Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
two other occasions only eleven . ( It was not necessary to go further into details to show that the-London Brethren had ; virtually the whole management of the ajfairs'of the Craft in their own . hands .- . . It was hopeless to expect it should , be otherwise . while they had : such . facilities for voting in Grand Lodge compared . with those enjoyed by the country brethren ; for-a country Mason jriight he . as-earnest and zealous in the causa of Freemasonry as "a ; Londpn-Mason , ; and yet find it impossible to leave his business , perhaps for two days , in . order to attehdGrancl Lod At thesametimeit seemed onlfair that '
. ge . . ; , y all the members of Grand Lodge should have trie ' , privilege of giving their votes oh matters concerning'the welfare of the . whole "Craft , and thatj . it " should hot be enjoyed solely , by-those who , from their residence in or near the metropolis , . or ; frorn their position . and . means , wereableto attend the quarterly communications without personal inconvenience ! ' He trusted that . the . time would soon arrive when this evil would be remedied , and lie thought ; that the legitimate way of obtaining the removal of tlui grievance was to ' bringthe matter
; . , before the notice of the Grand Lodge , as had been .-lately done by a Hampshire . lodge , by . amemorial , in which he ^ heartily concurred . He should , in conclusion , beg to propose the following ; resolution : — " That / an application be . made to ;; he'Board of'General Purposes , representing ; the necessity that exists for the better , representation of country lodges in the Grand Lodge of England , anipraying that the Board wiU take into consideration and recommend to ; Grand Lodge such an amendment of the . existing laws as will enable ; the Masters , Past MastersandactualWardens ofall to vote b
, ; , lodges y proxy , or by yotiiig ' papers . " . Biu ; Webber ,: P . M ., said it seemed ; only reasonable , considering ^ the number of Masons in the country ,, that they should have , ah equal vbicewith their London brethren in the government , of the ; Craft . ; He thought nothing could be fairer , than the plan siigested , and he therefore had great pleasure in seconding the proposition . of the Worshipful Master . Bro . . Burt thought if this plan were-adoptednot onlwould- country lodges be better represented
, y . , but-greater-unanimity would prevail in Grand Lodge than sometimes appeared there . He hoped that other . lodges in the . provinces , would adopt similar resolutions . After some further discussion of the subr . ject , the ¦; resolution was earned ; unanimously by the brethren , and the Secretary . instructed to write to the Board of General Purposes . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned . ;
. " . . WORCESTERSHIRE . ; . '; -..: ; ; . . „ PROVINCUL GRAND LODGE . . . , . ( , * The * smnua ^ shire ' TOs'heldSii'Juesd ^ Itidderihinster , Grand Lodge beirig openea' atliall-nast 12 o'clock , by the'R . W . Brp . ; Henry Charles . Vernon , Prov , G . M ., in ample form . " . . . ¦ The V . W . " . Bro . W ; Masefield'havirig been -re-elected Treasurer by ballot , the'R . W . Pro . ' Grand-Master invested the officers as follows : ^ Brb BarberW . MNo 772 i Prov ' SG-W " WBristowPMNo
