Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 3 →
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Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
CHESHIRE . FI . OWERY Fir . r . D , HYDE . —Fidelity Lodge ( No . 31 ) . —A preliminary mooting of the above Lodge was held under charter from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters for England , granted July 28 , 1858 , to Bros . John Zurker , W . M . ; S . P . Leather , S . W . j John Brierlcy , J . W . ; G . P . Cooks ; J . Stoot ; and \ V . Johnston ; held at the White Hart Inn , Flowery Field , Hyde , on the 8 th Sept ., for the purpose of appointing and installing the officers . Several Brethren were proposed as members ; and the prospects of establishing this
beautiful and important degree on a firm footing , under the Grand Lodge in the province , are highly flattering . For many years there has existed a numerous Mark Lodge here ; but in consequence of its being constituted entirely as a funeral fund , the greater part of the Brethren who have taken the degree in that Lodge ( and this includes Brethren from all parts of the country ) , who had no wish to subscribe to the funeral fund , have been debarred from participating in the privileges of the degree as members ; and as there is no other Mark Lodge within twenty miles , it is expected that a
Lodge on a more liberal basis , and with a better system of working , will be highly prosperous , especially when it is called to mind that this degree is undoubtedly as much the completion of the F . C . as the R . A . is that of the M . M . The advantages ofa union ofthe various Lodges under one head are also so self-evident , that we think we are justified in predicting for this Lodge a career of success . SOMERSETSHIRE . BATH—Royal Cumberland Lodge . —( Time immemorialnow
, , working under warrant from Grand Lodge ) . The Brethren of this rapidly increasing Lodge met at the Freemasons' Hall , on Monday evening , the 30 th Sept . There were present the following Brethren : Bro . L . L . Bagshawe ( acting Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ) , W . M . ; Bro . G . Haseler , P . Prov . S . G . W . ( P . M . ); Bro . S . Hellier , I . G ., No . 48 ( Sec . ) j Bro . T . B . Moutrie ( Steward , No . 48 ) , M . O . and S . W . pro . tern ,- Bro . E . T . Payne ( I . G ., No . 61 ) , J . W . ; Bro . G . Reynolds , ( No . 48 ) , S . D ., pro . Um . ; Bro . C . F . Marshall ( S . D ., No . 61 ) , J . D . ; Bro . F . Wilkinson ( J . D . No . 48 ) Sr . O . ; Bro . J . George ,
, , ( No . 48 ) , Jr . O . ; Bro . T . Carter ( P . M . ) , I . G . ; Bro . C . J . Vigue , visitor . The Lodge having been duly opened , Bro . W . Henderson , of No . 367 , and Bro . — Randolph , D . Prov . G . M . for Somersetshire , were duly advanced to the degree of Mark Master , the ceremony being ably performed by the respective officers—the lecture being delivered by Bro . Payne , J . W . After some formal business had been transacted , the LoSge was closed at half-past nine .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —Fowhe Lodge ( No . 19 ) . — -The first meeting of this new Lodge of Mark Masters were held at the Bell Hotel , Leicester . The officers nominated in the warrant are Bros . W . Kelly , Prov . G . M . ofthe Mark for Leicestershire , as W . M . ; F . Goodyer , S . W . ; and Geo . Bankart , J . W . The charter of constitution having been read , and the W . M . duly obligated , & c ., a ballot was taken for the following Brethren of the John of Gaunt Lodge of Craft Masons ( No . 766 ) as candidates for the Markviz .: —Bros . T . CooperP . M .
