Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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After a slight pauso tbo W . M . again roso and said : Brethren , I havo now extreme pleasure iu calling upon you to do honour to the next toast , that of tbo rulers of tho Craft , viz ., "The Earl of Zetland and the Earl of Grey and Ripon . " It is now mc-ro than twenty . years siuce tbo Grand Lodge of England first elected the Earl of Zetland to his present exalted position and during tho ivholo of this period ho has guided the affairs of tbo Graft with groat care , zeal , ability , and ivisdom . The Earl do
Grey and Ripon , although a , somewhat younger servant of tho Craft , has always demonstrated in tbo best possible manner , how thoroughly ho has its interest at heart by seldom if ever being absent from the meetings of tho Grand Lodge , aud this too , ¦ when his time ivas so much occupied bv the onerous duties of tbo official post be so long aud until recently held . I am happy to say that this toast is never proposed Avithout being received in a most enthusiastic manner .
Tho W . M . next said : Brethren . I have also groat pleasure in proposing " Tho Health of Bro , J . ' Faucott , tho ' Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master . " I am glad wo arc so happy in having him at our head as Provincial Ruler , and to find ho is so popular . Sinco ho has been entrusted with tho management of tho local affairs he has boon extremely cautious and conducted his labours with caro and to tho satisfaction of every Mason in tho province . Those brethren AVIIO attondod tho Provincial Grand Lodgo recently held , derived groat pleasure from hearing tho excellent oration delivered by him , as it contained sontimonts
ivhich , if pondered over and acted on , ivould bo a safe guide iu conducting tiie affairs of the lodge . He always takes a groat delight in attending tbo various lodges in tho province aud ho is unavoidably absent this evening . Tho nioro you soo of bis ivorks tho moro you ivill bo inspired ivith love aud respect for him . Brethren , without occupying your time further , I call upon you to drink his health in a bumper . The W . M . agiin rose and said : I now rise to propose tbe
"Health of Bro . Henry Fenwick , D . Prov . G . M . " I deeply regretted his absence at the last Provincial Grand Loclge in consequence of ill-health . I trust the worthy brother will soon be enabled to return to his native land ancl take an active part in the management of local matters . Bro . J . Cundell , P . M . Prov . S . G . W . and Prov . G . Treas . said : The next toast cannot come from the chair , but as the Senior P . M . present it becomes my duty to propose it . It is always
pleasing to know that the present is one of those cases where tbe mention of a name is sufficient to draw forth sentiments of approval . There are many Masters of Lodges who , notwithstanding careful attention to their duties , can only arrive at a certain point of excellence . " Good wine needs no bush . " You brethren who have attended during Bro . Fitz Gerald's term of office have in fact tasted good wine , by experiencing tbe excellent faultless and truly impressive manner in which he conducted the proceedings ofthe lodge . Brethren I call upon you to respond to the toast ivith cordiaiitv and affection .
Bro . lutz Gerald , W . M . Prov . S . G . D .. in returning thanks , said : After the flattering and encouraging reception you have given the toast proposed in such kind terms by ISro . Cundell , I feel unable to say all I should like to do on the present occasion . In undertaking tbe office of AV . M ., I made up my mind to perform the various duties appertaining to the same , aud though I may not have discharged them to the satisfaction of all , yet I have done so to the best of my ability . No one
but those who have preceded me know the anxious hours a W . M . passes , ancl tho labour he has to undergo . However I feel myself amply repaid for what part I have taken by tho honour bestowed towards me this evening . I have now the pleasure of discharging a duty which is at all times a pleasant one , but moro particularly so on the present occasion when I call upon you to drink to the healths of the two brethren I have initiated this evening , viz .: Bros , the Right Ho ::. J . !! .
Mowbray , M . P ., and the Rev . Henry Holden . D . D . I have bad the good fortune during the two years I havo held the present office of initiating many of rank and honour , and those who would reflect honour on their choice , but when I initiate two , who arc so generally respected and admired as the two newly initiated , I feel somewhat pardonable pride in bringing them before your notice . Political and theological discussions' and sentiments are very properly , rigidly excluded from a lodge of
Freemasons , but notwithstanding this most excellent and desirable fact we must necessaril y feel proud in admitting a member of her Majesty ' s Government on the one side , and a gentleman occupying a high position in the Church on the other . I am convinced they will not regret that moment of their lifetime when they sought admission into Freemasonrv .
