Article The Provinces. ← Page 4 of 15 →
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The Provinces.
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . Os Tuesday last , the 12 th October , the annual meeting of the Pro . vincial Grand Lodge of the western division of the county of Laneastei was held in the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool , wdien upwards of 150 of the Brethren wore present . Among the Brethren present were , Br . Sir Thos . G . Hesketh , R . W . D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . Thos . Littlcdale , Prov . S . G . W . ; Bro . Hv .
W . Collins , Prov . J . G . W . ; Bro . Horatio Gambcll , Prov . G . P . ; Brb . Eskcrsley , Prov . G . S . B . ; Bro . Hugh R . Edwards , Prov . S . G . D ; Bro . James Billinge , Prov . G S . B . ; Bro . Thos . Wylie , Prov . G . Sec . ; Bro Joshua Walmeslcv , Prov . G . Tress . ; Bro . Jas . Hamer , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Bro . J . Pepper , Prov . G . Sec ; Bro . S . G . Hess , I ' rov . G . D ; Bro . Horace S . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec . ; Bro . William Allonder , Prov . G . Sec ; Bro . William Mason , Prov . G . Sec . ; Bro . William Davies , Prov . G . D . The Lodge was opened shortly before eleven o ' clock , in solemn and
ancient form , after which Bro . Thos . Wylie , Prov . G Sec , read the report of tiie proceedings ofthe last Provincial Grand Lodge , held on the 20 th of October , 1857 , at the Adelphi Hotel , in which document , reference was made to the death of the late It . W . D . Prov . G . M ., the Rev . Gilmore Robinson , and Bros . Joseph Perrin and Arthur Henderson , Prov . G . Reg . The proceedings of Grand Lodge during the year called forth no particular comment . The Brethren throughout the province had exhibited the greatest unity and cordiality . During the year , two warrants had been granted , one to the Derby Lodge ,
1026 , held at Bootle , and the other to Lodge 1032 , at Choriey . There were now 27 Lodges connected with the province . The report concluded with a reference to the advantages arising from the establishment of the Prov . Grand Lodge in that building , as well as the good likely to accrue from the various Lodges holding their meetings there instead of at hotels and public houses which had long been the subject of remark by those unacquainted with the intentions and purposes of this noble Order . Bro . Wm . Allendortreasurer of the fund for the building of the
, intended hail , read a statement of the accounts , from which we gather the following particulars : — Donation from tbe Prov . Grand Lodge , £ 52 10 s . ; from the members of Lodge No . 35 , £ 152 2 s ; No . 173 , £ 12 ; No . 181 , Warrington , £ 10 ; No . 711 , £ 5 ; No . 245 , £ 360 12 s . ; No . 203 , £ 38 os . ; No . 204 , £ 104 18 s . ; No . 310 , £ 269 10 s . 6 d . ; Lodge of Instruction , No . 310 , £ 18
lis . 6 ( 1 . ; No . 368 , £ 325 ISs . 6 d . ; No . 864 , £ 6 Is . ; No . 880 , £ 2 2 s . ; contributions by ladies and the Masonic amateur performances , £ 126 7 s . ; interest in the bank , £ 41 ; which amount the Treasurer said would cover all the incidental expenses in the purchase of tlie land and promisos in Hope-street . Total amount collected , £ 1546 12 s . 6 d . The land and premises cost £ 1600 , and they had been compelled to borrow £ 100 from the educational fund to complete the purchase ; but he had no doubt the result of the amateur performance , on Wednesday eveningat the Theatre Royaltogether with further
contri-, , butions , would fully cover the cost of the premises . Bro . Thomas Wylie read a communication from the committee and governors of the educational institution in London , soliciting the aid of the Prov . Grand Lodge in Liverpool . It was urged respectfully by one of the Brethren , that as they had an educational institution of their own in this province , a suitable reply should be made to that effect ; but afterwards the sum of £ 10 ] 0 s . was voted to the Boys ' School , and a similar sum to the Girls' School , to be paid out of the
Grand Lodge funds . During the proceedings , Bro . Wylie suggested the propriety of establishing a library for the use of the Brethren in the now hall . Bro . Joshua Walmsley , Prov . G . Troas ., was re-elected Treasurer . Fifty guineas were afterwards voted to the intended new hall fund , and a further sum of £ 25 towards the alterations which had been made in the present building . The Lodge afterwards resolved itself into a court of governors of the West Lancashire Educational Institution for the Education and
