Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article WARWICKSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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second year of its existence , having already arrived at the proportions deemed advisable by its founders , this somewhat prohibitory tariff has been adopted in order to enable the lodge to maintain aud preserve the character aimed at on its establishment . When the lodge was closed , the brethren adjourned to the lawn , where they pleasantly whiled away the time until they were summoned to the banquettiug table . A most enjoyable evening was spent . Bros . MauleyDeeviugSearleand
, , , Ramley favoured the company with some excellent vocalisation , ably accompanied by Bro . Jordan , the 'Organist of the lodge . The visiting brethren on this occasion were Bros . Meredith , Hvde , Ridley , Searle , and Rambert . Bros . A . and J . W . Avery , P . MVs ; R . H . Williams , S . W . ; Wells , J . W . ; Coste , Sec . ; Manger , Deering , Wyer , Luskey , Lovetf , Dr . Barrett , and many other members of the lodge were present .
PEOVINCIAL GEAND LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickslire assembled at the Stoneleigh Lodge , No . 725 , Kenilwo-itb , on Tuesday , 19 th inst ., for the transaction of business of the Province . Tho R . W . Prov . G . M ., Lord Leigh , accompanied by his Deputy , Bro . Colonel Maehin , and Prov . Grand Officers , was received
with the honours by Bro . Bushill , W . M . 725 . his Wardens , and the assembled brethren . The roll of Provincial Grand Officors was read over . The roll of the Provincial Grand Lodge , held at the Grosvenor Lodge , Birmingham , on the 19 th April last , were read and confirmed . Tho report of the Audit Committee was then received . This committee met at the Masonic Hall , Birmingham , on the 1 Oth of August last , when the Treasurer ' s accounts of receipts
and payments w ere examined and found correct . The receipts on account of the benevolent fund wore £ 68 Ss . ; whilst those of the general fund amounted to £ 200 lis . 6 d . On the expenditure side were various donations to siek members ; a contribution of £ 21 for the relief of the sick and wounded in the Into war ; £ 10 10 s . to the Freemasons' Lifeboat ; £ 10 10 s . to the building fund of St . Cutbbert's Church ; as well as subscriptions to the Boys' and Girls' Schools , to the Aged and Decayed Mason ' , to the Warwickshire Reformatories , & c , & c , Tbe report of tho Leigh Lifeboat Fund was then read by Bro . T . B . Salt . The R . W . Prov . G . M . thcu proceeded ' to appoint his officers as follows : —
Bro . Colonel Machen D . Prov . G . Master . „ T . E . Gem Prov . G . S . W . „ J . Parnell Prov . G . J . W . , ' ,, Rev . P . S . Harris Prov . G . Chaplain . „ Rev . W . Russell Prov . G . Assist . Chaplain . ¦ „ J . T . Collins Prov . G . Treas . „ Dunn ... ., ... Prov . G . Register . ., Geo . Beech Prov . G . Sec .
„ Blankensee Prov . G . S . D . „ Vaughton ... , Prov . G . J . D . „ J . Walters Prov . G . Supt . of Works . „ Hulmshaw Prov . Dir . of Cers . }„ P . Cohen .. Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ M . O . Suffiel Prov . G . Org . „ F . Bushill Prov . G . Purst . ,, Fairfax Prov . G . Assist . Purst .
The brethren then proceeded to the parish church . Prayers were read by the Bro . Rev . J . W . Leigh , P . Prov . G . Chaplain , and tbe lessons by Bro . Rev . F . Stonehouse and Bro . Rev . W . Russell . The sermon was preached by Bro . Rev . P . S . Harris Prov . Grand Chaplain , bis text being "Behold bow good und joyful a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity , " from Psalm cxxxviii . A collection was made at the close of the service in aid of tbe Warwickshire Annuity and Benevolent
Fund . The brethren afterwards portook of a sumptuous banquet , provided by Mr . Bushill , of the King's Arms Hotel , aud presided over by the Prov . G . M ,
Royal Arch.
