Article The Provinces. ← Page 13 of 15 →
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The Provinces.
towards a fund for subscribing to the chanties in the name of the Lodge . The Prov . G . Master suggested that as they had now a new Prov . Grand Secretary , the attention of the Lodges should be again called to the subject . Bro . Capt . Burney stated that the matter had been undor the consideration of the Colchester Lodges , and a considerable amount subscribed , but it had not been transmitted to the Prov . Grand Registrar , as it was thought more desirable that the proxies for
votes should be kept direct in their own hands , and he would suggest a little alteration in the circular to that effect . Bro . Addison stated that tho matter had been also brought before the Romford Lodge and he believed every member had subscribed , and their subscriptions had been forwarded direct to London . Bro . Hall might mention that tho subscriptions from the two Colchester Lodges , consequent upon the receipt of the circular , had amounted to between £ 30 and £ 40 . ( Hear , hear ) . The Lodge was then duly closed .
DEVONSHIRE . A Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Exeter , on the 20 th of October- Present—the R . W . the Lord Fortescue , K . G-, Prov . Grand Master , on the throne ; the R \ V . the Rev . John Huyshe , D . Prov . G . M ., and the following Prov . Grand Officers : —Bros . Capt . W . S . Jervis , R . N-, S . G . W . ; the Hon . Augustus BampfyldeJGWCJLaidmanGRegWilliam Denis Moore
, ... ; . . , . . ; , G . Sec ; W . W . James , S G . D .: J . C . Wilcocks , J . G . D . ; G . W . Turner , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Capt . F . C- Trower , G . Sword Bearer ; J . J . Clase , G- Pursuivant ; James Gregory , G . Tyler ; John Ash , W . L . Camming , John Gamball , R . R . Dodd , John Barrington , G . Stewards ; and several Past Grand Officers . Representatives of Lodges Nos- 46 , 122 , 123 , 129 , 185 , 224 , 270 , 300 , 312 , 509 , 610 , 650 , 719 , 1012 . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form with
solemn prayer . The minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the 23 rd August , 1858 , were read and confirmed . The committee appointed at the last Provincial Grand Lodge to consider and report on the subject of the notice of motion given by Bro . Bridges . W . M . of No . 1012 . presented the following report : — " At the Provincial Grand Lodge , of the 23 rd August last , a committee was appointed to obtain full particulars ofthe plan and operation of the Girls' and Boys' Schools , and to consider and report on the
subjects of Bro . Bridges' notice of motion , to the Provincial Grand Lodge on the 20 th of October . The committee consisted of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . William Cann , the Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Bridges , Bro Bremridge , Bro Dr . Scott , and Bro . W W- J ames—three to be a quorum . The subjects submitted to the Committee were the following suggestions : —1 . That a donation of £ 10 be given to the Girls' School . 2 . That a similar donation be given to the Boys' School . 3 . That the Provincial Grand Lodge become an annual subscriber of two guineas
to the Girls' School ; two guineas to the Boys' School : two guineas to the Annuity Fund ; and two guineas to the Widows ' Fund . Upon which the Committee beg leave to report to the Provincial Grand Lodge that they have had before them the rules of two schools , and the published balance sheet of each , and with these helps and the personal explanations which they have been able to obtain , and also having reference to the constitution of the Provincial Grand Lodge , they have , after careful consideration , arrived at the conclusion— ' That the funds of the Provincial
Grand Lodge cannot be pledged to any annual subscription . ' The Committee , therefore , cannot recommend to the Grand Ledge the adoption of tlie suggestions of Bro . Bridges in that respect ; and there is the less reason for doing so in reference to the Annuity and Widows' Fund , inasmuch as the Committee find that £ 115 has been granted to the Annuity Fund , and £ 35 to the Widows' Fund , including the munificent , addition to the Provincial Grand Lodge grant , made by the Right Worshipful
Provincial Grand Master . And in reference to the proposed donation of £ 10 to each of the schools , the Committee is of opinion that those establishments , however excellent in themselves , are not capable of that degree of local application which is contemplated by the particular institution of a provincial fund . But , in coming to this conclusion , the Committee desire to express their sense of the importance of the subject brought forward by Bro . Bridges ; and they take leave todrawthe attention of the Provincial Grand Lodge to a consideration of the means by which a similar provision to that made by the metropolitan institutions , for the education , clothing , and advancement ofthe children of worthy Masons , who need aid in that respect , may be carried out in this extensive and important province . The committee find that the particular
