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BERKS AND BUCKS . AsxrAL FESTIVAL . — Greg Friars Lodge ( No . 1 , 101 ) . —On Thursd . iv the 13 th instant , the ceremony of installing the W . M ., Bro . W . P . Ivey , for the second time took place . On that occasion a very important gathering of brethren from this aud the adjoining provinces of Hants , Oxon , ami Wilts , assembled to compliment this spirited young lodge on the great success which had attended its labours . This lodge , which was consecrated only in May last , has made great aud rapid progress , and already numbers about thirty members . An additional
interest to that of the installation of the AV . M . was manifested by the initiation of one of the members for the borough , viz ., G- J . Shaw Lefevre , Esq ., also the editor of the Berkshire Chronicle newspaper ( a spirited local journal of some forty years standing ) , A . Welch , Esq . Such an attractive programme could not fail to secure a numerous and highly influential meeting , indeed it is not often that in a provincial town so many Masonic notabilities are seen assembledand we
, heartily congratulate the brethren of Grey Friars Lodge on the status they have attained iu the Craft . At three o ' clock the brethren becraii to assemble , soon after which the lodge was opened by the W . M ., the minutes of former lodge and Lodge of Emergency were read and confirmed , the W . M . then retired and superintended the preparation of Mr . Lefevre for the ceremony of his initiation , which was most effectively done by Bro . W . BiggsI . P . M . 110 , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Wilis , Ac & c \
, , , in his usual clear and correct manner . The W . ?> 1 . then resumed the chair and initiated Mr . Welch into tlie secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry with his usual correctness . The installation ceremony was performed by Bro . AV . Biggs , I . P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . of Wilts , who is so well known for his love of the art as well as being a most erudite student of the science of Masonry , in a most expressive manner . Tho W . M . was then saluted by tho board of Past Masters , which he
duly acknowledged , after which the procession of Master Masons preceded by the Installing Master , and the usual charges were effectively given , the W . M . replying that he could not find words to express the deep feelings of gratitude he experienced . Thy W . M . was then saluted by the F . C , to which he also feelingly responded , closing wiih the salutations of the E . A . ancl newly-initiated brethren . The lodgo proceedings were brought to a close by the nomination of other candidates for initiation , Arc , ar . d a vote of thanks to Bro . T . Wcightnnm , Treas .,
for his magnificent present of the perfect ashlar , suspended from solid brass fittings , of bis own design and make , tho W . M . stating that he would challenge the world for its equal , the brethren then adjourned to the Town Hall , where a banqut't was p-. ovided by Mrs . Cocks , of the Queen ' s Hotel , whose entering ., it need not be said , was excellent , as that has now become patent . The chair was taken by Bro . Ivey , W . M ., who filled the oliice in a very effective and genial maimer .
Among the brethren present , most of whom had been at the installation , were Bros . A . W . Adair , Prov . G . M . Somersetshire ; AV . W . Beach . M . P ., P . Prov . S . G . AV . Oxon and Hauls ; the Rev . Sir John \\ . Hayes , Purl ., P . G . Chap . ; . 1 . Devercux , P . M . 771 . Prov . G . See . Berks and Bucks : C . Hidden , Prov . G . Treas .: II . D'Ahmiine , W . M . 915 , Prov . . 1 . 0 . 1 ) . Berks : md . Bucks ; Hie Rev . T . G . Mortimer , P . M . 91 . 3 , P . Prov . (»' . C'linp . Oxon ; Vi " . 11 . Valpv , St . John ' s Loclge , Maidenhead ; C . W .