, , , ; J . J . Kinton , P . M . ; E . Clephan , W . M . ; W . B . Smith , P . M . ; W . Millican , P . M . ; J . D . Paul , J . W . ; T . Sheppard , Sec ; AV . Johnson , jun ., S . D . ; R . Brewin , jun ., S . D . ; D . Spooner , W . S . Bittercy , and George Hawkins as a serving Brother by dispensation . Nine of these Brethren being in attendance , were duly advanced to the Mark Master degree by the W . M ., assisted by Bros . Underwood ( D . Prov . G . M . and W . M ., No . 21 ) , as P . M . ; Goodyer , S . W . ; Bankart , J . W . ; Vindram ( J . W ., No . 21 ) , as Reg . ; Pcttilbr ( S . W ., Fo . 21 ) as D . ; and Hardyas I . G . A code of b-laws having been
, , y proposed and ordered to be further considered at tlie next meeting , the Lodge was closed in due form . IJowe Lodge ( No . 21 . )—This new Lodge was then opened , Bro . Kelly , Prov . G . M . presiding , who , after the charter of constitution had been read , proceeded to instal the W . M ., Bro . Underwood , Mayor of Leicester , and D . Prov . G . M . of the Mark , for Leicestershire . A dispensation for the advancement of a serving Brother having been read , a ballot was taken for eleven members of St . John's Lodge of Craft Masons ( No . 348 ) as candidatesall of whom
, , were duly elected , and the following Brethren being present , were severally advanced as Mark Masters , viz .: —Bros . H . Kinder , P . M . ; C . Morris , P . M . ; J . Holland , jun ., S . W . ; A . Cummings , J . W . ; W . Weare , H . E . Emberlin , and James Pennock ( Tyler ) . The proposed by-laws having been deferred for discussion until the next meeting , and some further routine business transacted , the Lodge
was closed in due form , and the Brethren adjourned to refreshment . It is proposed to establish a Lodge of Instruction for this degree , and for the Lodges to meet again shortly for the appointment of officers and for the admission of a further number of candidates . KEY STONE LODGE . —( No . 3 . ) This Lodge held a meeting of emergency on the 24 th June last , the W . M . Bro . T . S . Barringer , P J . G . D ., having called the Lodge
together in consequenee of ten Brethren requesting to be advanced to the degree , when Bros . Sewell , Venables , Russell , Spratt , and Walls being in attendance , were advanced to the degree of Mark Master . The W . M . said he had great pleasure in informing the Lodge that the S . W . and Secretary had been selected by the Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master , " Lord Leigh , to fill the office so recently occupied by himself ( the W . M . ) of J . G . D . in Grand Lodge , an appointment which he was sure would meet with the approbation of this Lodge , and he hoped of the whole Craft . The business
being over , the Brethren adjourned to a banquet , provided by Br . Painter . Amongst the visitors were Bro Lazarus , P . G . Organist , and Bro . James Cooper . This Lodge also held its regular meeting on the 30 th Sept ., Bro . T . S . Barringer P . J . G . D ., W . M ., in the chair , and Bros . Goggin and Wake being in attendance , were advanced to the degree of Mark Master ; the ceremony being performed in a very able and impressive manner by the W . M . This being the night ol election of W M . for the ensuing year , the Lodge unanimously elected Bro . Edward Burrell , the S . W ., and J . G . D ., to
fill that responsible office , and Bro . Thorn was re-elected Treasurer , and Brother W . Rice , Tyler . The other business of the Lodge being over , the Brethren adjourned to an elegant dinner , provided by Bro . Painter , the host , and one of the Stewards of the Lodge . The evening was one of the most delightful which could be spent in Masonry , and beginning as it does the season , the effect was more gratifying . WARWICKSHIRE . BIRMISGHAJI . —Howe Mark Master ' s Lod—The Brethren of
ge . this Lodge assembled at the Masonic rooms , on Monday , Oct . 18 th . Four Brethren were advanced to this degree . The W . M ., Bro . A . McCracken , presided , and his officers were all well up to their duties . These rooms are admirably adapted for Lodge meetings . If Masonic meetings could generally be held in buildings such as this , the Order would be advanced , and the comfort of the Brethren greatly enhanced .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . — The Fowhs Lodge of Marh Masters ( No . 19 . )—The second meeting of this recently established Lodge , was held at The Three Crowns Hotel , Leicester , on the 28 th ult . There were present Bros . Kelly , ( Prov . Grand Master of the Mark for Leicestershire , ) W . Kinton , as S . W . ; Bankart , J . W . ; Hardy , Clapham , Smith , Millican , Paul , Sheppard , Johnson , and Dithrey . The only visitor present was Bro . William Hands , of Lodge ( No . 58 ) , Hinckley , one
