Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The late Grand Secretary may not have been tho most punctual in correspondence , but was always courteous aud kind . I am , Sir aud Brother , yours fraternally , J . RANKIN STEBBINO , W . M ., No . 555 ; P . M ., No . 152 , and No . 462 . Southampton , Nov . 18 th , 1858 . Southampton , May , 21 st , 1858 . Lodge of Peace and Harmony , No . 462 . VERY WORSHIPFUL SIR AND BROTHER—Frederic Adolhus
, p Somerset was initiated in this Lodge on 28 th April , and is going abroad in two or three days . You will greatly oblige me if you will send a certificate by return of post , and I will call on Tuesday , and sign any necessary return , and pay the fees . I am , Yery Worshipful Sir and Brother , J . K . STEBRING , P . M . and Treasurer . ;¦ W . G . Clarke , Esq . Southampton , May 24 th , 1858 .
Lodge of Peace and Harmony , No . 462 . VERY WORSHIPFUL SIR AND BROTHER , —I wrote on Friday requesting the favour of a Grand Lodge certificate for Bro . Frederic Adolphus Somerset , who was initiated in this Lodge on the 28 th April last , and who will sail from Liverpool for Ottawa , United States , on Wednesday afternoon . I have not had the pleasure of receiving it , but as my letter may have miscarried , I write to beg the favour of your sending a certificate to him by the morning ' s post for Liverpool from Londonaddressed to himYork HotelQueen ' s
, , , Square , Liverpool , and I will call to-morrow and pay the fees . His departure was unexpected , so I could not send sooner . I am , Very Worshipful Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , J . RANKIN STEBBING , Treasurer . ; Wm . Gray Clarke , Esq . ( This letter was forwarded , I believe , on the 23 rd ; dated 24 th in error ) . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .,
May 24 th , 1858 . • SIR AND BROTHER , —The Certificate for Bro . F . A . Somerset shall be made out on your remitting seventeen shillings . I-am , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , . WM . GRAY CLARKE , , G . S . ' Mr . J . R . Slebbing ( P . M ., No . 462 ) , Southampton . ' ¦ * * * . The first letter was written too late to- get a post office order ; and the second , on Sunday , so that no opportunity offered for sending the seventeen shillings , which I never ituagined . in the interval , would have been exacted in this way . J . E . S .
The fine old church of Hanley Castle , Worcestershire , has lately been restored by the munificence of Bro . Sir Edmund Lechmere , Bart ,, P . D . P . G . M . for Worcester , as a memorial to his father . Mr . Street was the architect employed , and he has , as usual , contrived to preserve all the characteristic features of the building . The reredos is very effective , composed as it is of alabaster , inlaid with coloured marbles . Nothing can be in better taste than the whole interior—rich and solemn , with an entire absence of
meretricious adornment . The P . G . L . of Worcestershire , and the Freeman's Magazine . Harmonic Lodge , No . 313 , Dudley , Dec . 7 , 1858 . Kesolved , — " That the . Members of the Harmonic Lodge , No . 313 , having read with deep regret a series of editorial articles , in the Freeman ' s Magazine , reflecting in a very injudicious , unmasonic , and unwarrantable manner , charges against the R . W . P . G . M . tor Worcestershire , ( Bro . 11 . C . Vernon ) , in the appointment of his P . G . officers ; and an uncalledfor indignity upon I'M . Bro . Morris , a Member of this Lodge ; it hereby repudiates the right and propriety of any literary organ to animadvert upon the legitimate authority exercised by the R . W . P . G . M . for Worcestershire ; and begs to testily its unabated esteem for his private virtues , and continued confluence in his Masonic qualifications . " Kesolved— " That a copy of this resolution he forwarded to the RW . P . G . M ., liro . H . C . Vernon , and also to the editor of the Freeman's Magazine . " C . F . G . Clark , W . M ., 313 , Prov . G . S . D ., Worcestershire .
