Article Mark Masonry. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Mark Masonry.
of the Mark Masters Lodges in England may soon be united under one supreme authority , as nothing tends so greatly to check the progress of Mark Masonry in the country as the disunited and disorganized state of the Lodges . One country Lodge , " working from immemorial usage , " some time ago granted a warrant for the establishment of at least one Lodge in another town . NORTHUMBERLAND . Northumberland and Berwidt-upoiL- Tweed Lodge . —This Lodge
was duly opened on Wednesday , Oct . 27 , in the Masonic Hall , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , by brother John Barker , as R . W . M . ; Septimus Bell , as S . W . ; II . T . Ludwig , as J . W . ; Henry Hotham , as S . D . ; C . J . Bannister , as J . D . ; Andrew Gillispie , as Reg . and Sec . ; and other Brethren . Bro James Rutter , of the Zetland Lodge , Hong Kong , was , after a unanimous ballot , advanced to this degree by Bro . John Barker . The Lodge then proceeded to the election of R . W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler , and the unanimous vote of the Lodge fell on Bro . Barker as R . W . M . ; Bro . Gillespie as Trcas
, and Bro . Trotter as Tyler . The R . W . M . elect having thanked the Brethren , announced to them , that since their last meeting the M . W . G . M ., Lord Leigh , had been pleased to honour the Lodge , by appointing one of its members to office , and that the selection had fallen on himself , he having been appointed G . Dir . of Cers . This announcement was received with applause , and the R . W . M . was congratulated on his promotion . After the transaction of other business , the Lodge was closed in love and harmony .
BERKSHIRE . NEWBURY . —Porchester Lodge , No . 27 . —The Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master of England , the Right Hon . the Lord Leigh , having by special warrant empowered Bro . H . E . Astley , Bro . E . S . Cossens , and Bro . B . Pinniger , as the first Right Worshipful Master and Wardens , to constitute a new Mark Masters Lodge , under the above name , being No . 27 on the roll of the Grand Mark Masters' Lodge of England , & c , the first meeting took place at the
Three Tuns Hotel , Newbury , at high twelve , on Friday , the 12 th Nov ., under the superintendence of the Right Worshipful Brother W . W . Beach , M . P ., P . G . M . M . Hants , W . M ., No . 995 , and the R . W . Bro . tbe Rev . G . R . Portal , G . M . Chaplain , P . M ., Nos . 10 , 460 , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Oxon , & c . The charter having been read , the consecration was performed by those eminent brethren in the most impressive and perfect manner , and the Lodge was opened in ample form : the services , founded on Isaiah xix . 19 ; Isaiah xxx . 26 ; Luke ii . 17 ; Ezekiel xliv . 1 to 5 ;
2 Chron . ii , 11 to 16 , and Rev . ii . 17 , being conducted by the G . Chaplain . After which , the following Brethren were advanced to the companionship of this honourable degree , by Bro . Beach , R . W . M . presiding . Bros . L . How , No . 995 ; R , J . Knight , No . 995 ; J . Elford , No . 995 ; T . Deller , No . 839 ; W . H . Cave . No . 839 ; 1 ' . J . Temple . No . 995 ; R . Nicholls , No . 995 ; H . Fowler , No . 995 ; W . J . Ford , No . 995 ; R . S . Hulbert , No . 995 ; J . May , No . 995 ; R . A . Ryott , No . 839 ; J . W . Lamb , No . 995 ; F . Thomas , No . 839 . The ceremonies lasted till four o ' clock , when the companions retired to banquet ; during which , Bro . Beach delivered a very instructive
address on tlie history and principles of Freemasonry , founded on parts of the lectures appertaining to the F . C . degree , which was listened to with the greatest attention ; and after several most loyal and Masonic expressions , he paid a well-deserved compliment to Bro . H , E . Astley , tbe Right Worshipful Master , who in a gentlemanlike address , responded to it ; and having requested the use of the gavel , in a neat speech proposed the health of the Right Worshipful Master presiding . Bro . Beach also passed high enconiums on Bro . Cossens , who had been mainly instrumental in the formation
of this , the first Mark Masters' Lodge in the province , for tbe unceasing zeal and assiduity he had displayed in the good cause , working willingly in the sweet labour of love , conducting the affairs with great success ; and with much ability upholding the landmarks on which this ancient degree was founded , supported , and maintained . Bro . Cossens replied at some length , and made well-timed allusions to the further progress of Fveemasonvy within the province . The health of Bro . Portal was received with the greatest enthusiasm ; he liedas he always doesexcellently .
