Article Mark Masonry. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Mark Masonry.
anticipated from the proposed union than has resulted from preceding ones . " 3 . —The union contemplated is necessary to remove the anomaly of English Mark Masons being compelled to practise the degree under a disputed authority , or to apply to a sister country for warrants of constitution ; cither course , in the present advanced state of "English Masonry , being open to grave objections , aiul . derogatory to the national character . " 4 . —By removing the differences now existing , all Mark Masters will be placed in a more equal ami strictly Masonic position , Hie
privileges of the degree more securely established , the practice of it by Lodge visitations made more agreeable , and its general principles more extensively promoted . u 5 . —That great want in Mark Masonry , a uniform system of working , will by this means be materially facilitated . " G . —A re-union with Craft Masonry will more easily and effectually be accomplished by a united body than by various sections maintaining different opinions and interests . " 7 . —All Mark Lodges throughout the country will be represented in the government of the Order , the necessary laws for their guidance and each will have voice
will be more properly formed , Lodge a in the distribution ofthe general funds . "In conclusion , we commend the subject to your serious consideration , and as immediate action as well as unity of purpose is very desirable , the favour of your early reply directed to Bro . Sheen , at this address , will much oblige . " We arc , dear Sir and Brother , " Yours faithfully and fraternallv , "C . J- HUGHES , R . W . M ., St . Mark's Lodge , No . 1 . "J . IS . Siir . ns , IMY . M ., Thistle Lodge , No . 3 . " HAISAACSRWMArnott LodgeNo 4
. . , . .., , . . " J . Dixox , R . W . M ., Southwark Lodge , No . H . " Sussex Stores , "Upper St . Martin ' s Lane , London—W . C . "September lGMi , 185 S . " Thistle Lodge ( No . 3 , S . C . )—The Brethren of this Lodge assembled at Dick's ' Coffee-house , Fleet-street , on Friday , Dec . 3 , under the direction of their R . W . M . Bro . Cotterell , when Bro . John WatsonNo . 56 and BroEdmund JefferiesNo . 887 were duly
ad-, , . , , vanced to the Mark Degree . It is needless to say that in the able hands of the R . W . M . this beautiful ceremony lost none of its attractiveness . It will be in the recollection of the Mark Brethren that a committee of this Lodge was lately appointed " to confer with the other Lodges on the subject of a communication from the Masters
of certain Mark Lodges holding under Scotland , and to report thereon . " Tbe committee now brought up their report , which was received , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . We have been favoured with a copy , and , as we may regard it as rather an important document , we give it at length : — "The committee appointed to take into consideration the expediency of an amalgamation of the Anglo-Scotch Mark Lodges with the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales , beg to report that they have conferred with the other Mark Lodges in London holding under
Scotland , and have also communicated with the several members appointed by the above-mentioned Grand Lodge as the representatives of thatbody . The result of these deliberations has more fully than ever convinced your committee of the policy of such union ; for as it is admitted that the Mark forms a necessary portion of Craft Masonry , it must be obvious that union is the surest mode of obtaining the recognition and practice of the degree . Your committee , in calling attention to the conflicting condition of the Mark
degree in this country , are of opinion that a more favourable opportunity than the present could not occur for such union . The obstacles which formerly presented themselves no longer exist , and it must be acknowledged that there are no points of difference between ourselves and the body referred to . Our connexion with Scotland arose from necessity—that necessity has ceased , and now that the number of Anglo-Scotch Mark Masters exceeds that of the total number of Scotch Arch Masons , the absurdity of the many being tributary to the few will be self-evident . Our relations with
Scotland may be said to be confined simply to tbe transmission of fees , for wo obtain in return no privileges whatever . On the other hand , the Grand Lodge are willing to receive us on just , fair , and equal terms . They propose to enrol our warrants on their lists , and register all our members free of charge . That each Lodge shall possess an equal right with themselves in the whole representative body , and in the framing or amending such laws as may from time to time be deemed requisite . Furthermore , although we join without any special condition as regards ourselves , we are to be accepted
