Article LIGHT FROM A MASONIC STAND POINT. ← Page 2 of 2 Article A MASONIC PIC-NIC. Page 1 of 2 →
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Light From A Masonic Stand Point.
wonderful and incomprehensible ways of the Almighty . Masonic tradition has preserved a faithful record of those overwhelming mysteries , for ever kept secret from the vulgar and profane , who dared not ,
or could not penetrate the veil of knowledge , or the ineffable glories of the Eternal One , and this was Masonry or Symbolism in the first ages of the world ' s history . She heard the Deity speak , and it was done ;
He commanded , and it stood fast ; she heard the great clock of eternity , as it beat the first notes of time , while enraptured millions re-echoed the praises of God , and swelled into anthems of glory at this new , unexpected , and wonderful display of
the power and goodness of the Great Architect of the Universe , who for ever reigns in the Grand Lodge on High . She saw the earth as it rolled from the forming
hand of the Creator , and witnessed the first motion of the planets , like the rapidity of thought , around the blazing throne of God , but in perfect harmony with established laws , from which they ¦ never varied . And the true Craftsmanthe
, skilled Freemason , at once perceives why these immortal laws were incorporated into a perfect system , carefully commanded , and faithfully handed down to us from this early age , for the
benefit of our race ; and so strikingly exemplified in all the degrees pertaining to the Masonic society , commencing with that of Eternal Apprentice , where the initiate ' s first lesson is , " In the beginning God created the Heaven and Earth , and
the Earth was without form and void ; and darkness was upon the face of the deep ; and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters . And God said , let there be lisrht , and there was light , "
A Masonic Pic-Nic.
From " Ben Brieley ' s Journal" for September . ( Continued from page 246 ) . Tliey overtop the crest of the hill , and are goue ; yet we can hear the sound of the wheels , and the
ringing voices of the excursionists dying away in the distance . " Here , lass , bring us another pint . " " Pull up at the ' Hibernia / Middleton ! " Well ,
the horses require frequent breathing times on such a day , and the brethren's " legs" want a considerable amount of " stretching . " It cannot be that throats are parched—not at all ; hut , —well , just a " nip , " as a precautionary measure , and away again .
Bluepiss is the next stage . The horses turn their heads instinctively towards the tavern door , and seem so say to each other— "If we could get past here , they couldn't . Mind if we're not pulled up . I told you . They are clattering down already , —pushing in
at the door , and ' mild , ' ' hitter , ' ' stout , ' ' sherry , ' ' pop , ' here ' s your change , ' ' waiting half an hour /—at it they go . " The horses are right . There is ' ' Babel" in the tavern for ten minutes , whilst elderly brethren are looking after the sisters , like considerate
dads that they are , and getting thoughtless juniors " in for it" at the next domestic squaring up . " Oh , that we were through Rochdale ! " sigh the drivers . But their brethren get out to [ ease the load . The upland is gained ; Smallbridge is passed ;
Littleborough is sighted , and if brothers and sisters cannot now sniff the sea breeze , there must be something wrong with their olfactory organs . A nasty bit of road has yet to be traversed . Down again come those who have a bit of feeling for horseflesh . Smithybridge is crossed ; the swings at " Sladen ' s " are in view , and— "Here we are ! " is the acclamation
of everybody , as they peep over the stone wall , and look out upon the " waste of waters . " Yes ; " here we are ! " for are we not in spirit along with them ? The steamer , waiting to convey us across the lake , is blowing off its steam in impatient belching ; the landing stage is thronged with a lively
crowd ; all are safely on board , and the vessel is unmoored . Up strikes the band in its most appropriate strain . They need not tell brethren what is " a life on tho ocean wave . " They can feel it rushing in delightful boundings through every vein . "Is that a
mermaid gambling in our wake ? What a home she must have down , down below ! Should like to see her front parlour . Wonder when it is lodge-night there . Jolly social hoard , no doubt . Banquet at eight ; commencing with fish . Smoking time
uncertain . " So speculates Bro . Judkins , who has had an " eye-opeDer , " and sees shadows in the deep . The party landed , there is a furbishing up of dusty garments ; soap and water is in eager requisition , and faces are coming out even fresher than before . If
the next lavation effects such further improvements , we shall begin to suspect there are some exceptional properties in lake water . The tables are invitingly spread for lunch ; but who can eat on such a day ? What , did you ever know a Masonic appetite fail ? Get you out ! Is there not salmon , and lamb , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Light From A Masonic Stand Point.
