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Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
TPIE Quarterly General Court of the Subscribers was held on the 31 st ult ., at Freemasons' Tavern , Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Hants and the Isle of Wight , presiding . There were over 200 Brethren present from all parts of the country . The minutes of the Quarterly General Court of October having been read by Bro . Binckes , Bro . Richard Eve , Past
Grand Treasurer , said that before the question was put that the minutes of the last Quarterly Court be confirmed , he was deputed by the Provisional Committee to make a statement to the Brethren . On the minutes was a motion for granting ^" 350 a year as a pension to Bro . Binckes on his retirement from the office of Secretary . It
had been felt by the Provisional Committee that the Institution's money might be saved if that proposition be not confirmed , and he was entrusted by that Committee not to press the confirmation of the minutes in that respect . Probably some of the Brethren might not be aware that they
were going to propose that the sum should be X 5 ° year > but it was not now their desire to make that proposition . He made that statement with a great amount of pleasure , and it was made in order to bring about a reunion among the Subscribers to the Institution , and to place the Institution on the firm basis of past years ,
while consolidating the good feeling of all the Subscribers . They were not going to propose that the ^" 250 be granted , and therefore they withdrew both propositions , trusting to the generous impulses of Masons to do their utmost for the Institution . They believed thoroughly in the good feeling of the Subscribers and in
their liberal desires generally , and therefore they did not propose to the Quarterly Court to give anything like a pension to Bro . Binckes . They had propounded a scheme by which they believed that the feeling of the Committee would be carried out liberally , and that they would be able to have placed at their disposal a sum of money which thej' could give to Bro . Binckes . By the next Quarterly
Court they hoped everything would be settled . He therefore proposed that those minutes be confirmed , with the exception of that part giving the pension to Bro . Binckes . The motion being seconded by Bro . Jones , the minutes of the last Quarterly Court were confirmed , with the exception of that portion proposing a pension
to Bro . Binckes . A division was taken upon the question of limiting the age of candidates for the office of Secretary to 45 , when there was 108 for the limitation and 8 3 against it , so that the motion of Bro . J . L . Thomas was carried by a majority of 25 . The motion of Major Durrant , " That in
consideration of the fourteen years' Head Mastership of Dr . Morris at the Boys' School , this Committee devote a sum of £ 450 in recognition of his valuable services to the Institution , " was fully discussed ; but , it having transpired that Bro . Morris had accepted a cheque for ^ 255 in full discharge of all claims he might
have against the Institution , the motion was rejected almost unanimously . After another motion , by Bro . E . V . Greatbatch , that the appointment of the new Secretary should be vested in the Provisional Committee , was discussed and lost , the proceedings closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
THE Quarterly Court of Subscribers was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall , C . C ., Past G . Treasurer , presiding . Bros . Robert Grey , H . A . Hunt , F . Richardson , C . Hammerton , H . Massey , Henry Smith , D . P . G . M ., West Yorkshire ; Stanley J . Attenborough , J . Bodenham , J . K . R .
Cama , J . M . McLeod , and F . R . W . Hedges ( Secretary ) , and others were present . After the reading and verification of the minutes of the Quarterly Court of October 25 , Bro . Hedges read a letter from Bro . J . A . Rucker , P . G . D ., expressing his wish to retire , on account of ill-health , from his trusteeship of the General Fund of the Institution . Bro . Robert Grey , P . G . D ., President of the Board of Benevolence , moved ( hat Bro . Rocker ' s resignation be accepted
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
with regret , and the motion was carried nem . con . Bro . C . H . Webb , V . P ., moved that the name of one girl be omitted from the list of candidates for the April Election , and said he thought the case should receive serious consideration , for several reasons . The case had been recommended by the Petitions Committee by the narrowest majority . When first
considered by that Committee it was decided not to recommend it ; but , after some further correspondence , by the casting vote of the Chairman of the Committee the General Committee recommended
it to place it on the list . In this case there were seven children of the deceased brother , but some were grown up . The father was described as a " gentleman . " When the mother died , _^ 6 , ooo capitalised was left for the children , who were now all living together ; one acting as housekeeper of the family ; the others were of an age which should justify them in seeking to obtain their
living . The invested ^ 6 , ooo brought in £ igo a year , which in the provinces was equal to ^ 300 or £ z 5 ° in London . Therefore , he thought the case was such as ought not to come forward for this Institution . The father did not appear to have done anything for the Institutions . Whatever his resources
were there were ^" 6 , 000 invested , and those who were possessed of property should not be allowed to drive their children into the Masonic Schools . It was disgraceful to parents who occupied that position . If this case was elected a stronger and much more deserving case would be kept out , and if the brethren supported
such cases they encouraged similar cases to come on . Bro . Money , in seconding the motion , said it was shown to the Enquiry Committee that two or three of the girls of this family were over 20 years of age . If they were not working they had had a good education , and they ought to teach the younger children and not come for
charity . The object of the Committee was not to have too large a list of candidates . It was eventually decided that this name , together with one other , be omitted , and the list of candidates for election next April was declared to be 43 , while the vacancies will be 21 .