by them as having equal share in all their accumulated paraphernalia , books , documents , moneys , & c , and in the administration thereof . Irrespective ofthe advantages thus offered to each Lodge in its individual capacity , your committee feci assured that the proposed union will materially tend to popularize this ancient degree , place it in a more elevated position , cement a better understanding amongst Mark Brethren , and at the same time extensively promote the interests of Freemasonry in its widest sense , For these reasons ,
and many others whicb might be adduced , your committee are strongly impressed with the necessity ofthe measure , and earnestly recommend to your notice the speedy adoption of so desirable an object Signed , T . A . Adams ; J , R . Sheen ; Joseph Cotterell . December , 1858 . " The following resolution was then proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously : — " That this Lodge fully concurs in the recommendation of the committee , believing the union referred to in their report to be highly desirable . The R . W . M . is respectfully requested to consult with the Masters of the other
Lodges as to the manner and times best suited for such change coming into effect ; and he is hereby empowered to take such steps f . < r carrying out that object as to him may appear expedient . '' The business being completed , the Brethren retired to the banquet room , where a repast of the usual excellence awaited them ; and the usual Masonic toasts being given and duly acknowledged , the Brethren departed athi g h twelve , well pleased with the evening ' s proceedings . EXETER . — St . George ' s Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 15 . )—A Meeting of this Lodge was held on the 19 th Oct ., at the Freemasons '
Hall , Exeter ; present , Bros . J . Huyshc , W . M ., and P . G . M . for Devon ; W . Cann , G . W . ; F . C . Trower , J . W and W . M . of the Fortescue Mark Lodge ; C . V . Laidman , Sec . ; W . P . Scott , L . D . ; J . T . Davy , J . D , ; W . L . Channing , . I . G . ; J . Gregory , Tyler ; also Bros . H . C . Lloyd , W . Wilcocks , W . W . James , Hunt , Hancock , Rodd , and others . Bros . Capt . W . Denis Moore , ofthe Devon and Exeter Volunteer Rifles , and G . C . for Devon ; Capt . Deacon , and Sidney R . Force were elected and duly advanced . Br . Dr . Brent , of the First Devon Militia Lodge , was elected joining
Member Bro . Wm . Cann was elected W . M . for the year ensuing , and upon the occasion gave evidence of his fraternal feeling and earnest of the future prosperity of the Lodge , by entertaining the Brethren at a sumptuons entertainment in Ms own house . Bros . Hunt , Hancock , and Rodd , of this Lodge , have recently obtained a warrant for the Sincerity Lodge of Mark Masters , to " be held at Plymouth , which doubtless they will work with the same credit and success which uniformly attends the other Mark Lodges in the flourishing Province of Devon .
The Report Of The Board Of General Purposes.
To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . . The Board of General Purposes beg to report that they have received and adjudicated upon the following complaints : — " From the Lodge of Benevolence against the Royal Gloucester , Lodge , No . 152 , Southampton , for having certified to the Petition of a Brother , that has been a regular contributing Member for the space of 19 years , whereas the Grand Lodge dues had only been It
paid for 17 ^ years . appeared upon investigation , that the circumstances had arisen from an accidental error , and the Lodge books appearing , moreover , to have been kept with groat regularity , the Board accepted the explanation offered as satisfactory . Against the Cestrian Lodge , No . 615 , at Chester , for having . certified to the Petition of a widow , that her late husband had been a regular contributing member for the space of two years , whereas no payments had been made to tbe Fund of Benevolence for that
Brother . The Lodge admitted that the Grand Lodge dues had not been paid , and the Board directed such dues to be paid forthwith , and inflicted a fine of one guinea , which sums have been paid . Against the Lodge of Industry , No . 219 , London , for certifying to the Petition of a widow , that her late husband had been a regular contributing member for the space of 12 years or upwards , whereas the Grand Lodge dues had been paid for ll ; only . Upon investigation it appearing , that although there was an error in the certificatethat no moneysthe property of Grand Lod had been
, , ge , retained , the Board cautioned the Lodge to be moi o careful for the future , and to examine their books previously to certifying to the correctness of a petition . The Board further report , that they have carefully examined into the allegations set forth in the Petition of Brothers Thomas Page and John Robert Goepel , formerly ofthe Lodges then numbered 31 and 4-Ui , at Liverpool , and who were suspended from Masonry on the 5 th March , 1823 , and the Board recommend that those two Brothers be restored to their Masonic privileges .