CONSECEATION OP THE DOEIC CnAPTEE , No . 933 . On Tuesday , tho 19 th inst ., the Doric chapter was consecrated by Comp . John Hervey , Grand Scribe , E ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street , when Comp . Hervey , as M . E . Z ., opened tbe chapter , assisted by Comp . J . W . Halsey , P . Z . as H ., and Comp . James Brett , P . Z ., D . G . C . as J . The Acting GSEread the petition and charterand the
... , M . E . Z . inquired of the companions if they approved of the officers named in the charter . The companions having signified their approval in Masonic form , the M . E . Z . proceeded to constitute the companions into a regular chapter in ancient form , and called upon Comp . Brett to deliver the oration , which ho rendered in a faultless manner . An anthem ( 133 Psalm ) was then sung by the choir , consisting of Comps . G . T . Carter , P . M . 3 S 2 , T .
Distin , aud W . Dawson . The first portion of the dedication prayer was repeated , and the M . E . Z . gave the invocation , after which the Scripture portions were read . The chapter pedestal was then uncovered , and the J . and D . C . carried the elements
three times round the chapter , & c . The J . took tbe censer three times round the chapter , solemn music being played during his progress . The second portion of the dedication prayer followed , and the M . E . Z . lion dedicated and constituted tho chapter . The fine anthem , " I have surely built Thee an house , " was splendidly sung by tbe choir . The patriarchal benediction by Comp . Brett , closed the proceedings of the consecration . Comp . J . G . Stevens was successivelinstalled into the third
y and second chairs , in a very able manner , by Comp . Brett . Tho First Principal designate , Comp . T . J . Barnes , H . 554 , was then presented by the D . C . for installation , and the ceremony of installing him devolved upon Comp . Hervey , by whom it was rendered in a most impressive manner . Comp . George Snow , the J ., being already a P . Z ., took his seat as Third Principal . Upon the re-admission of the companions , a ballot was taken for
Scribe E ., when Comp . J . Griffiu was unanimously elected to that post . It was unanimously resolved , that tho thanks of the chapter be recorded on the minutes , and presented to Comps . Hervey , Brett , and Little , and that they be elected honorary members of tbe new chapter . A cold collation was served ; and after the cloth was cleared , the usual Royal Arch toasts were given and responded to . Several duets and songs were sung by Comps . Carter , Distin , and Davison .
SCOTLAND . Ghksaovr .-Caledonian Chapter of D » ify ( No . 73 ) . —This chapter met on Tuesday the 26 th September , at the Masonic Hall , Buchanan Street . Present : Comps . Balfour , P . Z . ; J . Park ; P . Z . ; D . Gilchrist , Z ; F . Finder , J . ; George McLeod , S . E . ; Win . Donald , P , S . ; G . Wheeler , 2 nd S . ; W . H . Patusa , P . H . ; J . BellM . W . C . 32 J . StuartPM 74 GMcDonaldRWM
, ; , ,. ; . , ... 73 , & c , & c . The business consisted of the election and installation of the following companions as officers : David Gilchrist , Z . ; George McDonald , IT . ; George Win . Wheeler , J . ; Robert Bell , Treas . ; George . McLeod , S . E . ; ThomasFindler , S . N " . ; M . Figard , 1 st S . ; John Hughes 2 nd S . ; Malcon Hunter , 3 rd S . ; Wm . Jamison , Janitor . Comp . James Balfour , P . Z ., installed tho whole of tbe officers in a manner which proved he had given
this ceremony as well as all other Masonic rites his careful consideration . The companions theu adjourned to refreshment , when most of tho companions went to assist the St . Andrews ' Chapter ( No 69 ) to work the Mark and Chair d egrees .
Knights Templar.
