well as the names of the ministers of Mauchline . There were fourteen photos in good preservation , a few coins , and two newspapers , the Glasgoro Herald and the Ayrshire Express , of August 25 , 1865 . * * *
The Liberal Freemason records the death of Bro . Benjamin Curran , D . C . L ., a Past G . H . P . of the Grand R . A . Chapter , and a Past S . G . Warden , and G . Secretary for the last eighteen years of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia . Our late brother , who died on the 31 st March last , at the age of sixty-three years , was a man of liberal education , and exercised very great influence in Masonry in the
jurisdiction of Nova Scotia . * * * The remains of the late Bro . William Green , who died on the 14 th ult ., at the age of fifty , were interred at St . Anne ' s Hill
Cemetery , Gosport , on Monday , the 19 th ult . The deceased brother was late Serjeant-Major on the staff of the Royal Engineers , Gosport , in which corps he was very highly respected . He was also a prominent Mason in the Province of Hampshire , being a founder and first S . W ., and subsequently a P . M . of the Hope Lodge , No . 2153 , P . Z . 903 , P . M . and P . P . G . Officer in the Mark Degree ,
P . M . W . S . in the A . and A . Rite , Royal Naval Chapter ( Rose Croix ) ; also a member of the Royal Naval Preceptory and Priory , Portsmouth , and a Knight of the Red Cross Rome and Constantine . The deceased was buried in the robes of a Knight Templar . * » *
A most interesting ceremony took place on Wednesday evening , the 21 st ult ., in connection with the Lodge of Friendship ( 277 ) , at the Masonic Hall , Oldham , the occasion being to celebrate the centenary of the Lodge , which has had an uninterrupted course since the 22 nd of August , 1789 , the warrant for the formation of the
Lodge bearing that date . About seventy members and visitors attended . Amongst those present were Bros . J . Greaves , W . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Works ; J . Braddock , S . W ., P . M . ; B . C . Mattinson , I . P . M . ; Abram Clegg , J . W ., P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . ; J . O . Jelly , M . A ., Chaplain ; C . Watson , Treasurer , P . M . ; John Buckley , S . D . P . M . ;
Ralph Holden , J . D ., P . M . ; H . L . Hollingworth , D . C , P . M ., P . P . G . T . ; T . Bailey , Secretary ; and the rest of the officers . The visitors included Bros . J . H . Shillitoe , P . P . J . G . W . ; J . Chadwick , P . M ., P . G . Secretary ; W . Bagnall , P . M . ; and the W . M . 's of the other Oldham and neighbouring Lodges . The Lodge being opened , Bro . P . M . Greaves , W . M ., called upon Bro . Jelly to read a history
of the Lodge from the time of formation to the present , compiled by Bro . Jelly from the minute-books . After the reading of this interesting record , Bro . Chadwick , Provincial Grand Secretary , presented to the Lodge the centenary warrant granted by the Grand Lodge of England . Bro . Chadwick , in making the
presentation , said : —As a preface , I may say that you might have obtained the services of brethren higher in rank than I for so interesting a duty , but I will say this , brethren , none more earnest or more desirous of fulfilling the duties required of me . I congratulate the Friendship Lodge on possessing such a history as that just
given by our good Brother Jelly , and on its stability and prosperity , and I rejoice to visit it to-day , and present to you , my dear friends and brethren , the centenary warrant granted by the M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . The aspirations of the Provincial Grand Lodge , of which I am its humble exponent , are that all the brethren under its jurisdiction— especially you of this Friendship Lodge , 277—may be worthy of the obligations they have severally
taken , may work in love and unity , and may be in the future , as in the past , a contented , prosperous , and harmonius community of Freemasons , the pride of our estimable and worthy chief , Colonel Le Gendre N . Starkie , and the envy of the world outside the mystic circle . I desire , W . M . and brethren , in presenting this centenary warrant , to declare to you the progress the Craft has made