of Nelson's veterans , having been a marine on board the Victory , and who was advanced to the Mark degree , so far back as the year 1807 , in Lodge No . 8 , attached to tbe 90 th Regiment , at Gibraltar . The minutes of the former Lodge having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bros . C . J . Willey , S . W . ; H . J . Davis , and S . Carter , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , ' No . 766 , and J . W . Smith , LL . T ) ., S . W ., of the Knights of Malta Lodge , No . 58 , Hinckley , and Prov . G . Reg ., who were duly elected : and Bros . Willey and Davis being presentwere duly advanced to the degree of Mark
, Master , as was also Bro . Robt . Brewin , jun ., S . D ., of No . 776 , who was balloted for at the first meeting . The W . M . then appointed and invested the officers of the ensuing year , as follows : —Bros . F . Goodyer , S W . ; G . Bankart , J . W . ; E . Clephan ( elected ) Treas . ; W . B . Smith , Sec . ; W . Millican , Reg . ; J . D . Paul , S . D . ; T . Sheppard , J . D . ; W . S . Bitbrey , Dir . of Music and Cers . ; W . Johnson and C . J . Willey , Stewards ; Robt . Brewin , jun ., I . G . The code of by-laws proposed at the former meeting was considered , and the various rules having . been discussed seriatim , were unanimously
adopted . The W . M . proposed , and the J . W . seconded—that Bros . Underwood , ( Mayor of Leicester ) , Petti for , and Windram , the W . M ., S . and J . W ., ( and the founders ) , ofthe Howe Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 21 , Leicester , be elected honorary members of this Lodge . After the transaction of further business of a formal character , the Lodge was closed in due form . Although the Lodge was only opened on the 9 th September , it already numbers fifteen subscribing members , and several other Btethren are waiting for advancement . There can be no doubt that , as the merits of this beautiful , but ( in England ) long neglected degree , become more generally known among the Brethren , they will be properly appreciated by the Craft , and it is devoutly to be wished that the whole
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
CHESHIRE . FI . OWERY Fir . r . D , HYDE . —Fidelity Lodge ( No . 31 ) . —A preliminary mooting of the above Lodge was held under charter from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters for England , granted July 28 , 1858 , to Bros . John Zurker , W . M . ; S . P . Leather , S . W . j John Brierlcy , J . W . ; G . P . Cooks ; J . Stoot ; and \ V . Johnston ; held at the White Hart Inn , Flowery Field , Hyde , on the 8 th Sept ., for the purpose of appointing and installing the officers . Several Brethren were proposed as members ; and the prospects of establishing this
beautiful and important degree on a firm footing , under the Grand Lodge in the province , are highly flattering . For many years there has existed a numerous Mark Lodge here ; but in consequence of its being constituted entirely as a funeral fund , the greater part of the Brethren who have taken the degree in that Lodge ( and this includes Brethren from all parts of the country ) , who had no wish to subscribe to the funeral fund , have been debarred from participating in the privileges of the degree as members ; and as there is no other Mark Lodge within twenty miles , it is expected that a
Lodge on a more liberal basis , and with a better system of working , will be highly prosperous , especially when it is called to mind that this degree is undoubtedly as much the completion of the F . C . as the R . A . is that of the M . M . The advantages ofa union ofthe various Lodges under one head are also so self-evident , that we think we are justified in predicting for this Lodge a career of success . SOMERSETSHIRE . BATH—Royal Cumberland Lodge . —( Time immemorialnow
