Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Masons , " were amongst the other toasts ot the evening . During the evening an excellent selection of music was sung at intervals by Bros . Edmondson , Stafford , Andrew , Ball Vandrey , and Moss , under the direction of Bro . Barlow , P . G . O . ' who presided at the pianoforte . '
JERSEY . PEOVINCIAL GEAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held on Monday , the 18 th inst ., at tbe Masonic Temple , the Right Worshipful W . Bro . Colonel Edward C . Mlaet D . Carteret , Prov . G . M ., occupving the throne , assisted by W . Bros . Dr . J . Le Cronier . D . Prov . G . M . ; A . Schmitt , S . W . ; and J . 0 .
Le Sueur , as J . W . There was a large attendance of the brethren , including Bros . Edward D . Le Coulter , P . Prov . G . S . W ., as Secretary : P . W . Burkarn , Treas . ; A . Viel , S . D . ; Henry Luce Manuel , Prov . G . Dir of Cers . ; H . E . Zinekan , Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Ed . M . Lott . Org . ; General Lane , C . B ., Prov . G . S . B . ; Frederick Cooke , Prov . G . Pnrst . ; J . W . Du Jardin , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; W . AdamsP . Prov . G . S . W . ; C . KingnorthProv . G . Purst . ; J .
, , Durell , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; P . Binet , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; W . F . Pugeley , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; James Blanfield , Prov . G . D . C . ; Col . Kelly , Prov . G . Steward ; Masters , Past Masters , Wardens , of the several Lodges in the Province , and about forty brethren . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form , when tbe minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge were read and unanimously confirmed . The Treasurer read his financial statement , duly audited for
the past year , and an extract of the accounts to the present time , which were unanimously adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The Acting Secretary read tbe report of the Committee of the Fund of Benevolence , which was approved and received . The report of the Committee for General Purposes was next presented , stating that the following lodges made their returns , with the exception of Yarborough Lodge 244 ; viz : —Mechanics
, , 241 ; Royal Susses , 491 ; La Cesarfe , 170 ; Royal Alfred , 877 ; St . Aubin's , 988 ; and Prince of Wales , 100 . This report was likewise adopted and ordered to be entered on tbe minutes . Before presenting to Bro . J . Durell a vote of thanks ,
artistically inscribed on vellum , m accordance with the resolution adopted at the last meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , the Provincial Grand Master expressed great pleasure in being called upon to remit him this mark of hign esteem and appreciation by the Provincial Grand Lodge of his continuous and zealous efforts to promote the advancement of Masonry and the interests of the Craft of this Province in particular , as the most effective means the brethren have of conveying to him their fraternal
regard , and in recognition of his faithful and devoted services to the fraternity . I will now , Bro . Durell , read to you the inscription : — " At a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , held at the Masonic Temple , on Tuesday , the 13 th of October , 1871 , it was unanimously resolved on the proposition of the R . W . Bro . Col . Edward C . Malet de Carteret , Prov . G . M ., seconded by the V . W . Bro . Dr . J . Le Cronier , D . Prov . G . M ., that the most
cordial thanks of this Provincial Grand Lodge be due and arc hereby given to W . Bro . John Durell , P . M ., P . Z . 5 b 0 , for his admirable , honourable , and satisfactory manner iu which , under difficulties of no ordinary character , he has faithfully and with credit to the Craft , filled the high and responsible office of Provincial Grand Treasurer during four consecutive years , viz : — 1866 , 1867 , 1868 , 1869 , and that a copy thereof inscribed on vellumbe presented to that worthbrother .
