Article THE INNER AND OUTER GUARDS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Inner And Outer Guards.
We could enlarge to much further extent on the duties and responsibilities of the Outer Guard , more particularly if it were permissible to make reference to matters of Ritual and Ceremonial ; but that , of course , cannot be done here . It may , therefore , be sufficient for our present purpose if we conclude this article by enforcing the ancient charge that the Tyler should be a man of
good morals , steady habits , strict discipline , temperate , affable , and discreet ; having a just regard for the honor and reputation of the Institution ; faithfully performing the trust reposed in him ; and courteous to all who may present themselves at the outer porch , whether as members of or visitors to the Lodge he guards .
There are many hundreds of our brethren who are bright exemplars of these qualities , and who discharge their trying duties in the most admirable manner , and wherever these are found , it is the duty of all good Craftsmen to show them as much honor and respect as to any other member of our Order , however dignified . J AMES STEVENS .
United Grand Lodge.
• "T ^ I-IE Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge of 1 England was held on Wednesday , the 5 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Prov . G . M . for Hants and the Isle of Wight , presided ; Bro . Sir Edmund Lechmere , M . P ., Prov . G . M . for Worcestershire , acted as Deputy Grand Master ;
Bro . Thomas W . Tew , Prov . G . M . for West Yorkshire , as Past Grand Master ; Bro . Lieut-Col . Orde Powlett , P . J . G . W ., as S . G . W . ; Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . C ., D . P . G . M . for Suffolk , as J . G . W . ; nearly five hundred Brethren being present . The Grand Secretary having read the minutes of the last
Quarterly Communication they were put and confirmed . The Grand Secretary said it would be in the recollection of Grand Lodge that , at the meeting of September last , a vote oi congratulation was passed on the occasion of the marriage of her Royal Highness the Princess Louise of Wales with his Grace the Duke of
Fife , which vote was ordered to be engrossed . Owing to the illness of the artist who was employed to engross and illuminate that address , it was , unfortunately , somewhat delayed in its presentation to the M . W . G . M ., and the acknowledgment was only received a few days after the meeting of Grand Lodge . With the
permission of the M . W . G . M . in the chair , he would read the gracious reply from the M . W . G . M .: — Sandrmgham , Norfolk , December 9 , 1 SS 9 . To Colonel Shadwcli IT . Clcrke .
SIK , —I am directed by the Prince of Wales to acknowledge the receipt of a loyal and fraternal address from the United Grand Lodge of England , and , in reply , to request you to be so good as to express to its members his Royal Highness ' s best thanks for their kind wishes on the occasion of the marriage of Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise of Wales with His Grace the Duke of Fife , Provincial Grand Master of Banffshire . —I am , sir , your obedient servant , ( Signed ) FRANCIS K . VOI . I . VS .
Sir E . Lechmere moved that the reply be entered on the minutes , which was seconded by Bro . T . W . Tew , and carried unanimously . Sir Henry Aaron Isaacs , Lord Mayor of London , W . M . Drury Lane Lodge , rose , in pursuance of the nomination he had tlie privilege to make at the previous meeting of Grand Lodge , to move
that his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., be elected Most Worshipful Grand Master for the ensuing year . He did not hesitate to say that in the pjerson of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales we have not only the mest popular member of the Order , but the most popular gentleman in all her Majesty ' s dominions . He therefore had the honor to move that the Prince of Wales be elected
M . W . G . M . for the year ensuing . The motion being seconded by Bro . John Aird , M . P ., was carried unanimously , and the Prince was proclaimed by Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) , G . D . C ., as duly elected M . W . G . M . of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England for the year . Bro . Beach then announced that the next business was the
election of Grand Treasurer , but as there was only one candidate proposed , he declared Bro . Augustus Harris elected Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year . .. .
United Grand Lodge.
The report of the Board of Benevolence was adopted , grants to the amount of ^ 455 being made to seven brethren recommended by the Board . The following report of the Board of General Purposes was taken as read , ordered to be received , and entered on the minutes : —
To the United Grand Lodge oj England . The Board have to report that they have had under their consideration the rate of salary at present received by Bro . Adam John Berry , fifth clerk in the Grand Secretary ' s office , who has served them for fourteen years , and arrived four years ago at the maximum rate of , £ 200 a year—as fixed for all the junior clerks by Grand Lodge in the year 1874—and whose age renders his prospects of future advancement very remote .
It appears to the Board that under the circumstances some small addition might fairly be made to his present rate , and they therefore recommend the following arrangement for the approval of Grand Lodge : — " That the salary of Bro . Adam John Berry be raised to . £ 325 from January 1 last . " The Board have further to report that R . W . Bro . Sir John Braddick Monckton , P . G . W ., has offered for the acceptance of Grand Lodge a portrait of
himself , painted by Bro . B . S . Marks , and which was presented to him some years ago by the Buckingham and Chandos Lodge , No . 1 , 150 . The Board are much gratified that an opportunity should occur of placing in some honorable position the portrait of the eminent Bro ., who presided over the Board for a period often years with such distinguished ability , and have great pleasure in recommending that it be accepted with thanks by Grand Lodge , and placed on the walls of the Board-room ( Signed ) THOMAS FENN " , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , February iS , 1890 .