rep , , The evening ' s pleasure was enhanced by some very suitable melodies from Bros . Fowler , Cave , Ryott , Cossens , and Knight , which gave unqualified gratification , and the brethren retired at an early hour , delighted with the day's labour and refreshment . Several Brethren , with their usual zeal , came from Basingstoke , in an omnibus ; and much amusement was created by their being mistaken for a party of Dissenting ministers on their way to a Chapel opening . We undersatnd that at the next meeting of the Porchester Lodge
a large number of M . M . 's will attend to be advanced , and that Bro . Beach will shortly be appointed the Prov . G . M . for Berkshire . First Devon Militia Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 29 ) . —This Lodge which is believed to bo the only Mark Lodge attached to any regiment in Her Majesty's service , held a meeting , at Exeter , oil Tuesday , the 18 th of October last , Bro . Lieut . Ridgway , W . W ., occupied the Chair ; Bro , Capt . Davy , S . W ., andBro . Ensign Bowling , J . W . Upon this occasion Bro . Major Maclurean was welcomed and duly obligated as a joining Memberand the following were
bal-, lotted for , and advanced to the degree , viz .: —Bros . Gapt . George Henry Woods , Lieut . Thomas Dimond Hogg , Dr . Brent , late of the Devon Artillery ; Capt . Ducie and Colour-Sergeant Blanchard were also ballotted for and duly elected as fit candidates for advancement , but being on duty were unable to attend . This promising little Lodge consists as yet , excepting Bro . Brent , wholly of officers in the First Devon Militia , in which gallant corps it may interest some Brethren to know that there is a very unusually large
proportion of Members of the Craft , commencing with the Honorary Colonel Earl Fortescue , Provincial Grand Master for Devon . Whether this leaven may have done ought to raise the character of the regiment , we will not say , but certain it is that during the last war , the first Devon won golden opinions , wherever they were quartered . The spirit of Masonry was silently evident among them , their square was true , their line as the plumb , and whilst the level of discipline was happily maintained , the compass of good feeling drew a circle uniting officers and men . It will bo seen that the W . M . has been appointed Prov . G . S . W . of the Mark for Devon , an honour as unexpected by him , as it was complimentary to the Lodge .
AMALGAMATION OF THE MARK MASONS . The following Address ' to the R . W . Masters of the various Mark Lodges , acting under the Scottish Constitution , urging the desirability of adopting measures to unite with the English Mark Lodges , has been widely circulated , and is worthy of the attentive consideration of our Brethren of the Mark : — " DEAR SIR AXD BROTHER , —As R . W . Masters of Mark Lodges holding under the Supremo Grand Chapter of Scotland , we invite your attention to a subject which has for considerable time the minds of the London
a occupied Brethren viz .: —the unsatisfactory condition of the Mark Degree in this country , arising from Hie anomalous position which the various Lodges under different jurisdictions bear to each other . " You are aware that an organization of Mark Masons already exists under Hie title of ' The Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales , ' representing twenty-one Lodges . These Brethren have , from an early ' period , desired an amalgamation of nil interests , and Hie formation of one general body of English Mark Masters , practising the degree according to a uniform system . Hitherto we have not entertained this proposition ; but we feci the time has arrived when such union is not onldesirablebut that the well
a y , being of Mark Masonry imperatively demands it . " The details of the proposed union have not been arranged , but it is acknowledged that its basis is to be free , equal , and mutual ; cadi Lodge to retain its individual existence as before ; the code of laws for its government to be formed by a new Grand Lodge , composed of flic Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of all Lodges that may subscribe to this union ; and the adoption of the laws and constitutions of the Craft Grand Lodge , as near as circumstances will allow , as the foundation of the new Grand Mark Lodge . " Besides the Lodges comprised in the body alluded to . and our own , we believe there are only four or five others in the country that exist independently ; and we have little doubt , when they are acmiainteil with the facts