, y The tableau , neatly framed , containing the vote , was then handed to Bro . Durell , aud full Masonic honours were next paid to that deserving recipient . Bro . Durell , on rising to respond , was received with repeated rounds of applause , set forth in a few feeling words the lively gratification which came to him in the presentation of the testimonial he had just received , he felt assured his efforts , bumble as they had been , were at least directed to one great point—tho
advancement of Masonry—and the promotion of fraternal concord aud affection , and in thanking cordially the Prov . G . M ., and the brethren for the token of their approbation of his services , he concluded by wishing all prosperity and happiness to
those who had thus kindl y marked their approbation of his Masonic conduct . On the proposition of Bro . A . Schmitt , seconded by Bro . J . W . du Jardin : Bro P . W Benham was unanimously elected Prov . Grand Treasurer . The following brethren were then appointed and invested as Prov . Grand Officers , and they weve conductod to the foot of the b
pedestal y the Dir . of Cers . viz .: — Bro . John Durell , P . M . 590 Prov . G . S . W . „ Edwin M . Lott , P . M . 246 ... Prov . G . J . W . „ P . W . Benhan , P . M . G . S . W .... Prov . G . Treasurer . „ W . E . Pugsley , P . M . 245 ... Prov . G . Registrar . „ J . 0 . LeSueur , P . M . 491 ... Prov . G . Secretary . 0 . Dod W . M . 245 Prov . GSD
„ ge , ... „ Fred Cooke , W . M . 877 Prov . G . J . D . „ Abraham Viel , P . M . 590 ... Prov . G . Supt of Works . „ Henry Lane Manuel , P . M . 590 Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ D . LeGeyt , 877 Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ,. H . E . Zincham , J . W . 24 ... Prov . G . Sword Bearer . „ G . Walden , P . M . 1 , 003 Prov . G . Pursurvant . „ R . Barrow , W . M . 461 Prov . G . Steward .
„ George J . Rinoaf P . M . 590 ... Prov . G . „ Philip Blomfield , D . of C . 345 Prov . G . „ „ J . R . Davies , P . M . 245 Prov . G . „ „ Bennett , S . W . 245 Prov . G . „ Gilley , J . W . 191 Prov . G . „ Wm . Toms Prov . G . Tyler . The question concerning the inaniuate existence of Soumaris Lod
ge , No . 559 , placed on the agenda paper , was taken up by Bros . A . Schmitt , P . W ' . Benham , Du Jardin and others , and the unanimous sentiment was elicited thereon : —That the warrants should _ be delivered to the M . W . G . M ., were it only for the sake of sparing tbe G . S . the trouble of transmitting its summons and other circulars which remain and adorn the ante-room of the temple . " Six members were elected to serve on the committee of General Purposes , and the P . G . M appointed Bro . D . Ringworth its President .
Tlie labours of the Provincial Grand Lodge were brought to a close in due form at about 6 p . m ., and between fifty and sixty brethren adjourned from labour to banquet . The Provincial Grand Master occupied the Chair , and was supported on bis right and left by his principal officers , Bro . J . Durrell , occupying the vice chair . The Prov . G . M . proposed the usual loyal and Mrsonic toasts ' The Queen and the Craft , The Marquis of Ripon , M . W . G . M .,
Tha Earl of Zetland , and the Prince of Wales , the Earl of Carnarvon , and Bro . Benham , in a neat and feeling speech , dwelt upon the services rendered to the province by the P . G . M . and proposed "The Health of Bro . Col . Malet do Cateret . " The toast was received with a perfect explosion of applause , which was again and again renewed and continued for several minutes , It must have been most gratifying to the P . G . M . to have witnessed the feelings of esteem and affection that are felt for him . The Prov . G . M feelingly acknowledged the compliment paid to him .
The health of Bro . Dr . LeCronier , D . P . G , M . was next proposed , which was received with animated demonstration of truly Masonic feeling . Other toasts then followed , interspersed with some capital songs and recitations . The brethren seperated at 9 ' 15 , highly delighted with the proceedings of the day .