NOTICE . NOTICE TO SnnscniBEas . —We have to request our Subscribers to forward the amounts for which application has been made , either in Stamps , or by Post Office Order , at their earliest convenience . The Masonic Observer and Grand Lodge Chronicle is published on the 20 th of March , Jane , September , and December ; and may he obtained from the London Publishers , through all local booksellers . , SuBscuiDERS may bo supplied direct from the Office , by sending their Subscriptions ( 2 s . per Annum ) in advance , to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Burn . TYLEKS of Lodges will be allowed 25 per cent , on all sums remitted to Mr . PtiAcu . ADVERTISEMENTS may bo sent to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath , or to Mr . J . Clements , Little Pultcney Street , London , by . tlie 15 th of March , June , Sept , and Dec ., and not later than one week niter each G . L . of Emergency .
Jjtotmmraia . : MASONIC QUARTERLY PAPER . THE MASONIC OBSERVER AND GRAND LODGE JL CHRONICLE is published on the 20 th of March , June , September , and December ; and contains a full Report of the proceedings in the previous GHAND LODGE , as well as Articles upon the various subjects affecting the welfare of the Graft . It is intended to meet a rapidly increasing demand for fuller information upon matters of general , as distinguished from local , interest . The actual condition of Masonry at home and in the Colonies , its policy , the measures required for its progress and efficiency , as well as the state of its Charities , are the subjects principally noticed . The great success that has attended the-establishment of this Paper , leads the Proprietors to hope that it will be recognised as a useful medium of information , as well as of mutual communication , by the Craft at large .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS OF ENGLAND AND WALES , AND THE COLONIES AND POSSESSIONS OF THE BRITISH CROWN . Bro . The LORD LEIGH , Grand Master . Bro . The EARL OF CARNARVON , Deputy Grand Master . T ODGES desirous of Uniting under the English Constitu-¦ M tion , and Brethren wishing to obtain New Warrants to work the Mark degree , are requested to communicate with Bro . W . L . COLLINS , the Grand Secretary , at the Office of the Grand Lodge , No . 40 , Leicester Square , London .
GRAND LODGE CLUB . AT the First General Meeting held at Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , 1 st Dec , 1858 , the following officers were appointed : — Bro JOHN TJDALL , Past G . Deacon , and P . M ., No . 10 , President . Bro . J . H . HEARN , Past D . P . G . M ., Isle of Wight , Vice-President . Bro . J . R . STEBBING , Past P . G . S ., Hants . Bro . JOHN VVHITilORE , W . M ., No . 329 , Treasurer . Bro . F . , BINCKES , P . M ., No . 11 , Secretary . The objects of the Club are , " 1 . To maintain the constitutional supremacy and privileges of G . L . . : " 2 . To amend or modify—so far as can be done with a due regard to the preservation of the antient landmarks , of the Order—such of the Masonic laws and regulations as are found to operate prejudicially to the interests ofthe Craft . '¦ - ¦ .- . ¦¦ " 3 . To secure to Provincial Brethren a more . active participation in-the proceedings of G . L . ¦ . " 4 To promote the adoption of a . liberal and enlightened policy towards Colonial Lodges . " 5 . To encourage throughout the Craft a more extended interest in the Charities of the Order . " 6 . To form a Masonic Library of Reference . " Entrance to be 5 s . ; Annual Subscription , 5 s . ; Election of Members by Ballot . The Members dine together before each G . L . ; when the business paper is discussed . Price , including Wine , 5 s . 6 a . The Club at present numbers between 50 and 60 members . Brethren desirous to join , must communicate with the Secretary , Freemason ' s Tavern , W . C . The next meeting will take place on the first Wednesday in March , at G . P . M ., when the following question is proposed for discussion : — " The representation of the Provincial Grand Lodge . " . ,
Bath : Printed and Published by ROBERT EDWARD PEACH , No . 8 , Bridge Street . London : Published by SIMPKIN , MARSHALL , and Co ., Stationers' Hall Court , E . C . ; and Sold by J . CLEMENTS , 21 , Little Pulteney Street , W . ; H . ' M . ARLISS . 15 , Great Queen Street , W . O . ; Stanford , & o . ; and all Booksellers in London . and the Country .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The late Grand Secretary may not have been tho most punctual in correspondence , but was always courteous aud kind . I am , Sir aud Brother , yours fraternally , J . RANKIN STEBBINO , W . M ., No . 555 ; P . M ., No . 152 , and No . 462 . Southampton , Nov . 18 th , 1858 . Southampton , May , 21 st , 1858 . Lodge of Peace and Harmony , No . 462 . VERY WORSHIPFUL SIR AND BROTHER—Frederic Adolhus
, p Somerset was initiated in this Lodge on 28 th April , and is going abroad in two or three days . You will greatly oblige me if you will send a certificate by return of post , and I will call on Tuesday , and sign any necessary return , and pay the fees . I am , Yery Worshipful Sir and Brother , J . K . STEBRING , P . M . and Treasurer . ;¦ W . G . Clarke , Esq . Southampton , May 24 th , 1858 .
