Article Masonic Mems. ← Page 3 of 3 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Mems.
with furniture complete , also a portion of land for a site . Ever since then the work of erecting new premises has been going steadily on . The necessary internal alterations have been most succssftilly carried out , and everything has been done to make the temple suitable for the requirements of the Lodge . New polished oak pedestals have
been generously presented by Bro . A . D . Dawson , W . M . The idea of purchasing such a building first originated in the mind of that energetic Mason , Bro . Evan Humphreys , I . P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br . ; Bros . T . M . Taylor , P . P . S . G . D . ; J . Danily , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; Forster , P . M ., Sec . ; and R . Jones , S . W ., Treas ., also agreed to the
scheme , and assisted to the utmost of their power . * * * On Wednesday , the Sth ult ., the remains of Bro . John M'Leish , aged eighty-one , and one of the oldest Freemasons in Dumbartonshire , were interred with Masonic honors in Bonhill Churchyard .
Deceased was initiated in 1827 , and had been for years R . W . M . of the Royal Arch Lodge of Bonhill and Alexandria Lodge . He was also an active member of the P . G . Lodge . About 100 Brethren attended the funeral , and Bonhill band played the " Dead March in Saul . "
* * * A writer in the Metropolitan of the nth ult . says : " Sir Henry A . Isaacs is a name well-known in Masonry for many years past , and before other public duties claimed his close attention he was a great worker . I recollect once being present at a Lodge—I forget its
name , but think it was Tranquillity—held at Radley ' s Hotel , then in Bridge-street , Blackftiars , where his lordship was most expert . This Lodge had his portrait painted , and very well it w .. s done ; and I was pleased to see , a few days since , when attending a meeting of the North Borneo Company , at the Cannon-street Hotel , that , although
Radley's Hotel has been done away with , the portrait of P . M . Isaacs still exists , for , surveying the pleased faces of the shareholders , who so unexpectedly have begun to taste dividends , I saw , looking down upon the meeting , the kindly eyes of the present Lord Mayor , with all his Masonic insignia displayed upon his breast . "
* * * Freemasons of Dawlish have formed themselves into a building company for the purpose of erecting a Masonic Hall , where they can meet in comfort at their own convenience . A site has been obtained on the Barton Estate facing the main road from the
Strand to the old Dawlish Church . The structure will comprise on the ground-floor an entrance lobby , reception or banquetting room , tylers ' -room , and lavatories , with a bold staircase leading to the Masonic Hall , which is practically situated on the first floor . It measures 33 ft . in length by 22 ft . in width , and has an
opentimbered roof with a good system of ventilation . It is intended to locate a caretaker ' s residence at the rear , which is rather a novelty in Masonic architecture . The elevation is of Classic design of white Devon brick , with the arches and other ornamental work of fine red Berkshire brick . Mr . G . Soudan Bridgman , of Torquay and Paignton , is the architect .
On the 27 th ult ., the funeral of Bro . William Brignal , sen ., took place at St . Cuthbert ' s Cemetery , Durham . The deceased , shortly before his death , had gone to reside at Gosforth , where he died on the 22 rd ult . Several beautiful wreaths were placed on the
coffin . The funeral was very largely attended by the Freemasons of the city and county , the deceased having been a prominent member . Bro . Sir Hedworth Williamson , Prov . Grand Master , was represented by Bro . W . Logan . Sir Hedworth also sent a letter of sympathy with the relatives of the deceased , who had
been prominently connected with Durham Freemasonry for wellnig h half a century . The funeral service was read by the Rev . C . H . Fleetwood . Deceased was at one time the leading law ) er in Durhain ,
Supreme Grand Chapter.
THE Quarterly Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arcli Masons of England was held on Wcdnesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . The following Report of the Committee of General Purposes was taken as read , and ordered to be received and entered on the minutes , on the motion of Comp . Robert Grey , seconded by Comp . Frank Richardson : —
To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from October 16 , 18 S 9 , to January 14 , 1 S 90 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : — Balance , Grand Chapter . ^ 150 8 4- Disbursements during the Unappropriated > Quarter £ 99 6 10
„ . - ' Account 190 iS r : Balance 239 12 o Subsequent Receipts 386 14 o „ Unappropriated Account iSS 11 7 £ 728 o S ^ 728 o 5
The Committee have likewise to report that they have received the following petitions : — 1 st . From Comps . Harry James Sparks , as Z . ; William Smith , as H . ; John Upchurch Martin , as J . ; and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Sondes Lodge , No . 996 , East Dereham , to be called the Harry Spuks Chapler , and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Ea * t Dereham , Suffolk .
2 nd . From Comps . Sir Hedworth Williamson , Bart ., D . L ., Grand Superintendent for Durham , as Z . ; Robert Shadforth , as II . ; George Washington Bain , as J . ; and nine others for a Chapter to be attached to the Williamson Lodge , No . 949 , Monkwearmouth , to be called the Williamson Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Hall , No . 6 , North Bridge-street , Monkwcaimcuth , in the county of Durham .