Bro . J . R . Mowbray , M . P ., first returned thanks in a pleasing and humourous speech , remarking , much cannot be expected from mo this evening . I have already seen quite sufficient of Freemasonry to convince me that it is founded on the true principles of piety and virtue . Men of all grades and positions range themselves under its banner , ancl I feel great regret at not having joined the Order earlier . This feeling is however in some measure compensated by my being joined in the
ceremony of initiation with one of my college friends at Oxford , viz .: Bro . Holden . This fact recalls former associations , ancl pleasant reminisances of college life to my recollection . Bro . Holden also replied in a lively manner , and in the course of his remarks said : Since my young brother disclaims me , I must answer for myself . I was led to select the honour of becoming a Freemason from making inquiries , in consequence of having preconceived a favourable opinion of the institution . I will
endeavour to evince the interest I already entertain for Freemasonry by attending loclge as frequently as possible . Bro . Fitzgerald , A \ . M ., in appropriate terms , proposed "The healths ofthe Past Masters . " Bro . Cundell , as senior P . M ., returned thanks in an able
manner . He said : There was a time when the lodge was not so well worked as at present , but by this- I do not mean to underrate the services of former Musters . The subordinate ofliccrs tben did not appear to fully feel their position . I am now happy to say that in consequence of ;> . largo accession of numbers the various duties are now performed in a most satisfactory manner . I am sorry I have not been able to attend so much as I would have liked , but it is pleasing to find , whenever I am
present , so good a feeling existing among the members . I must , however , admit , one fact has recently occurred which has slightly diminished from the lustre of respect which the loclge has hitherto enjoyed . I trust when respectable men are proposed as candidates for initiation , members will not allow themselves to be carried away by feelings of an unfavourable nature first created whilst in other duties , and assist iu rejecting any whoin a social and moral view , and , so far as essential
, qualities were required , would do honour to the Craft in general , and the lodge in particular , if admitted . I deeply deplore what has recently occurred , and hope it will never be repeated . Let it be a thing of the past , ancl let us endeavour , both individually ancl collectively , to do unto others as we would have others to do unto ourselves , in the struggle and race of
existence . Bro . T . C . Thompson rose and said : Brethren , the Master has kindly deputed me to discharge a duty belonging to the chair , viz ., to propose " The health of the W . M . Elect . " In doing so I am proposing the health of a tried and old friend as a claimant for the office of W . M . for the ensuing year , and it is si toast which I am sure is acceptable to you all . In the friendship Bro . P . M . Stoker has displayed to us all , I am convinced he
will not fail in performing those duties ivhich assist in the spread of love and brotherhood . He has been W . M . on several previous occasions , ancl I am certain any new ideas be may acquire from the excellent working of Bro . FitzGorald , the present W . M ., be will adopt them , bearing in view the lonirer we live the more we learn . Bro . Stoker , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., and W . M . elect , said : Brethren . I rise with feelings of sincere gratitude to thank you
for the kindness displayed towards me on this , as on all preiious occasions . As I have undertaken the office for the sixth time , I cannot plead ignorance of the duties . I will endeavour to deserve the confidence placed in me , more especially when I consider the compliment paid me , is all the more enhanced by the unanimous way I was elected . Tlie ensuing year , from various causes , will find the duties of the W . M . very arduous , but I trust that the officers will co-operate with me " and make
it as prospeious as the one whose close we are now celebrating . —The worthy brother resumed his seat amidst loud and continued applause , thus showing the great respect entertained towards him by tbe brethren . The W . Master proposed " The Health of the Officers , " in appropriate terms , which Bro . W . C . Blackett , S . W ., responded to as follows : W . M . and Brethren , in the name of the officers 1 havo the pleasure of thanking you for the toast which has
been so kindly received . It has been the earnest wish of the officers , one and all , to perform their duties not only to your satisfaction , but that of the loclge at large , which from its nourishing condition is now becoming a numerous one . Other toasts followed , and throughout the evening they were interspersed with song ancl glee , by Bros . J . Worthy , Prov . G .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
After a slight pauso tbo W . M . again roso and said : Brethren , I havo now extreme pleasure iu calling upon you to do honour to the next toast , that of tbo rulers of tho Craft , viz ., "The Earl of Zetland and the Earl of Grey and Ripon . " It is now mc-ro than twenty . years siuce tbo Grand Lodge of England first elected the Earl of Zetland to his present exalted position and during tho ivholo of this period ho has guided the affairs of tbo Graft with groat care , zeal , ability , and ivisdom . The Earl do
Grey and Ripon , although a , somewhat younger servant of tho Craft , has always demonstrated in tbo best possible manner , how thoroughly ho has its interest at heart by seldom if ever being absent from the meetings of tho Grand Lodge , aud this too , ¦ when his time ivas so much occupied bv the onerous duties of tbo official post be so long aud until recently held . I am happy to say that this toast is never proposed Avithout being received in a most enthusiastic manner .