KENT . BBOMLEY . —Acacia Lodge ( No . 1 , 314 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their regular meeting on Tuesday , the 19 th inst ., at the Bell Hotel . The lodge was opened by Bro . Thomas Knott , W . M ., all the officers of the lodge being present in their respective places . Bros . SuttonJaccardand Chubbwere raised
, , , to tbe third degree by the W . M . No further business being offered , tho brethren were informed previous to the closing down o £ tbe lodge that , in accordance with the provision made in one of the bye-laws agreed to at formation of the lodge , the initiation fee would for the future be twelve and a half guineas , and the joining fee six guineas ; tbe lodge , although only in the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masons , " were amongst the other toasts ot the evening . During the evening an excellent selection of music was sung at intervals by Bros . Edmondson , Stafford , Andrew , Ball Vandrey , and Moss , under the direction of Bro . Barlow , P . G . O . ' who presided at the pianoforte . '
JERSEY . PEOVINCIAL GEAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held on Monday , the 18 th inst ., at tbe Masonic Temple , the Right Worshipful W . Bro . Colonel Edward C . Mlaet D . Carteret , Prov . G . M ., occupving the throne , assisted by W . Bros . Dr . J . Le Cronier . D . Prov . G . M . ; A . Schmitt , S . W . ; and J . 0 .
Le Sueur , as J . W . There was a large attendance of the brethren , including Bros . Edward D . Le Coulter , P . Prov . G . S . W ., as Secretary : P . W . Burkarn , Treas . ; A . Viel , S . D . ; Henry Luce Manuel , Prov . G . Dir of Cers . ; H . E . Zinekan , Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Ed . M . Lott . Org . ; General Lane , C . B ., Prov . G . S . B . ; Frederick Cooke , Prov . G . Pnrst . ; J . W . Du Jardin , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; W . AdamsP . Prov . G . S . W . ; C . KingnorthProv . G . Purst . ; J .
, , Durell , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; P . Binet , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; W . F . Pugeley , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; James Blanfield , Prov . G . D . C . ; Col . Kelly , Prov . G . Steward ; Masters , Past Masters , Wardens , of the several Lodges in the Province , and about forty brethren . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form , when tbe minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge were read and unanimously confirmed . The Treasurer read his financial statement , duly audited for
the past year , and an extract of the accounts to the present time , which were unanimously adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The Acting Secretary read tbe report of the Committee of the Fund of Benevolence , which was approved and received . The report of the Committee for General Purposes was next presented , stating that the following lodges made their returns , with the exception of Yarborough Lodge 244 ; viz : —Mechanics
, , 241 ; Royal Susses , 491 ; La Cesarfe , 170 ; Royal Alfred , 877 ; St . Aubin's , 988 ; and Prince of Wales , 100 . This report was likewise adopted and ordered to be entered on tbe minutes . Before presenting to Bro . J . Durell a vote of thanks ,
artistically inscribed on vellum , m accordance with the resolution adopted at the last meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , the Provincial Grand Master expressed great pleasure in being called upon to remit him this mark of hign esteem and appreciation by the Provincial Grand Lodge of his continuous and zealous efforts to promote the advancement of Masonry and the interests of the Craft of this Province in particular , as the most effective means the brethren have of conveying to him their fraternal
regard , and in recognition of his faithful and devoted services to the fraternity . I will now , Bro . Durell , read to you the inscription : — " At a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , held at the Masonic Temple , on Tuesday , the 13 th of October , 1871 , it was unanimously resolved on the proposition of the R . W . Bro . Col . Edward C . Malet de Carteret , Prov . G . M ., seconded by the V . W . Bro . Dr . J . Le Cronier , D . Prov . G . M ., that the most
cordial thanks of this Provincial Grand Lodge be due and arc hereby given to W . Bro . John Durell , P . M ., P . Z . 5 b 0 , for his admirable , honourable , and satisfactory manner iu which , under difficulties of no ordinary character , he has faithfully and with credit to the Craft , filled the high and responsible office of Provincial Grand Treasurer during four consecutive years , viz : — 1866 , 1867 , 1868 , 1869 , and that a copy thereof inscribed on vellumbe presented to that worthbrother .