Advancement in Life of Children of Distressed Masons , when tlie report of the institution was read by Bro . H . Gambcll , the Secretary , flie report embodied the proceedings of the various courts which have been held during the year , wherein a number of children had boon recommended to the funds of the institution . Upwards of £ 150 had been received that day in subscriptions , and seven children had been recommended and placed on the funds . A committee was afterwards appointed for the ensuing year . Bro . J . Brabner was again appointed treasurer ; and Bro . GambcllsecretaryBroHenry W
, . . . Collins was elected solicitor to the trust ; Bro . Alex . C . Jeffrey , surgeon ; and Messrs . Moss & Co ., the bankers . The fund now amounts to upwards of £ 2580 The proceedings of Grand Lodge closed shortly before three o'clock , when the Brethren adjourned to the Adelphi Hotel to dine . At the banquet in the evening , Bro . Sir Tims . G . Hesketh , Bart .,
occupied tlie chair , and Bros . Thomas LittJedale and Henry W . Collins _ the vice chairs . After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given and heartily received , the chairman said , it afforded him pleasure in giving the first Masonic toast of the evening , the health of " The Earl of Zetland , the M . W . G . M ., " who was ready at all times to attend to his Masonic duties , and preside , with dignity , over the proceedings of the Grand Lodge and Masonry all over the kingdom . The Chairman— "The next toast I have the pleasure in giving demands the highest consideration of every Mason , for his lordship
always took the greatest interest in Masonry , — "The Right Hon Lord Panmure , K . T ., R . W . D . G . M . " ( Cheers ) . The Chairman said he had great pleasure in giving them the health of the Right W . Prov . G . Master , Bro . le Gendre N . Starkie , who had always the interest of the province at heart . He very much regretted he was not among them ; but , though absent , ho was sure to be thinking of them , and was with them in heart . ( Drunk with great applause . ) Bro . LittledaJe said the first toast ho had the pleasure of proposing
was the health of the D . Prov . G . Master , Bro . Sir Thos . G . Hesketh , Bart ., who so ably filled the chair in the absence of the R . W . Prov . G . M . The Brethren of Lodge No . 35 might well feel proud of him , as he had been initiated in their Lodge , and had ably worked his way to the position of Master of that Lodge . The chairman , in returning thanks , regretted the absence of the R . W . Prov . G . M ., whose position he so imperfectly filled . He felt great pleasure in being surrounded by so able a body of Prov . G . officers , who at all times rendered his office easy . He concluded by . giving " The West Lancashire Institution for the Education and Advancement in Life of Children of Distressed Masons , " coupled
with the name of Bro . Joshua Walmsley , Prov . G . Treas ., who was the originator of the institution . Bro . Walmsley said , when he first mentioned the idea of the institution to an influential brother some years ago , his reply was , that they would not get £ 50 in fifty years towards snch an undertaking ; but he had the pleasure of informing them they were now in the receipt of upwards of £ 150 in twelve months . He considered , after all , they were placed in a better position than the institution in London , because the children of every Brotherto whatever religions faith they belonged
, , could be sent to the school best suited to bis wishes . At present some were sent to the Collegiate Institution , and some to the Mechanics ' Institution ; and who can tell whether , from their scholarships , we may not have a Lord Chancellor or an Archbishop from among us ? ( Cheers ) . The chairman next gave " Bro . Stephen Blair , and Bro . Lord Combermere , R . W . Prov . Grand Masters of East Lancashire and Cheshire ; " to which Bro . Lambert responded , and , in a long and
fervant speech , spoke of the superiority displayed by the Brethren in connection with West Lancashire , over the Brethren in the adjoining province , by the establishment of such an institution as the one they had the pleasure of just toasting . As to the working of the various Lodges of West Lancashire , they eould not be surpassed bv any province in England ; and the devotion of the Brethren to the Order was further exemplified by the purchase of the promises in Hopestreet , and their beautiful Lodge room . The R W . Bro . Thos . Littledalo responded to the toast" The VW
, . Prov . G . Wardens , Prov . G . Chaplain , and the other Grand Officers . " Bro . Atherton to that of "The Ladies , " in a numerous speech ,, which was loudly applauded throughout . Bro . W . Allendon , to " The Grand Stewards of the Province . " After which the Brethren separated shortly after eight o'clock .