To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts , at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , February 14 , showing a balance in the Bank of England ( Western Branch ) of ^ 5 , 319 . 14 s . 5 d ., and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash ^ 100 , and for servants' wages ^ ioo , and balance of annual allowance for library ^ 23 . 8 s . nd .
Bro . Thomas Fenn , referring to the portrait of Sir John Monckton , anticipated . that the Grand Lodge would be glad to adopt the report of the Board of General Purposes and receive the portrait as a present from Sir John . The Brethren would agree with him that it could not be placed in a better situation than on
the walls of the Board Room , where Sir John Monckton ' s abilities were most conspicuous . He moved that the portrait be accepted with thanks by the Grand Lodge , and placed on the walls of the Board Room .
Bro . Robert Grey seconded the motion , which was unanimously carried , as was that relating to the increase of salary to the fifth clerk in the Grand Secretary ' s office . On the motion of Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S ., the report of Bro . John Smith , Auditor of the Grand Lodge accounts , of receipts and disbursements during the year 1889 , was taken as read , and ordered to be entered , and Grand Lodge was closed .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
THE quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held on the 6 th ult . in Edinburgh . There was a very large attendance of Brethren from all parts of Scotland , about 400 being present . In the absence of Bro . Sir Archibald Campbell , M . P ., the Grand Master , Bro . the Earl of Haddington , Grand Depute Master , occupied the throne , and among others present were
Bros . Sir Charles Dalrymple , M . P ., acting Deputy Grand Master ; James T . S . Elliot of Wolfelee , acting Substitute Grand Master ; J . Dalrymple Duncan , acting S . G . W . ; Col . John Campbell , acting J . G . W . ; D . Murray Lyon , G . Sec ; David Reid , G . Cashier ; Col . Stirling , of Kippendavie ; Capt . Coll , of Gartsherrie ; Col . J . Clark
Forrest , Lieut .-Col . Drummond Moray , Dr . Middleton Stow , and the Rev . John Glasse . There were laid on thetable reports of the proceedings of the Grand Lodges of England , the Netherlands , the Three Globes of Prussia , Nova Scotia , and Texas . Charters were granted to the following new Lodges : Pretoria Celtic , Pretoria ,
South African Republic , and St . Servanus , Alva , Stirlingshire . The minutes of the Grand Committee stated that the Grand Secretary had received the proceedings of the Grand Lodges of All Scottish Freemasonry in India , containing the report of the rcception of Bro . his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught at the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Inner And Outer Guards.
We could enlarge to much further extent on the duties and responsibilities of the Outer Guard , more particularly if it were permissible to make reference to matters of Ritual and Ceremonial ; but that , of course , cannot be done here . It may , therefore , be sufficient for our present purpose if we conclude this article by enforcing the ancient charge that the Tyler should be a man of
good morals , steady habits , strict discipline , temperate , affable , and discreet ; having a just regard for the honor and reputation of the Institution ; faithfully performing the trust reposed in him ; and courteous to all who may present themselves at the outer porch , whether as members of or visitors to the Lodge he guards .
There are many hundreds of our brethren who are bright exemplars of these qualities , and who discharge their trying duties in the most admirable manner , and wherever these are found , it is the duty of all good Craftsmen to show them as much honor and respect as to any other member of our Order , however dignified . J AMES STEVENS .
United Grand Lodge.
• "T ^ I-IE Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge of 1 England was held on Wednesday , the 5 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Prov . G . M . for Hants and the Isle of Wight , presided ; Bro . Sir Edmund Lechmere , M . P ., Prov . G . M . for Worcestershire , acted as Deputy Grand Master ;
Bro . Thomas W . Tew , Prov . G . M . for West Yorkshire , as Past Grand Master ; Bro . Lieut-Col . Orde Powlett , P . J . G . W ., as S . G . W . ; Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . C ., D . P . G . M . for Suffolk , as J . G . W . ; nearly five hundred Brethren being present . The Grand Secretary having read the minutes of the last
Quarterly Communication they were put and confirmed . The Grand Secretary said it would be in the recollection of Grand Lodge that , at the meeting of September last , a vote oi congratulation was passed on the occasion of the marriage of her Royal Highness the Princess Louise of Wales with his Grace the Duke of
Fife , which vote was ordered to be engrossed . Owing to the illness of the artist who was employed to engross and illuminate that address , it was , unfortunately , somewhat delayed in its presentation to the M . W . G . M ., and the acknowledgment was only received a few days after the meeting of Grand Lodge . With the
permission of the M . W . G . M . in the chair , he would read the gracious reply from the M . W . G . M .: — Sandrmgham , Norfolk , December 9 , 1 SS 9 . To Colonel Shadwcli IT . Clcrke .
SIK , —I am directed by the Prince of Wales to acknowledge the receipt of a loyal and fraternal address from the United Grand Lodge of England , and , in reply , to request you to be so good as to express to its members his Royal Highness ' s best thanks for their kind wishes on the occasion of the marriage of Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise of Wales with His Grace the Duke of Fife , Provincial Grand Master of Banffshire . —I am , sir , your obedient servant , ( Signed ) FRANCIS K . VOI . I . VS .
