Article Provincial. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Cers . ; Joseph T . Bourne , Prov . G . S . B . ; Horatio Cambell , P . Prov . G . Purs . ; John Mulineux , Prov . G . Org . ; Samuel P . Brabner , Prov . G . Purs . ; W . Allondor , Prov . G . Steward ; Mason , Prov . G . Sec ; Popper , Prov . G . Sec ; Wearing , Prov . G . Sec ; and H . S . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec . There were also present upwards of one hundred and twenty other brethren from the various Lodges in the province . Bro . Thos . VVylie , Prov . G . Sec , read the minutes of the last Prov . Grand Lodge , in " which reference was made to the purchase of land
in Hope Street , for £ 1 , 600 , for the erection of a Masonic hall . Bro . Davis , P . Prov . S . G . D ., proposed that the sum of fifty guineas be given towards the erection of a Masonic hall in Liverpool , and also that the sum of twenty-five guineas be given towards the alteration of the Temple . The resolution was seconded by Bro . Alpass , Prov . G . Steward , and was carried unanimously . The sum of ten guineas was voted to the Boys' School , and a similar sum to the Girls' School , London . Bro . WahnesloyProv . G . Treas ., moved "That the sum of fifty
, guineas be given next year towards the funds for the erection of the intended hall . " The Prov . Grand Lodge was then resolved into a court of governors of the West Lancashire Institution for the Education and Advancement in Life of Children of Distressed Masons . Bro . Brabner , the Treasurer , read a statement of the accounts of the institution , which showed that upwards of £ 156 had that day been received from the various Lodges towards the funds , mailing the amount then in hand for purposes of educatiou , £ 3 , 000 .
LEICESTERSHIRE . CONSECRATION OF THE FREEMASON ' S IIAI . L AT LEICESTER . The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of this province was held at the county town , on Wednesday , the 14 th September , for the consecration and dedication of the recently erected Freemasons' Hall , in Halford-strcet , by the Right Hon . the Earl Howe , P . G . M . The following resolution , moved by the Prov . Grand Master and seconded by the D . Prov . Grand Master , was carried unanimously , his lordship being requested to communicate it to the Countess Ferrers :
" That this Grand Lodge cannot avoid talcing the earliest opportunity of recording the deep regret they feel at the premature and unexpected death of their late Provincial Junior Grand Warden , the Earl Ferrers—engaged within a few days of his decease in the duties of his office . Connected as he was with the county and with the Craft by a long line of ancestors , his kindness of heart * and amiability of manners will long survive in the recollection of the brethren of the Provincial Grand Lodge . " A report from the Building Committee was presentedwhich set
, forth that 610 ? . had been contributed by the brethren , and that the deficiency on the building account was 3 ? . 10 s . 7 c ? . An estimated sum of 150 ? . was required for furnishing and decorating the interior , and the brethren of the tw r o local Lodges generally had liberally supported the undertaking . Reference was made to the probable source of revenue arising from the purveyor's department connected with the social gatherings after Lodge meetings , on which subject some
valuable information was given from the accounts of the Lodge of Truth , No . 763 , Huddersfield , since its removal to the hall erected by the members in 1855 , from which it appeared that during the years 1856 , 1857 , and 1858 , an average profit of nearly 40 ? . per annum had been derived from this source . The following Provincial Grand Officers were appointed—Bros . Wm . Kelly , re-appointed D . Prov . G . M . ; Frederick Goodyer , No . 766 , P . M ., S . G . W . ; Edward Mammatt ; No . 1081 , W . M ., ( arid P . M ., No . 631 ) J . G . W . ; Rev . J . O . PictonM . ANo . 766 Rev . John Denton
, , , , , M . A ., No . 1081 , re-appointed G . Chaplains ; Joseph Underwood , No . 348 , P . M ., re-elected G . Treas . ; Jos . B . Haxby , solicitor , No . 348 , G . Registrar ; Charles Morris , solicitor , P . M ., No . 348 , G . Secretary ; John Holland , jun ., W . M ., No . 348 , S . G . D . ; John Dennis Paul , No . 766 , J . G . D . ; William Millican , architect , P . M ., No . 7 G 6 , re-appointed G . Supt . of Works ; Robert Brewin , jun ., S . W ., No . 766 , re-appointed G . Dir . of Cers . ; Alfred Cummings , S . W ., No . 348 , re-appointed Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; T . II . Robart , S . W ., No . 1081 , G . Sword
Bearer ; Geo . Aug . Lohr , No . 766 , G . Organist ; C . J . Willy , W . M ., No . 766 , G . Purs . ' ; Marten Nedham , J . W ., No . 848 ; Thos . Sheppard , J . W ., No . 766 ; James Bouskell , No . 848 ; Harry J . Davis , J . W ., No . 58 and 766 ; Thomas Harrold , No . 58 , John Sloaue , M . H ., No . 348 , Grand Stewards ; James Bemhridge , No . 348 , Grand Tyler . LEICESTERSHIRE . —The Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 1081 , was consecrated with the usual ceremonies at Ashhy-de-la-Zouche , by the Riht Hon . Earl HoweP . G . M . assisted by his P . G . L . and several
g , , other brethren , on the fith of October . LINCOLNSHIRE . The Pelham Pillar Lodge , ( No . 1094 ) , was consecrated at Grimsby , on the 29 th September , by Bro . Waite , W M ., of No . 1014 , with the usual ceremonies , after which a banquet was held , and a very pleasant day was passed .