, , working under warrant from Grand Lodge ) . The Brethren of this rapidly increasing Lodge met at the Freemasons' Hall , on Monday evening , the 30 th Sept . There were present the following Brethren : Bro . L . L . Bagshawe ( acting Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ) , W . M . ; Bro . G . Haseler , P . Prov . S . G . W . ( P . M . ); Bro . S . Hellier , I . G ., No . 48 ( Sec . ) j Bro . T . B . Moutrie ( Steward , No . 48 ) , M . O . and S . W . pro . tern ,- Bro . E . T . Payne ( I . G ., No . 61 ) , J . W . ; Bro . G . Reynolds , ( No . 48 ) , S . D ., pro . Um . ; Bro . C . F . Marshall ( S . D ., No . 61 ) , J . D . ; Bro . F . Wilkinson ( J . D . No . 48 ) Sr . O . ; Bro . J . George ,
, , ( No . 48 ) , Jr . O . ; Bro . T . Carter ( P . M . ) , I . G . ; Bro . C . J . Vigue , visitor . The Lodge having been duly opened , Bro . W . Henderson , of No . 367 , and Bro . — Randolph , D . Prov . G . M . for Somersetshire , were duly advanced to the degree of Mark Master , the ceremony being ably performed by the respective officers—the lecture being delivered by Bro . Payne , J . W . After some formal business had been transacted , the LoSge was closed at half-past nine .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —Fowhe Lodge ( No . 19 ) . — -The first meeting of this new Lodge of Mark Masters were held at the Bell Hotel , Leicester . The officers nominated in the warrant are Bros . W . Kelly , Prov . G . M . ofthe Mark for Leicestershire , as W . M . ; F . Goodyer , S . W . ; and Geo . Bankart , J . W . The charter of constitution having been read , and the W . M . duly obligated , & c ., a ballot was taken for the following Brethren of the John of Gaunt Lodge of Craft Masons ( No . 766 ) as candidates for the Markviz .: —Bros . T . CooperP . M .
, , , ; J . J . Kinton , P . M . ; E . Clephan , W . M . ; W . B . Smith , P . M . ; W . Millican , P . M . ; J . D . Paul , J . W . ; T . Sheppard , Sec ; AV . Johnson , jun ., S . D . ; R . Brewin , jun ., S . D . ; D . Spooner , W . S . Bittercy , and George Hawkins as a serving Brother by dispensation . Nine of these Brethren being in attendance , were duly advanced to the Mark Master degree by the W . M ., assisted by Bros . Underwood ( D . Prov . G . M . and W . M ., No . 21 ) , as P . M . ; Goodyer , S . W . ; Bankart , J . W . ; Vindram ( J . W ., No . 21 ) , as Reg . ; Pcttilbr ( S . W ., Fo . 21 ) as D . ; and Hardyas I . G . A code of b-laws having been
, , y proposed and ordered to be further considered at tlie next meeting , the Lodge was closed in due form . IJowe Lodge ( No . 21 . )—This new Lodge was then opened , Bro . Kelly , Prov . G . M . presiding , who , after the charter of constitution had been read , proceeded to instal the W . M ., Bro . Underwood , Mayor of Leicester , and D . Prov . G . M . of the Mark , for Leicestershire . A dispensation for the advancement of a serving Brother having been read , a ballot was taken for eleven members of St . John's Lodge of Craft Masons ( No . 348 ) as candidatesall of whom
, , were duly elected , and the following Brethren being present , were severally advanced as Mark Masters , viz .: —Bros . H . Kinder , P . M . ; C . Morris , P . M . ; J . Holland , jun ., S . W . ; A . Cummings , J . W . ; W . Weare , H . E . Emberlin , and James Pennock ( Tyler ) . The proposed by-laws having been deferred for discussion until the next meeting , and some further routine business transacted , the Lodge
was closed in due form , and the Brethren adjourned to refreshment . It is proposed to establish a Lodge of Instruction for this degree , and for the Lodges to meet again shortly for the appointment of officers and for the admission of a further number of candidates . KEY STONE LODGE . —( No . 3 . ) This Lodge held a meeting of emergency on the 24 th June last , the W . M . Bro . T . S . Barringer , P J . G . D ., having called the Lodge
together in consequenee of ten Brethren requesting to be advanced to the degree , when Bros . Sewell , Venables , Russell , Spratt , and Walls being in attendance , were advanced to the degree of Mark Master . The W . M . said he had great pleasure in informing the Lodge that the S . W . and Secretary had been selected by the Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master , " Lord Leigh , to fill the office so recently occupied by himself ( the W . M . ) of J . G . D . in Grand Lodge , an appointment which he was sure would meet with the approbation of this Lodge , and he hoped of the whole Craft . The business