Sir E . Lechmere moved that the reply be entered on the minutes , which was seconded by Bro . T . W . Tew , and carried unanimously . Sir Henry Aaron Isaacs , Lord Mayor of London , W . M . Drury Lane Lodge , rose , in pursuance of the nomination he had tlie privilege to make at the previous meeting of Grand Lodge , to move
that his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., be elected Most Worshipful Grand Master for the ensuing year . He did not hesitate to say that in the pjerson of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales we have not only the mest popular member of the Order , but the most popular gentleman in all her Majesty ' s dominions . He therefore had the honor to move that the Prince of Wales be elected
M . W . G . M . for the year ensuing . The motion being seconded by Bro . John Aird , M . P ., was carried unanimously , and the Prince was proclaimed by Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) , G . D . C ., as duly elected M . W . G . M . of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England for the year . Bro . Beach then announced that the next business was the
election of Grand Treasurer , but as there was only one candidate proposed , he declared Bro . Augustus Harris elected Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year . .. .
United Grand Lodge.
The report of the Board of Benevolence was adopted , grants to the amount of ^ 455 being made to seven brethren recommended by the Board . The following report of the Board of General Purposes was taken as read , ordered to be received , and entered on the minutes : —
To the United Grand Lodge oj England . The Board have to report that they have had under their consideration the rate of salary at present received by Bro . Adam John Berry , fifth clerk in the Grand Secretary ' s office , who has served them for fourteen years , and arrived four years ago at the maximum rate of , £ 200 a year—as fixed for all the junior clerks by Grand Lodge in the year 1874—and whose age renders his prospects of future advancement very remote .
It appears to the Board that under the circumstances some small addition might fairly be made to his present rate , and they therefore recommend the following arrangement for the approval of Grand Lodge : — " That the salary of Bro . Adam John Berry be raised to . £ 325 from January 1 last . " The Board have further to report that R . W . Bro . Sir John Braddick Monckton , P . G . W ., has offered for the acceptance of Grand Lodge a portrait of
himself , painted by Bro . B . S . Marks , and which was presented to him some years ago by the Buckingham and Chandos Lodge , No . 1 , 150 . The Board are much gratified that an opportunity should occur of placing in some honorable position the portrait of the eminent Bro ., who presided over the Board for a period often years with such distinguished ability , and have great pleasure in recommending that it be accepted with thanks by Grand Lodge , and placed on the walls of the Board-room ( Signed ) THOMAS FENN " , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , February iS , 1890 .
To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts , at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , February 14 , showing a balance in the Bank of England ( Western Branch ) of ^ 5 , 319 . 14 s . 5 d ., and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash ^ 100 , and for servants' wages ^ ioo , and balance of annual allowance for library ^ 23 . 8 s . nd .
Bro . Thomas Fenn , referring to the portrait of Sir John Monckton , anticipated . that the Grand Lodge would be glad to adopt the report of the Board of General Purposes and receive the portrait as a present from Sir John . The Brethren would agree with him that it could not be placed in a better situation than on
the walls of the Board Room , where Sir John Monckton ' s abilities were most conspicuous . He moved that the portrait be accepted with thanks by the Grand Lodge , and placed on the walls of the Board Room .
Bro . Robert Grey seconded the motion , which was unanimously carried , as was that relating to the increase of salary to the fifth clerk in the Grand Secretary ' s office . On the motion of Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S ., the report of Bro . John Smith , Auditor of the Grand Lodge accounts , of receipts and disbursements during the year 1889 , was taken as read , and ordered to be entered , and Grand Lodge was closed .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
THE quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held on the 6 th ult . in Edinburgh . There was a very large attendance of Brethren from all parts of Scotland , about 400 being present . In the absence of Bro . Sir Archibald Campbell , M . P ., the Grand Master , Bro . the Earl of Haddington , Grand Depute Master , occupied the throne , and among others present were
Bros . Sir Charles Dalrymple , M . P ., acting Deputy Grand Master ; James T . S . Elliot of Wolfelee , acting Substitute Grand Master ; J . Dalrymple Duncan , acting S . G . W . ; Col . John Campbell , acting J . G . W . ; D . Murray Lyon , G . Sec ; David Reid , G . Cashier ; Col . Stirling , of Kippendavie ; Capt . Coll , of Gartsherrie ; Col . J . Clark
Forrest , Lieut .-Col . Drummond Moray , Dr . Middleton Stow , and the Rev . John Glasse . There were laid on thetable reports of the proceedings of the Grand Lodges of England , the Netherlands , the Three Globes of Prussia , Nova Scotia , and Texas . Charters were granted to the following new Lodges : Pretoria Celtic , Pretoria ,
South African Republic , and St . Servanus , Alva , Stirlingshire . The minutes of the Grand Committee stated that the Grand Secretary had received the proceedings of the Grand Lodges of All Scottish Freemasonry in India , containing the report of the rcception of Bro . his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught at the