SUFFOLK . PROVINCIAL GKAND LODGE AT WOODBRIDGE . This Prov . Grand Lodge was holden on Wednesday , the 12 th Oct ., at Woodbridge , by Bro . Roxburgh , Grand Registrar , and was numerously attended . It was moved , " That the Worshipful Master of every Lodge in the province , having made their returns to Prov . Grand Lodge , he members of the Provincial Committee for promoting the interest of the four Masonic charities , and that each Lodge be informed thereof .
The Prov . Grand Master then appointed his officers as follows : — Bros . Rev . F . W . Freeman , D . Prov . G . M . ; Spencer Freeman , Prov . S . G . W . ; John Gissing , Prov . J . G . W . ; Richard F . Jennings , Prov . G . Reg . ; Rev . R . N . Sanderson , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Edward Dorling , Prov . G . Sec ; Neeve , Prov . S . G . D . ; Noble , Prov . J . G . D . ; Luff , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Bays , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Fiudlev , Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Ball , Prov . G . Org . ; Sams , Prov . G . S . B . * ; Randall , Prov . G . Purst . ; Bros . Wihnshurst , Ward , Corder , Harrison , Grey , and Goodall , Prov . G . Stewards . In the course of the evening the G . Registrar stated that a P . G . M . would shortly be appointed .
WARWICKSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT SUTTON COLDFIELD . THE Provincial Grand Lodge assembled at Sutton Coldfield , on Tuesday , October 11 th , under the presidency of the Prov . Grand Master , Lord Leigh . The Prov . Grand Lodge having been opened in duo form , his lordship proceeded to appoint his Officers for the year ensuing , as follows : —Bros . Chandos Wren Hoskyns , D . Prov . G . M . ; Clerk , Prov . S . G . W . ; RobinsProv . J . G . W . ; Bedford and DickensProv . G .
, , Chaplains ; Wm . Lloyd , Prov . G . Treas . ; Overill , Pi-ov . G . Reg . ; W . R . Kettle , Prov . G . Sec . ; L . Cohen , Assist . Prov . G . Sec ; L . Linyard and Bromwich , Prov . G . Deacons ; C . W . Elkington , Prov . U . Dir . of Cers . ; J . 11 . Bedford , Prov . G . Supt . of Wor , is ; Blake , Assist . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Weiss , Prov . G . S . B . ; Hudson , Prov . G . Org ; Read , Prov . G . Standard Bearer ; Briggs , Prov . G . Purst . ; Cope , Hcwett , and Collins , Prov . G . Tylers . After the appointment of the Prov . Grand Officers , the Prov .
Grand Master proceeded to consecrate the new Warden Lodge , No . 1096 . After the appointment of the officers of the new Lodge , the business of the province was proceeded with . Upon the motion of Bro . C . W . Elkington , the sum of twenty guineas was voted towards the testimonial to be presented to Bro . Wm . Lloyd , Prov . Grand Treasurer , and twenty five pounds to the reformatories of the county , with eight guineas as an annual subscription . The sum of one hundred and fifty guineas was voted to the Prov .
