Article The Provinces. ← Page 5 of 15 →
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The Provinces.
G . Sword Bearer ; D . W . Spencer , Prov . G . Asst . G . D . C ; T . Alexander , Grand Steward ; J . G ., Clarkson , Grand Steward ; II . G ., Ludwig , Grand Steward ; Bro . Richardson , P . G . Pursuivant ; and Bro . Dickson , Grand Tyler ; and on the dias—Bros . Mark L . Jobling , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Benjamin J . Thompson , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; William Johnston , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; William Punshcon , P . Prov . J . G . W ., & c ., & c , After the Lodge was opened and roll of Lodges called , to which all answered , but Lodge No . 161 , Whooler , which was not represented .
The report of the Fund ot Benevolence was read , showing it to ba in a very satisfactory state , there being funds in hand to the amount of upwards of £ 350 , of which the committee recommended £ 300 to be invested on mortgage , The report was unanimously agreed to , and many congratulatory remarks made on the prosperous condition of the province , which since 1 S 49 , has been able to raise the fund to this amount . A discussion then took place on a circular read by the Provincial Grand Secretary , as to organizing a committee to support the Masonic
schools . The general feeling was , that in lien of the London Brethren of appointing a Secretary , who was to be paid a commission for his exertions , that the Grand Lodge of England should award to country Secretaries who , by their exertions raised a given sum for each charity , the wearing of the charity medal , with clasps for each additional sum , & c . ; in fact , that some honorary distinction be awarded in lieu of money , as it was thought that , in this province at least , more Brethren would work harder in such a cause for lion - our than for money . The Grand Lodge , as a commencement , and to
put in a practical form their sympathies with the Masonic schools , at once decided upon becoming Life Governors of the Boys' and Girls ' Schools , and voted for this year £ 10 to the Boys' and £ 10 to the Girls ' reserving themselves to make up , in fourteen years , the sum requisite to constitute this Provincial Grand Lodge Life Governors for the Girls ' School . This proposal was carried ncm con . The active business before Provincial Grand Lodge being thus brought to a close , the Provincial Grand Master announced that he would proceed to invest the Grand Officers for the ensuing year , requesting the Lodge , however , to proceed to the election of their Treasurer .
TheV . W . Bro . William Berkley , proposed , and the Prov . J . G . W . Bro . Hopper , seconded : that Bro . John Barker , the present Grand Treasurer , be re-elected . This proposal having been put from the chair , was ¦ unanimously agreed to . The Provincial Grand Master then invested the following as the Officers for the ensuing year : —V . W . Bros . Richard Medcalf , as Deputy Prov . G . M . ; Bro . J . J . Challoner , as Prov . S . G . W . ; Henry Hothum , as Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . John F . Bigge , as Grand Chaplain ; John Barker , Prov . G . Treas . ; B . J . Thomson , G . Sec ; Frederick
Welford , Prov . S . G . D . ;—Twizel , as Prov . J . G . D . ;—Johnstone , ( architect ) as Prov . G . Sec . of Works ; William Dalziel , Prov . G . D . C . Thomas Alexander , Assist . Prov . G . D . O . ; T . Haswell , Prov . G . Org . T . Clarkson , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Dixon , Popplewell , and four others wdiose names we could not catch , as Grand Stewards ; William Richardson , Grand Pursuivant ; and Alexander Dickson , as Grand Tyler . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed , and the Brothers , to the number of over seventyadjourned to the White Hart HotelBro .