NORTHUMBERLAND . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . THE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland and Berwick-on-Tweed was held in the Masonic hall , Blacketstreet , Newcastle , on the 8 th October , iu the Lodge room of Lodges No . 24 and No . 173 . The number of Past and Present Grand Officers , Worshipful Masters and Past Masters , as well as Brethren generally , present , was very largo .
For the first time , to our recollection , a better separation of real members of Grand Lodge , from non-voting Brethren who are allowed by courtesy to attend Past Grand Lodges , was attempted , and we think successfully The Grand Lodge , on entering the hall , was received with due honours . The Prov . G . M ., the Rev E . C , Ogle , then proceeded to open his Lodge in due form , assisted by the following officers : —Bros . Richard Mcdcalf , Deptitv Prov . G . M . ; E . D . Davis , Prov . S . G . W . ; John Hopper , Prov . J . G . W . ; Johh Barker , Prov . G . Treas . ; Thomas Fcnworth , Prov . G . Reg . ; William Berkley , Prov . G . S . ; J . T . M . Harrison , Prov . G . D . ; William Dalziel , Prov . G . D . C ; T . Haswell , Prov . G . O . ; J . D . B . iown , Prov . G . Standard Bearer ; Dunne , Prov .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Provinces.
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . Os Tuesday last , the 12 th October , the annual meeting of the Pro . vincial Grand Lodge of the western division of the county of Laneastei was held in the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool , wdien upwards of 150 of the Brethren wore present . Among the Brethren present were , Br . Sir Thos . G . Hesketh , R . W . D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . Thos . Littlcdale , Prov . S . G . W . ; Bro . Hv .
W . Collins , Prov . J . G . W . ; Bro . Horatio Gambcll , Prov . G . P . ; Brb . Eskcrsley , Prov . G . S . B . ; Bro . Hugh R . Edwards , Prov . S . G . D ; Bro . James Billinge , Prov . G S . B . ; Bro . Thos . Wylie , Prov . G . Sec . ; Bro Joshua Walmeslcv , Prov . G . Tress . ; Bro . Jas . Hamer , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Bro . J . Pepper , Prov . G . Sec ; Bro . S . G . Hess , I ' rov . G . D ; Bro . Horace S . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec . ; Bro . William Allonder , Prov . G . Sec ; Bro . William Mason , Prov . G . Sec . ; Bro . William Davies , Prov . G . D . The Lodge was opened shortly before eleven o ' clock , in solemn and
ancient form , after which Bro . Thos . Wylie , Prov . G Sec , read the report of tiie proceedings ofthe last Provincial Grand Lodge , held on the 20 th of October , 1857 , at the Adelphi Hotel , in which document , reference was made to the death of the late It . W . D . Prov . G . M ., the Rev . Gilmore Robinson , and Bros . Joseph Perrin and Arthur Henderson , Prov . G . Reg . The proceedings of Grand Lodge during the year called forth no particular comment . The Brethren throughout the province had exhibited the greatest unity and cordiality . During the year , two warrants had been granted , one to the Derby Lodge ,
1026 , held at Bootle , and the other to Lodge 1032 , at Choriey . There were now 27 Lodges connected with the province . The report concluded with a reference to the advantages arising from the establishment of the Prov . Grand Lodge in that building , as well as the good likely to accrue from the various Lodges holding their meetings there instead of at hotels and public houses which had long been the subject of remark by those unacquainted with the intentions and purposes of this noble Order . Bro . Wm . Allendortreasurer of the fund for the building of the
, intended hail , read a statement of the accounts , from which we gather the following particulars : — Donation from tbe Prov . Grand Lodge , £ 52 10 s . ; from the members of Lodge No . 35 , £ 152 2 s ; No . 173 , £ 12 ; No . 181 , Warrington , £ 10 ; No . 711 , £ 5 ; No . 245 , £ 360 12 s . ; No . 203 , £ 38 os . ; No . 204 , £ 104 18 s . ; No . 310 , £ 269 10 s . 6 d . ; Lodge of Instruction , No . 310 , £ 18
