Article Provincial. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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to present a jewel , or whatevor else a committee named , might think best , in testimony of Bro . Twiss ' s valuable services as Provincial Grand Organist , which also passed with acclamation . At this stage of the proceedings a collection was made for the Fund of Benevolence . The Prov . Grand Master then proceeded to appoint his officers for the ensuing year , who were severally invested with the collars and badge of office , the fresh appointments being—Bros . Maclntyre , as Prov . G . D . ; the Rev . B . Lowther , as Prov . S . G . W . ; and Cope , as ProvGSB
. ... All business being concluded , the Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in ancient and solemn form . A large number of the Brethren afterwards dined together . The Grand Master , Lord Combermere , presided . DERBYSHIRE . LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF THE CIIF - STERFIELD AND NORTH DERBYSHIRE HOSPITAL . A grand public demonstration was made on Wednesday Sept . 28 th ,
in Chesterfield , on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the intended new hospital , by the Marquis of Hartington , Prov . G . Master of Derbyshire . A more enthusiastic display of public feeling was never witnessed in Chesterfield on any previous occasion , and a considerable time may elapse before such manifestation may again occur . The most eligible site observed by the committee was that situate at Durrant green and Holywell street , immediately adjoining the residence of T . Carringtou , Esq ., which was considered highly
favourable on account of the superior advantages it possessed for ventilation and drainage . The ground being the property of the Duke of Devonshire , an application was made to the late Duke , who , with that benevolence which characterized all his actions , promised the site , but passed to his eternal home before that promise could be fulfilled . The site was not to be absolutely given , but lOOi . was to be paid as a nominal price for the purchase . The present noble Duke , who has the cause of charity at heart , having been made acquainted with the intention of his late lamented predecessor , most liberally expressed his desire to complete the arrangement , and to hand over the ground to the Hospital Committee .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT BERKELEY . Tuesday , the 4 th Oct ., welcomed the assemblage of a numerous body of the brethren , at the Berkeley Arms , Berkeley , where the Prov . Grand Lodge was opened in due form at two o'clock . There were present the R . W . Bro . the Hon . James Dutton , Prov . G . M ., on the throne ; the V . W . Bro . Newmarch , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . Pearce , Prov . S . G . W . ; Cornwall , Prov . J . G . W . ; T . G . Palmer , Litle Col
Prov . G . Treas . ; , Prov . G . Chaplain ; . F . W . F . Berkeley , M . P ., Prov . G . Reg . ; Trinder , Prov . G . Sec . ; Cottle , Prov . G . S . D " ; Gainer , Prov . G . J . D . ; Wallace , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Geo . Smith , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; A . Sleed , Prov . G-S . B . ; J . 0 . Smith , Prov . G . Org . ; Grist , Prov . G . Purst . All the various Lodges in the province were well represented . Amongst other brethren present were Bros . Sir M . H . Beach , Bart , Gwinnett , Brandon , Alex . Williams , & c , & c . After the minutes had been duly read and confirmed , the Prov . Grand Treasurer reported the funds to be in so flourishing a state
that it was decided to double all the subscriptions to the Masonic charities . There was no other business , and the Prov . Grand Lodge was duly closed . The brethren dined together afterwards , and after spending the evening in harmony and brotherly love , departed to tiieir respective homes at an early hour . HAMPSHIRE . SOUTHAMPTON . —Southampton Lod ( No 555)—The first meeting
ge . . of this Lodge for the winter session took place on the 15 th September , Bro . George Lungley , W . M ., in the chair . Bro . J . R . Stebbing , P . M ., called the attention of the Lodge to the importance of aiding in the general and growing desire amongst the brethren of England that some method should be established by which Provincial brethren should be enabled to vote on the election of the various boards which managed and controlled the business of Masonry and the various charities of Order—that at the present time there were a far larger number of Provincial than of London Lod
ges , yet from the greater convenience with which the London brethren could attend as compared with those in the provinces , the former were four or five times in number larger in attendance at all quarterly communications , and hence elected on all hoards and committees of Grand Lodge ; he therefore asked the Lodge to pass a resolution soliciting the Board of General Purposes to consider this unfair condition of tilings , and to urge on that Board to recommed to Grand Lodge that aU Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of Lodges , alike London and Provincial , be allowed to vote by voting papers for all boards and committees of Grand Lodge , by such mode as may most fairly record the wishes of the majority . of persons entitled to attend Grand Lodge . Bro . Chas .