Lodge of Peace and Harmony , No . 462 . VERY WORSHIPFUL SIR AND BROTHER , —I wrote on Friday requesting the favour of a Grand Lodge certificate for Bro . Frederic Adolphus Somerset , who was initiated in this Lodge on the 28 th April last , and who will sail from Liverpool for Ottawa , United States , on Wednesday afternoon . I have not had the pleasure of receiving it , but as my letter may have miscarried , I write to beg the favour of your sending a certificate to him by the morning ' s post for Liverpool from Londonaddressed to himYork HotelQueen ' s
, , , Square , Liverpool , and I will call to-morrow and pay the fees . His departure was unexpected , so I could not send sooner . I am , Very Worshipful Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , J . RANKIN STEBBING , Treasurer . ; Wm . Gray Clarke , Esq . ( This letter was forwarded , I believe , on the 23 rd ; dated 24 th in error ) . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .,
May 24 th , 1858 . • SIR AND BROTHER , —The Certificate for Bro . F . A . Somerset shall be made out on your remitting seventeen shillings . I-am , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , . WM . GRAY CLARKE , , G . S . ' Mr . J . R . Slebbing ( P . M ., No . 462 ) , Southampton . ' ¦ * * * . The first letter was written too late to- get a post office order ; and the second , on Sunday , so that no opportunity offered for sending the seventeen shillings , which I never ituagined . in the interval , would have been exacted in this way . J . E . S .
The fine old church of Hanley Castle , Worcestershire , has lately been restored by the munificence of Bro . Sir Edmund Lechmere , Bart ,, P . D . P . G . M . for Worcester , as a memorial to his father . Mr . Street was the architect employed , and he has , as usual , contrived to preserve all the characteristic features of the building . The reredos is very effective , composed as it is of alabaster , inlaid with coloured marbles . Nothing can be in better taste than the whole interior—rich and solemn , with an entire absence of
meretricious adornment . The P . G . L . of Worcestershire , and the Freeman's Magazine . Harmonic Lodge , No . 313 , Dudley , Dec . 7 , 1858 . Kesolved , — " That the . Members of the Harmonic Lodge , No . 313 , having read with deep regret a series of editorial articles , in the Freeman ' s Magazine , reflecting in a very injudicious , unmasonic , and unwarrantable manner , charges against the R . W . P . G . M . tor Worcestershire , ( Bro . 11 . C . Vernon ) , in the appointment of his P . G . officers ; and an uncalledfor indignity upon I'M . Bro . Morris , a Member of this Lodge ; it hereby repudiates the right and propriety of any literary organ to animadvert upon the legitimate authority exercised by the R . W . P . G . M . for Worcestershire ; and begs to testily its unabated esteem for his private virtues , and continued confluence in his Masonic qualifications . " Kesolved— " That a copy of this resolution he forwarded to the RW . P . G . M ., liro . H . C . Vernon , and also to the editor of the Freeman's Magazine . " C . F . G . Clark , W . M ., 313 , Prov . G . S . D ., Worcestershire .