3 rd . From Comps . Thomas Preston , as Z . ; Henry Croasdale , as H . ; George Handel Opensbaw , and eleven others for a Chapter to be attached to the Fidelity Lodge , No . 269 , Blackburn , to be called the Fidelity Chapter , and to meet at the Old Bull Hotel , Blackburn , Lancashire . 4 th . From Comps . Carl Thcodor Fleck , as Z . ; Charles Meierhoff , as H . ; James Cooper , as J . ; and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the OI J
Concord Lodge , No . 172 , London , to be called the Old Concord Chapter , and to meet at the Holborn Restaurant , High Holborn , London . 5 th . From Comps . Adolphus Clark , as Z . ; James John Woolley , as II . ; Herbert Charles Lambert , as J . ; and six others fora Chapter to be attached to the Anglo-American Lodge , No . 2191 , to be called the Anglo-American Chapter , and to meet at the Holborn Restaurant , High Holborn , London .
The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . The Committee have likewise to report that they have received a Memorial from the Grand Chapter of New South Wales , reporting that they were regularly established on September 30 , 1 S 89 , and asking recognition by the Grand Chapter of England , and that fraternal communication may be established between the two Grand Chapters .
1 he Commttee recommend that inasmuch as the Grand Lodge of Xew South Wales has been duly acknowledged by the Grand Lodge of England , the Grand Chapter of New South Wales be also recognised . The Committee have received memorials , with extracts of minutes , on the removal of the following Chapters : — The Alexandra Chapter , No . 993 , from the Midway Hotel , Levenshulme , to
the Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . The Grand Masters Chaprer , No . 1 , from Willis ' s Rooms , S . James ' s , to the Hotel Victoria , Northumberland-avenue , Charing Cross . The Committee being satisfied of the reasonableness of these requests , recommend that the removals of the above-named Chapters be sanctioned . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . R OBERT GREY , President .
The sun sinks low , but from his fading fire Spring out rich hues of glory ; o ' er the skies They spread , and when they finally expire A gentle hush o'er darkening nature lies . The worker now has left his scene of toil , ^ And with ihe sun has sought Ins earned repose ;
No ill performed his appetite may spoil , Or fill his musings ere his eyelids close . The Senior Warden in his place appears To mark the sun when . silting 111 tno West ; He warns that labor to its closing int . ti's ,
And , fast approaching , comes retiring rest . To us lie shows the end of all our days , When life and energy are waniii' / lu-.-t ; The tottering steps and silvered hair bet ! ays The lack of strength winch boldly filled uie past . William II . Ore .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
with furniture complete , also a portion of land for a site . Ever since then the work of erecting new premises has been going steadily on . The necessary internal alterations have been most succssftilly carried out , and everything has been done to make the temple suitable for the requirements of the Lodge . New polished oak pedestals have
been generously presented by Bro . A . D . Dawson , W . M . The idea of purchasing such a building first originated in the mind of that energetic Mason , Bro . Evan Humphreys , I . P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br . ; Bros . T . M . Taylor , P . P . S . G . D . ; J . Danily , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; Forster , P . M ., Sec . ; and R . Jones , S . W ., Treas ., also agreed to the
scheme , and assisted to the utmost of their power . * * * On Wednesday , the Sth ult ., the remains of Bro . John M'Leish , aged eighty-one , and one of the oldest Freemasons in Dumbartonshire , were interred with Masonic honors in Bonhill Churchyard .
Deceased was initiated in 1827 , and had been for years R . W . M . of the Royal Arch Lodge of Bonhill and Alexandria Lodge . He was also an active member of the P . G . Lodge . About 100 Brethren attended the funeral , and Bonhill band played the " Dead March in Saul . "
* * * A writer in the Metropolitan of the nth ult . says : " Sir Henry A . Isaacs is a name well-known in Masonry for many years past , and before other public duties claimed his close attention he was a great worker . I recollect once being present at a Lodge—I forget its
name , but think it was Tranquillity—held at Radley ' s Hotel , then in Bridge-street , Blackftiars , where his lordship was most expert . This Lodge had his portrait painted , and very well it w .. s done ; and I was pleased to see , a few days since , when attending a meeting of the North Borneo Company , at the Cannon-street Hotel , that , although
Radley's Hotel has been done away with , the portrait of P . M . Isaacs still exists , for , surveying the pleased faces of the shareholders , who so unexpectedly have begun to taste dividends , I saw , looking down upon the meeting , the kindly eyes of the present Lord Mayor , with all his Masonic insignia displayed upon his breast . "
* * * Freemasons of Dawlish have formed themselves into a building company for the purpose of erecting a Masonic Hall , where they can meet in comfort at their own convenience . A site has been obtained on the Barton Estate facing the main road from the
Strand to the old Dawlish Church . The structure will comprise on the ground-floor an entrance lobby , reception or banquetting room , tylers ' -room , and lavatories , with a bold staircase leading to the Masonic Hall , which is practically situated on the first floor . It measures 33 ft . in length by 22 ft . in width , and has an
opentimbered roof with a good system of ventilation . It is intended to locate a caretaker ' s residence at the rear , which is rather a novelty in Masonic architecture . The elevation is of Classic design of white Devon brick , with the arches and other ornamental work of fine red Berkshire brick . Mr . G . Soudan Bridgman , of Torquay and Paignton , is the architect .