, y The tableau , neatly framed , containing the vote , was then handed to Bro . Durell , aud full Masonic honours were next paid to that deserving recipient . Bro . Durell , on rising to respond , was received with repeated rounds of applause , set forth in a few feeling words the lively gratification which came to him in the presentation of the testimonial he had just received , he felt assured his efforts , bumble as they had been , were at least directed to one great point—tho
advancement of Masonry—and the promotion of fraternal concord aud affection , and in thanking cordially the Prov . G . M ., and the brethren for the token of their approbation of his services , he concluded by wishing all prosperity and happiness to
those who had thus kindl y marked their approbation of his Masonic conduct . On the proposition of Bro . A . Schmitt , seconded by Bro . J . W . du Jardin : Bro P . W Benham was unanimously elected Prov . Grand Treasurer . The following brethren were then appointed and invested as Prov . Grand Officers , and they weve conductod to the foot of the b
pedestal y the Dir . of Cers . viz .: — Bro . John Durell , P . M . 590 Prov . G . S . W . „ Edwin M . Lott , P . M . 246 ... Prov . G . J . W . „ P . W . Benhan , P . M . G . S . W .... Prov . G . Treasurer . „ W . E . Pugsley , P . M . 245 ... Prov . G . Registrar . „ J . 0 . LeSueur , P . M . 491 ... Prov . G . Secretary . 0 . Dod W . M . 245 Prov . GSD
„ ge , ... „ Fred Cooke , W . M . 877 Prov . G . J . D . „ Abraham Viel , P . M . 590 ... Prov . G . Supt of Works . „ Henry Lane Manuel , P . M . 590 Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ D . LeGeyt , 877 Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ,. H . E . Zincham , J . W . 24 ... Prov . G . Sword Bearer . „ G . Walden , P . M . 1 , 003 Prov . G . Pursurvant . „ R . Barrow , W . M . 461 Prov . G . Steward .
„ George J . Rinoaf P . M . 590 ... Prov . G . „ Philip Blomfield , D . of C . 345 Prov . G . „ „ J . R . Davies , P . M . 245 Prov . G . „ „ Bennett , S . W . 245 Prov . G . „ Gilley , J . W . 191 Prov . G . „ Wm . Toms Prov . G . Tyler . The question concerning the inaniuate existence of Soumaris Lod
ge , No . 559 , placed on the agenda paper , was taken up by Bros . A . Schmitt , P . W ' . Benham , Du Jardin and others , and the unanimous sentiment was elicited thereon : —That the warrants should _ be delivered to the M . W . G . M ., were it only for the sake of sparing tbe G . S . the trouble of transmitting its summons and other circulars which remain and adorn the ante-room of the temple . " Six members were elected to serve on the committee of General Purposes , and the P . G . M appointed Bro . D . Ringworth its President .
Tlie labours of the Provincial Grand Lodge were brought to a close in due form at about 6 p . m ., and between fifty and sixty brethren adjourned from labour to banquet . The Provincial Grand Master occupied the Chair , and was supported on bis right and left by his principal officers , Bro . J . Durrell , occupying the vice chair . The Prov . G . M . proposed the usual loyal and Mrsonic toasts ' The Queen and the Craft , The Marquis of Ripon , M . W . G . M .,
Tha Earl of Zetland , and the Prince of Wales , the Earl of Carnarvon , and Bro . Benham , in a neat and feeling speech , dwelt upon the services rendered to the province by the P . G . M . and proposed "The Health of Bro . Col . Malet do Cateret . " The toast was received with a perfect explosion of applause , which was again and again renewed and continued for several minutes , It must have been most gratifying to the P . G . M . to have witnessed the feelings of esteem and affection that are felt for him . The Prov . G . M feelingly acknowledged the compliment paid to him .
The health of Bro . Dr . LeCronier , D . P . G , M . was next proposed , which was received with animated demonstration of truly Masonic feeling . Other toasts then followed , interspersed with some capital songs and recitations . The brethren seperated at 9 ' 15 , highly delighted with the proceedings of the day .
KENT . BBOMLEY . —Acacia Lodge ( No . 1 , 314 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their regular meeting on Tuesday , the 19 th inst ., at the Bell Hotel . The lodge was opened by Bro . Thomas Knott , W . M ., all the officers of the lodge being present in their respective places . Bros . SuttonJaccardand Chubbwere raised
, , , to tbe third degree by the W . M . No further business being offered , tho brethren were informed previous to the closing down o £ tbe lodge that , in accordance with the provision made in one of the bye-laws agreed to at formation of the lodge , the initiation fee would for the future be twelve and a half guineas , and the joining fee six guineas ; tbe lodge , although only in the