in this province of Lancashire since its institution , but especially since this Lodge was consecrated , August 22 , 1789 . The number then was 554 , and now it is 277 . Bro . Edward Entwistle was our first P . G . M ., appointed in 1734 , with three Lodges under his jurisdiction . In 178 9 Bro . John Allen was P . G . M ., with
twentytwo lodges , and there were also thirteen others under Athol Constitution , called Antients . Bro . F . D . Astley was P . G . M . at the Union , in 1813 , with fifty-seven lodges under his jurisdiction . Division of Lancashire , 1826 , Bro . Le Gendre N . Starkie appointed G . P . M . of E . D ., with forty-one lodges ( the number of members I have no means
of ascertaining ) . Colonel Starkie appointed P . G . M . in 1870 , with seventy-four lodges and 3 , 400 members . Now , in 1889 , we have 100 lodges and upwards of 4 , 400 members . This is a record , I venture to say , not surpassed by any province . I would , before concluding , remind you of the charges that every true Mason should keep , for our grand Craft is a science worthy to be kept and engraven upon the heart of every true Mason . It is a virtuous science , for it
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
The Freemason , under date August 10 , says : " Bro . Ermilo G . Canton , director and proprietor of the Boletin Masonico , the " official" organ of the " Del . Sup . Gr . Or . de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos , " has printed the complete text of the lecture on " The Great Pyramid and Freemasonry , " delivered by Bro . John Chapman in Philadelphia and in several Lodges in this country . The text
has been carefully printed in Spanish from a translation by his son , Mr . John Henry Chapman . The circulation of the lecture through Spain by our Bro . E . Contreras , in the El Taller , and now in Mexico by Bro . E . G . Canton , will give it considerably more publicity .
* * * Mr . Robert Toy having secured the contract for the new Masonic hall for Tregenna Lodge ( 1272 ) has commenced operations . This Lodge will have a magnificent suite of rooms , and from the healthy state of the Order at St . Ives great benefits are expected by the removal of several Lodges from the present places of meeting .
* * * An interesting Masonic service was attended by the brethren of Lodge St . Andrew ' s ( 199 ) , Cumbernauld , in the parish church , a few Sundays ago . The brethren mustered in their Lodge-room , under Bro . Stark , R . W . M ., while deputations from Lodge St . John ,
No . 16 , Falkirk , under Bro . M'Beth ; Lodge Denny and Loanhead , No . 17 6 , under Bro . Frew ; No . 431 , under Bro . O'Brien ; No . 588 , Callendar , Falkirk , under Bro . Gray , also joined . The brethren formed into order and marched to the church , accompanied by the esteemed and reverend chaplain of the Lodge , Bro . Park , parish
minister , along with the Rev . Bro . Somervile , of Blackfriars Church , Glasgow , Grand Lodge Chaplain , who conducted the services , which were of a most interesting and impressive nature . In a most eloquent discourse , during which the reverend brother referred
to the exquisite beauty of design and excellent character of the workmanship that so justly entitled the glorious temple of Solomon to the pre-eminent distinction of being unequalled—the wonder of the world until now—he made some very interesting and lucid remarks on several of the ancient Masonic symbolisms met with , and forcibly and tersely pointed out their probable moral reference .
The chief aim of his discourse was , however , directed to modern Freemasonry , " which significantly means that every brother ought to rear up as magnificent a temple as he can construct , a character as faultless as can be borne , live a life of doing good , and strive to obtain in the end an entrance into the Grand Lodge above . " The
discourse was listened to with marked attention and appreciation by a very large congregation , the church being filled in every part . An excellent choir , under the leadership of Bro . Fleming , assisted materially in the services .