The Board also report , that for a very considerable period they have had under their consideration the question as to how the property of the Society , including that newly acquired , may be most advantageously dealt with , both as regards a return for the outlay incurred , and in respect to the providing of fitting and appropriate accommodation for tbe Fraternity . The Board arc well aware that the accommodation now provided for the Craft is not such as ought to he afforded to the Members of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
anticipated from the proposed union than has resulted from preceding ones . " 3 . —The union contemplated is necessary to remove the anomaly of English Mark Masons being compelled to practise the degree under a disputed authority , or to apply to a sister country for warrants of constitution ; cither course , in the present advanced state of "English Masonry , being open to grave objections , aiul . derogatory to the national character . " 4 . —By removing the differences now existing , all Mark Masters will be placed in a more equal ami strictly Masonic position , Hie
privileges of the degree more securely established , the practice of it by Lodge visitations made more agreeable , and its general principles more extensively promoted . u 5 . —That great want in Mark Masonry , a uniform system of working , will by this means be materially facilitated . " G . —A re-union with Craft Masonry will more easily and effectually be accomplished by a united body than by various sections maintaining different opinions and interests . " 7 . —All Mark Lodges throughout the country will be represented in the government of the Order , the necessary laws for their guidance and each will have voice
will be more properly formed , Lodge a in the distribution ofthe general funds . "In conclusion , we commend the subject to your serious consideration , and as immediate action as well as unity of purpose is very desirable , the favour of your early reply directed to Bro . Sheen , at this address , will much oblige . " We arc , dear Sir and Brother , " Yours faithfully and fraternallv , "C . J- HUGHES , R . W . M ., St . Mark's Lodge , No . 1 . "J . IS . Siir . ns , IMY . M ., Thistle Lodge , No . 3 . " HAISAACSRWMArnott LodgeNo 4
. . , . .., , . . " J . Dixox , R . W . M ., Southwark Lodge , No . H . " Sussex Stores , "Upper St . Martin ' s Lane , London—W . C . "September lGMi , 185 S . " Thistle Lodge ( No . 3 , S . C . )—The Brethren of this Lodge assembled at Dick's ' Coffee-house , Fleet-street , on Friday , Dec . 3 , under the direction of their R . W . M . Bro . Cotterell , when Bro . John WatsonNo . 56 and BroEdmund JefferiesNo . 887 were duly
ad-, , . , , vanced to the Mark Degree . It is needless to say that in the able hands of the R . W . M . this beautiful ceremony lost none of its attractiveness . It will be in the recollection of the Mark Brethren that a committee of this Lodge was lately appointed " to confer with the other Lodges on the subject of a communication from the Masters
of certain Mark Lodges holding under Scotland , and to report thereon . " Tbe committee now brought up their report , which was received , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . We have been favoured with a copy , and , as we may regard it as rather an important document , we give it at length : — "The committee appointed to take into consideration the expediency of an amalgamation of the Anglo-Scotch Mark Lodges with the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales , beg to report that they have conferred with the other Mark Lodges in London holding under
Scotland , and have also communicated with the several members appointed by the above-mentioned Grand Lodge as the representatives of thatbody . The result of these deliberations has more fully than ever convinced your committee of the policy of such union ; for as it is admitted that the Mark forms a necessary portion of Craft Masonry , it must be obvious that union is the surest mode of obtaining the recognition and practice of the degree . Your committee , in calling attention to the conflicting condition of the Mark
degree in this country , are of opinion that a more favourable opportunity than the present could not occur for such union . The obstacles which formerly presented themselves no longer exist , and it must be acknowledged that there are no points of difference between ourselves and the body referred to . Our connexion with Scotland arose from necessity—that necessity has ceased , and now that the number of Anglo-Scotch Mark Masters exceeds that of the total number of Scotch Arch Masons , the absurdity of the many being tributary to the few will be self-evident . Our relations with
Scotland may be said to be confined simply to tbe transmission of fees , for wo obtain in return no privileges whatever . On the other hand , the Grand Lodge are willing to receive us on just , fair , and equal terms . They propose to enrol our warrants on their lists , and register all our members free of charge . That each Lodge shall possess an equal right with themselves in the whole representative body , and in the framing or amending such laws as may from time to time be deemed requisite . Furthermore , although we join without any special condition as regards ourselves , we are to be accepted