they will be anxious to be parties to this general union . " Tlie proposition thus submitted to you has received the mature consideration ofthe Brethren here , and they are very sanguine as to the advantages thufc will result from its adoption . We have resolved , therefore , to lay the subject before our respective Lodges , at the ensuing meetings , when , if it meet their approval , of which we have little doubt , we propose to withdraw our allegiance from flic Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland and join the other Brethren in the formation of a new Grand Mark Lodge , under whose jurisdiction we hope to see firmly united the whole body of Mark Masons in England . "In thus stating our views and urging them upon your consideration , and that of Lodge wish it to he understood that
your , we distinctly we arc prompted by no feeling of hostility to the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland ; on the contrary , wc are anxious to express our warmest gratitude to that bodv for the services it has willingly rendered to us in propagating the degree . "Though we cannot in this paper discuss the subject in all its bearings , we submit to your attention a few of the reasons that have influenced us , assuring you that wc are actuated only by a sincere desire to restore the Mark degree to the important position it formerly held , and to promote the best interesls of the fraternity . " 1—As union is always desirable amongst parties leagued together for
. a common object , and as this desirability is increased by our Masonic tie , it is clearly our duty , as we ' ll as our interest , to show that the same perfect harmony may exist among Mark Masters as with any other body of Masons . " 2 . —History and experience prove that divisions have never permanently existed in the Masonic body ; that whatever circumstances have temporarily separated them , they have seen the wisdom of amicably settling their differences , and by a cordial union strengthening the general cause ; that Mark Masters cannot be held to be an exception to this rale , nor can less advantage be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
of the Mark Masters Lodges in England may soon be united under one supreme authority , as nothing tends so greatly to check the progress of Mark Masonry in the country as the disunited and disorganized state of the Lodges . One country Lodge , " working from immemorial usage , " some time ago granted a warrant for the establishment of at least one Lodge in another town . NORTHUMBERLAND . Northumberland and Berwidt-upoiL- Tweed Lodge . —This Lodge
was duly opened on Wednesday , Oct . 27 , in the Masonic Hall , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , by brother John Barker , as R . W . M . ; Septimus Bell , as S . W . ; II . T . Ludwig , as J . W . ; Henry Hotham , as S . D . ; C . J . Bannister , as J . D . ; Andrew Gillispie , as Reg . and Sec . ; and other Brethren . Bro James Rutter , of the Zetland Lodge , Hong Kong , was , after a unanimous ballot , advanced to this degree by Bro . John Barker . The Lodge then proceeded to the election of R . W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler , and the unanimous vote of the Lodge fell on Bro . Barker as R . W . M . ; Bro . Gillespie as Trcas
, and Bro . Trotter as Tyler . The R . W . M . elect having thanked the Brethren , announced to them , that since their last meeting the M . W . G . M ., Lord Leigh , had been pleased to honour the Lodge , by appointing one of its members to office , and that the selection had fallen on himself , he having been appointed G . Dir . of Cers . This announcement was received with applause , and the R . W . M . was congratulated on his promotion . After the transaction of other business , the Lodge was closed in love and harmony .