wonderful and incomprehensible ways of the Almighty . Masonic tradition has preserved a faithful record of those overwhelming mysteries , for ever kept secret from the vulgar and profane , who dared not ,
or could not penetrate the veil of knowledge , or the ineffable glories of the Eternal One , and this was Masonry or Symbolism in the first ages of the world ' s history . She heard the Deity speak , and it was done ;
He commanded , and it stood fast ; she heard the great clock of eternity , as it beat the first notes of time , while enraptured millions re-echoed the praises of God , and swelled into anthems of glory at this new , unexpected , and wonderful display of
the power and goodness of the Great Architect of the Universe , who for ever reigns in the Grand Lodge on High . She saw the earth as it rolled from the forming
hand of the Creator , and witnessed the first motion of the planets , like the rapidity of thought , around the blazing throne of God , but in perfect harmony with established laws , from which they ¦ never varied . And the true Craftsmanthe
, skilled Freemason , at once perceives why these immortal laws were incorporated into a perfect system , carefully commanded , and faithfully handed down to us from this early age , for the
benefit of our race ; and so strikingly exemplified in all the degrees pertaining to the Masonic society , commencing with that of Eternal Apprentice , where the initiate ' s first lesson is , " In the beginning God created the Heaven and Earth , and
the Earth was without form and void ; and darkness was upon the face of the deep ; and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters . And God said , let there be lisrht , and there was light , "
A Masonic Pic-Nic.
From " Ben Brieley ' s Journal" for September . ( Continued from page 246 ) . Tliey overtop the crest of the hill , and are goue ; yet we can hear the sound of the wheels , and the
ringing voices of the excursionists dying away in the distance . " Here , lass , bring us another pint . " " Pull up at the ' Hibernia / Middleton ! " Well ,
the horses require frequent breathing times on such a day , and the brethren's " legs" want a considerable amount of " stretching . " It cannot be that throats are parched—not at all ; hut , —well , just a " nip , " as a precautionary measure , and away again .
Bluepiss is the next stage . The horses turn their heads instinctively towards the tavern door , and seem so say to each other— "If we could get past here , they couldn't . Mind if we're not pulled up . I told you . They are clattering down already , —pushing in
at the door , and ' mild , ' ' hitter , ' ' stout , ' ' sherry , ' ' pop , ' here ' s your change , ' ' waiting half an hour /—at it they go . " The horses are right . There is ' ' Babel" in the tavern for ten minutes , whilst elderly brethren are looking after the sisters , like considerate
dads that they are , and getting thoughtless juniors " in for it" at the next domestic squaring up . " Oh , that we were through Rochdale ! " sigh the drivers . But their brethren get out to [ ease the load . The upland is gained ; Smallbridge is passed ;
Littleborough is sighted , and if brothers and sisters cannot now sniff the sea breeze , there must be something wrong with their olfactory organs . A nasty bit of road has yet to be traversed . Down again come those who have a bit of feeling for horseflesh . Smithybridge is crossed ; the swings at " Sladen ' s " are in view , and— "Here we are ! " is the acclamation
of everybody , as they peep over the stone wall , and look out upon the " waste of waters . " Yes ; " here we are ! " for are we not in spirit along with them ? The steamer , waiting to convey us across the lake , is blowing off its steam in impatient belching ; the landing stage is thronged with a lively
crowd ; all are safely on board , and the vessel is unmoored . Up strikes the band in its most appropriate strain . They need not tell brethren what is " a life on tho ocean wave . " They can feel it rushing in delightful boundings through every vein . "Is that a
mermaid gambling in our wake ? What a home she must have down , down below ! Should like to see her front parlour . Wonder when it is lodge-night there . Jolly social hoard , no doubt . Banquet at eight ; commencing with fish . Smoking time
uncertain . " So speculates Bro . Judkins , who has had an " eye-opeDer , " and sees shadows in the deep . The party landed , there is a furbishing up of dusty garments ; soap and water is in eager requisition , and faces are coming out even fresher than before . If
the next lavation effects such further improvements , we shall begin to suspect there are some exceptional properties in lake water . The tables are invitingly spread for lunch ; but who can eat on such a day ? What , did you ever know a Masonic appetite fail ? Get you out ! Is there not salmon , and lamb , and