Article Masonic Mems. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Colonial and Foreign. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
Bro . D . Cameron , schoolmaster , Newmill , had taken the books and other documents with him to America at the time of the dissolution of the Lodge . But the discovery of the charter in so unexpected a manner has given rise to the hope that the books may also turn up and eventually be deposited in the Keith Museum . The St . James ' s Lodge was resuscitated about four years ago , and some of the
regalia belonging to the original Lodge has been presented to it . These , like the original charter , are in a good state of preservation . The charter is written on finely-dressed sheepskin , and is a specimen of the beautiful and careful penmanship of the period in which it was written .
* * * Bro . Joseph D . Langton , who has been appointed Hon . Sec . of the Provisional Management Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , is J . D . of Grand Masters' Lodge ( i ) , P . M . and Secretary of the Langton Lodge ( 1673 ) , and P . M . and Secretary of
the George Price Lodge ( 2097 ); also Z . of the George Price Chapter , and Z . elect of the Asaph Chapter ( 1319 ) . Bro . Langton was , at the last meeting of Grand Lodge , elected a Member of the Board of General Purposes , and he is P . P . J . G . W . of Surrey , and P . P . G . A . S . of the Provincial Grand Chapter .
* * * Bro . Sir Michael R . Shaw Stewart , Bart ., Provincial Grand Master of Renfrewshire , has appointed Bro . James Reid , Greenock , to be Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Scotland , in room of M . Hugh Shaw Steward , of Carnock , who resigned that office on his
election as Provincial Grand Master of Stirlingshire . Bro . David J . Dunlop , Port-Glasgow , has been appointed Sub-Provincial G . Master ; Bro . Provost Binnie , Gourock , Provincial Senior Grand Warden ; and Bro . Rev . John Frew , Greenock , one of the Provincial Grand Chaplains .
* * * Probats of the will , dated June 15 , 1 S 88 , of the late Bro . Carl Rosa , of 17 , Westbourne-street , Hyde-park , who died on April 30 last , at the Grand Hotel , Paris , has been granted to the acting executors , Mr . Henry Alex . Bruce , of the Court Theatre , Liverpool ,
theatrical manager , and Mr . Charles Edward Horte , of Northbourne , Lower Common , Putney , secretary , probate having been renounced by Mr . John Hayward Evans , solicitor , also named as an executor in the will . The value of the personal estate has been sworn at - £ 78 , 758 . 12 s . 4 d .
* * * Considerable excitement prevails in Masonic circles at Scrauton , Pa ., over the condemnation , by the Grand Master McCalla , of a Lodge belonging to the Cerneau rite of Scottish Masonry . The introduction of the Cerneau rite into this region was regarded b y
the ancient northern jurisdiction as a sort of Masonic schism . It is alleged against the new rite that it confers degrees easil y , unworthily , and cheaply , and sometimes sold its honours for solid cash . As a result , men of no merit were found displaying evidences of Masonic dignity to which they were not entitled . These and other offences moved the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania to declare the Cerneau rite clandestine .
The proprietors of The Masonic Star , the modest little weekl y edited by Bro . James Stevens , is seeking the assistance of £ 5 , ( in five thousand shares of £ 1 each ) to continue the publication and increase the publicity of the paper . Five thousand pounds will do a great deal with such a small affair that has been in existence twelve months . Bro . Stevens , although one of the proprietors and
promoters of the Company , will not receive any of the purchasemoney to be ' paid to them . Under the circumstances , the whole of the purchase-money should be taken in deferred shares , bearing no interest till the ordinary shareholders had received 5 per cent .
Colonial And Foreign.
Colonial and Foreign .
Lord Onslow , the new Governor of New Zealand , was welcomed on his arrival in the Colony to take up his official position by the Brethren of the District Grand Lodge , who had arranged a Masonic reception and banquet in his honour . In reply to the address , which was presented to him at Government House , Auckland City , his Lordship said : — " \\ orshipful llrelliren , — Il lias afforded me sincere pleasure lo receive in your name , representing as do the District Grand of
you important Lodge Auckland , so cordial and fraternal a welcome on landing on the shores of New Zealand , it shows , if proof were wanting , that hrolherly love , the lirst principle of Freemasonry , is as strong in this important province of the Empire as in the heart of the Grand Lodge of England itself . As a Grand Warden of that Lodge , it will he a pleasure to me to express to his Royal Highness the Grand Master the satisfaction which I feci in learning that Freemasonry in New Zealand does noi yield in vigour , in prosperity , or in loyalty to any of her sister colonics in Australasia , To an address from the Mark Master Masons , Lord Onslow also replied ; and at the banquet , which was held the following evening ( April 23 ) , on rising to reply to the toast of " Our Guest , " he was received with deafening applause . Lady Onslow and a number of ladies listened from the da ' i ' s .