lis . 6 ( 1 . ; No . 368 , £ 325 ISs . 6 d . ; No . 864 , £ 6 Is . ; No . 880 , £ 2 2 s . ; contributions by ladies and the Masonic amateur performances , £ 126 7 s . ; interest in the bank , £ 41 ; which amount the Treasurer said would cover all the incidental expenses in the purchase of tlie land and promisos in Hope-street . Total amount collected , £ 1546 12 s . 6 d . The land and premises cost £ 1600 , and they had been compelled to borrow £ 100 from the educational fund to complete the purchase ; but he had no doubt the result of the amateur performance , on Wednesday eveningat the Theatre Royaltogether with further
contri-, , butions , would fully cover the cost of the premises . Bro . Thomas Wylie read a communication from the committee and governors of the educational institution in London , soliciting the aid of the Prov . Grand Lodge in Liverpool . It was urged respectfully by one of the Brethren , that as they had an educational institution of their own in this province , a suitable reply should be made to that effect ; but afterwards the sum of £ 10 ] 0 s . was voted to the Boys ' School , and a similar sum to the Girls' School , to be paid out of the
Grand Lodge funds . During the proceedings , Bro . Wylie suggested the propriety of establishing a library for the use of the Brethren in the now hall . Bro . Joshua Walmsley , Prov . G . Troas ., was re-elected Treasurer . Fifty guineas were afterwards voted to the intended new hall fund , and a further sum of £ 25 towards the alterations which had been made in the present building . The Lodge afterwards resolved itself into a court of governors of the West Lancashire Educational Institution for the Education and
Advancement in Life of Children of Distressed Masons , when tlie report of the institution was read by Bro . H . Gambcll , the Secretary , flie report embodied the proceedings of the various courts which have been held during the year , wherein a number of children had boon recommended to the funds of the institution . Upwards of £ 150 had been received that day in subscriptions , and seven children had been recommended and placed on the funds . A committee was afterwards appointed for the ensuing year . Bro . J . Brabner was again appointed treasurer ; and Bro . GambcllsecretaryBroHenry W
, . . . Collins was elected solicitor to the trust ; Bro . Alex . C . Jeffrey , surgeon ; and Messrs . Moss & Co ., the bankers . The fund now amounts to upwards of £ 2580 The proceedings of Grand Lodge closed shortly before three o'clock , when the Brethren adjourned to the Adelphi Hotel to dine . At the banquet in the evening , Bro . Sir Tims . G . Hesketh , Bart .,
occupied tlie chair , and Bros . Thomas LittJedale and Henry W . Collins _ the vice chairs . After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given and heartily received , the chairman said , it afforded him pleasure in giving the first Masonic toast of the evening , the health of " The Earl of Zetland , the M . W . G . M ., " who was ready at all times to attend to his Masonic duties , and preside , with dignity , over the proceedings of the Grand Lodge and Masonry all over the kingdom . The Chairman— "The next toast I have the pleasure in giving demands the highest consideration of every Mason , for his lordship
always took the greatest interest in Masonry , — "The Right Hon Lord Panmure , K . T ., R . W . D . G . M . " ( Cheers ) . The Chairman said he had great pleasure in giving them the health of the Right W . Prov . G . Master , Bro . le Gendre N . Starkie , who had always the interest of the province at heart . He very much regretted he was not among them ; but , though absent , ho was sure to be thinking of them , and was with them in heart . ( Drunk with great applause . ) Bro . LittledaJe said the first toast ho had the pleasure of proposing