fund of this province is raised by a tax only equal to a fourth part of that which the constitutions permit , and having regard to tlie dignity of the purple , they are of opinion that the fees of honour are unnecessarily and unusually low . The Committee , therefore , suggest to consideration of the Provincial Grand Lodge that tho annual dues of every member of particular Lodges be increased from the present rate of Grf . to Is , and that all the fees of honour be donbledAnd that tbe increased payments of both kinds be
. specially appropriated to a fund for the clothing , education , and advancement of the children of Brethren of inadequate means . The Committee , further suggest that this fund might be materially increased if private Lodges would also institute fees of honour for their several offices . These sources of income would form a nucleus to which the Committee cannot doubt that many private subscriptions would be added , sufficient to form a very important fund . If the Provincial Grand Lodge is disposed to receive these
suggestions favourably , the Committee further recommend that a small committee be appointed to draw up a plan of operations by which the object of the fund may be best attained ; and that such plan , together with the question of the increased dues and fees of honour , be submitted , in due course , to a future assembly of the Prov . G . Lodge . " JOHN HUYSHE , D . Prov . G . Master , " Chairman of the Committee
. Exctcr , Zth October , 1858 . " On a motion duly made and seconded , it was resolved that the report of the committee be received and adopted . In the course of the debate on the foregoing motion , the R . W . Prov . G . Master stated that , if within a twelvemonth private subscriptions in aid of the suggestions of the committee could be raised to the extent of £ 150 , his lordship would add £ 50 to that sum .
On a motion duly made and seconded , that a committee be now appointed under tlie suggestion of the committee , it was moved , as an amendment that , before proceeding to the appointment of a committee to carry out the general recommendations of the report , it is expedient that that particular recommendation which suggests that the fees of honour on admission to office in the Provincial Grand Lodge be doubled , be forthwith adopted , to take effect from this day . The amendment having been carriedthe oriinal
, g motion was put and carried . On a motion duly made and carried , it was resolved that the former committee be reappointed ; three to form a quorum , with power to add to their number . On a motion duly made and seconded , it was resolved , that it he an instruction to the committee to consider and report on the propriety of placing the disposal of the intended fund on a wider basis than the strict limits of the report , so as to include relief to indigent Masonstheir wiveswidowsand familiesThe Prov
, , , . G . Master declared it to be his intention to hold a Provincial Grand Lodge for the purpose of receiving the report of the committee and proceeding thereon , on the Wednesday in the ensuing Epiphany sessions , viz ., Wednesday the 5 th of January , 1859-The following Brethren were then declared to be the Provincial Grand Officers for the year ensuing , and were respectively duly invested .
By Patent—The Right Honourable the Earl Fortescue , K . G ., Prov . G . M . ; the Rev . John Huyshe . M . A ., Dep Prov . GM By Appointment and Elention-The Hon . Augustus Bampfylde , SG . W ., No . 312 ; the Viscount Valletort . W . M-. J . G . W ., No . 224 ; the Rev . William Yate Daykin , G . Chap ., No . 1012 ; Dr . Brent ( on ballot duly taken ) G Treas ., No . 650 ; Bro . John Pope , G . Reg ., No . 129 ; Bro . William Dennis Moore , G . Sec , No . 129 ; Bro . George Pycroft , S . G . D ., No . 650 ; Bro . H . W . ClarkeWMNo 129 JGDBro Samnel CaveWMNo
, .., . ; ..., , ..,. 122 , G . Sup . of Works ; Bro . J . J . Clase , G . Dir . of Cers ., No . 185 ; Bro . John Ash , Asst . G . Dir . of Cers ., No . 83 ; Capt . John Tanner Davey , G . Sword Bearer , No . 610 ; J . J . Wickham , G . Organist , No . 719 ; Bro . William Hunt , G . Pursuivant , No . 224 ; Bro . James Gregory ( by election ) , Tyler , No . 185 ; W . L Channing , No . 46 ; J . Gambell , No . 83 ; R . R . Rodd , No . 224 ; Lord Graves , No . 224 ; John Burrington , No . 46 ; Thomas Dimond Hogg , No . 312 ; Grand Stewards .
The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due form with solemn prayer . Notice was then given , that at the Provincial Grand Lodge , to be holden at Exeter , on Wednesday , the 5 th day of January , 1859 , or at some adjournment thereof , the following amendment in the By Laws will be proposed—1 st . —That , in the by-law No . 2 , ofthe Prov . G . Lodge , the sums directedto be paid by Brethren on their first appointment to office in the Prov . G- Lodge , shall be doubled .