BERKSHIRE . NEWBURY . —Porchester Lodge , No . 27 . —The Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master of England , the Right Hon . the Lord Leigh , having by special warrant empowered Bro . H . E . Astley , Bro . E . S . Cossens , and Bro . B . Pinniger , as the first Right Worshipful Master and Wardens , to constitute a new Mark Masters Lodge , under the above name , being No . 27 on the roll of the Grand Mark Masters' Lodge of England , & c , the first meeting took place at the
Three Tuns Hotel , Newbury , at high twelve , on Friday , the 12 th Nov ., under the superintendence of the Right Worshipful Brother W . W . Beach , M . P ., P . G . M . M . Hants , W . M ., No . 995 , and the R . W . Bro . tbe Rev . G . R . Portal , G . M . Chaplain , P . M ., Nos . 10 , 460 , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Oxon , & c . The charter having been read , the consecration was performed by those eminent brethren in the most impressive and perfect manner , and the Lodge was opened in ample form : the services , founded on Isaiah xix . 19 ; Isaiah xxx . 26 ; Luke ii . 17 ; Ezekiel xliv . 1 to 5 ;
2 Chron . ii , 11 to 16 , and Rev . ii . 17 , being conducted by the G . Chaplain . After which , the following Brethren were advanced to the companionship of this honourable degree , by Bro . Beach , R . W . M . presiding . Bros . L . How , No . 995 ; R , J . Knight , No . 995 ; J . Elford , No . 995 ; T . Deller , No . 839 ; W . H . Cave . No . 839 ; 1 ' . J . Temple . No . 995 ; R . Nicholls , No . 995 ; H . Fowler , No . 995 ; W . J . Ford , No . 995 ; R . S . Hulbert , No . 995 ; J . May , No . 995 ; R . A . Ryott , No . 839 ; J . W . Lamb , No . 995 ; F . Thomas , No . 839 . The ceremonies lasted till four o ' clock , when the companions retired to banquet ; during which , Bro . Beach delivered a very instructive
address on tlie history and principles of Freemasonry , founded on parts of the lectures appertaining to the F . C . degree , which was listened to with the greatest attention ; and after several most loyal and Masonic expressions , he paid a well-deserved compliment to Bro . H , E . Astley , tbe Right Worshipful Master , who in a gentlemanlike address , responded to it ; and having requested the use of the gavel , in a neat speech proposed the health of the Right Worshipful Master presiding . Bro . Beach also passed high enconiums on Bro . Cossens , who had been mainly instrumental in the formation
of this , the first Mark Masters' Lodge in the province , for tbe unceasing zeal and assiduity he had displayed in the good cause , working willingly in the sweet labour of love , conducting the affairs with great success ; and with much ability upholding the landmarks on which this ancient degree was founded , supported , and maintained . Bro . Cossens replied at some length , and made well-timed allusions to the further progress of Fveemasonvy within the province . The health of Bro . Portal was received with the greatest enthusiasm ; he liedas he always doesexcellently .
rep , , The evening ' s pleasure was enhanced by some very suitable melodies from Bros . Fowler , Cave , Ryott , Cossens , and Knight , which gave unqualified gratification , and the brethren retired at an early hour , delighted with the day's labour and refreshment . Several Brethren , with their usual zeal , came from Basingstoke , in an omnibus ; and much amusement was created by their being mistaken for a party of Dissenting ministers on their way to a Chapel opening . We undersatnd that at the next meeting of the Porchester Lodge
a large number of M . M . 's will attend to be advanced , and that Bro . Beach will shortly be appointed the Prov . G . M . for Berkshire . First Devon Militia Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 29 ) . —This Lodge which is believed to bo the only Mark Lodge attached to any regiment in Her Majesty's service , held a meeting , at Exeter , oil Tuesday , the 18 th of October last , Bro . Lieut . Ridgway , W . W ., occupied the Chair ; Bro , Capt . Davy , S . W ., andBro . Ensign Bowling , J . W . Upon this occasion Bro . Major Maclurean was welcomed and duly obligated as a joining Memberand the following were
bal-, lotted for , and advanced to the degree , viz .: —Bros . Gapt . George Henry Woods , Lieut . Thomas Dimond Hogg , Dr . Brent , late of the Devon Artillery ; Capt . Ducie and Colour-Sergeant Blanchard were also ballotted for and duly elected as fit candidates for advancement , but being on duty were unable to attend . This promising little Lodge consists as yet , excepting Bro . Brent , wholly of officers in the First Devon Militia , in which gallant corps it may interest some Brethren to know that there is a very unusually large
proportion of Members of the Craft , commencing with the Honorary Colonel Earl Fortescue , Provincial Grand Master for Devon . Whether this leaven may have done ought to raise the character of the regiment , we will not say , but certain it is that during the last war , the first Devon won golden opinions , wherever they were quartered . The spirit of Masonry was silently evident among them , their square was true , their line as the plumb , and whilst the level of discipline was happily maintained , the compass of good feeling drew a circle uniting officers and men . It will bo seen that the W . M . has been appointed Prov . G . S . W . of the Mark for Devon , an honour as unexpected by him , as it was complimentary to the Lodge .