WEST YORKSHIRE . PEOVINCIAL GEAND CONCLAVE . A Provincial Grand Conclave was hold at the Masonic Rooms , Halifax , on Wednesday , the 20 th Sept ., for the purpose of installing Sir Knt . John Fisher , of Halifax , as Provincial Grand Commander for West Yorkshire , vice the Rev . J . Senior , L . L . D ., resigned .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
second year of its existence , having already arrived at the proportions deemed advisable by its founders , this somewhat prohibitory tariff has been adopted in order to enable the lodge to maintain aud preserve the character aimed at on its establishment . When the lodge was closed , the brethren adjourned to the lawn , where they pleasantly whiled away the time until they were summoned to the banquettiug table . A most enjoyable evening was spent . Bros . MauleyDeeviugSearleand
, , , Ramley favoured the company with some excellent vocalisation , ably accompanied by Bro . Jordan , the 'Organist of the lodge . The visiting brethren on this occasion were Bros . Meredith , Hvde , Ridley , Searle , and Rambert . Bros . A . and J . W . Avery , P . MVs ; R . H . Williams , S . W . ; Wells , J . W . ; Coste , Sec . ; Manger , Deering , Wyer , Luskey , Lovetf , Dr . Barrett , and many other members of the lodge were present .
PEOVINCIAL GEAND LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickslire assembled at the Stoneleigh Lodge , No . 725 , Kenilwo-itb , on Tuesday , 19 th inst ., for the transaction of business of the Province . Tho R . W . Prov . G . M ., Lord Leigh , accompanied by his Deputy , Bro . Colonel Maehin , and Prov . Grand Officers , was received
with the honours by Bro . Bushill , W . M . 725 . his Wardens , and the assembled brethren . The roll of Provincial Grand Officors was read over . The roll of the Provincial Grand Lodge , held at the Grosvenor Lodge , Birmingham , on the 19 th April last , were read and confirmed . Tho report of the Audit Committee was then received . This committee met at the Masonic Hall , Birmingham , on the 1 Oth of August last , when the Treasurer ' s accounts of receipts
and payments w ere examined and found correct . The receipts on account of the benevolent fund wore £ 68 Ss . ; whilst those of the general fund amounted to £ 200 lis . 6 d . On the expenditure side were various donations to siek members ; a contribution of £ 21 for the relief of the sick and wounded in the Into war ; £ 10 10 s . to the Freemasons' Lifeboat ; £ 10 10 s . to the building fund of St . Cutbbert's Church ; as well as subscriptions to the Boys' and Girls' Schools , to the Aged and Decayed Mason ' , to the Warwickshire Reformatories , & c , & c , Tbe report of tho Leigh Lifeboat Fund was then read by Bro . T . B . Salt . The R . W . Prov . G . M . thcu proceeded ' to appoint his officers as follows : —
Bro . Colonel Machen D . Prov . G . Master . „ T . E . Gem Prov . G . S . W . „ J . Parnell Prov . G . J . W . , ' ,, Rev . P . S . Harris Prov . G . Chaplain . „ Rev . W . Russell Prov . G . Assist . Chaplain . ¦ „ J . T . Collins Prov . G . Treas . „ Dunn ... ., ... Prov . G . Register . ., Geo . Beech Prov . G . Sec .
„ Blankensee Prov . G . S . D . „ Vaughton ... , Prov . G . J . D . „ J . Walters Prov . G . Supt . of Works . „ Hulmshaw Prov . Dir . of Cers . }„ P . Cohen .. Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ M . O . Suffiel Prov . G . Org . „ F . Bushill Prov . G . Purst . ,, Fairfax Prov . G . Assist . Purst .
The brethren then proceeded to the parish church . Prayers were read by the Bro . Rev . J . W . Leigh , P . Prov . G . Chaplain , and tbe lessons by Bro . Rev . F . Stonehouse and Bro . Rev . W . Russell . The sermon was preached by Bro . Rev . P . S . Harris Prov . Grand Chaplain , bis text being "Behold bow good und joyful a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity , " from Psalm cxxxviii . A collection was made at the close of the service in aid of tbe Warwickshire Annuity and Benevolent
Fund . The brethren afterwards portook of a sumptuous banquet , provided by Mr . Bushill , of the King's Arms Hotel , aud presided over by the Prov . G . M ,
Royal Arch.