On the 27 th ult ., the funeral of Bro . William Brignal , sen ., took place at St . Cuthbert ' s Cemetery , Durham . The deceased , shortly before his death , had gone to reside at Gosforth , where he died on the 22 rd ult . Several beautiful wreaths were placed on the
coffin . The funeral was very largely attended by the Freemasons of the city and county , the deceased having been a prominent member . Bro . Sir Hedworth Williamson , Prov . Grand Master , was represented by Bro . W . Logan . Sir Hedworth also sent a letter of sympathy with the relatives of the deceased , who had
been prominently connected with Durham Freemasonry for wellnig h half a century . The funeral service was read by the Rev . C . H . Fleetwood . Deceased was at one time the leading law ) er in Durhain ,
Supreme Grand Chapter.
THE Quarterly Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arcli Masons of England was held on Wcdnesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . The following Report of the Committee of General Purposes was taken as read , and ordered to be received and entered on the minutes , on the motion of Comp . Robert Grey , seconded by Comp . Frank Richardson : —
To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from October 16 , 18 S 9 , to January 14 , 1 S 90 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : — Balance , Grand Chapter . ^ 150 8 4- Disbursements during the Unappropriated > Quarter £ 99 6 10
„ . - ' Account 190 iS r : Balance 239 12 o Subsequent Receipts 386 14 o „ Unappropriated Account iSS 11 7 £ 728 o S ^ 728 o 5
The Committee have likewise to report that they have received the following petitions : — 1 st . From Comps . Harry James Sparks , as Z . ; William Smith , as H . ; John Upchurch Martin , as J . ; and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Sondes Lodge , No . 996 , East Dereham , to be called the Harry Spuks Chapler , and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Ea * t Dereham , Suffolk .
2 nd . From Comps . Sir Hedworth Williamson , Bart ., D . L ., Grand Superintendent for Durham , as Z . ; Robert Shadforth , as II . ; George Washington Bain , as J . ; and nine others for a Chapter to be attached to the Williamson Lodge , No . 949 , Monkwearmouth , to be called the Williamson Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Hall , No . 6 , North Bridge-street , Monkwcaimcuth , in the county of Durham .
3 rd . From Comps . Thomas Preston , as Z . ; Henry Croasdale , as H . ; George Handel Opensbaw , and eleven others for a Chapter to be attached to the Fidelity Lodge , No . 269 , Blackburn , to be called the Fidelity Chapter , and to meet at the Old Bull Hotel , Blackburn , Lancashire . 4 th . From Comps . Carl Thcodor Fleck , as Z . ; Charles Meierhoff , as H . ; James Cooper , as J . ; and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the OI J
Concord Lodge , No . 172 , London , to be called the Old Concord Chapter , and to meet at the Holborn Restaurant , High Holborn , London . 5 th . From Comps . Adolphus Clark , as Z . ; James John Woolley , as II . ; Herbert Charles Lambert , as J . ; and six others fora Chapter to be attached to the Anglo-American Lodge , No . 2191 , to be called the Anglo-American Chapter , and to meet at the Holborn Restaurant , High Holborn , London .
The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . The Committee have likewise to report that they have received a Memorial from the Grand Chapter of New South Wales , reporting that they were regularly established on September 30 , 1 S 89 , and asking recognition by the Grand Chapter of England , and that fraternal communication may be established between the two Grand Chapters .
1 he Commttee recommend that inasmuch as the Grand Lodge of Xew South Wales has been duly acknowledged by the Grand Lodge of England , the Grand Chapter of New South Wales be also recognised . The Committee have received memorials , with extracts of minutes , on the removal of the following Chapters : — The Alexandra Chapter , No . 993 , from the Midway Hotel , Levenshulme , to
the Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . The Grand Masters Chaprer , No . 1 , from Willis ' s Rooms , S . James ' s , to the Hotel Victoria , Northumberland-avenue , Charing Cross . The Committee being satisfied of the reasonableness of these requests , recommend that the removals of the above-named Chapters be sanctioned . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . R OBERT GREY , President .
The sun sinks low , but from his fading fire Spring out rich hues of glory ; o ' er the skies They spread , and when they finally expire A gentle hush o'er darkening nature lies . The worker now has left his scene of toil , ^ And with ihe sun has sought Ins earned repose ;
No ill performed his appetite may spoil , Or fill his musings ere his eyelids close . The Senior Warden in his place appears To mark the sun when . silting 111 tno West ; He warns that labor to its closing int . ti's ,
And , fast approaching , comes retiring rest . To us lie shows the end of all our days , When life and energy are waniii' / lu-.-t ; The tottering steps and silvered hair bet ! ays The lack of strength winch boldly filled uie past . William II . Ore .