Bromley , one of the oldest Past Masters , said he quite concurred in the justice and necessity of the proposal urged by Bro . Stebbing , and cordially seconded it . His professional occupations rarely , if ever , enabled him to attend Grand Lodge ; but he thought ho had a right to exercise a vote in these elections and to contribute to the means of getting a fair proportion of Provincial brethren willing to act , placed on these Boards of Grand Lodge ; the resolution was carried with perfect unanimity . SOUTHAMPTON . — Lodof Peace and Harmony ( No 462 )—This
ge . . Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , in Bugle street , on Wednesday , Sept . 21 st . Brother G . W . Clarke called the attention of the great desire that existed for some more convenient mode for provincial brethren to exercise their right of voting in Grand Lodge , particularly in the election of those Boards which controlled Masonic affairs in connection with ¦ Grand Lodge . He considered it needless to remind brethren how seldom it happened that any officer of that Lodwas enabled to attend Grand Lodgeand their case
ge , was that of a great majority of country Lodges , Hence the necessity arose for some near , method of exercising their judgment and power in those matters , With which the best interests of the Craft were most nearly identified . He had cautiously considered the subject , and having done so , he had come to the conclusion that if voting papers were allowed to be used by those brethren who , possessing the right to vote , could not attend Grand Lodge , the great grievance and difficulty could be got over . Deprecating everything of a party spirit
in this as in any other effort in Masonry , he pressed on the careful attention of his brethren the following resolution , which he would propose— "That an earnest application be made to the Board of GeneralPnvposes , to take into consideration and recommend to Grand Lodge , such an amendment of the laws in relation to the election of the various Boards appointed by r Grand Lodge , as will enable the Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of all Lodges ( being entitled to attend Grand Lodge ) , to vote , by proxy or . by voting papers . " Bro . MilesP . M . the father of the Lodgeseconded the resolutionwhich
, , , , , after a discussion in which Bros . II . Clarke , Webb , Passenger , and Stebbing took part , was carried unanimously . So UTiiAXFTOx . —Twelve Brothers' Lodge . —A meeting of the brethren was hold at the Royal Hotel , on Thursday the 22 nd September , Bro . George Lungley presided as W . M . during the early portion of the proceedings . After the minutes of the preceding llodge had been read , and the warrant of constitution also read , the brethren unanimouslapproved the nomination of BroJRStebbing as WMand
y . . . .., Bro . Lungley proceeded to install him in the chair accordingly . Bro . King proposed , and Bro . G . Lungley seconded , and it was unanimously resolved , " That a representation be made to the Board of General Purposes , of the great necessity that exists for the better representation of the Provincial Lodges in Grand Lodge , and that it be suggested , that the use of voting papers would be the means of enabling all brethren entitled to vote in Grand Lodge , to exercise that privilege in the election of the several Boards . "
HEREFORDSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT ROSS . A communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Herefordshire was holden on Monday , the 10 th Oct ., at the Royal Hotel , Ross . The R . W . and Rev . Dr . Bowles ( vicar of Stanton Lacy ) , Prov . G . M ., presided . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened , the following appointments were made : —Bros , the Ven Archdeacon Freer , Prov . SGWDaniel Fisher CollinsProvJGWRevCAllen and Rev
... ; , . ... ; . . . W . Morrish , Prov . G . Chaplains ; James Williams , Prov . G . Treas . ; Frederick Davison , Prov . G . Sec . ; Capt . Aynsley and Thomas Donne , Prov . G . Deacons ; Capt . Peyton , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; William Phillips and A . Myers , Prov . G . Dirs . of Cers . ; Francis Lewis , Prov . G . S . B . ; Henry Collinson , Asst . Prov . G . Sec ; John Cheese , Prov . G . Org . ; John Sparksman and A . Osborne , Prov . G . Pursts . ; Edward George , William Russell , Henry Pitt , G . Harry Piper , and W . Minett , Prov . G . Stewards ; John Bather and C . Geary , Prov . G . Tylers .