by them as having equal share in all their accumulated paraphernalia , books , documents , moneys , & c , and in the administration thereof . Irrespective ofthe advantages thus offered to each Lodge in its individual capacity , your committee feci assured that the proposed union will materially tend to popularize this ancient degree , place it in a more elevated position , cement a better understanding amongst Mark Brethren , and at the same time extensively promote the interests of Freemasonry in its widest sense , For these reasons ,
and many others whicb might be adduced , your committee are strongly impressed with the necessity ofthe measure , and earnestly recommend to your notice the speedy adoption of so desirable an object Signed , T . A . Adams ; J , R . Sheen ; Joseph Cotterell . December , 1858 . " The following resolution was then proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously : — " That this Lodge fully concurs in the recommendation of the committee , believing the union referred to in their report to be highly desirable . The R . W . M . is respectfully requested to consult with the Masters of the other
Lodges as to the manner and times best suited for such change coming into effect ; and he is hereby empowered to take such steps f . < r carrying out that object as to him may appear expedient . '' The business being completed , the Brethren retired to the banquet room , where a repast of the usual excellence awaited them ; and the usual Masonic toasts being given and duly acknowledged , the Brethren departed athi g h twelve , well pleased with the evening ' s proceedings . EXETER . — St . George ' s Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 15 . )—A Meeting of this Lodge was held on the 19 th Oct ., at the Freemasons '
Hall , Exeter ; present , Bros . J . Huyshc , W . M ., and P . G . M . for Devon ; W . Cann , G . W . ; F . C . Trower , J . W and W . M . of the Fortescue Mark Lodge ; C . V . Laidman , Sec . ; W . P . Scott , L . D . ; J . T . Davy , J . D , ; W . L . Channing , . I . G . ; J . Gregory , Tyler ; also Bros . H . C . Lloyd , W . Wilcocks , W . W . James , Hunt , Hancock , Rodd , and others . Bros . Capt . W . Denis Moore , ofthe Devon and Exeter Volunteer Rifles , and G . C . for Devon ; Capt . Deacon , and Sidney R . Force were elected and duly advanced . Br . Dr . Brent , of the First Devon Militia Lodge , was elected joining
Member Bro . Wm . Cann was elected W . M . for the year ensuing , and upon the occasion gave evidence of his fraternal feeling and earnest of the future prosperity of the Lodge , by entertaining the Brethren at a sumptuons entertainment in Ms own house . Bros . Hunt , Hancock , and Rodd , of this Lodge , have recently obtained a warrant for the Sincerity Lodge of Mark Masters , to " be held at Plymouth , which doubtless they will work with the same credit and success which uniformly attends the other Mark Lodges in the flourishing Province of Devon .
The Report Of The Board Of General Purposes.
To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . . The Board of General Purposes beg to report that they have received and adjudicated upon the following complaints : — " From the Lodge of Benevolence against the Royal Gloucester , Lodge , No . 152 , Southampton , for having certified to the Petition of a Brother , that has been a regular contributing Member for the space of 19 years , whereas the Grand Lodge dues had only been It
paid for 17 ^ years . appeared upon investigation , that the circumstances had arisen from an accidental error , and the Lodge books appearing , moreover , to have been kept with groat regularity , the Board accepted the explanation offered as satisfactory . Against the Cestrian Lodge , No . 615 , at Chester , for having . certified to the Petition of a widow , that her late husband had been a regular contributing member for the space of two years , whereas no payments had been made to tbe Fund of Benevolence for that
Brother . The Lodge admitted that the Grand Lodge dues had not been paid , and the Board directed such dues to be paid forthwith , and inflicted a fine of one guinea , which sums have been paid . Against the Lodge of Industry , No . 219 , London , for certifying to the Petition of a widow , that her late husband had been a regular contributing member for the space of 12 years or upwards , whereas the Grand Lodge dues had been paid for ll ; only . Upon investigation it appearing , that although there was an error in the certificatethat no moneysthe property of Grand Lod had been
, , ge , retained , the Board cautioned the Lodge to be moi o careful for the future , and to examine their books previously to certifying to the correctness of a petition . The Board further report , that they have carefully examined into the allegations set forth in the Petition of Brothers Thomas Page and John Robert Goepel , formerly ofthe Lodges then numbered 31 and 4-Ui , at Liverpool , and who were suspended from Masonry on the 5 th March , 1823 , and the Board recommend that those two Brothers be restored to their Masonic privileges .
The Board also report , that for a very considerable period they have had under their consideration the question as to how the property of the Society , including that newly acquired , may be most advantageously dealt with , both as regards a return for the outlay incurred , and in respect to the providing of fitting and appropriate accommodation for tbe Fraternity . The Board arc well aware that the accommodation now provided for the Craft is not such as ought to he afforded to the Members of