- : ,, ; , . .... ; . , .., . 313 , Prov . J . G . W . ; the Rev . TV W . ; Herbert , P . M . No ! 313 , Prov . G . Chaplain ; the'Rev / . S . Frahklin , Assist . Prov . G : Chaplin ; H . Hill , Prov . G . Reg . '; W . Mase'field , - P . M . ; . NbsV-73 f ) and 313 , Prov . G . Treas . ; W ; Howells , P . M ., Nos . 730 and 425 / Prov . G . Sec ; B . Brooks , P . M ., No . 824 , Prov . S ; G . D ;; Jabez" Jones , P . M . V No .: 772 , Prov . J . G . D . ; Geo ; Hbrtoii ; P . M-., 'No . 838 ; -Prov . G . Siipt ; of Works ; J . Burton , S " . W ., No . ' 313 , Prov . G . D . O ;• W . WiggihtoiySlW . ; No . 819 , Assist , Prov . Dir ; of Cers . ; F . Saunders , W . M ., No . 730 , Prov . G ; S . B . ; I . 582 :
Fitzgerald , P . M ., Nq . , Prov . 'G . Org . '; G . B . Bradley , W . M ., No . 838 , : Pro " v . G . Purst ; , Prov ,: G . Tylers as before , . Bro . 'Wainw * riglit , P . Prov . S . G . W .,. then moved , — 'l . That . 50 guineas be votedbiit of the funds of the P ; G . L . to . the Royalilasonic Institution for . Boys , thereby ' creating the Prov . G . M . a . 'Vice-President and Governor for life . " :.-... sBrb . iJoiies , W . M ., of No . 772 , and . Several ;; otber-: brethren : of that lodge , opposed the .. grant , on the ground of its creating an invidious
precedent . ' . It . appeared also that the Prov . GJL ' sIife was to be insured for a premium ol'il . a year , so that at his death 100 ? . might be forthcoming for a ' renewed grant . " ¦ ''*• ' •;; ..: ¦' /; ' :. - Themotion ; after a long discussion , was earned , but some of the brethren absented themselves from the banquet , and betook themselves . tq a separate-entertainment of their own . ; } . '{ lV :, ' - ' - ¦ v ; YORKSHIRE (^ ST ) . - . \ ' ; v ; j- ' ; ¦ / ' . - ' ¦ ' ; LAYrHG . THE FOUNDATION STONE OF . THE ! HUDDERSFIELD . ¦ ¦" '
" ; "' - ; . "'¦ : ''¦ ' " MECHANICS' . INSTITUTED ' '* ,: J '' X ' : \ ~ ~ . " " . " .- ' 'This . ceremony took place ' on the 5 th , of-October ' :. ^ - ' - ' A ; procession was formed at the present institution at nopn , ; and ; prpceededthrough the principal streets , arriving on the site : ab 0 ut ;; one ' o ' clqcki . Some seven thousand persons were assembled / to ' witnessthe ceremony , greater interest being felt on the b ' ceasion as it | was ; laipwn that the Right Hon . the Countess ' of Ripon . - ' would' layJtheTouhdation ' stone . The Freemasons . haying' assembled within the '' site of the ' . intehde , d building , the stonevwas laid by the Countess '; of Ripon ^ ttie usuaF Masonic ceremonies being performed . . . "' . ''' /&/ '
¦¦ : ¦ : . ' ; , ; :: ;/> : V , ;; .. ; . .. Totlte Editor . ; . . / ; ' ; -t r . , ,- ; - . ' SiRJ- ^ At tliejast P . G . L ; of Hereford , our worthy P . G . M . thought fit to give veffito a somewhat inopportune sneer , at the expense ai those , wh ' o-. had ' . upheld the cause of Masonic reform in G . L . It is a pity that , Bro : Bowles should forget that very sound maxiirr-which liasreferenceJto glass' houses ; - and the . propnlsioh of projectiles ^ -as the scientific world would say . Possibly the " worthy brother owed a grudg ' e'tothoseAyhpse vigilant detection and delation of abuses had
obliged him to coine from a neigbouring county to hold a P-G .-Liyahd to summon his deputy , -from his residence in London , for the same purpose ; . -. '•' ¦ . .- ' ¦ ' - ' j ' v \ ; : May I be permitted to-suggest that however rose-coloured a-hue " may seem to ' attach to Masonry , when seen : through the medium of . tnrtle and champagne , the system must be somewhat rotten which cannot produce two resident gentlemen fit to undertake the highest offices'in the Province . . „ . ; ¦¦ '' ¦ ... ¦ .. - ' . May I also be permitted to suggest that it would bewellifthe officers would study their parts beforehand , and not read them off at the'time . —I am Sir , yours fraternally , . ¦ ' . A BOWLER ; ' ¦