The routine business of the Prov . Grand Lodge having been completed , the brethren adjourned . LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT LIVERPOOL . A Provincial Grand Lodge was holden on Tuesday , October 11 th , at the Temple , Hope street . Although there are twenty-eight Lodges in the province , returns were made from only twentv-fbur . The R . W . Bro . Sir Thos . HeskethBartDProv 6 Mpresidedand
, ., . . .., , the following Prov . Grand Officers also attended : —Bros . Thos . Littledale , Prov . S . G . W . ; Samuel Y . Hess , Prov . J . G . W . ; Joshua Walmsley , Prov . G . Treas . ; Rev . John Dunkley , Prov G . Chaplain ; Hugh Edwards , Prov . G . Reg . ; Thos . Wylie , Prov . G . Sec ; Lord Skelmersdale , Prov . S . G . D . ; William Davis , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; Peter Maddox , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Joseph Hamer , Prov . G . Dir . of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
to present a jewel , or whatevor else a committee named , might think best , in testimony of Bro . Twiss ' s valuable services as Provincial Grand Organist , which also passed with acclamation . At this stage of the proceedings a collection was made for the Fund of Benevolence . The Prov . Grand Master then proceeded to appoint his officers for the ensuing year , who were severally invested with the collars and badge of office , the fresh appointments being—Bros . Maclntyre , as Prov . G . D . ; the Rev . B . Lowther , as Prov . S . G . W . ; and Cope , as ProvGSB
. ... All business being concluded , the Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in ancient and solemn form . A large number of the Brethren afterwards dined together . The Grand Master , Lord Combermere , presided . DERBYSHIRE . LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF THE CIIF - STERFIELD AND NORTH DERBYSHIRE HOSPITAL . A grand public demonstration was made on Wednesday Sept . 28 th ,
in Chesterfield , on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the intended new hospital , by the Marquis of Hartington , Prov . G . Master of Derbyshire . A more enthusiastic display of public feeling was never witnessed in Chesterfield on any previous occasion , and a considerable time may elapse before such manifestation may again occur . The most eligible site observed by the committee was that situate at Durrant green and Holywell street , immediately adjoining the residence of T . Carringtou , Esq ., which was considered highly
favourable on account of the superior advantages it possessed for ventilation and drainage . The ground being the property of the Duke of Devonshire , an application was made to the late Duke , who , with that benevolence which characterized all his actions , promised the site , but passed to his eternal home before that promise could be fulfilled . The site was not to be absolutely given , but lOOi . was to be paid as a nominal price for the purchase . The present noble Duke , who has the cause of charity at heart , having been made acquainted with the intention of his late lamented predecessor , most liberally expressed his desire to complete the arrangement , and to hand over the ground to the Hospital Committee .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT BERKELEY . Tuesday , the 4 th Oct ., welcomed the assemblage of a numerous body of the brethren , at the Berkeley Arms , Berkeley , where the Prov . Grand Lodge was opened in due form at two o'clock . There were present the R . W . Bro . the Hon . James Dutton , Prov . G . M ., on the throne ; the V . W . Bro . Newmarch , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . Pearce , Prov . S . G . W . ; Cornwall , Prov . J . G . W . ; T . G . Palmer , Litle Col
Prov . G . Treas . ; , Prov . G . Chaplain ; . F . W . F . Berkeley , M . P ., Prov . G . Reg . ; Trinder , Prov . G . Sec . ; Cottle , Prov . G . S . D " ; Gainer , Prov . G . J . D . ; Wallace , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Geo . Smith , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; A . Sleed , Prov . G-S . B . ; J . 0 . Smith , Prov . G . Org . ; Grist , Prov . G . Purst . All the various Lodges in the province were well represented . Amongst other brethren present were Bros . Sir M . H . Beach , Bart , Gwinnett , Brandon , Alex . Williams , & c , & c . After the minutes had been duly read and confirmed , the Prov . Grand Treasurer reported the funds to be in so flourishing a state
that it was decided to double all the subscriptions to the Masonic charities . There was no other business , and the Prov . Grand Lodge was duly closed . The brethren dined together afterwards , and after spending the evening in harmony and brotherly love , departed to tiieir respective homes at an early hour . HAMPSHIRE . SOUTHAMPTON . —Southampton Lod ( No 555)—The first meeting
ge . . of this Lodge for the winter session took place on the 15 th September , Bro . George Lungley , W . M ., in the chair . Bro . J . R . Stebbing , P . M ., called the attention of the Lodge to the importance of aiding in the general and growing desire amongst the brethren of England that some method should be established by which Provincial brethren should be enabled to vote on the election of the various boards which managed and controlled the business of Masonry and the various charities of Order—that at the present time there were a far larger number of Provincial than of London Lod
ges , yet from the greater convenience with which the London brethren could attend as compared with those in the provinces , the former were four or five times in number larger in attendance at all quarterly communications , and hence elected on all hoards and committees of Grand Lodge ; he therefore asked the Lodge to pass a resolution soliciting the Board of General Purposes to consider this unfair condition of tilings , and to urge on that Board to recommed to Grand Lodge that aU Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of Lodges , alike London and Provincial , be allowed to vote by voting papers for all boards and committees of Grand Lodge , by such mode as may most fairly record the wishes of the majority . of persons entitled to attend Grand Lodge . Bro . Chas .