Bro , C . Hammerton , P . G . S . B ., having brought forward a motion as Chairman of the [ Centenary Committee , which was eventually carried , Bro . Frank Richardson , P . G . D ., Patron , moved : — " That the Trustees of the Institution be and are hereby requested and authorised to sign a petition to each House of Parliament against
the ' Various Powers Bill' presented by the London , Brighton , and South Coast Railway , so far as the same relates to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and to make such opposition thereto as counsel may advise , or may be necessary for the protection of the property of the Institution . " The Bill of the Brighton
Railway was a very important one . They had scheduled the new gates , which had been put up at a cost of ^ 100 , facing the common ; they proposed to take 12 out of the 18 ft . of land at the side of the main building , and half of the Junior School itself and the whole of the frontage to the high road . The House Committee had retained
Bro . Samuel Pope , Q . C ., and he ( Bro . Richardson ) thought they should be on the safe side , and petition against the Bill , for , if carried , the railway would come within 6 ft , of the building . It would be in a cutting 25 ft . deep , and it would be absolutely dangerous to the structure . If the railway damaged the place like
that they would have to take it altogether , and it was worth a quarter of a million . He then moved the resolution , which was put and carried , and a vote of thanks to 'the Chairman closed the proceedings .
In the minute for June 20 , 1754 , of Lodge No . 35 , it is stated that a Brother Cryer was " hauled over the coals , " and that the members agreed that he " should not at any time hereafter have any vote in any matter , cause or thing whatever , for it was thought the said Brother Cryer behaved extremely ill , and absolutely broke through the laws in refusing to pay one bottle of wine for entering into the holy state of matrimony . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
TPIE Quarterly General Court of the Subscribers was held on the 31 st ult ., at Freemasons' Tavern , Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Hants and the Isle of Wight , presiding . There were over 200 Brethren present from all parts of the country . The minutes of the Quarterly General Court of October having been read by Bro . Binckes , Bro . Richard Eve , Past
Grand Treasurer , said that before the question was put that the minutes of the last Quarterly Court be confirmed , he was deputed by the Provisional Committee to make a statement to the Brethren . On the minutes was a motion for granting ^" 350 a year as a pension to Bro . Binckes on his retirement from the office of Secretary . It
had been felt by the Provisional Committee that the Institution's money might be saved if that proposition be not confirmed , and he was entrusted by that Committee not to press the confirmation of the minutes in that respect . Probably some of the Brethren might not be aware that they
were going to propose that the sum should be X 5 ° year > but it was not now their desire to make that proposition . He made that statement with a great amount of pleasure , and it was made in order to bring about a reunion among the Subscribers to the Institution , and to place the Institution on the firm basis of past years ,
while consolidating the good feeling of all the Subscribers . They were not going to propose that the ^" 250 be granted , and therefore they withdrew both propositions , trusting to the generous impulses of Masons to do their utmost for the Institution . They believed thoroughly in the good feeling of the Subscribers and in
their liberal desires generally , and therefore they did not propose to the Quarterly Court to give anything like a pension to Bro . Binckes . They had propounded a scheme by which they believed that the feeling of the Committee would be carried out liberally , and that they would be able to have placed at their disposal a sum of money which thej' could give to Bro . Binckes . By the next Quarterly
Court they hoped everything would be settled . He therefore proposed that those minutes be confirmed , with the exception of that part giving the pension to Bro . Binckes . The motion being seconded by Bro . Jones , the minutes of the last Quarterly Court were confirmed , with the exception of that portion proposing a pension
to Bro . Binckes . A division was taken upon the question of limiting the age of candidates for the office of Secretary to 45 , when there was 108 for the limitation and 8 3 against it , so that the motion of Bro . J . L . Thomas was carried by a majority of 25 . The motion of Major Durrant , " That in
consideration of the fourteen years' Head Mastership of Dr . Morris at the Boys' School , this Committee devote a sum of £ 450 in recognition of his valuable services to the Institution , " was fully discussed ; but , it having transpired that Bro . Morris had accepted a cheque for ^ 255 in full discharge of all claims he might
have against the Institution , the motion was rejected almost unanimously . After another motion , by Bro . E . V . Greatbatch , that the appointment of the new Secretary should be vested in the Provisional Committee , was discussed and lost , the proceedings closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
THE Quarterly Court of Subscribers was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall , C . C ., Past G . Treasurer , presiding . Bros . Robert Grey , H . A . Hunt , F . Richardson , C . Hammerton , H . Massey , Henry Smith , D . P . G . M ., West Yorkshire ; Stanley J . Attenborough , J . Bodenham , J . K . R .