GRAND LODGE CLUB . President ' : —Biro . J . UDALL , P . M ., 10 , and P . G . D . - : , . ' / " - ' Vics ^ JPvGSitlGHts' ¦ ' * Bro . J . R . STEBBING ,, P . M ., and .. P . P . & 'S ' i Hants Bro , J . H . HEARN , P . M ., and P . D . GJVI , Isle of Wight . , ' Treasurer : —Bro . J . WHITMORE , P . M ., 329 . Secretary : —Bro . F . BINCKES , P . M ., II . " . '¦
The objects of the club are" . " 1 . To maintain the constitutional supremacy & privileges of G . L . " 2 . To amend or modify—so far as can be done with a due re- ' ¦ . ... . gard to the preservation of the ancient landmarks of the •¦ . ' ¦ . - . - ¦ Orders—such of the Masonic laws and regulatibn ' s as are ';' - .. '¦' found tooperate prejudicially to the interests' of the Craft .. . - " 3 . To . secure to Provincial Brethren a more active participation ; ' . in the proceedings of G . L . ¦
' ;• ¦' , " 4 . To promote the adoption of a liberal and enlightened policy "'' t , . towards Colonial Lodges . .-.--, '; ' ' . ' = ' .. ¦ :. " 5 . To encourage throughout the Crafta more extended'inv . ' . f ; ,- terest in the . Charities of the Order . ; ..,. .., ¦ ' [ » j 3 «* j /^ jj . Tp- . from a . J ; h « qn'ie Library , of Reference ;" v-J .-... " _ . .. ;¦ i ' -jSntrahce'Fee , 5 s . j'TSnriual Subse ' riptioh , 5 s . ; Ejection ofMernbersi
by Ballot ^ The Club dines together before each G . L . ; Dinner , 2 s 6 d ., "VVihe , 3 s . v : ¦ ¦;—• ¦¦; - -:. .. ' The Clnb now numbers upwards of Sixty Members . , ' A Brethren , desirous' of joining . are requested to cpmmuriicate with -the Secretary , 3 , Sam Villas , South Lambeth , London , S . ' : ' . ' - . ' ¦ ''
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS OF ENGLAND AND WALES ' , AND THE COLONIES AND POSSESSIONS OF THE BRITISH CROWN . ' . : ' . :: ¦ ' .-, , .- ¦ . ' Bro . The . LORD LEIGH , Grand Master . . ' - ;' h Bro . The EARL OF CAmARVOS , Deputy Grand Master : -. ., ¦ . LODGrES desirous of Uniting under the English Constitution , and Brethren wishing to obtain New Warrants to work the Mark degree ,- . are-requested to ; communicate with Bro . W . ' . L . CotLiNS , ' the Grand Secretary , ' at-the . Office of the Grand " Lo'dgej-No . -40 , Leicester Square , London .. .... ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - ' . " . ;¦'¦¦ . ¦' . - * •;¦
WHITE'S WEST END MASONIC : DEPOT , ' ; 14 , Green Street , LeicesterSquare , London . ; . '' '; ; . ' . '' ¦ ; .-¦ : . BROTHER GEORGE WHITE , Maker . of Masonic Clotlnng , Jewels , and Furniture ,, of every degree , in thanknig his . friends .:. fpr their appreciation of-his rule and practice in business ^ : assiifes ' -ffieS tnat r'h ' e ¦ \ vill continue to supply none but good work and-materials , ' that no copper lace will on any account be . used ; unless as . an unwilling exception when , especially ordered ; Brother . . 'WHITE ' S terms '; being mvariably for ready money ,-he is able . to charge the ' lowes ' t- 'jiric ' es consistent with fair trading .: Orders , of Merchants anff Shippers , ' or from the Cplonies ' direct , executed imniediatelyat wholesale' rate , ' on receipt of a .-remittance or reference for paymentto a Loriaoh ' House . Bro . WHITE will be ' -glad to Purchase , or take in Exchange for other Pictures ,- any Pam ' tings , of a Masonic ' , Character ! -t- ^ Masonic Depot . anHi Picture Gallery , - ; 14 ; Green Street , Leicester Square , 'London ; . ; - : 't -i v . ' .