AMALGAMATION OF THE MARK MASONS . The following Address ' to the R . W . Masters of the various Mark Lodges , acting under the Scottish Constitution , urging the desirability of adopting measures to unite with the English Mark Lodges , has been widely circulated , and is worthy of the attentive consideration of our Brethren of the Mark : — " DEAR SIR AXD BROTHER , —As R . W . Masters of Mark Lodges holding under the Supremo Grand Chapter of Scotland , we invite your attention to a subject which has for considerable time the minds of the London
a occupied Brethren viz .: —the unsatisfactory condition of the Mark Degree in this country , arising from Hie anomalous position which the various Lodges under different jurisdictions bear to each other . " You are aware that an organization of Mark Masons already exists under Hie title of ' The Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales , ' representing twenty-one Lodges . These Brethren have , from an early ' period , desired an amalgamation of nil interests , and Hie formation of one general body of English Mark Masters , practising the degree according to a uniform system . Hitherto we have not entertained this proposition ; but we feci the time has arrived when such union is not onldesirablebut that the well
a y , being of Mark Masonry imperatively demands it . " The details of the proposed union have not been arranged , but it is acknowledged that its basis is to be free , equal , and mutual ; cadi Lodge to retain its individual existence as before ; the code of laws for its government to be formed by a new Grand Lodge , composed of flic Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of all Lodges that may subscribe to this union ; and the adoption of the laws and constitutions of the Craft Grand Lodge , as near as circumstances will allow , as the foundation of the new Grand Mark Lodge . " Besides the Lodges comprised in the body alluded to . and our own , we believe there are only four or five others in the country that exist independently ; and we have little doubt , when they are acmiainteil with the facts
they will be anxious to be parties to this general union . " Tlie proposition thus submitted to you has received the mature consideration ofthe Brethren here , and they are very sanguine as to the advantages thufc will result from its adoption . We have resolved , therefore , to lay the subject before our respective Lodges , at the ensuing meetings , when , if it meet their approval , of which we have little doubt , we propose to withdraw our allegiance from flic Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland and join the other Brethren in the formation of a new Grand Mark Lodge , under whose jurisdiction we hope to see firmly united the whole body of Mark Masons in England . "In thus stating our views and urging them upon your consideration , and that of Lodge wish it to he understood that
your , we distinctly we arc prompted by no feeling of hostility to the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland ; on the contrary , wc are anxious to express our warmest gratitude to that bodv for the services it has willingly rendered to us in propagating the degree . "Though we cannot in this paper discuss the subject in all its bearings , we submit to your attention a few of the reasons that have influenced us , assuring you that wc are actuated only by a sincere desire to restore the Mark degree to the important position it formerly held , and to promote the best interesls of the fraternity . " 1—As union is always desirable amongst parties leagued together for
. a common object , and as this desirability is increased by our Masonic tie , it is clearly our duty , as we ' ll as our interest , to show that the same perfect harmony may exist among Mark Masters as with any other body of Masons . " 2 . —History and experience prove that divisions have never permanently existed in the Masonic body ; that whatever circumstances have temporarily separated them , they have seen the wisdom of amicably settling their differences , and by a cordial union strengthening the general cause ; that Mark Masters cannot be held to be an exception to this rale , nor can less advantage be