Article The Provinces. ← Page 3 of 15 →
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The Provinces.
of iOO of the Brethren adjourned to the Sun Inn to ( hue , when a pleasant evening was passed , the Prov . G . M . presiding , supported by the D . Prov . G . M . The Brethren separated at an early hour . LEICESTERSHIRE . —The annual meeting of the Brethren of this province was held at the Masonic Hall , Bell Hotel , Leicester , on Tuesday , the 5 th Oct . The Lodge having been opened in form , the Master Masons ( not members of the Provincial Grand Lodge ) were admitted to seats at the west end of the room , at the back of the Senior Wardento witness the proceedingsand were required to
re-, , tire before the Lodge was closed . The D . Prov . G M-, Bro . Kelly , announced that their noble and highly respected Prov . G . M . ( Earl Howe ) had fully intended presiding in person at the meeting , and had made every arrangement for so doing ; but that he ( Bro . Kelly ) had received a ' letter from his lordship , ' conveying the intelligence , which they must all deeply regret , that owing to a sndden attack of gout in the knee having come on in the night , which confined him to his bed , he was unable to be present . The minutes of the last
Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Hinckley , in August last , having been read and confirmed , the reports from the Lodges wore presented . It appeared that since the revival of the Knights of Malta Lodge , No . 58 , Hinckley , on the 20 th July last , under the mastership of Earl Howe ( after having been dormant for four years ) , eight initiations and three joinings had taken place ; the number of subscribing members was now sixteen ; and several other gentlemen being candidates for admission into the Order , there was every prospect of this ancient Lodge once more attaining a prosperous and stable position . In St .
John ' s Lodge , No . 348 , Leicester , one initiation had taken place during the past year ; the number of members being thirty-eight . In the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 706 , Leicester , there had been an increase during the year of ten members , viz ., seven initiations and three joinings ; the present number of members being forty-three . The auditor's report on the Treasurer's accounts was then presented , and the accounts passed ; a vote of thanks being accorded to Bro . Underwood ( mayor of Leicester ) , for his services as Treasurer , to which office he was unanimouslre-electedThe following Brethren
y . were then appointed and invested as Prov . Grand Officers for the ensuing year . —Bros . W . B . Smith , P . M ., No . 760 , J . G . W . ; Rev . John Owen Picton , M . A ., No . 760 , G . Chaplain ; Jos . "Underwood , P . M ., No . 34 S ( re-elected ) , G . Treas . ; C . Morris , P . M ., No . 348 ( re-appointed ) , G . Reg . ; F . Goodyear , P . M ., No . 766 ( re-appointed ) ,
G . Sec ; T . S . Cotterell , P M „ No . 58 , and J . W . Smith , L . L . D . ( ot the midland circuit ) , S . W ., No . 58 , S . and J . G . Deacons ; Robt . Brewin , jun ., No . 769 , G . Dir . of Cers . ; A . Cummings , J . W ., No . 348 , Assist , ditto ; H . E . Emberlin , No . 34 S , G . Sword Bearer ; W . S . liithrey , No . 706 , G . Oi-gt ; J . D . Paul , J . W ., No . 766 , G- Purt . ; W . May , P . M ., No . 58 ; M . Nedham , Sec , No . 348 ; T . Sheppard , See , No ., 700 ; J . Holland , jun ., S . W ., No . 348 ; C . J . Willey , S . W ., No . 766 ; and J . Bouskell , No . 348 , G . Stewards ; J . Pennock , and G . Hawkins , Grand Tylers . The report from Bros . schools
Lyall , Binckes , and Symonds , respecting the Masonic , was read and discussed , and some explanations relative to the origin , design , and present condition of those excellent institutions , given by the D . Prov . G . M ., and by Bro . Leveau , P . G ., Swcrd Bearer , who was present as a visitor . The opinion of the members was , that however desirable the formation of a Committee might be in the larger Masonic provinces , it would not be expedient in so small a one as Leicestershire ; but that the subject should be referred to the W . Masters of the three Lodges at present existing , with a strong