BATH ; . PMNTED AND PUBIISHED BT BRO . ; B . E . PiJAcn . ' 81 BKIBGE STREET ; ¦'¦ ¦ rtEo ^ iON ^ Published by SiMrKre , MAitsHAL £ , ' aiid Cc-Stationers' Half Court , aCitaiid ^ oId . by-Gt . WHITE , H'Gre ' en ^ StreeVLeicesterlSquareilW . C . ¦ ; -H . M 'ARHSs 7 l 5 , ifir | 8 t Queen Street , WC . ; STAMFORD , Charing Cross , & W . ; . ondall ffldkselleri in London and the Country . ¦ ¦ "' ' , '"'•' - " -..- " ' , ' , '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
two other occasions only eleven . ( It was not necessary to go further into details to show that the-London Brethren had ; virtually the whole management of the ajfairs'of the Craft in their own . hands .- . . It was hopeless to expect it should , be otherwise . while they had : such . facilities for voting in Grand Lodge compared . with those enjoyed by the country brethren ; for-a country Mason jriight he . as-earnest and zealous in the causa of Freemasonry as "a ; Londpn-Mason , ; and yet find it impossible to leave his business , perhaps for two days , in . order to attehdGrancl Lod At thesametimeit seemed onlfair that '
. ge . . ; , y all the members of Grand Lodge should have trie ' , privilege of giving their votes oh matters concerning'the welfare of the . whole "Craft , and thatj . it " should hot be enjoyed solely , by-those who , from their residence in or near the metropolis , . or ; frorn their position . and . means , wereableto attend the quarterly communications without personal inconvenience ! ' He trusted that . the . time would soon arrive when this evil would be remedied , and lie thought ; that the legitimate way of obtaining the removal of tlui grievance was to ' bringthe matter
; . , before the notice of the Grand Lodge , as had been .-lately done by a Hampshire . lodge , by . amemorial , in which he ^ heartily concurred . He should , in conclusion , beg to propose the following ; resolution : — " That / an application be . made to ;; he'Board of'General Purposes , representing ; the necessity that exists for the better , representation of country lodges in the Grand Lodge of England , anipraying that the Board wiU take into consideration and recommend to ; Grand Lodge such an amendment of the . existing laws as will enable ; the Masters , Past MastersandactualWardens ofall to vote b
, ; , lodges y proxy , or by yotiiig ' papers . " . Biu ; Webber ,: P . M ., said it seemed ; only reasonable , considering ^ the number of Masons in the country ,, that they should have , ah equal vbicewith their London brethren in the government , of the ; Craft . ; He thought nothing could be fairer , than the plan siigested , and he therefore had great pleasure in seconding the proposition . of the Worshipful Master . Bro . . Burt thought if this plan were-adoptednot onlwould- country lodges be better represented
, y . , but-greater-unanimity would prevail in Grand Lodge than sometimes appeared there . He hoped that other . lodges in the . provinces , would adopt similar resolutions . After some further discussion of the subr . ject , the ¦; resolution was earned ; unanimously by the brethren , and the Secretary . instructed to write to the Board of General Purposes . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned . ;
. " . . WORCESTERSHIRE . ; . '; -..: ; ; . . „ PROVINCUL GRAND LODGE . . . , . ( , * The * smnua ^ shire ' TOs'heldSii'Juesd ^ Itidderihinster , Grand Lodge beirig openea' atliall-nast 12 o'clock , by the'R . W . Brp . ; Henry Charles . Vernon , Prov , G . M ., in ample form . " . . . ¦ The V . W . " . Bro . W ; Masefield'havirig been -re-elected Treasurer by ballot , the'R . W . Pro . ' Grand-Master invested the officers as follows : ^ Brb BarberW . MNo 772 i Prov ' SG-W " WBristowPMNo