Wyudh . 'im , P . M . 5 SG , Prov . 0 . Supt . of Works , Wiltshire ; P . A . " l ' uiiev , P . M . 4-14 , P . Prov . G . S . I * . Berks and Bucks ; W . W . Moxh-iv . ' P . M . 414 , P . Prov . ( J . Reg . Berks ; R . T . Woo . lhouse , P . M . 41-1 . !' . !> Prov . G . M . Perks ; C . Sherrv , P . Prov . S . I ' . VV ; Hants , P . M . 70 ; 11 . S . llulbcrt , P . M . G 7 G , Prov . . 1 . 0 . W . Hants ; W . J . ford . P . M . G 9-J-, Prov . G . Reg . Hunts ; . 1 . Blandv Jenkins , ( late Hiirh ' Sheriff of Berks ) , P .. A 1 . < JI 5 , P . Prov . J . G . W . Berks and Bucks ; C . Smith , S . W . 414 , Prov . G . Supt . of- . Works ,
Berks and Bucks ; A . Seilar , W . M . 414 ; P . Prov . J . G . I ) . Berks and Bucks ; J . Smith , Steward 414 , Prov . G . Purst ., Berks and Bucks ; R . Ii . Body , I . G . 414 , P . Prov . G . Steward , Berks and Bucks ; J . W . Hounslow , 414 , Prov . G . Steward , Berks and Bucks ; 1 ! . Bradlcv , -113 , Prov . G . Steward . Berks ancl Bucks ; . 1 . H . Walker , 41 . 4 ' ; Charles Butler , 414 ; J . it . Rogers , 111 ; 11 . Lovegrove , 444 ; Granville Sharp , and tlie following ollic-evs ol Grev friars Loclge ; Bros . W . Biggs , I . P . M . ; P . Prov . S . G . W . of Wilts , & c ; the Rev . R . J . Simpson , Chap ., P . M ., 771 , P .
Prov . G . Chap . Berks , and Bucks . ; J . Ellis , S . W . ; Prov . Assist G . Dir . of Cers ., Berks , and Bucks . ; A . Beale , J . W . ; J . Weightman , T ' icns ., G . Steward . Berks , and Bucks . ; F . B . Housh ' ton 09 ; W . P . Ivey , Jun . Sec ; )! . C . Hurley , S . D . ; Prov . G-.. Steward , Berks , ami Bucks . ; George Lyddon , J . D . ; Prov . G . Steward , Berks , and Bucks . ; G . Chancellor , I . G ., P . G . Steward , Berks , and Bucks . ; E . J . Tabor , P-. C . ; J . Stransom , Steward ; W . H . Birch , Org . ; W . Godsmark , Steward and Almoner ; J .
T . Brown , . 1 . T . Freeman ., J . Etrgintou , E . Margretfc , AA . AA . Wynne , H . L . Righton , W . W . Pulley , G . J . Shaw Lefevre , A . Welch , J . Hemmings , &<• ¦ On the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . Bro . the I ' ev . Sir John W . Hayes in responding to that of tho Grand Officers of Grand Loclge , congratulated this lodge on its great prosperity and success , expressing bis belief that the annals of Freemasonry did not afford a parallel case ; indeed the
principles of Freemasonry ' .. ad become now to be more thoroughly appreciated and developed , evincing most clearly the popular feeling by the great progress which Masonry was making not only in England but throughout the whole world . Tho W . M , in proposing the health of the Pi . iv . G . M . of Somerset , Bro . A . AV . Adair expressed the great gratification he felt at being surrounded by so high and influential : i gathering of dignified brethren of the Craft , it being the first festival this lodge had
met to celebrate , and he trusted that at every annual meeting each brother in succession who had tho honour of filling the chair would be supported in a similar manner . Bro . Adair who had a most cordial reception , said that he had heard a most glowing description of the state of the lodge , but had found that the picture was not overdrawn ; ho complimented Bro . Biggs most highly upon the efficient manner in which he had conducted the ceremony of installation ; and
also the officers of the lodge generally , upon showing such a thorough acquaintance with their duties . He also alluded to the gratification it afforded him to meet Bro . Beach , by whom , he was initiated into tbe Order some years ago . Bro . W . Biggs , I . P . M ., in proposing 1 : tho Health of Bro . Beach and the Grand Officers of Hampshire , " said they esteemed him as a friend , as a member of society , as a country gentleman , ancl as one holding a high position in the Order of Masonry , and remarked , in
highly eulogistic terms , that in no province , were tlievo more working Masons to be found than in that of Hants ; but when they considered the number of years it had been under tlie rule of that distinguished and venerable Bro . Sir Lucius Curtis , he should have been surprised had it been otherwise . He hoped it would please the Great Architect of the Universe to spare our Bro . the Prov . G . M . of Somerset , so that in course of time he might arrive at the same dignified position in the Craft as
that of Hampshire , the premier Prov . G . M . of England . Bro . Beach , in reply , made an able speech , in which . ho expressed his thanks to Bro . Biggs , to whom he was well known , as au old Mason of Hampshire , for having proposed his health , and stated tho pleasure it gave him to meet so large a gathering , particularly amongst them one whom he had the pleasure of initiating , viz ., the Prov . G . M . of Somerset , who , having proved himself so worth } - of honour , had been raised to his present