Grand Master to be applied to the Masonic charities ; on the motion of Bro . Dee , seconded by Bro . C . W . Elkington , to be appropriated as follows : —fifty guineas to the Girls' School , fifty guineas to the Boys ' School , fifty guineas to the Royal Masonic Annuity Fund . The sum of fifteen guineas was then voted to a distressed brother , and the Prov . Grand Lodge was adjourned . The brethren then proceeded to the parish church . On the return of the brethren , after votes of thanks to the Chaplain , and a vote of five guineas to the charities of Sutton Coldfield , the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form .
WILTSHIRE . . . TROWBRIDGE . —Lodge of Concord ( No . 915 ) . —This lodge held its first meeting for the season on Tuesday , the 11 th of October . Present , Bros . Levander , W . M . ; F . Webber , P . M . ; Sylvester , S . Vf . pro tern . ; Grimes , J . W . pro tern . ; Staucoipb , Sec ; Burt , P . M ., No . 961 , and other brethren . After the usual lodge business had been disposed of , the Worshipful Master said that he wished to call the attention of the brethren to a subject which he was happy to see had lately attracted notice in the neighbouring province of Hampshireand which he
, hoped would soon be taken up in other provinces . He alluded to the very inadequate representation of country lodges in the Grand Lodge of England . From the inconvenience and expense necessarily attending a journey to London , . it was found that the attendance of provincial brethren at the quarterly communications was very small indeed compared with that of the London brethren . He held in his hand a paper supplied by the Grand Secretary , giving the number of London and provincial brethren at the several quarterly
communications during the last two years . From this it appeared that the total number of provincial brethren present in Grand Lodge from June 3 1857 , to June 1 , 1859 , amounted to 268 , giving an average of about thirty at each meeting , while the London brethren numbered 1 , 522 , which gave an average attendance of about 170 , or nearly six times the number of these from the country . The largest attendance of country brethren during the last two years was at the quarterly communication of last March , when forty-six were present , while there were 213 London brethren . On one occasion ( September 2 , 1857 ) , there were only seven provincial brethren in Grand Lodge , and on
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Cers . ; Joseph T . Bourne , Prov . G . S . B . ; Horatio Cambell , P . Prov . G . Purs . ; John Mulineux , Prov . G . Org . ; Samuel P . Brabner , Prov . G . Purs . ; W . Allondor , Prov . G . Steward ; Mason , Prov . G . Sec ; Popper , Prov . G . Sec ; Wearing , Prov . G . Sec ; and H . S . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec . There were also present upwards of one hundred and twenty other brethren from the various Lodges in the province . Bro . Thos . VVylie , Prov . G . Sec , read the minutes of the last Prov . Grand Lodge , in " which reference was made to the purchase of land
in Hope Street , for £ 1 , 600 , for the erection of a Masonic hall . Bro . Davis , P . Prov . S . G . D ., proposed that the sum of fifty guineas be given towards the erection of a Masonic hall in Liverpool , and also that the sum of twenty-five guineas be given towards the alteration of the Temple . The resolution was seconded by Bro . Alpass , Prov . G . Steward , and was carried unanimously . The sum of ten guineas was voted to the Boys' School , and a similar sum to the Girls' School , London . Bro . WahnesloyProv . G . Treas ., moved "That the sum of fifty
, guineas be given next year towards the funds for the erection of the intended hall . " The Prov . Grand Lodge was then resolved into a court of governors of the West Lancashire Institution for the Education and Advancement in Life of Children of Distressed Masons . Bro . Brabner , the Treasurer , read a statement of the accounts of the institution , which showed that upwards of £ 156 had that day been received from the various Lodges towards the funds , mailing the amount then in hand for purposes of educatiou , £ 3 , 000 .