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The Provinces.
towards a fund for subscribing to the chanties in the name of the Lodge . The Prov . G . Master suggested that as they had now a new Prov . Grand Secretary , the attention of the Lodges should be again called to the subject . Bro . Capt . Burney stated that the matter had been undor the consideration of the Colchester Lodges , and a considerable amount subscribed , but it had not been transmitted to the Prov . Grand Registrar , as it was thought more desirable that the proxies for
votes should be kept direct in their own hands , and he would suggest a little alteration in the circular to that effect . Bro . Addison stated that tho matter had been also brought before the Romford Lodge and he believed every member had subscribed , and their subscriptions had been forwarded direct to London . Bro . Hall might mention that tho subscriptions from the two Colchester Lodges , consequent upon the receipt of the circular , had amounted to between £ 30 and £ 40 . ( Hear , hear ) . The Lodge was then duly closed .
DEVONSHIRE . A Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Exeter , on the 20 th of October- Present—the R . W . the Lord Fortescue , K . G-, Prov . Grand Master , on the throne ; the R \ V . the Rev . John Huyshe , D . Prov . G . M ., and the following Prov . Grand Officers : —Bros . Capt . W . S . Jervis , R . N-, S . G . W . ; the Hon . Augustus BampfyldeJGWCJLaidmanGRegWilliam Denis Moore
, ... ; . . , . . ; , G . Sec ; W . W . James , S G . D .: J . C . Wilcocks , J . G . D . ; G . W . Turner , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Capt . F . C- Trower , G . Sword Bearer ; J . J . Clase , G- Pursuivant ; James Gregory , G . Tyler ; John Ash , W . L . Camming , John Gamball , R . R . Dodd , John Barrington , G . Stewards ; and several Past Grand Officers . Representatives of Lodges Nos- 46 , 122 , 123 , 129 , 185 , 224 , 270 , 300 , 312 , 509 , 610 , 650 , 719 , 1012 . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form with
solemn prayer . The minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the 23 rd August , 1858 , were read and confirmed . The committee appointed at the last Provincial Grand Lodge to consider and report on the subject of the notice of motion given by Bro . Bridges . W . M . of No . 1012 . presented the following report : — " At the Provincial Grand Lodge , of the 23 rd August last , a committee was appointed to obtain full particulars ofthe plan and operation of the Girls' and Boys' Schools , and to consider and report on the
subjects of Bro . Bridges' notice of motion , to the Provincial Grand Lodge on the 20 th of October . The committee consisted of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . William Cann , the Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Bridges , Bro Bremridge , Bro Dr . Scott , and Bro . W W- J ames—three to be a quorum . The subjects submitted to the Committee were the following suggestions : —1 . That a donation of £ 10 be given to the Girls' School . 2 . That a similar donation be given to the Boys' School . 3 . That the Provincial Grand Lodge become an annual subscriber of two guineas
to the Girls' School ; two guineas to the Boys' School : two guineas to the Annuity Fund ; and two guineas to the Widows ' Fund . Upon which the Committee beg leave to report to the Provincial Grand Lodge that they have had before them the rules of two schools , and the published balance sheet of each , and with these helps and the personal explanations which they have been able to obtain , and also having reference to the constitution of the Provincial Grand Lodge , they have , after careful consideration , arrived at the conclusion— ' That the funds of the Provincial
Grand Lodge cannot be pledged to any annual subscription . ' The Committee , therefore , cannot recommend to the Grand Ledge the adoption of tlie suggestions of Bro . Bridges in that respect ; and there is the less reason for doing so in reference to the Annuity and Widows' Fund , inasmuch as the Committee find that £ 115 has been granted to the Annuity Fund , and £ 35 to the Widows' Fund , including the munificent , addition to the Provincial Grand Lodge grant , made by the Right Worshipful
Provincial Grand Master . And in reference to the proposed donation of £ 10 to each of the schools , the Committee is of opinion that those establishments , however excellent in themselves , are not capable of that degree of local application which is contemplated by the particular institution of a provincial fund . But , in coming to this conclusion , the Committee desire to express their sense of the importance of the subject brought forward by Bro . Bridges ; and they take leave todrawthe attention of the Provincial Grand Lodge to a consideration of the means by which a similar provision to that made by the metropolitan institutions , for the education , clothing , and advancement ofthe children of worthy Masons , who need aid in that respect , may be carried out in this extensive and important province . The committee find that the particular