recommendation that they should exert themselves , at the proper time , to promote the interest of the charities among the members of their respective Lodges . The D . Prov . G . M . was requested to communicate this opinion to Bro . Symonds . The Prov . Grand Lodge having been closed in due form , the Brethren , with some additions , adjourned to the banquet , under the presidency ofthe D . Prov . G . M . A profuse supply of venison and game , and some fine fruit , had been furnished by the noble Prov . G . M ., whoso absence was deeply regretted ball . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk
y , interspersed with songs from several of the Brethren , and a most eloquent and admirable speech on the beauties of "Freemasonry , as the handmaid to religion , " delivered by the newly appointed Prov . Grand Chaplain , who will doubtless prove himself to be a valuable acquisition to the province . The next quarterly communication of the Prov . Grand Lodge , will be held in the Lodge room of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 700 , in January next . YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . —A Provincial Grand Lodge for the West Riding of the county of Yorkshire was held in the Music
HallShef-, field , on Wednesday , the 0 th Oct ., at eleven o ' clock in the forenoon . The Lodge was opened in the three degrees by the W . M . and brethren of the Britannia Lodge , No . 102 , soon after which the D . Prov . G . M . and the Prov . G . Officers entered the Lodge . Bro . Geo . Fearnley , M . D ., the D . Vrov . G . M ., having taken his scat on the dais , was
attended by the following Prov . G . officers , viz .: —W . Bro . II . Riehardsou , Prov . S . G . W . ; W . Bro . Aston , Prov . J . G . W . ; W . Bro . Woodford , M . A ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., as Prov . G . Chaplain ; W . Bro . Dixon , Prov . G . Treasurer ; W . Bro . Bailes , Prov . G . Reg . ; W . Bro . Gill , Prov . G Sup . Works as Prov . G . Secretary ; W . Bro . Goldthorpe , Prov . S . G . D . ; W . Bro . Salmund , as Prov . J . G . D . ; W . Bro . Thornton , Prov . G . D . C ; W . Bro . Gath , Prov . G . S . B . ; W . Bro . James Peace , as Prov . G . O . ; W . H . Barnes , Prov . G . Pur . ; Bros . CockingSeedGeoBrookeProvGStewards & c & c . Between
, , . , . . , , sixty and seventy Brethren were present . At the right of the 1 ) . Prov . G . M . sat Bros . Hopwood , J . G . D ., and Symonds , who attended as a deputation from the committee of the Boys' School , in order to bring forward more forcibly the claims of that most excellent charity . Those Brethren having been saluted by the Brethren present , the D . Prov . G . M . introduced the subject by a few remarks , in which he expressed the pleasure he felt at seeing two Brethren from the Grand Lodge of England present at one of their meetings in West Yorkshire .
He felt certain that every Brother present would feel equally gratified with himself at such a visit , and he confidently anticipated that they would show to those two Brethren that they were true and upright Masons , and that it was their earnest desire to carry out the principles of Masonry to their fullest extent , not only by words but by deeds : and that they would show by their votes this day that they had always at heart the desire to aid those excellent charities , for the support of which Masons were so distinguished in this country . Bro . Hopwood addressed the Brethren on the subject which had brought
him and Brother Symonds so far from their usual abode . The main object was to support the schools , and to call upon the Lodges throughout the country to be more and more earnest iu their endeavours to support the Masonic charities . He had had the pleasure many years ago of seeing that great and eminent Mason , the Chevalier Ruspiui , the founder of the Girls' School , and he might relate it as a singular and striking fact , that two of the Chevalier ' s granddaughters , who had become orphans , were actually trained and educated in that very school which was founded by the exertions of their relative .