was the health of the D . Prov . G . Master , Bro . Sir Thos . G . Hesketh , Bart ., who so ably filled the chair in the absence of the R . W . Prov . G . M . The Brethren of Lodge No . 35 might well feel proud of him , as he had been initiated in their Lodge , and had ably worked his way to the position of Master of that Lodge . The chairman , in returning thanks , regretted the absence of the R . W . Prov . G . M ., whose position he so imperfectly filled . He felt great pleasure in being surrounded by so able a body of Prov . G . officers , who at all times rendered his office easy . He concluded by . giving " The West Lancashire Institution for the Education and Advancement in Life of Children of Distressed Masons , " coupled
with the name of Bro . Joshua Walmsley , Prov . G . Treas ., who was the originator of the institution . Bro . Walmsley said , when he first mentioned the idea of the institution to an influential brother some years ago , his reply was , that they would not get £ 50 in fifty years towards snch an undertaking ; but he had the pleasure of informing them they were now in the receipt of upwards of £ 150 in twelve months . He considered , after all , they were placed in a better position than the institution in London , because the children of every Brotherto whatever religions faith they belonged
, , could be sent to the school best suited to bis wishes . At present some were sent to the Collegiate Institution , and some to the Mechanics ' Institution ; and who can tell whether , from their scholarships , we may not have a Lord Chancellor or an Archbishop from among us ? ( Cheers ) . The chairman next gave " Bro . Stephen Blair , and Bro . Lord Combermere , R . W . Prov . Grand Masters of East Lancashire and Cheshire ; " to which Bro . Lambert responded , and , in a long and
fervant speech , spoke of the superiority displayed by the Brethren in connection with West Lancashire , over the Brethren in the adjoining province , by the establishment of such an institution as the one they had the pleasure of just toasting . As to the working of the various Lodges of West Lancashire , they eould not be surpassed bv any province in England ; and the devotion of the Brethren to the Order was further exemplified by the purchase of the promises in Hopestreet , and their beautiful Lodge room . The R W . Bro . Thos . Littledalo responded to the toast" The VW
, . Prov . G . Wardens , Prov . G . Chaplain , and the other Grand Officers . " Bro . Atherton to that of "The Ladies , " in a numerous speech ,, which was loudly applauded throughout . Bro . W . Allendon , to " The Grand Stewards of the Province . " After which the Brethren separated shortly after eight o'clock .
NORTHUMBERLAND . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . THE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland and Berwick-on-Tweed was held in the Masonic hall , Blacketstreet , Newcastle , on the 8 th October , iu the Lodge room of Lodges No . 24 and No . 173 . The number of Past and Present Grand Officers , Worshipful Masters and Past Masters , as well as Brethren generally , present , was very largo .
For the first time , to our recollection , a better separation of real members of Grand Lodge , from non-voting Brethren who are allowed by courtesy to attend Past Grand Lodges , was attempted , and we think successfully The Grand Lodge , on entering the hall , was received with due honours . The Prov . G . M ., the Rev E . C , Ogle , then proceeded to open his Lodge in due form , assisted by the following officers : —Bros . Richard Mcdcalf , Deptitv Prov . G . M . ; E . D . Davis , Prov . S . G . W . ; John Hopper , Prov . J . G . W . ; Johh Barker , Prov . G . Treas . ; Thomas Fcnworth , Prov . G . Reg . ; William Berkley , Prov . G . S . ; J . T . M . Harrison , Prov . G . D . ; William Dalziel , Prov . G . D . C ; T . Haswell , Prov . G . O . ; J . D . B . iown , Prov . G . Standard Bearer ; Dunne , Prov .