* * * Several Brethren having petitioned the G . S . R . of the Order of the Secret Monitor for a warrant authorising them to hold a conclave of the Order in Madras , and having pointed out that Bros . Maiden , Gray , and Barton , of that city , had already received the first Degree in the American manner , the G . S . R . constituted them the principalofficers of aconclave , and authorised them to receive
and act upon the warrant . Accordingly , on Friday , May 3 last , the brethren , to whom the warrant was granted—Bros . Rev . C . H . Maiden , 18 deg ., S . R . designate ; J . Gray , C . designate ; and J . B . Barton , G . designate , summoned a meeting of the founders of the Damon and Pythias conclave , No . 14 , and having entered the lodge-room , these then knelt around the E . and recited the obligation . Bro . Gabriel was then admitted and obligated as Sentinel . The
three Rulers designate then opened the conclave , and proceeded to admit into the Order Bros . W . T . Hewitt , iS deg ., Past D . G . Pres . B . G . P . ; C . Campbell , D . Calder , D . G . A . D . C . ; H . Love , Sec . 1198 ; C . Bonell , and B . C . Dumphy . After the induction of the candidates . Bro . Maiden informed the brethren that having been appointed to the rank of Past Grand Councillor , he was empowered to consecrate the conclave and take his seat as 1 st Supreme
Ruler . Bro . Maiden then called upon the acting Secretary , Bro . C . Campbell , to read the petition and warrant , and asked the brethren if they approved of the officers named in the warrant . He then , assisted by Bros . Gray and Barton , consecrated , dedicated , and constituted the conclave , Bro . Barton delivering the oration . Bro . Maiden then installed himself as S . R ., Bro . J . Gray as Councillor , and Bro . J . B . Barton as Guide . Bro . W . T . Hewitt was
elected Treasurer . The remaining officers were then appointed and invested ; Bros . Colin Campbell , Sec . ; J . H . Love , V . D . ; D . Calder , V . D . ; and C . Bonell , Gdr . A Committee , consisting of the S . R ., Sec ., and Treas ., was then appointed to frame by-laws to be submitted at the next meeting . The conclave was then closed .
* # * The Southern Tasmanian Masons , after discussing r the proposals for the establishment of a United District Lodge for Tasmania , have decided by 27 to 25 votes that the time was not ripe for the formation of the Lodge . * # *
When it became evident that the debt on the Masonic Temple in New York would be paid off some two years ago , it was decided to look about for a proper site on which to build and maintain the long-promised asylum . The rentals of the Temple afford a revenue of about 40 , 000 dols . per annum , and it was believed if the Home was properly located that the well-known liberality of the fraternity in doing charitable work for their own order would
swell the fund to nearly 100 , 000 dols . per annum . Hasty or ill-advised action in the choice of site would result in serious difficulties . The site chosen must be carefully considered from all points , and it was not to be determined upon until the committee and Grand Master were absolutely certain it was best for the interests of all . In June , 18 S 7 , the resolution empowering Grand Master Lawrence to appoint the committee was passed in the Grand Lodge . In
April , 1888 , the committee was named , and consisted of one from each of the nine judicial districts in the State . These gentlemen reported at the June meeting of last year of the Grand Lodge , and it was decided that no proposals for sites should be received after September 5 following . Eligible and valuable sites were offered at Lockport , Auburn , Syracuse , Ithaca , Binghamton , Unadilla , Rome , Utica , and on Long Island , all of which were visitedby the
committee . After careful surveys and deliberations extending for many months , it has been unanimously agreed to recommend the Driving Park , Utica City , as the most appropriate spot , provided it can be secured for not more than 20 , 000 dols . The tract is situated almost wholly within the city limits , and contains 175 acres . It is rectangular in shape , having a width of 2600 ftthe frontage being to the northand bounded by the West Shore
, , , Railroad . It is not improbable that the East Utica Station on the West Shore will be moved to the corner of the land on which stands the main entrance to the Driving Park , and side tracks are already there , so that building material can be carried to the grounds by rail . Much of the land is not included in the Driving Park plot , but lies outside the fence . At the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
Bro . D . Cameron , schoolmaster , Newmill , had taken the books and other documents with him to America at the time of the dissolution of the Lodge . But the discovery of the charter in so unexpected a manner has given rise to the hope that the books may also turn up and eventually be deposited in the Keith Museum . The St . James ' s Lodge was resuscitated about four years ago , and some of the
regalia belonging to the original Lodge has been presented to it . These , like the original charter , are in a good state of preservation . The charter is written on finely-dressed sheepskin , and is a specimen of the beautiful and careful penmanship of the period in which it was written .