fund of this province is raised by a tax only equal to a fourth part of that which the constitutions permit , and having regard to tlie dignity of the purple , they are of opinion that the fees of honour are unnecessarily and unusually low . The Committee , therefore , suggest to consideration of the Provincial Grand Lodge that tho annual dues of every member of particular Lodges be increased from the present rate of Grf . to Is , and that all the fees of honour be donbledAnd that tbe increased payments of both kinds be
. specially appropriated to a fund for the clothing , education , and advancement of the children of Brethren of inadequate means . The Committee , further suggest that this fund might be materially increased if private Lodges would also institute fees of honour for their several offices . These sources of income would form a nucleus to which the Committee cannot doubt that many private subscriptions would be added , sufficient to form a very important fund . If the Provincial Grand Lodge is disposed to receive these
suggestions favourably , the Committee further recommend that a small committee be appointed to draw up a plan of operations by which the object of the fund may be best attained ; and that such plan , together with the question of the increased dues and fees of honour , be submitted , in due course , to a future assembly of the Prov . G . Lodge . " JOHN HUYSHE , D . Prov . G . Master , " Chairman of the Committee
. Exctcr , Zth October , 1858 . " On a motion duly made and seconded , it was resolved that the report of the committee be received and adopted . In the course of the debate on the foregoing motion , the R . W . Prov . G . Master stated that , if within a twelvemonth private subscriptions in aid of the suggestions of the committee could be raised to the extent of £ 150 , his lordship would add £ 50 to that sum .
On a motion duly made and seconded , that a committee be now appointed under tlie suggestion of the committee , it was moved , as an amendment that , before proceeding to the appointment of a committee to carry out the general recommendations of the report , it is expedient that that particular recommendation which suggests that the fees of honour on admission to office in the Provincial Grand Lodge be doubled , be forthwith adopted , to take effect from this day . The amendment having been carriedthe oriinal
, g motion was put and carried . On a motion duly made and carried , it was resolved that the former committee be reappointed ; three to form a quorum , with power to add to their number . On a motion duly made and seconded , it was resolved , that it he an instruction to the committee to consider and report on the propriety of placing the disposal of the intended fund on a wider basis than the strict limits of the report , so as to include relief to indigent Masonstheir wiveswidowsand familiesThe Prov
, , , . G . Master declared it to be his intention to hold a Provincial Grand Lodge for the purpose of receiving the report of the committee and proceeding thereon , on the Wednesday in the ensuing Epiphany sessions , viz ., Wednesday the 5 th of January , 1859-The following Brethren were then declared to be the Provincial Grand Officers for the year ensuing , and were respectively duly invested .
By Patent—The Right Honourable the Earl Fortescue , K . G ., Prov . G . M . ; the Rev . John Huyshe . M . A ., Dep Prov . GM By Appointment and Elention-The Hon . Augustus Bampfylde , SG . W ., No . 312 ; the Viscount Valletort . W . M-. J . G . W ., No . 224 ; the Rev . William Yate Daykin , G . Chap ., No . 1012 ; Dr . Brent ( on ballot duly taken ) G Treas ., No . 650 ; Bro . John Pope , G . Reg ., No . 129 ; Bro . William Dennis Moore , G . Sec , No . 129 ; Bro . George Pycroft , S . G . D ., No . 650 ; Bro . H . W . ClarkeWMNo 129 JGDBro Samnel CaveWMNo
, .., . ; ..., , ..,. 122 , G . Sup . of Works ; Bro . J . J . Clase , G . Dir . of Cers ., No . 185 ; Bro . John Ash , Asst . G . Dir . of Cers ., No . 83 ; Capt . John Tanner Davey , G . Sword Bearer , No . 610 ; J . J . Wickham , G . Organist , No . 719 ; Bro . William Hunt , G . Pursuivant , No . 224 ; Bro . James Gregory ( by election ) , Tyler , No . 185 ; W . L Channing , No . 46 ; J . Gambell , No . 83 ; R . R . Rodd , No . 224 ; Lord Graves , No . 224 ; John Burrington , No . 46 ; Thomas Dimond Hogg , No . 312 ; Grand Stewards .
The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due form with solemn prayer . Notice was then given , that at the Provincial Grand Lodge , to be holden at Exeter , on Wednesday , the 5 th day of January , 1859 , or at some adjournment thereof , the following amendment in the By Laws will be proposed—1 st . —That , in the by-law No . 2 , ofthe Prov . G . Lodge , the sums directedto be paid by Brethren on their first appointment to office in the Prov . G- Lodge , shall be doubled .