* * * As some bricklayers were piercing the wall of the old Parochial School at Mauchline , the other day , they came upon the memorial stone of the additions built in 1865 . The chisel passed through a glass bottle , in which were found a list of the members of
Mauchline St . Mungo's Lodge , No . 179 , the names of the teachers in the parish school and the New Educational Institute , as well as the names of the ministers of Mauchline . There were fourteen photos in good preservation , a few coins , and two newspapers , the Glasgoro Herald and the Ayrshire Express , of August 25 , 1865 . * * *
The Liberal Freemason records the death of Bro . Benjamin Curran , D . C . L ., a Past G . H . P . of the Grand R . A . Chapter , and a Past S . G . Warden , and G . Secretary for the last eighteen years of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia . Our late brother , who died on the 31 st March last , at the age of sixty-three years , was a man of liberal education , and exercised very great influence in Masonry in the
jurisdiction of Nova Scotia . * * * The remains of the late Bro . William Green , who died on the 14 th ult ., at the age of fifty , were interred at St . Anne ' s Hill
Cemetery , Gosport , on Monday , the 19 th ult . The deceased brother was late Serjeant-Major on the staff of the Royal Engineers , Gosport , in which corps he was very highly respected . He was also a prominent Mason in the Province of Hampshire , being a founder and first S . W ., and subsequently a P . M . of the Hope Lodge , No . 2153 , P . Z . 903 , P . M . and P . P . G . Officer in the Mark Degree ,
P . M . W . S . in the A . and A . Rite , Royal Naval Chapter ( Rose Croix ) ; also a member of the Royal Naval Preceptory and Priory , Portsmouth , and a Knight of the Red Cross Rome and Constantine . The deceased was buried in the robes of a Knight Templar . * » *
A most interesting ceremony took place on Wednesday evening , the 21 st ult ., in connection with the Lodge of Friendship ( 277 ) , at the Masonic Hall , Oldham , the occasion being to celebrate the centenary of the Lodge , which has had an uninterrupted course since the 22 nd of August , 1789 , the warrant for the formation of the
Lodge bearing that date . About seventy members and visitors attended . Amongst those present were Bros . J . Greaves , W . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Works ; J . Braddock , S . W ., P . M . ; B . C . Mattinson , I . P . M . ; Abram Clegg , J . W ., P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . ; J . O . Jelly , M . A ., Chaplain ; C . Watson , Treasurer , P . M . ; John Buckley , S . D . P . M . ;
Ralph Holden , J . D ., P . M . ; H . L . Hollingworth , D . C , P . M ., P . P . G . T . ; T . Bailey , Secretary ; and the rest of the officers . The visitors included Bros . J . H . Shillitoe , P . P . J . G . W . ; J . Chadwick , P . M ., P . G . Secretary ; W . Bagnall , P . M . ; and the W . M . 's of the other Oldham and neighbouring Lodges . The Lodge being opened , Bro . P . M . Greaves , W . M ., called upon Bro . Jelly to read a history
of the Lodge from the time of formation to the present , compiled by Bro . Jelly from the minute-books . After the reading of this interesting record , Bro . Chadwick , Provincial Grand Secretary , presented to the Lodge the centenary warrant granted by the Grand Lodge of England . Bro . Chadwick , in making the
presentation , said : —As a preface , I may say that you might have obtained the services of brethren higher in rank than I for so interesting a duty , but I will say this , brethren , none more earnest or more desirous of fulfilling the duties required of me . I congratulate the Friendship Lodge on possessing such a history as that just
given by our good Brother Jelly , and on its stability and prosperity , and I rejoice to visit it to-day , and present to you , my dear friends and brethren , the centenary warrant granted by the M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . The aspirations of the Provincial Grand Lodge , of which I am its humble exponent , are that all the brethren under its jurisdiction— especially you of this Friendship Lodge , 277—may be worthy of the obligations they have severally
taken , may work in love and unity , and may be in the future , as in the past , a contented , prosperous , and harmonius community of Freemasons , the pride of our estimable and worthy chief , Colonel Le Gendre N . Starkie , and the envy of the world outside the mystic circle . I desire , W . M . and brethren , in presenting this centenary warrant , to declare to you the progress the Craft has made
in this province of Lancashire since its institution , but especially since this Lodge was consecrated , August 22 , 1789 . The number then was 554 , and now it is 277 . Bro . Edward Entwistle was our first P . G . M ., appointed in 1734 , with three Lodges under his jurisdiction . In 178 9 Bro . John Allen was P . G . M ., with
twentytwo lodges , and there were also thirteen others under Athol Constitution , called Antients . Bro . F . D . Astley was P . G . M . at the Union , in 1813 , with fifty-seven lodges under his jurisdiction . Division of Lancashire , 1826 , Bro . Le Gendre N . Starkie appointed G . P . M . of E . D ., with forty-one lodges ( the number of members I have no means
of ascertaining ) . Colonel Starkie appointed P . G . M . in 1870 , with seventy-four lodges and 3 , 400 members . Now , in 1889 , we have 100 lodges and upwards of 4 , 400 members . This is a record , I venture to say , not surpassed by any province . I would , before concluding , remind you of the charges that every true Mason should keep , for our grand Craft is a science worthy to be kept and engraven upon the heart of every true Mason . It is a virtuous science , for it