* * * Bro . Joseph D . Langton , who has been appointed Hon . Sec . of the Provisional Management Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , is J . D . of Grand Masters' Lodge ( i ) , P . M . and Secretary of the Langton Lodge ( 1673 ) , and P . M . and Secretary of
the George Price Lodge ( 2097 ); also Z . of the George Price Chapter , and Z . elect of the Asaph Chapter ( 1319 ) . Bro . Langton was , at the last meeting of Grand Lodge , elected a Member of the Board of General Purposes , and he is P . P . J . G . W . of Surrey , and P . P . G . A . S . of the Provincial Grand Chapter .
* * * Bro . Sir Michael R . Shaw Stewart , Bart ., Provincial Grand Master of Renfrewshire , has appointed Bro . James Reid , Greenock , to be Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Scotland , in room of M . Hugh Shaw Steward , of Carnock , who resigned that office on his
election as Provincial Grand Master of Stirlingshire . Bro . David J . Dunlop , Port-Glasgow , has been appointed Sub-Provincial G . Master ; Bro . Provost Binnie , Gourock , Provincial Senior Grand Warden ; and Bro . Rev . John Frew , Greenock , one of the Provincial Grand Chaplains .
* * * Probats of the will , dated June 15 , 1 S 88 , of the late Bro . Carl Rosa , of 17 , Westbourne-street , Hyde-park , who died on April 30 last , at the Grand Hotel , Paris , has been granted to the acting executors , Mr . Henry Alex . Bruce , of the Court Theatre , Liverpool ,
theatrical manager , and Mr . Charles Edward Horte , of Northbourne , Lower Common , Putney , secretary , probate having been renounced by Mr . John Hayward Evans , solicitor , also named as an executor in the will . The value of the personal estate has been sworn at - £ 78 , 758 . 12 s . 4 d .
* * * Considerable excitement prevails in Masonic circles at Scrauton , Pa ., over the condemnation , by the Grand Master McCalla , of a Lodge belonging to the Cerneau rite of Scottish Masonry . The introduction of the Cerneau rite into this region was regarded b y
the ancient northern jurisdiction as a sort of Masonic schism . It is alleged against the new rite that it confers degrees easil y , unworthily , and cheaply , and sometimes sold its honours for solid cash . As a result , men of no merit were found displaying evidences of Masonic dignity to which they were not entitled . These and other offences moved the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania to declare the Cerneau rite clandestine .
The proprietors of The Masonic Star , the modest little weekl y edited by Bro . James Stevens , is seeking the assistance of £ 5 , ( in five thousand shares of £ 1 each ) to continue the publication and increase the publicity of the paper . Five thousand pounds will do a great deal with such a small affair that has been in existence twelve months . Bro . Stevens , although one of the proprietors and
promoters of the Company , will not receive any of the purchasemoney to be ' paid to them . Under the circumstances , the whole of the purchase-money should be taken in deferred shares , bearing no interest till the ordinary shareholders had received 5 per cent .
Colonial And Foreign.
Colonial and Foreign .
Lord Onslow , the new Governor of New Zealand , was welcomed on his arrival in the Colony to take up his official position by the Brethren of the District Grand Lodge , who had arranged a Masonic reception and banquet in his honour . In reply to the address , which was presented to him at Government House , Auckland City , his Lordship said : — " \\ orshipful llrelliren , — Il lias afforded me sincere pleasure lo receive in your name , representing as do the District Grand of
you important Lodge Auckland , so cordial and fraternal a welcome on landing on the shores of New Zealand , it shows , if proof were wanting , that hrolherly love , the lirst principle of Freemasonry , is as strong in this important province of the Empire as in the heart of the Grand Lodge of England itself . As a Grand Warden of that Lodge , it will he a pleasure to me to express to his Royal Highness the Grand Master the satisfaction which I feci in learning that Freemasonry in New Zealand does noi yield in vigour , in prosperity , or in loyalty to any of her sister colonics in Australasia , To an address from the Mark Master Masons , Lord Onslow also replied ; and at the banquet , which was held the following evening ( April 23 ) , on rising to reply to the toast of " Our Guest , " he was received with deafening applause . Lady Onslow and a number of ladies listened from the da ' i ' s .