CONSECEATION OP THE DOEIC CnAPTEE , No . 933 . On Tuesday , tho 19 th inst ., the Doric chapter was consecrated by Comp . John Hervey , Grand Scribe , E ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street , when Comp . Hervey , as M . E . Z ., opened tbe chapter , assisted by Comp . J . W . Halsey , P . Z . as H ., and Comp . James Brett , P . Z ., D . G . C . as J . The Acting GSEread the petition and charterand the
... , M . E . Z . inquired of the companions if they approved of the officers named in the charter . The companions having signified their approval in Masonic form , the M . E . Z . proceeded to constitute the companions into a regular chapter in ancient form , and called upon Comp . Brett to deliver the oration , which ho rendered in a faultless manner . An anthem ( 133 Psalm ) was then sung by the choir , consisting of Comps . G . T . Carter , P . M . 3 S 2 , T .
Distin , aud W . Dawson . The first portion of the dedication prayer was repeated , and the M . E . Z . gave the invocation , after which the Scripture portions were read . The chapter pedestal was then uncovered , and the J . and D . C . carried the elements
three times round the chapter , & c . The J . took tbe censer three times round the chapter , solemn music being played during his progress . The second portion of the dedication prayer followed , and the M . E . Z . lion dedicated and constituted tho chapter . The fine anthem , " I have surely built Thee an house , " was splendidly sung by tbe choir . The patriarchal benediction by Comp . Brett , closed the proceedings of the consecration . Comp . J . G . Stevens was successivelinstalled into the third
y and second chairs , in a very able manner , by Comp . Brett . Tho First Principal designate , Comp . T . J . Barnes , H . 554 , was then presented by the D . C . for installation , and the ceremony of installing him devolved upon Comp . Hervey , by whom it was rendered in a most impressive manner . Comp . George Snow , the J ., being already a P . Z ., took his seat as Third Principal . Upon the re-admission of the companions , a ballot was taken for
Scribe E ., when Comp . J . Griffiu was unanimously elected to that post . It was unanimously resolved , that tho thanks of the chapter be recorded on the minutes , and presented to Comps . Hervey , Brett , and Little , and that they be elected honorary members of tbe new chapter . A cold collation was served ; and after the cloth was cleared , the usual Royal Arch toasts were given and responded to . Several duets and songs were sung by Comps . Carter , Distin , and Davison .
SCOTLAND . Ghksaovr .-Caledonian Chapter of D » ify ( No . 73 ) . —This chapter met on Tuesday the 26 th September , at the Masonic Hall , Buchanan Street . Present : Comps . Balfour , P . Z . ; J . Park ; P . Z . ; D . Gilchrist , Z ; F . Finder , J . ; George McLeod , S . E . ; Win . Donald , P , S . ; G . Wheeler , 2 nd S . ; W . H . Patusa , P . H . ; J . BellM . W . C . 32 J . StuartPM 74 GMcDonaldRWM
, ; , ,. ; . , ... 73 , & c , & c . The business consisted of the election and installation of the following companions as officers : David Gilchrist , Z . ; George McDonald , IT . ; George Win . Wheeler , J . ; Robert Bell , Treas . ; George . McLeod , S . E . ; ThomasFindler , S . N " . ; M . Figard , 1 st S . ; John Hughes 2 nd S . ; Malcon Hunter , 3 rd S . ; Wm . Jamison , Janitor . Comp . James Balfour , P . Z ., installed tho whole of tbe officers in a manner which proved he had given
this ceremony as well as all other Masonic rites his careful consideration . The companions theu adjourned to refreshment , when most of tho companions went to assist the St . Andrews ' Chapter ( No 69 ) to work the Mark and Chair d egrees .
Knights Templar.
WEST YORKSHIRE . PEOVINCIAL GEAND CONCLAVE . A Provincial Grand Conclave was hold at the Masonic Rooms , Halifax , on Wednesday , the 20 th Sept ., for the purpose of installing Sir Knt . John Fisher , of Halifax , as Provincial Grand Commander for West Yorkshire , vice the Rev . J . Senior , L . L . D ., resigned .