, , Joels , where they were served with a very excellent banquet . The chair being taken by the Prov . Grand Master , and the vice chairs by the Prov . G . Wardens . The loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the healths of the Provincial Grand Master and Deputy Provincial Grand Master were severally proposed , by Bros . E . D . Davis , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; and William Berkley , P . Prov . S . G . W ., and duly responded to ; that by the Provincial Grand Master , by a very eloquent and Masonic speech , full of that kindness and gentlemanly feeling that so distinguishes our
Provincial Grand Master and endears him to all the Brethren in his province . The Officers and Lodges duly followed , and were responded to ; and the Brethren retired , after spending a pleasant evening , at the early hour of ten o ' clock . WARWICKSHIRE . —The Prov . G . M . for Warwickshire , the Right Hon . Lord Leigh , appointed Wednesday , Oct . 13 th , for the annual meeting of the Lodges of this district , which received a hearty response from the members , who mot at the Masonic rooms , recently fitted up by the Howe Lodgenot onlfor its own usebut for such
, y , other bodies of the fraternity as may desire to avail themselves of its admirable appointments . Not only is the hall well suited for its more immediate object by the provision of everything necessary for carrying out the rituals in the best manner , but being exclusively devoted to Freemasonry , adds to the importance of the ceremonies . The erection of the buildings , their proper adornment , and furnishing them with all requisite apparatus , have been the work of several years . On this occasion the finishing stroke was given by providing
such further conveniences and elegancies as added grace to the reception of Prov . Grand Lodge and its illustrious Prov . G . M . The Brethren assembled at noon , and the Howe Lodge having been opened in due form by its esteemed W . M ., Bro . Weiss , the officers of Prov . Grand Lodge formed in procession , and on entering the room were received with the usual Masonic greetings . All having respectively assumed their proper stations , his lordship opened the proceedings , by calling on the Prov . G . Chap , to invoke the blessing of the Great Architect of the universe on the labours of the day . This
being done , the business of the province was at once transacted , and the accounts were read and approved . The funds were announced as being in a most satisfactory state , there being a balance in hand of nearly £ ! 50 , a good example for some other provinces . His lordship then commenced the selection of officers for the ensuing year , by appointing Bro . C . W . Hoskyns , D . Prov . G . M ., in place of Bro . Boughton Leigh , who had tendered his resignation , after having held this honourable position for ten years . Tlie Rev . Bros . Smithers and Bedford were invested as Grand Chaplains ; Bro . D . Hopkins
was installed as S . G . W ., and having been duly invested , addressed the Prov . G . M ., gratefully acknowledging the honour , and respectfully requesting permission to resign his new position , in consequence of unavoidable removal from tbe district . This favour having been kindly accorded , his lordship , after some flattering and congratulatory comments , presented him with a jewel , bearing the following inscription : — "Presented to Bro . Dr . Henry Hopkins , P . Prov . S . G . W ., No .
51 , on his retiring from the province of Warwickshire , by a few Masonic friends , as a token of esteem . " Bro . Hopkins again addressed the Prov . G . M . and Prov . G . Lodge , expressing his gratitude for the kindness shown to him , and for the good and truly Masonic feeling shown by so handsome a present . After this his lordship appointed Bro . Blenkinsop to the chair of the S . W ., just vacated . Suitable appointments having been made to the other offices , a committee was chosen to prepare an address for presentation to Bro . Boughton Leigh , on his retirement from the office he has so long held , and also to
devise means of acknowledging the services of Bro . Lloyd , who had most efficiently performed the duties of Treasurer for many years . The Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in due form , and with solemn prayer . The Brethren were then invited to the banqueting room , where , by the kindness and with the accustomed hospitality of the Howe Lodge , a cold collation had been prepared ; and after a few minutes devoted to refreshment , formed in procession to accompany the Prov . G . M . to St . Philip ' s church . Prayers were read by the Rev . —Ashtonone of the curates of the parishin the unavoidable
, , adsence of the rector , the Hon . and Rev . Bro . Grantham Yorke ; and the sermon was preached by one of the Chaplains , the Rev . Bro . Bedford , which was so admirable and so completely in conformity with , and explanatory of Masonic principle ; that on the proposition of the R . W . Lord Leigh , the chaplain kindly consented to allow its publication at the expense of the fraternity , for distribution among its members . Dinner was afterwards served at the Royal Hotel , to which nearly a hundred Brethren sat down .
ISLE OF WIGHT . THE Grand Lodge of the province was summoned to meet as a quarterly communication , on Friday , October 22 nd , in the Masonic Hall , Ryde , when there were presant , the R . W . Bro . Thomas Willis Flemmfng , Prov . G . M . ; the V . W . Bros Hyde Pullen , Deputy Prov . G . M . ; and J . H . Hearn , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . George Wyatt , Prov . S . G . W .: G . F . Harrington , Prov . J . G . W ., and many Brethren ofthe province , as also visitors . The great object of the meeting was to promote and establish a Relief Fund for the province , and the better
to aid it , to hold a festival for its inauguration . After the transaction of routine business , the Brethren adjourned to the Pier Hotel , where a banquet was prepared , to which fifty Brethren sat down . The Earl of CARNARVON , who had been specially invited by the Provincial Grand Master , presided on the occasion , supported by the Provincial Grand Master , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and nil the Officers . There were also present Bro . B . Humphreys , of Bursledon ; Bros . Duff , Mc . Lachlan , Gait , Wood , Rastrick , Heather , Sherry , Hollingsvvorth , White , Abrahams , Rake , Perkins , and others
from the province of Hampshire . Bro . Lord CARNARVON in calling the attention of the Brethren to the first toast , said he could not conceive any two words to come so connectedly together as the " Queen and the Craft , " in the island Her Majesty delighted to honour as her favourite residence , and in which the excellent Prov . Grand Master kept Masonry in such good order . The noble earl next in proposing " The Most Worshipful the Earl of Zetland , " said that , although in Grand Lodge he might have occasion to differ upon some points with the Grand Master , ho was ready to acknowledge his groat and high qualities , and fitness for the high position he occupied . The noblo earl then read the following
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The Provinces.