LEICESTERSHIRE . CONSECRATION OF THE FREEMASON ' S IIAI . L AT LEICESTER . The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of this province was held at the county town , on Wednesday , the 14 th September , for the consecration and dedication of the recently erected Freemasons' Hall , in Halford-strcet , by the Right Hon . the Earl Howe , P . G . M . The following resolution , moved by the Prov . Grand Master and seconded by the D . Prov . Grand Master , was carried unanimously , his lordship being requested to communicate it to the Countess Ferrers :
" That this Grand Lodge cannot avoid talcing the earliest opportunity of recording the deep regret they feel at the premature and unexpected death of their late Provincial Junior Grand Warden , the Earl Ferrers—engaged within a few days of his decease in the duties of his office . Connected as he was with the county and with the Craft by a long line of ancestors , his kindness of heart * and amiability of manners will long survive in the recollection of the brethren of the Provincial Grand Lodge . " A report from the Building Committee was presentedwhich set
, forth that 610 ? . had been contributed by the brethren , and that the deficiency on the building account was 3 ? . 10 s . 7 c ? . An estimated sum of 150 ? . was required for furnishing and decorating the interior , and the brethren of the tw r o local Lodges generally had liberally supported the undertaking . Reference was made to the probable source of revenue arising from the purveyor's department connected with the social gatherings after Lodge meetings , on which subject some
valuable information was given from the accounts of the Lodge of Truth , No . 763 , Huddersfield , since its removal to the hall erected by the members in 1855 , from which it appeared that during the years 1856 , 1857 , and 1858 , an average profit of nearly 40 ? . per annum had been derived from this source . The following Provincial Grand Officers were appointed—Bros . Wm . Kelly , re-appointed D . Prov . G . M . ; Frederick Goodyer , No . 766 , P . M ., S . G . W . ; Edward Mammatt ; No . 1081 , W . M ., ( arid P . M ., No . 631 ) J . G . W . ; Rev . J . O . PictonM . ANo . 766 Rev . John Denton
, , , , , M . A ., No . 1081 , re-appointed G . Chaplains ; Joseph Underwood , No . 348 , P . M ., re-elected G . Treas . ; Jos . B . Haxby , solicitor , No . 348 , G . Registrar ; Charles Morris , solicitor , P . M ., No . 348 , G . Secretary ; John Holland , jun ., W . M ., No . 348 , S . G . D . ; John Dennis Paul , No . 766 , J . G . D . ; William Millican , architect , P . M ., No . 7 G 6 , re-appointed G . Supt . of Works ; Robert Brewin , jun ., S . W ., No . 766 , re-appointed G . Dir . of Cers . ; Alfred Cummings , S . W ., No . 348 , re-appointed Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; T . II . Robart , S . W ., No . 1081 , G . Sword
Bearer ; Geo . Aug . Lohr , No . 766 , G . Organist ; C . J . Willy , W . M ., No . 766 , G . Purs . ' ; Marten Nedham , J . W ., No . 848 ; Thos . Sheppard , J . W ., No . 766 ; James Bouskell , No . 848 ; Harry J . Davis , J . W ., No . 58 and 766 ; Thomas Harrold , No . 58 , John Sloaue , M . H ., No . 348 , Grand Stewards ; James Bemhridge , No . 348 , Grand Tyler . LEICESTERSHIRE . —The Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 1081 , was consecrated with the usual ceremonies at Ashhy-de-la-Zouche , by the Riht Hon . Earl HoweP . G . M . assisted by his P . G . L . and several
g , , other brethren , on the fith of October . LINCOLNSHIRE . The Pelham Pillar Lodge , ( No . 1094 ) , was consecrated at Grimsby , on the 29 th September , by Bro . Waite , W M ., of No . 1014 , with the usual ceremonies , after which a banquet was held , and a very pleasant day was passed .
SUFFOLK . PROVINCIAL GKAND LODGE AT WOODBRIDGE . This Prov . Grand Lodge was holden on Wednesday , the 12 th Oct ., at Woodbridge , by Bro . Roxburgh , Grand Registrar , and was numerously attended . It was moved , " That the Worshipful Master of every Lodge in the province , having made their returns to Prov . Grand Lodge , he members of the Provincial Committee for promoting the interest of the four Masonic charities , and that each Lodge be informed thereof .
The Prov . Grand Master then appointed his officers as follows : — Bros . Rev . F . W . Freeman , D . Prov . G . M . ; Spencer Freeman , Prov . S . G . W . ; John Gissing , Prov . J . G . W . ; Richard F . Jennings , Prov . G . Reg . ; Rev . R . N . Sanderson , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Edward Dorling , Prov . G . Sec ; Neeve , Prov . S . G . D . ; Noble , Prov . J . G . D . ; Luff , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Bays , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Fiudlev , Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Ball , Prov . G . Org . ; Sams , Prov . G . S . B . * ; Randall , Prov . G . Purst . ; Bros . Wihnshurst , Ward , Corder , Harrison , Grey , and Goodall , Prov . G . Stewards . In the course of the evening the G . Registrar stated that a P . G . M . would shortly be appointed .
WARWICKSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT SUTTON COLDFIELD . THE Provincial Grand Lodge assembled at Sutton Coldfield , on Tuesday , October 11 th , under the presidency of the Prov . Grand Master , Lord Leigh . The Prov . Grand Lodge having been opened in duo form , his lordship proceeded to appoint his Officers for the year ensuing , as follows : —Bros . Chandos Wren Hoskyns , D . Prov . G . M . ; Clerk , Prov . S . G . W . ; RobinsProv . J . G . W . ; Bedford and DickensProv . G .
, , Chaplains ; Wm . Lloyd , Prov . G . Treas . ; Overill , Pi-ov . G . Reg . ; W . R . Kettle , Prov . G . Sec . ; L . Cohen , Assist . Prov . G . Sec ; L . Linyard and Bromwich , Prov . G . Deacons ; C . W . Elkington , Prov . U . Dir . of Cers . ; J . 11 . Bedford , Prov . G . Supt . of Wor , is ; Blake , Assist . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Weiss , Prov . G . S . B . ; Hudson , Prov . G . Org ; Read , Prov . G . Standard Bearer ; Briggs , Prov . G . Purst . ; Cope , Hcwett , and Collins , Prov . G . Tylers . After the appointment of the Prov . Grand Officers , the Prov .
Grand Master proceeded to consecrate the new Warden Lodge , No . 1096 . After the appointment of the officers of the new Lodge , the business of the province was proceeded with . Upon the motion of Bro . C . W . Elkington , the sum of twenty guineas was voted towards the testimonial to be presented to Bro . Wm . Lloyd , Prov . Grand Treasurer , and twenty five pounds to the reformatories of the county , with eight guineas as an annual subscription . The sum of one hundred and fifty guineas was voted to the Prov .
Grand Master to be applied to the Masonic charities ; on the motion of Bro . Dee , seconded by Bro . C . W . Elkington , to be appropriated as follows : —fifty guineas to the Girls' School , fifty guineas to the Boys ' School , fifty guineas to the Royal Masonic Annuity Fund . The sum of fifteen guineas was then voted to a distressed brother , and the Prov . Grand Lodge was adjourned . The brethren then proceeded to the parish church . On the return of the brethren , after votes of thanks to the Chaplain , and a vote of five guineas to the charities of Sutton Coldfield , the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form .
WILTSHIRE . . . TROWBRIDGE . —Lodge of Concord ( No . 915 ) . —This lodge held its first meeting for the season on Tuesday , the 11 th of October . Present , Bros . Levander , W . M . ; F . Webber , P . M . ; Sylvester , S . Vf . pro tern . ; Grimes , J . W . pro tern . ; Staucoipb , Sec ; Burt , P . M ., No . 961 , and other brethren . After the usual lodge business had been disposed of , the Worshipful Master said that he wished to call the attention of the brethren to a subject which he was happy to see had lately attracted notice in the neighbouring province of Hampshireand which he
, hoped would soon be taken up in other provinces . He alluded to the very inadequate representation of country lodges in the Grand Lodge of England . From the inconvenience and expense necessarily attending a journey to London , . it was found that the attendance of provincial brethren at the quarterly communications was very small indeed compared with that of the London brethren . He held in his hand a paper supplied by the Grand Secretary , giving the number of London and provincial brethren at the several quarterly
communications during the last two years . From this it appeared that the total number of provincial brethren present in Grand Lodge from June 3 1857 , to June 1 , 1859 , amounted to 268 , giving an average of about thirty at each meeting , while the London brethren numbered 1 , 522 , which gave an average attendance of about 170 , or nearly six times the number of these from the country . The largest attendance of country brethren during the last two years was at the quarterly communication of last March , when forty-six were present , while there were 213 London brethren . On one occasion ( September 2 , 1857 ) , there were only seven provincial brethren in Grand Lodge , and on