Bromley , one of the oldest Past Masters , said he quite concurred in the justice and necessity of the proposal urged by Bro . Stebbing , and cordially seconded it . His professional occupations rarely , if ever , enabled him to attend Grand Lodge ; but he thought ho had a right to exercise a vote in these elections and to contribute to the means of getting a fair proportion of Provincial brethren willing to act , placed on these Boards of Grand Lodge ; the resolution was carried with perfect unanimity . SOUTHAMPTON . — Lodof Peace and Harmony ( No 462 )—This
ge . . Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , in Bugle street , on Wednesday , Sept . 21 st . Brother G . W . Clarke called the attention of the great desire that existed for some more convenient mode for provincial brethren to exercise their right of voting in Grand Lodge , particularly in the election of those Boards which controlled Masonic affairs in connection with ¦ Grand Lodge . He considered it needless to remind brethren how seldom it happened that any officer of that Lodwas enabled to attend Grand Lodgeand their case
ge , was that of a great majority of country Lodges , Hence the necessity arose for some near , method of exercising their judgment and power in those matters , With which the best interests of the Craft were most nearly identified . He had cautiously considered the subject , and having done so , he had come to the conclusion that if voting papers were allowed to be used by those brethren who , possessing the right to vote , could not attend Grand Lodge , the great grievance and difficulty could be got over . Deprecating everything of a party spirit
in this as in any other effort in Masonry , he pressed on the careful attention of his brethren the following resolution , which he would propose— "That an earnest application be made to the Board of GeneralPnvposes , to take into consideration and recommend to Grand Lodge , such an amendment of the laws in relation to the election of the various Boards appointed by r Grand Lodge , as will enable the Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of all Lodges ( being entitled to attend Grand Lodge ) , to vote , by proxy or . by voting papers . " Bro . MilesP . M . the father of the Lodgeseconded the resolutionwhich
, , , , , after a discussion in which Bros . II . Clarke , Webb , Passenger , and Stebbing took part , was carried unanimously . So UTiiAXFTOx . —Twelve Brothers' Lodge . —A meeting of the brethren was hold at the Royal Hotel , on Thursday the 22 nd September , Bro . George Lungley presided as W . M . during the early portion of the proceedings . After the minutes of the preceding llodge had been read , and the warrant of constitution also read , the brethren unanimouslapproved the nomination of BroJRStebbing as WMand
y . . . .., Bro . Lungley proceeded to install him in the chair accordingly . Bro . King proposed , and Bro . G . Lungley seconded , and it was unanimously resolved , " That a representation be made to the Board of General Purposes , of the great necessity that exists for the better representation of the Provincial Lodges in Grand Lodge , and that it be suggested , that the use of voting papers would be the means of enabling all brethren entitled to vote in Grand Lodge , to exercise that privilege in the election of the several Boards . "
HEREFORDSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT ROSS . A communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Herefordshire was holden on Monday , the 10 th Oct ., at the Royal Hotel , Ross . The R . W . and Rev . Dr . Bowles ( vicar of Stanton Lacy ) , Prov . G . M ., presided . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened , the following appointments were made : —Bros , the Ven Archdeacon Freer , Prov . SGWDaniel Fisher CollinsProvJGWRevCAllen and Rev
... ; , . ... ; . . . W . Morrish , Prov . G . Chaplains ; James Williams , Prov . G . Treas . ; Frederick Davison , Prov . G . Sec . ; Capt . Aynsley and Thomas Donne , Prov . G . Deacons ; Capt . Peyton , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; William Phillips and A . Myers , Prov . G . Dirs . of Cers . ; Francis Lewis , Prov . G . S . B . ; Henry Collinson , Asst . Prov . G . Sec ; John Cheese , Prov . G . Org . ; John Sparksman and A . Osborne , Prov . G . Pursts . ; Edward George , William Russell , Henry Pitt , G . Harry Piper , and W . Minett , Prov . G . Stewards ; John Bather and C . Geary , Prov . G . Tylers .
The routine business of the Prov . Grand Lodge having been completed , the brethren adjourned . LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT LIVERPOOL . A Provincial Grand Lodge was holden on Tuesday , October 11 th , at the Temple , Hope street . Although there are twenty-eight Lodges in the province , returns were made from only twentv-fbur . The R . W . Bro . Sir Thos . HeskethBartDProv 6 Mpresidedand
, ., . . .., , the following Prov . Grand Officers also attended : —Bros . Thos . Littledale , Prov . S . G . W . ; Samuel Y . Hess , Prov . J . G . W . ; Joshua Walmsley , Prov . G . Treas . ; Rev . John Dunkley , Prov G . Chaplain ; Hugh Edwards , Prov . G . Reg . ; Thos . Wylie , Prov . G . Sec ; Lord Skelmersdale , Prov . S . G . D . ; William Davis , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; Peter Maddox , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Joseph Hamer , Prov . G . Dir . of