G . Sword Bearer ; D . W . Spencer , Prov . G . Asst . G . D . C ; T . Alexander , Grand Steward ; J . G ., Clarkson , Grand Steward ; II . G ., Ludwig , Grand Steward ; Bro . Richardson , P . G . Pursuivant ; and Bro . Dickson , Grand Tyler ; and on the dias—Bros . Mark L . Jobling , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Benjamin J . Thompson , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; William Johnston , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; William Punshcon , P . Prov . J . G . W ., & c ., & c , After the Lodge was opened and roll of Lodges called , to which all answered , but Lodge No . 161 , Whooler , which was not represented .
The report of the Fund ot Benevolence was read , showing it to ba in a very satisfactory state , there being funds in hand to the amount of upwards of £ 350 , of which the committee recommended £ 300 to be invested on mortgage , The report was unanimously agreed to , and many congratulatory remarks made on the prosperous condition of the province , which since 1 S 49 , has been able to raise the fund to this amount . A discussion then took place on a circular read by the Provincial Grand Secretary , as to organizing a committee to support the Masonic
schools . The general feeling was , that in lien of the London Brethren of appointing a Secretary , who was to be paid a commission for his exertions , that the Grand Lodge of England should award to country Secretaries who , by their exertions raised a given sum for each charity , the wearing of the charity medal , with clasps for each additional sum , & c . ; in fact , that some honorary distinction be awarded in lieu of money , as it was thought that , in this province at least , more Brethren would work harder in such a cause for lion - our than for money . The Grand Lodge , as a commencement , and to
put in a practical form their sympathies with the Masonic schools , at once decided upon becoming Life Governors of the Boys' and Girls ' Schools , and voted for this year £ 10 to the Boys' and £ 10 to the Girls ' reserving themselves to make up , in fourteen years , the sum requisite to constitute this Provincial Grand Lodge Life Governors for the Girls ' School . This proposal was carried ncm con . The active business before Provincial Grand Lodge being thus brought to a close , the Provincial Grand Master announced that he would proceed to invest the Grand Officers for the ensuing year , requesting the Lodge , however , to proceed to the election of their Treasurer .
TheV . W . Bro . William Berkley , proposed , and the Prov . J . G . W . Bro . Hopper , seconded : that Bro . John Barker , the present Grand Treasurer , be re-elected . This proposal having been put from the chair , was ¦ unanimously agreed to . The Provincial Grand Master then invested the following as the Officers for the ensuing year : —V . W . Bros . Richard Medcalf , as Deputy Prov . G . M . ; Bro . J . J . Challoner , as Prov . S . G . W . ; Henry Hothum , as Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . John F . Bigge , as Grand Chaplain ; John Barker , Prov . G . Treas . ; B . J . Thomson , G . Sec ; Frederick
Welford , Prov . S . G . D . ;—Twizel , as Prov . J . G . D . ;—Johnstone , ( architect ) as Prov . G . Sec . of Works ; William Dalziel , Prov . G . D . C . Thomas Alexander , Assist . Prov . G . D . O . ; T . Haswell , Prov . G . Org . T . Clarkson , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Dixon , Popplewell , and four others wdiose names we could not catch , as Grand Stewards ; William Richardson , Grand Pursuivant ; and Alexander Dickson , as Grand Tyler . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed , and the Brothers , to the number of over seventyadjourned to the White Hart HotelBro .