* * * Several Brethren having petitioned the G . S . R . of the Order of the Secret Monitor for a warrant authorising them to hold a conclave of the Order in Madras , and having pointed out that Bros . Maiden , Gray , and Barton , of that city , had already received the first Degree in the American manner , the G . S . R . constituted them the principalofficers of aconclave , and authorised them to receive
and act upon the warrant . Accordingly , on Friday , May 3 last , the brethren , to whom the warrant was granted—Bros . Rev . C . H . Maiden , 18 deg ., S . R . designate ; J . Gray , C . designate ; and J . B . Barton , G . designate , summoned a meeting of the founders of the Damon and Pythias conclave , No . 14 , and having entered the lodge-room , these then knelt around the E . and recited the obligation . Bro . Gabriel was then admitted and obligated as Sentinel . The
three Rulers designate then opened the conclave , and proceeded to admit into the Order Bros . W . T . Hewitt , iS deg ., Past D . G . Pres . B . G . P . ; C . Campbell , D . Calder , D . G . A . D . C . ; H . Love , Sec . 1198 ; C . Bonell , and B . C . Dumphy . After the induction of the candidates . Bro . Maiden informed the brethren that having been appointed to the rank of Past Grand Councillor , he was empowered to consecrate the conclave and take his seat as 1 st Supreme
Ruler . Bro . Maiden then called upon the acting Secretary , Bro . C . Campbell , to read the petition and warrant , and asked the brethren if they approved of the officers named in the warrant . He then , assisted by Bros . Gray and Barton , consecrated , dedicated , and constituted the conclave , Bro . Barton delivering the oration . Bro . Maiden then installed himself as S . R ., Bro . J . Gray as Councillor , and Bro . J . B . Barton as Guide . Bro . W . T . Hewitt was
elected Treasurer . The remaining officers were then appointed and invested ; Bros . Colin Campbell , Sec . ; J . H . Love , V . D . ; D . Calder , V . D . ; and C . Bonell , Gdr . A Committee , consisting of the S . R ., Sec ., and Treas ., was then appointed to frame by-laws to be submitted at the next meeting . The conclave was then closed .
* # * The Southern Tasmanian Masons , after discussing r the proposals for the establishment of a United District Lodge for Tasmania , have decided by 27 to 25 votes that the time was not ripe for the formation of the Lodge . * # *
When it became evident that the debt on the Masonic Temple in New York would be paid off some two years ago , it was decided to look about for a proper site on which to build and maintain the long-promised asylum . The rentals of the Temple afford a revenue of about 40 , 000 dols . per annum , and it was believed if the Home was properly located that the well-known liberality of the fraternity in doing charitable work for their own order would
swell the fund to nearly 100 , 000 dols . per annum . Hasty or ill-advised action in the choice of site would result in serious difficulties . The site chosen must be carefully considered from all points , and it was not to be determined upon until the committee and Grand Master were absolutely certain it was best for the interests of all . In June , 18 S 7 , the resolution empowering Grand Master Lawrence to appoint the committee was passed in the Grand Lodge . In
April , 1888 , the committee was named , and consisted of one from each of the nine judicial districts in the State . These gentlemen reported at the June meeting of last year of the Grand Lodge , and it was decided that no proposals for sites should be received after September 5 following . Eligible and valuable sites were offered at Lockport , Auburn , Syracuse , Ithaca , Binghamton , Unadilla , Rome , Utica , and on Long Island , all of which were visitedby the
committee . After careful surveys and deliberations extending for many months , it has been unanimously agreed to recommend the Driving Park , Utica City , as the most appropriate spot , provided it can be secured for not more than 20 , 000 dols . The tract is situated almost wholly within the city limits , and contains 175 acres . It is rectangular in shape , having a width of 2600 ftthe frontage being to the northand bounded by the West Shore
, , , Railroad . It is not improbable that the East Utica Station on the West Shore will be moved to the corner of the land on which stands the main entrance to the Driving Park , and side tracks are already there , so that building material can be carried to the grounds by rail . Much of the land is not included in the Driving Park plot , but lies outside the fence . At the