Having gone into some particulars and details , Bro . Hopwood sat down amidst the applause of the Brethren . Bro . Symonds next spoke on the subject . He referred to a circular which had been signed by himself and Bros . Lyall and Binckes , relative to the two schools ; * and also to a statement which had been made , that the
circular had been issued without the authority of the committee oi the schools , but that it was the act of the three Brothers only who had signed it . In reply to this , Bro . Symonds read an extract from the minutes of the committee , empowering himself and Bros . Lyall and Binckes to act on behalf of tlie institution by submitting its claims upon Provincial Lodges , and to report the result of enquiries , & c . The worthy Brother then followed up the arguments which had just been advanced , and in eloquent terms advocated the cause which he had in hand . At the conclusion of his address he was warmly
applauded . The D . Prov . G . M . next proceeded to refer to some letters , apologising for absence . He had also to state that last evening he saw Lord Oodericb , P . G W ., at Dewsbury , and his lordship begged him to inform the Brethren that nothing but an unavoidable engagement would have prevented him from being present on this occasion . ( Hear , hear . ) He had also the gratifying fact to announce , that at this , as at the preceding Prov . Grand Lodge , there were no petitions for relief . Bro . Joseph Batloy , P . M ., No . 342 , next rose to propose the motion of which he had given notice , viz ., "That a grant of
money from the funds of Provincial Grand Lodge be voted to the Masonic charities . " He began by saying that he thought the better way would be for the Lodge to support the charity iu particular at present ; and when it was borne in mind that the Girls' School was in a much more flourishing condition than the Boys' , and that the former had long had a building of their own , whilst that of the latter was quite now , he thought they would agree with him that they ought to make an effort to place the Boys' School on an equality with that of tlie Girls , in point of capacity . After some remarks on this
subject , he concluded by proposing the following resolution : — " That in the opinion of this Provincial Grand Lodge , it is highly desirable that an effort should be made by the Craft on behalf of the Boys ' institution , to increase its accommodation for inmates to an equality with that of the Girls' School . That with this view , this Provincial Grand Lodge requests the committee of governors of the Boys' institution to organize a canvass for subscriptions , to enlarge the present building to the requisite extent . And , feeling confident that such an appeal to the Brethren will be liberally responded tothis Provincial
, Grand Lodge grants the sum of £ 100 from its funds in aid of the proposed enlargement . The votes in respect of this grant to be secured in perpetuity to the Prov . G . M . and D . Prov . G . M . of this province in equal proportions . " Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . Prov . S . G . W ., seconded the resolution , which was curried .
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The Provinces.
of iOO of the Brethren adjourned to the Sun Inn to ( hue , when a pleasant evening was passed , the Prov . G . M . presiding , supported by the D . Prov . G . M . The Brethren separated at an early hour . LEICESTERSHIRE . —The annual meeting of the Brethren of this province was held at the Masonic Hall , Bell Hotel , Leicester , on Tuesday , the 5 th Oct . The Lodge having been opened in form , the Master Masons ( not members of the Provincial Grand Lodge ) were admitted to seats at the west end of the room , at the back of the Senior Wardento witness the proceedingsand were required to
re-, , tire before the Lodge was closed . The D . Prov . G M-, Bro . Kelly , announced that their noble and highly respected Prov . G . M . ( Earl Howe ) had fully intended presiding in person at the meeting , and had made every arrangement for so doing ; but that he ( Bro . Kelly ) had received a ' letter from his lordship , ' conveying the intelligence , which they must all deeply regret , that owing to a sndden attack of gout in the knee having come on in the night , which confined him to his bed , he was unable to be present . The minutes of the last
Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Hinckley , in August last , having been read and confirmed , the reports from the Lodges wore presented . It appeared that since the revival of the Knights of Malta Lodge , No . 58 , Hinckley , on the 20 th July last , under the mastership of Earl Howe ( after having been dormant for four years ) , eight initiations and three joinings had taken place ; the number of subscribing members was now sixteen ; and several other gentlemen being candidates for admission into the Order , there was every prospect of this ancient Lodge once more attaining a prosperous and stable position . In St .