, , Joels , where they were served with a very excellent banquet . The chair being taken by the Prov . Grand Master , and the vice chairs by the Prov . G . Wardens . The loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the healths of the Provincial Grand Master and Deputy Provincial Grand Master were severally proposed , by Bros . E . D . Davis , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; and William Berkley , P . Prov . S . G . W ., and duly responded to ; that by the Provincial Grand Master , by a very eloquent and Masonic speech , full of that kindness and gentlemanly feeling that so distinguishes our
Provincial Grand Master and endears him to all the Brethren in his province . The Officers and Lodges duly followed , and were responded to ; and the Brethren retired , after spending a pleasant evening , at the early hour of ten o ' clock . WARWICKSHIRE . —The Prov . G . M . for Warwickshire , the Right Hon . Lord Leigh , appointed Wednesday , Oct . 13 th , for the annual meeting of the Lodges of this district , which received a hearty response from the members , who mot at the Masonic rooms , recently fitted up by the Howe Lodgenot onlfor its own usebut for such
, y , other bodies of the fraternity as may desire to avail themselves of its admirable appointments . Not only is the hall well suited for its more immediate object by the provision of everything necessary for carrying out the rituals in the best manner , but being exclusively devoted to Freemasonry , adds to the importance of the ceremonies . The erection of the buildings , their proper adornment , and furnishing them with all requisite apparatus , have been the work of several years . On this occasion the finishing stroke was given by providing
such further conveniences and elegancies as added grace to the reception of Prov . Grand Lodge and its illustrious Prov . G . M . The Brethren assembled at noon , and the Howe Lodge having been opened in due form by its esteemed W . M ., Bro . Weiss , the officers of Prov . Grand Lodge formed in procession , and on entering the room were received with the usual Masonic greetings . All having respectively assumed their proper stations , his lordship opened the proceedings , by calling on the Prov . G . Chap , to invoke the blessing of the Great Architect of the universe on the labours of the day . This
being done , the business of the province was at once transacted , and the accounts were read and approved . The funds were announced as being in a most satisfactory state , there being a balance in hand of nearly £ ! 50 , a good example for some other provinces . His lordship then commenced the selection of officers for the ensuing year , by appointing Bro . C . W . Hoskyns , D . Prov . G . M ., in place of Bro . Boughton Leigh , who had tendered his resignation , after having held this honourable position for ten years . Tlie Rev . Bros . Smithers and Bedford were invested as Grand Chaplains ; Bro . D . Hopkins
was installed as S . G . W ., and having been duly invested , addressed the Prov . G . M ., gratefully acknowledging the honour , and respectfully requesting permission to resign his new position , in consequence of unavoidable removal from tbe district . This favour having been kindly accorded , his lordship , after some flattering and congratulatory comments , presented him with a jewel , bearing the following inscription : — "Presented to Bro . Dr . Henry Hopkins , P . Prov . S . G . W ., No .
51 , on his retiring from the province of Warwickshire , by a few Masonic friends , as a token of esteem . " Bro . Hopkins again addressed the Prov . G . M . and Prov . G . Lodge , expressing his gratitude for the kindness shown to him , and for the good and truly Masonic feeling shown by so handsome a present . After this his lordship appointed Bro . Blenkinsop to the chair of the S . W ., just vacated . Suitable appointments having been made to the other offices , a committee was chosen to prepare an address for presentation to Bro . Boughton Leigh , on his retirement from the office he has so long held , and also to
devise means of acknowledging the services of Bro . Lloyd , who had most efficiently performed the duties of Treasurer for many years . The Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in due form , and with solemn prayer . The Brethren were then invited to the banqueting room , where , by the kindness and with the accustomed hospitality of the Howe Lodge , a cold collation had been prepared ; and after a few minutes devoted to refreshment , formed in procession to accompany the Prov . G . M . to St . Philip ' s church . Prayers were read by the Rev . —Ashtonone of the curates of the parishin the unavoidable
, , adsence of the rector , the Hon . and Rev . Bro . Grantham Yorke ; and the sermon was preached by one of the Chaplains , the Rev . Bro . Bedford , which was so admirable and so completely in conformity with , and explanatory of Masonic principle ; that on the proposition of the R . W . Lord Leigh , the chaplain kindly consented to allow its publication at the expense of the fraternity , for distribution among its members . Dinner was afterwards served at the Royal Hotel , to which nearly a hundred Brethren sat down .
ISLE OF WIGHT . THE Grand Lodge of the province was summoned to meet as a quarterly communication , on Friday , October 22 nd , in the Masonic Hall , Ryde , when there were presant , the R . W . Bro . Thomas Willis Flemmfng , Prov . G . M . ; the V . W . Bros Hyde Pullen , Deputy Prov . G . M . ; and J . H . Hearn , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . George Wyatt , Prov . S . G . W .: G . F . Harrington , Prov . J . G . W ., and many Brethren ofthe province , as also visitors . The great object of the meeting was to promote and establish a Relief Fund for the province , and the better
to aid it , to hold a festival for its inauguration . After the transaction of routine business , the Brethren adjourned to the Pier Hotel , where a banquet was prepared , to which fifty Brethren sat down . The Earl of CARNARVON , who had been specially invited by the Provincial Grand Master , presided on the occasion , supported by the Provincial Grand Master , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and nil the Officers . There were also present Bro . B . Humphreys , of Bursledon ; Bros . Duff , Mc . Lachlan , Gait , Wood , Rastrick , Heather , Sherry , Hollingsvvorth , White , Abrahams , Rake , Perkins , and others
from the province of Hampshire . Bro . Lord CARNARVON in calling the attention of the Brethren to the first toast , said he could not conceive any two words to come so connectedly together as the " Queen and the Craft , " in the island Her Majesty delighted to honour as her favourite residence , and in which the excellent Prov . Grand Master kept Masonry in such good order . The noble earl next in proposing " The Most Worshipful the Earl of Zetland , " said that , although in Grand Lodge he might have occasion to differ upon some points with the Grand Master , ho was ready to acknowledge his groat and high qualities , and fitness for the high position he occupied . The noblo earl then read the following