Tho W . M . next said : Brethren . I have also groat pleasure in proposing " Tho Health of Bro , J . ' Faucott , tho ' Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master . " I am glad wo arc so happy in having him at our head as Provincial Ruler , and to find ho is so popular . Sinco ho has been entrusted with tho management of tho local affairs he has boon extremely cautious and conducted his labours with caro and to tho satisfaction of every Mason in tho province . Those brethren AVIIO attondod tho Provincial Grand Lodgo recently held , derived groat pleasure from hearing tho excellent oration delivered by him , as it contained sontimonts
ivhich , if pondered over and acted on , ivould bo a safe guide iu conducting tiie affairs of the lodge . He always takes a groat delight in attending tbo various lodges in tho province aud ho is unavoidably absent this evening . Tho nioro you soo of bis ivorks tho moro you ivill bo inspired ivith love aud respect for him . Brethren , without occupying your time further , I call upon you to drink his health in a bumper . The W . M . agiin rose and said : I now rise to propose tbe
"Health of Bro . Henry Fenwick , D . Prov . G . M . " I deeply regretted his absence at the last Provincial Grand Loclge in consequence of ill-health . I trust the worthy brother will soon be enabled to return to his native land ancl take an active part in the management of local matters . Bro . J . Cundell , P . M . Prov . S . G . W . and Prov . G . Treas . said : The next toast cannot come from the chair , but as the Senior P . M . present it becomes my duty to propose it . It is always
pleasing to know that the present is one of those cases where tbe mention of a name is sufficient to draw forth sentiments of approval . There are many Masters of Lodges who , notwithstanding careful attention to their duties , can only arrive at a certain point of excellence . " Good wine needs no bush . " You brethren who have attended during Bro . Fitz Gerald's term of office have in fact tasted good wine , by experiencing tbe excellent faultless and truly impressive manner in which he conducted the proceedings ofthe lodge . Brethren I call upon you to respond to the toast ivith cordiaiitv and affection .
Bro . lutz Gerald , W . M . Prov . S . G . D .. in returning thanks , said : After the flattering and encouraging reception you have given the toast proposed in such kind terms by ISro . Cundell , I feel unable to say all I should like to do on the present occasion . In undertaking tbe office of AV . M ., I made up my mind to perform the various duties appertaining to the same , aud though I may not have discharged them to the satisfaction of all , yet I have done so to the best of my ability . No one
but those who have preceded me know the anxious hours a W . M . passes , ancl tho labour he has to undergo . However I feel myself amply repaid for what part I have taken by tho honour bestowed towards me this evening . I have now the pleasure of discharging a duty which is at all times a pleasant one , but moro particularly so on the present occasion when I call upon you to drink to the healths of the two brethren I have initiated this evening , viz .: Bros , the Right Ho ::. J . !! .
Mowbray , M . P ., and the Rev . Henry Holden . D . D . I have bad the good fortune during the two years I havo held the present office of initiating many of rank and honour , and those who would reflect honour on their choice , but when I initiate two , who arc so generally respected and admired as the two newly initiated , I feel somewhat pardonable pride in bringing them before your notice . Political and theological discussions' and sentiments are very properly , rigidly excluded from a lodge of
Freemasons , but notwithstanding this most excellent and desirable fact we must necessaril y feel proud in admitting a member of her Majesty ' s Government on the one side , and a gentleman occupying a high position in the Church on the other . I am convinced they will not regret that moment of their lifetime when they sought admission into Freemasonrv .