- : ,, ; , . .... ; . , .., . 313 , Prov . J . G . W . ; the Rev . TV W . ; Herbert , P . M . No ! 313 , Prov . G . Chaplain ; the'Rev / . S . Frahklin , Assist . Prov . G : Chaplin ; H . Hill , Prov . G . Reg . '; W . Mase'field , - P . M . ; . NbsV-73 f ) and 313 , Prov . G . Treas . ; W ; Howells , P . M ., Nos . 730 and 425 / Prov . G . Sec ; B . Brooks , P . M ., No . 824 , Prov . S ; G . D ;; Jabez" Jones , P . M . V No .: 772 , Prov . J . G . D . ; Geo ; Hbrtoii ; P . M-., 'No . 838 ; -Prov . G . Siipt ; of Works ; J . Burton , S " . W ., No . ' 313 , Prov . G . D . O ;• W . WiggihtoiySlW . ; No . 819 , Assist , Prov . Dir ; of Cers . ; F . Saunders , W . M ., No . 730 , Prov . G ; S . B . ; I . 582 :
Fitzgerald , P . M ., Nq . , Prov . 'G . Org . '; G . B . Bradley , W . M ., No . 838 , : Pro " v . G . Purst ; , Prov ,: G . Tylers as before , . Bro . 'Wainw * riglit , P . Prov . S . G . W .,. then moved , — 'l . That . 50 guineas be votedbiit of the funds of the P ; G . L . to . the Royalilasonic Institution for . Boys , thereby ' creating the Prov . G . M . a . 'Vice-President and Governor for life . " :.-... sBrb . iJoiies , W . M ., of No . 772 , and . Several ;; otber-: brethren : of that lodge , opposed the .. grant , on the ground of its creating an invidious
precedent . ' . It . appeared also that the Prov . GJL ' sIife was to be insured for a premium ol'il . a year , so that at his death 100 ? . might be forthcoming for a ' renewed grant . " ¦ ''*• ' •;; ..: ¦' /; ' :. - Themotion ; after a long discussion , was earned , but some of the brethren absented themselves from the banquet , and betook themselves . tq a separate-entertainment of their own . ; } . '{ lV :, ' - ' - ¦ v ; YORKSHIRE (^ ST ) . - . \ ' ; v ; j- ' ; ¦ / ' . - ' ¦ ' ; LAYrHG . THE FOUNDATION STONE OF . THE ! HUDDERSFIELD . ¦ ¦" '
" ; "' - ; . "'¦ : ''¦ ' " MECHANICS' . INSTITUTED ' '* ,: J '' X ' : \ ~ ~ . " " . " .- ' 'This . ceremony took place ' on the 5 th , of-October ' :. ^ - ' - ' A ; procession was formed at the present institution at nopn , ; and ; prpceededthrough the principal streets , arriving on the site : ab 0 ut ;; one ' o ' clqcki . Some seven thousand persons were assembled / to ' witnessthe ceremony , greater interest being felt on the b ' ceasion as it | was ; laipwn that the Right Hon . the Countess ' of Ripon . - ' would' layJtheTouhdation ' stone . The Freemasons . haying' assembled within the '' site of the ' . intehde , d building , the stonevwas laid by the Countess '; of Ripon ^ ttie usuaF Masonic ceremonies being performed . . . "' . ''' /&/ '
¦¦ : ¦ : . ' ; , ; :: ;/> : V , ;; .. ; . .. Totlte Editor . ; . . / ; ' ; -t r . , ,- ; - . ' SiRJ- ^ At tliejast P . G . L ; of Hereford , our worthy P . G . M . thought fit to give veffito a somewhat inopportune sneer , at the expense ai those , wh ' o-. had ' . upheld the cause of Masonic reform in G . L . It is a pity that , Bro : Bowles should forget that very sound maxiirr-which liasreferenceJto glass' houses ; - and the . propnlsioh of projectiles ^ -as the scientific world would say . Possibly the " worthy brother owed a grudg ' e'tothoseAyhpse vigilant detection and delation of abuses had
obliged him to coine from a neigbouring county to hold a P-G .-Liyahd to summon his deputy , -from his residence in London , for the same purpose ; . -. '•' ¦ . .- ' ¦ ' - ' j ' v \ ; : May I be permitted to-suggest that however rose-coloured a-hue " may seem to ' attach to Masonry , when seen : through the medium of . tnrtle and champagne , the system must be somewhat rotten which cannot produce two resident gentlemen fit to undertake the highest offices'in the Province . . „ . ; ¦¦ '' ¦ ... ¦ .. - ' . May I also be permitted to suggest that it would bewellifthe officers would study their parts beforehand , and not read them off at the'time . —I am Sir , yours fraternally , . ¦ ' . A BOWLER ; ' ¦