John ' s Lodge , No . 348 , Leicester , one initiation had taken place during the past year ; the number of members being thirty-eight . In the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 706 , Leicester , there had been an increase during the year of ten members , viz ., seven initiations and three joinings ; the present number of members being forty-three . The auditor's report on the Treasurer's accounts was then presented , and the accounts passed ; a vote of thanks being accorded to Bro . Underwood ( mayor of Leicester ) , for his services as Treasurer , to which office he was unanimouslre-electedThe following Brethren
y . were then appointed and invested as Prov . Grand Officers for the ensuing year . —Bros . W . B . Smith , P . M ., No . 760 , J . G . W . ; Rev . John Owen Picton , M . A ., No . 760 , G . Chaplain ; Jos . "Underwood , P . M ., No . 34 S ( re-elected ) , G . Treas . ; C . Morris , P . M ., No . 348 ( re-appointed ) , G . Reg . ; F . Goodyear , P . M ., No . 766 ( re-appointed ) ,
G . Sec ; T . S . Cotterell , P M „ No . 58 , and J . W . Smith , L . L . D . ( ot the midland circuit ) , S . W ., No . 58 , S . and J . G . Deacons ; Robt . Brewin , jun ., No . 769 , G . Dir . of Cers . ; A . Cummings , J . W ., No . 348 , Assist , ditto ; H . E . Emberlin , No . 34 S , G . Sword Bearer ; W . S . liithrey , No . 706 , G . Oi-gt ; J . D . Paul , J . W ., No . 766 , G- Purt . ; W . May , P . M ., No . 58 ; M . Nedham , Sec , No . 348 ; T . Sheppard , See , No ., 700 ; J . Holland , jun ., S . W ., No . 348 ; C . J . Willey , S . W ., No . 766 ; and J . Bouskell , No . 348 , G . Stewards ; J . Pennock , and G . Hawkins , Grand Tylers . The report from Bros . schools
Lyall , Binckes , and Symonds , respecting the Masonic , was read and discussed , and some explanations relative to the origin , design , and present condition of those excellent institutions , given by the D . Prov . G . M ., and by Bro . Leveau , P . G ., Swcrd Bearer , who was present as a visitor . The opinion of the members was , that however desirable the formation of a Committee might be in the larger Masonic provinces , it would not be expedient in so small a one as Leicestershire ; but that the subject should be referred to the W . Masters of the three Lodges at present existing , with a strong
recommendation that they should exert themselves , at the proper time , to promote the interest of the charities among the members of their respective Lodges . The D . Prov . G . M . was requested to communicate this opinion to Bro . Symonds . The Prov . Grand Lodge having been closed in due form , the Brethren , with some additions , adjourned to the banquet , under the presidency ofthe D . Prov . G . M . A profuse supply of venison and game , and some fine fruit , had been furnished by the noble Prov . G . M ., whoso absence was deeply regretted ball . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk
y , interspersed with songs from several of the Brethren , and a most eloquent and admirable speech on the beauties of "Freemasonry , as the handmaid to religion , " delivered by the newly appointed Prov . Grand Chaplain , who will doubtless prove himself to be a valuable acquisition to the province . The next quarterly communication of the Prov . Grand Lodge , will be held in the Lodge room of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 700 , in January next . YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . —A Provincial Grand Lodge for the West Riding of the county of Yorkshire was held in the Music
HallShef-, field , on Wednesday , the 0 th Oct ., at eleven o ' clock in the forenoon . The Lodge was opened in the three degrees by the W . M . and brethren of the Britannia Lodge , No . 102 , soon after which the D . Prov . G . M . and the Prov . G . Officers entered the Lodge . Bro . Geo . Fearnley , M . D ., the D . Vrov . G . M ., having taken his scat on the dais , was
attended by the following Prov . G . officers , viz .: —W . Bro . II . Riehardsou , Prov . S . G . W . ; W . Bro . Aston , Prov . J . G . W . ; W . Bro . Woodford , M . A ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., as Prov . G . Chaplain ; W . Bro . Dixon , Prov . G . Treasurer ; W . Bro . Bailes , Prov . G . Reg . ; W . Bro . Gill , Prov . G Sup . Works as Prov . G . Secretary ; W . Bro . Goldthorpe , Prov . S . G . D . ; W . Bro . Salmund , as Prov . J . G . D . ; W . Bro . Thornton , Prov . G . D . C ; W . Bro . Gath , Prov . G . S . B . ; W . Bro . James Peace , as Prov . G . O . ; W . H . Barnes , Prov . G . Pur . ; Bros . CockingSeedGeoBrookeProvGStewards & c & c . Between
, , . , . . , , sixty and seventy Brethren were present . At the right of the 1 ) . Prov . G . M . sat Bros . Hopwood , J . G . D ., and Symonds , who attended as a deputation from the committee of the Boys' School , in order to bring forward more forcibly the claims of that most excellent charity . Those Brethren having been saluted by the Brethren present , the D . Prov . G . M . introduced the subject by a few remarks , in which he expressed the pleasure he felt at seeing two Brethren from the Grand Lodge of England present at one of their meetings in West Yorkshire .