NOTICE . NOTICE TO SnnscniBEas . —We have to request our Subscribers to forward the amounts for which application has been made , either in Stamps , or by Post Office Order , at their earliest convenience . The Masonic Observer and Grand Lodge Chronicle is published on the 20 th of March , Jane , September , and December ; and may he obtained from the London Publishers , through all local booksellers . , SuBscuiDERS may bo supplied direct from the Office , by sending their Subscriptions ( 2 s . per Annum ) in advance , to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Burn . TYLEKS of Lodges will be allowed 25 per cent , on all sums remitted to Mr . PtiAcu . ADVERTISEMENTS may bo sent to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath , or to Mr . J . Clements , Little Pultcney Street , London , by . tlie 15 th of March , June , Sept , and Dec ., and not later than one week niter each G . L . of Emergency .
Jjtotmmraia . : MASONIC QUARTERLY PAPER . THE MASONIC OBSERVER AND GRAND LODGE JL CHRONICLE is published on the 20 th of March , June , September , and December ; and contains a full Report of the proceedings in the previous GHAND LODGE , as well as Articles upon the various subjects affecting the welfare of the Graft . It is intended to meet a rapidly increasing demand for fuller information upon matters of general , as distinguished from local , interest . The actual condition of Masonry at home and in the Colonies , its policy , the measures required for its progress and efficiency , as well as the state of its Charities , are the subjects principally noticed . The great success that has attended the-establishment of this Paper , leads the Proprietors to hope that it will be recognised as a useful medium of information , as well as of mutual communication , by the Craft at large .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS OF ENGLAND AND WALES , AND THE COLONIES AND POSSESSIONS OF THE BRITISH CROWN . Bro . The LORD LEIGH , Grand Master . Bro . The EARL OF CARNARVON , Deputy Grand Master . T ODGES desirous of Uniting under the English Constitu-¦ M tion , and Brethren wishing to obtain New Warrants to work the Mark degree , are requested to communicate with Bro . W . L . COLLINS , the Grand Secretary , at the Office of the Grand Lodge , No . 40 , Leicester Square , London .
GRAND LODGE CLUB . AT the First General Meeting held at Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , 1 st Dec , 1858 , the following officers were appointed : — Bro JOHN TJDALL , Past G . Deacon , and P . M ., No . 10 , President . Bro . J . H . HEARN , Past D . P . G . M ., Isle of Wight , Vice-President . Bro . J . R . STEBBING , Past P . G . S ., Hants . Bro . JOHN VVHITilORE , W . M ., No . 329 , Treasurer . Bro . F . , BINCKES , P . M ., No . 11 , Secretary . The objects of the Club are , " 1 . To maintain the constitutional supremacy and privileges of G . L . . : " 2 . To amend or modify—so far as can be done with a due regard to the preservation of the antient landmarks , of the Order—such of the Masonic laws and regulations as are found to operate prejudicially to the interests ofthe Craft . '¦ - ¦ .- . ¦¦ " 3 . To secure to Provincial Brethren a more . active participation in-the proceedings of G . L . ¦ . " 4 To promote the adoption of a . liberal and enlightened policy towards Colonial Lodges . " 5 . To encourage throughout the Craft a more extended interest in the Charities of the Order . " 6 . To form a Masonic Library of Reference . " Entrance to be 5 s . ; Annual Subscription , 5 s . ; Election of Members by Ballot . The Members dine together before each G . L . ; when the business paper is discussed . Price , including Wine , 5 s . 6 a . The Club at present numbers between 50 and 60 members . Brethren desirous to join , must communicate with the Secretary , Freemason ' s Tavern , W . C . The next meeting will take place on the first Wednesday in March , at G . P . M ., when the following question is proposed for discussion : — " The representation of the Provincial Grand Lodge . " . ,
Bath : Printed and Published by ROBERT EDWARD PEACH , No . 8 , Bridge Street . London : Published by SIMPKIN , MARSHALL , and Co ., Stationers' Hall Court , E . C . ; and Sold by J . CLEMENTS , 21 , Little Pulteney Street , W . ; H . ' M . ARLISS . 15 , Great Queen Street , W . O . ; Stanford , & o . ; and all Booksellers in London . and the Country .