GRAND LODGE CLUB . President ' : —Biro . J . UDALL , P . M ., 10 , and P . G . D . - : , . ' / " - ' Vics ^ JPvGSitlGHts' ¦ ' * Bro . J . R . STEBBING ,, P . M ., and .. P . P . & 'S ' i Hants Bro , J . H . HEARN , P . M ., and P . D . GJVI , Isle of Wight . , ' Treasurer : —Bro . J . WHITMORE , P . M ., 329 . Secretary : —Bro . F . BINCKES , P . M ., II . " . '¦
The objects of the club are" . " 1 . To maintain the constitutional supremacy & privileges of G . L . " 2 . To amend or modify—so far as can be done with a due re- ' ¦ . ... . gard to the preservation of the ancient landmarks of the •¦ . ' ¦ . - . - ¦ Orders—such of the Masonic laws and regulatibn ' s as are ';' - .. '¦' found tooperate prejudicially to the interests' of the Craft .. . - " 3 . To . secure to Provincial Brethren a more active participation ; ' . in the proceedings of G . L . ¦
' ;• ¦' , " 4 . To promote the adoption of a liberal and enlightened policy "'' t , . towards Colonial Lodges . .-.--, '; ' ' . ' = ' .. ¦ :. " 5 . To encourage throughout the Crafta more extended'inv . ' . f ; ,- terest in the . Charities of the Order . ; ..,. .., ¦ ' [ » j 3 «* j /^ jj . Tp- . from a . J ; h « qn'ie Library , of Reference ;" v-J .-... " _ . .. ;¦ i ' -jSntrahce'Fee , 5 s . j'TSnriual Subse ' riptioh , 5 s . ; Ejection ofMernbersi
by Ballot ^ The Club dines together before each G . L . ; Dinner , 2 s 6 d ., "VVihe , 3 s . v : ¦ ¦;—• ¦¦; - -:. .. ' The Clnb now numbers upwards of Sixty Members . , ' A Brethren , desirous' of joining . are requested to cpmmuriicate with -the Secretary , 3 , Sam Villas , South Lambeth , London , S . ' : ' . ' - . ' ¦ ''
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS OF ENGLAND AND WALES ' , AND THE COLONIES AND POSSESSIONS OF THE BRITISH CROWN . ' . : ' . :: ¦ ' .-, , .- ¦ . ' Bro . The . LORD LEIGH , Grand Master . . ' - ;' h Bro . The EARL OF CAmARVOS , Deputy Grand Master : -. ., ¦ . LODGrES desirous of Uniting under the English Constitution , and Brethren wishing to obtain New Warrants to work the Mark degree ,- . are-requested to ; communicate with Bro . W . ' . L . CotLiNS , ' the Grand Secretary , ' at-the . Office of the Grand " Lo'dgej-No . -40 , Leicester Square , London .. .... ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - ' . " . ;¦'¦¦ . ¦' . - * •;¦
WHITE'S WEST END MASONIC : DEPOT , ' ; 14 , Green Street , LeicesterSquare , London . ; . '' '; ; . ' . '' ¦ ; .-¦ : . BROTHER GEORGE WHITE , Maker . of Masonic Clotlnng , Jewels , and Furniture ,, of every degree , in thanknig his . friends .:. fpr their appreciation of-his rule and practice in business ^ : assiifes ' -ffieS tnat r'h ' e ¦ \ vill continue to supply none but good work and-materials , ' that no copper lace will on any account be . used ; unless as . an unwilling exception when , especially ordered ; Brother . . 'WHITE ' S terms '; being mvariably for ready money ,-he is able . to charge the ' lowes ' t- 'jiric ' es consistent with fair trading .: Orders , of Merchants anff Shippers , ' or from the Cplonies ' direct , executed imniediatelyat wholesale' rate , ' on receipt of a .-remittance or reference for paymentto a Loriaoh ' House . Bro . WHITE will be ' -glad to Purchase , or take in Exchange for other Pictures ,- any Pam ' tings , of a Masonic ' , Character ! -t- ^ Masonic Depot . anHi Picture Gallery , - ; 14 ; Green Street , Leicester Square , 'London ; . ; - : 't -i v . ' .
BATH ; . PMNTED AND PUBIISHED BT BRO . ; B . E . PiJAcn . ' 81 BKIBGE STREET ; ¦'¦ ¦ rtEo ^ iON ^ Published by SiMrKre , MAitsHAL £ , ' aiid Cc-Stationers' Half Court , aCitaiid ^ oId . by-Gt . WHITE , H'Gre ' en ^ StreeVLeicesterlSquareilW . C . ¦ ; -H . M 'ARHSs 7 l 5 , ifir | 8 t Queen Street , WC . ; STAMFORD , Charing Cross , & W . ; . ondall ffldkselleri in London and the Country . ¦ ¦ "' ' , '"'•' - " -..- " ' , ' , '