He felt certain that every Brother present would feel equally gratified with himself at such a visit , and he confidently anticipated that they would show to those two Brethren that they were true and upright Masons , and that it was their earnest desire to carry out the principles of Masonry to their fullest extent , not only by words but by deeds : and that they would show by their votes this day that they had always at heart the desire to aid those excellent charities , for the support of which Masons were so distinguished in this country . Bro . Hopwood addressed the Brethren on the subject which had brought
him and Brother Symonds so far from their usual abode . The main object was to support the schools , and to call upon the Lodges throughout the country to be more and more earnest iu their endeavours to support the Masonic charities . He had had the pleasure many years ago of seeing that great and eminent Mason , the Chevalier Ruspiui , the founder of the Girls' School , and he might relate it as a singular and striking fact , that two of the Chevalier ' s granddaughters , who had become orphans , were actually trained and educated in that very school which was founded by the exertions of their relative .
Having gone into some particulars and details , Bro . Hopwood sat down amidst the applause of the Brethren . Bro . Symonds next spoke on the subject . He referred to a circular which had been signed by himself and Bros . Lyall and Binckes , relative to the two schools ; * and also to a statement which had been made , that the
circular had been issued without the authority of the committee oi the schools , but that it was the act of the three Brothers only who had signed it . In reply to this , Bro . Symonds read an extract from the minutes of the committee , empowering himself and Bros . Lyall and Binckes to act on behalf of tlie institution by submitting its claims upon Provincial Lodges , and to report the result of enquiries , & c . The worthy Brother then followed up the arguments which had just been advanced , and in eloquent terms advocated the cause which he had in hand . At the conclusion of his address he was warmly
applauded . The D . Prov . G . M . next proceeded to refer to some letters , apologising for absence . He had also to state that last evening he saw Lord Oodericb , P . G W ., at Dewsbury , and his lordship begged him to inform the Brethren that nothing but an unavoidable engagement would have prevented him from being present on this occasion . ( Hear , hear . ) He had also the gratifying fact to announce , that at this , as at the preceding Prov . Grand Lodge , there were no petitions for relief . Bro . Joseph Batloy , P . M ., No . 342 , next rose to propose the motion of which he had given notice , viz ., "That a grant of
money from the funds of Provincial Grand Lodge be voted to the Masonic charities . " He began by saying that he thought the better way would be for the Lodge to support the charity iu particular at present ; and when it was borne in mind that the Girls' School was in a much more flourishing condition than the Boys' , and that the former had long had a building of their own , whilst that of the latter was quite now , he thought they would agree with him that they ought to make an effort to place the Boys' School on an equality with that of tlie Girls , in point of capacity . After some remarks on this
subject , he concluded by proposing the following resolution : — " That in the opinion of this Provincial Grand Lodge , it is highly desirable that an effort should be made by the Craft on behalf of the Boys ' institution , to increase its accommodation for inmates to an equality with that of the Girls' School . That with this view , this Provincial Grand Lodge requests the committee of governors of the Boys' institution to organize a canvass for subscriptions , to enlarge the present building to the requisite extent . And , feeling confident that such an appeal to the Brethren will be liberally responded tothis Provincial
, Grand Lodge grants the sum of £ 100 from its funds in aid of the proposed enlargement . The votes in respect of this grant to be secured in perpetuity to the Prov . G . M . and D . Prov . G . M . of this province in equal proportions . " Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . Prov . S . G . W ., seconded the resolution , which was curried .