being over , the Brethren adjourned to a banquet , provided by Br . Painter . Amongst the visitors were Bro Lazarus , P . G . Organist , and Bro . James Cooper . This Lodge also held its regular meeting on the 30 th Sept ., Bro . T . S . Barringer P . J . G . D ., W . M ., in the chair , and Bros . Goggin and Wake being in attendance , were advanced to the degree of Mark Master ; the ceremony being performed in a very able and impressive manner by the W . M . This being the night ol election of W M . for the ensuing year , the Lodge unanimously elected Bro . Edward Burrell , the S . W ., and J . G . D ., to
fill that responsible office , and Bro . Thorn was re-elected Treasurer , and Brother W . Rice , Tyler . The other business of the Lodge being over , the Brethren adjourned to an elegant dinner , provided by Bro . Painter , the host , and one of the Stewards of the Lodge . The evening was one of the most delightful which could be spent in Masonry , and beginning as it does the season , the effect was more gratifying . WARWICKSHIRE . BIRMISGHAJI . —Howe Mark Master ' s Lod—The Brethren of
ge . this Lodge assembled at the Masonic rooms , on Monday , Oct . 18 th . Four Brethren were advanced to this degree . The W . M ., Bro . A . McCracken , presided , and his officers were all well up to their duties . These rooms are admirably adapted for Lodge meetings . If Masonic meetings could generally be held in buildings such as this , the Order would be advanced , and the comfort of the Brethren greatly enhanced .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . — The Fowhs Lodge of Marh Masters ( No . 19 . )—The second meeting of this recently established Lodge , was held at The Three Crowns Hotel , Leicester , on the 28 th ult . There were present Bros . Kelly , ( Prov . Grand Master of the Mark for Leicestershire , ) W . Kinton , as S . W . ; Bankart , J . W . ; Hardy , Clapham , Smith , Millican , Paul , Sheppard , Johnson , and Dithrey . The only visitor present was Bro . William Hands , of Lodge ( No . 58 ) , Hinckley , one
of Nelson's veterans , having been a marine on board the Victory , and who was advanced to the Mark degree , so far back as the year 1807 , in Lodge No . 8 , attached to tbe 90 th Regiment , at Gibraltar . The minutes of the former Lodge having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bros . C . J . Willey , S . W . ; H . J . Davis , and S . Carter , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , ' No . 766 , and J . W . Smith , LL . T ) ., S . W ., of the Knights of Malta Lodge , No . 58 , Hinckley , and Prov . G . Reg ., who were duly elected : and Bros . Willey and Davis being presentwere duly advanced to the degree of Mark
, Master , as was also Bro . Robt . Brewin , jun ., S . D ., of No . 776 , who was balloted for at the first meeting . The W . M . then appointed and invested the officers of the ensuing year , as follows : —Bros . F . Goodyer , S W . ; G . Bankart , J . W . ; E . Clephan ( elected ) Treas . ; W . B . Smith , Sec . ; W . Millican , Reg . ; J . D . Paul , S . D . ; T . Sheppard , J . D . ; W . S . Bitbrey , Dir . of Music and Cers . ; W . Johnson and C . J . Willey , Stewards ; Robt . Brewin , jun ., I . G . The code of by-laws proposed at the former meeting was considered , and the various rules having . been discussed seriatim , were unanimously
adopted . The W . M . proposed , and the J . W . seconded—that Bros . Underwood , ( Mayor of Leicester ) , Petti for , and Windram , the W . M ., S . and J . W ., ( and the founders ) , ofthe Howe Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 21 , Leicester , be elected honorary members of this Lodge . After the transaction of further business of a formal character , the Lodge was closed in due form . Although the Lodge was only opened on the 9 th September , it already numbers fifteen subscribing members , and several other Btethren are waiting for advancement . There can be no doubt that , as the merits of this beautiful , but ( in England ) long neglected degree , become more generally known among the Brethren , they will be properly appreciated by the Craft , and it is devoutly to be wished that the whole