Cama , J . M . McLeod , and F . R . W . Hedges ( Secretary ) , and others were present . After the reading and verification of the minutes of the Quarterly Court of October 25 , Bro . Hedges read a letter from Bro . J . A . Rucker , P . G . D ., expressing his wish to retire , on account of ill-health , from his trusteeship of the General Fund of the Institution . Bro . Robert Grey , P . G . D ., President of the Board of Benevolence , moved ( hat Bro . Rocker ' s resignation be accepted
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
with regret , and the motion was carried nem . con . Bro . C . H . Webb , V . P ., moved that the name of one girl be omitted from the list of candidates for the April Election , and said he thought the case should receive serious consideration , for several reasons . The case had been recommended by the Petitions Committee by the narrowest majority . When first
considered by that Committee it was decided not to recommend it ; but , after some further correspondence , by the casting vote of the Chairman of the Committee the General Committee recommended
it to place it on the list . In this case there were seven children of the deceased brother , but some were grown up . The father was described as a " gentleman . " When the mother died , _^ 6 , ooo capitalised was left for the children , who were now all living together ; one acting as housekeeper of the family ; the others were of an age which should justify them in seeking to obtain their
living . The invested ^ 6 , ooo brought in £ igo a year , which in the provinces was equal to ^ 300 or £ z 5 ° in London . Therefore , he thought the case was such as ought not to come forward for this Institution . The father did not appear to have done anything for the Institutions . Whatever his resources
were there were ^" 6 , 000 invested , and those who were possessed of property should not be allowed to drive their children into the Masonic Schools . It was disgraceful to parents who occupied that position . If this case was elected a stronger and much more deserving case would be kept out , and if the brethren supported
such cases they encouraged similar cases to come on . Bro . Money , in seconding the motion , said it was shown to the Enquiry Committee that two or three of the girls of this family were over 20 years of age . If they were not working they had had a good education , and they ought to teach the younger children and not come for
charity . The object of the Committee was not to have too large a list of candidates . It was eventually decided that this name , together with one other , be omitted , and the list of candidates for election next April was declared to be 43 , while the vacancies will be 21 .
Bro , C . Hammerton , P . G . S . B ., having brought forward a motion as Chairman of the [ Centenary Committee , which was eventually carried , Bro . Frank Richardson , P . G . D ., Patron , moved : — " That the Trustees of the Institution be and are hereby requested and authorised to sign a petition to each House of Parliament against
the ' Various Powers Bill' presented by the London , Brighton , and South Coast Railway , so far as the same relates to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and to make such opposition thereto as counsel may advise , or may be necessary for the protection of the property of the Institution . " The Bill of the Brighton
Railway was a very important one . They had scheduled the new gates , which had been put up at a cost of ^ 100 , facing the common ; they proposed to take 12 out of the 18 ft . of land at the side of the main building , and half of the Junior School itself and the whole of the frontage to the high road . The House Committee had retained
Bro . Samuel Pope , Q . C ., and he ( Bro . Richardson ) thought they should be on the safe side , and petition against the Bill , for , if carried , the railway would come within 6 ft , of the building . It would be in a cutting 25 ft . deep , and it would be absolutely dangerous to the structure . If the railway damaged the place like
that they would have to take it altogether , and it was worth a quarter of a million . He then moved the resolution , which was put and carried , and a vote of thanks to 'the Chairman closed the proceedings .
In the minute for June 20 , 1754 , of Lodge No . 35 , it is stated that a Brother Cryer was " hauled over the coals , " and that the members agreed that he " should not at any time hereafter have any vote in any matter , cause or thing whatever , for it was thought the said Brother Cryer behaved extremely ill , and absolutely broke through the laws in refusing to pay one bottle of wine for entering into the holy state of matrimony . "