Bro . J . R . Mowbray , M . P ., first returned thanks in a pleasing and humourous speech , remarking , much cannot be expected from mo this evening . I have already seen quite sufficient of Freemasonry to convince me that it is founded on the true principles of piety and virtue . Men of all grades and positions range themselves under its banner , ancl I feel great regret at not having joined the Order earlier . This feeling is however in some measure compensated by my being joined in the
ceremony of initiation with one of my college friends at Oxford , viz .: Bro . Holden . This fact recalls former associations , ancl pleasant reminisances of college life to my recollection . Bro . Holden also replied in a lively manner , and in the course of his remarks said : Since my young brother disclaims me , I must answer for myself . I was led to select the honour of becoming a Freemason from making inquiries , in consequence of having preconceived a favourable opinion of the institution . I will
endeavour to evince the interest I already entertain for Freemasonry by attending loclge as frequently as possible . Bro . Fitzgerald , A \ . M ., in appropriate terms , proposed "The healths ofthe Past Masters . " Bro . Cundell , as senior P . M ., returned thanks in an able
manner . He said : There was a time when the lodge was not so well worked as at present , but by this- I do not mean to underrate the services of former Musters . The subordinate ofliccrs tben did not appear to fully feel their position . I am now happy to say that in consequence of ;> . largo accession of numbers the various duties are now performed in a most satisfactory manner . I am sorry I have not been able to attend so much as I would have liked , but it is pleasing to find , whenever I am
present , so good a feeling existing among the members . I must , however , admit , one fact has recently occurred which has slightly diminished from the lustre of respect which the loclge has hitherto enjoyed . I trust when respectable men are proposed as candidates for initiation , members will not allow themselves to be carried away by feelings of an unfavourable nature first created whilst in other duties , and assist iu rejecting any whoin a social and moral view , and , so far as essential
, qualities were required , would do honour to the Craft in general , and the lodge in particular , if admitted . I deeply deplore what has recently occurred , and hope it will never be repeated . Let it be a thing of the past , ancl let us endeavour , both individually ancl collectively , to do unto others as we would have others to do unto ourselves , in the struggle and race of
existence . Bro . T . C . Thompson rose and said : Brethren , the Master has kindly deputed me to discharge a duty belonging to the chair , viz ., to propose " The health of the W . M . Elect . " In doing so I am proposing the health of a tried and old friend as a claimant for the office of W . M . for the ensuing year , and it is si toast which I am sure is acceptable to you all . In the friendship Bro . P . M . Stoker has displayed to us all , I am convinced he
will not fail in performing those duties ivhich assist in the spread of love and brotherhood . He has been W . M . on several previous occasions , ancl I am certain any new ideas be may acquire from the excellent working of Bro . FitzGorald , the present W . M ., be will adopt them , bearing in view the lonirer we live the more we learn . Bro . Stoker , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., and W . M . elect , said : Brethren . I rise with feelings of sincere gratitude to thank you
for the kindness displayed towards me on this , as on all preiious occasions . As I have undertaken the office for the sixth time , I cannot plead ignorance of the duties . I will endeavour to deserve the confidence placed in me , more especially when I consider the compliment paid me , is all the more enhanced by the unanimous way I was elected . Tlie ensuing year , from various causes , will find the duties of the W . M . very arduous , but I trust that the officers will co-operate with me " and make
it as prospeious as the one whose close we are now celebrating . —The worthy brother resumed his seat amidst loud and continued applause , thus showing the great respect entertained towards him by tbe brethren . The W . Master proposed " The Health of the Officers , " in appropriate terms , which Bro . W . C . Blackett , S . W ., responded to as follows : W . M . and Brethren , in the name of the officers 1 havo the pleasure of thanking you for the toast which has
been so kindly received . It has been the earnest wish of the officers , one and all , to perform their duties not only to your satisfaction , but that of the loclge at large , which from its nourishing condition is now becoming a numerous one . Other toasts followed , and throughout the evening they were interspersed with song ancl glee , by Bros . J . Worthy , Prov . G .