high position . Referring to Masonry in general , he said that all attacks upon it had proved futile , for it bad held unchangeably to its principles , and steadfastly , and , therefore , it could not bo shaken . Nothing could disperse the halo which surrounded her . One of these principles was , that all political and religious discussions were banished . Long might it continue to be the pride and privilege of Masonry to advance the prosperity and well-being of society . Bro . Simpson , Chaplain
, congratulated the brethren upon the events of the day , and of that most important part , the installation of the W . M . Having bad the experience of six months working from him , and ofthe way in which the work had been done , it augured well for the prosperity ofthe lodge . He concluded by proposing the health of their highly esteemed Bro . Ivey . The W . M . returned thanks in a most feeling aud appropriate manner . Bro . J . Ellis , S . W ., proposed '' Prosperity to the Masonic Charities , " which was
responded ( o by Bro ] Biggs , I . P . M ., as Steward to the Girls * School for the province , at the same time placing on the table , as a gift to the Grey Friars Lodge , a most unique and elegant broken column for the collections , which was passed round for contributions , and a most liberal response was made by every brother . Other toasts were given , for which we have notspaco iu our present number , aud were replied to by Bros Ellis , A . Beale , Lefevre , and A . Welch . A very agreeable evening was spent . About sixty were present at the dinner .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BERKS AND BUCKS . AsxrAL FESTIVAL . — Greg Friars Lodge ( No . 1 , 101 ) . —On Thursd . iv the 13 th instant , the ceremony of installing the W . M ., Bro . W . P . Ivey , for the second time took place . On that occasion a very important gathering of brethren from this aud the adjoining provinces of Hants , Oxon , ami Wilts , assembled to compliment this spirited young lodge on the great success which had attended its labours . This lodge , which was consecrated only in May last , has made great aud rapid progress , and already numbers about thirty members . An additional
interest to that of the installation of the AV . M . was manifested by the initiation of one of the members for the borough , viz ., G- J . Shaw Lefevre , Esq ., also the editor of the Berkshire Chronicle newspaper ( a spirited local journal of some forty years standing ) , A . Welch , Esq . Such an attractive programme could not fail to secure a numerous and highly influential meeting , indeed it is not often that in a provincial town so many Masonic notabilities are seen assembledand we
, heartily congratulate the brethren of Grey Friars Lodge on the status they have attained iu the Craft . At three o ' clock the brethren becraii to assemble , soon after which the lodge was opened by the W . M ., the minutes of former lodge and Lodge of Emergency were read and confirmed , the W . M . then retired and superintended the preparation of Mr . Lefevre for the ceremony of his initiation , which was most effectively done by Bro . W . BiggsI . P . M . 110 , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Wilis , Ac & c \
, , , in his usual clear and correct manner . The W . ?> 1 . then resumed the chair and initiated Mr . Welch into tlie secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry with his usual correctness . The installation ceremony was performed by Bro . AV . Biggs , I . P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . of Wilts , who is so well known for his love of the art as well as being a most erudite student of the science of Masonry , in a most expressive manner . Tho W . M . was then saluted by tho board of Past Masters , which he
duly acknowledged , after which the procession of Master Masons preceded by the Installing Master , and the usual charges were effectively given , the W . M . replying that he could not find words to express the deep feelings of gratitude he experienced . Thy W . M . was then saluted by the F . C , to which he also feelingly responded , closing wiih the salutations of the E . A . ancl newly-initiated brethren . The lodgo proceedings were brought to a close by the nomination of other candidates for initiation , Arc , ar . d a vote of thanks to Bro . T . Wcightnnm , Treas .,
for his magnificent present of the perfect ashlar , suspended from solid brass fittings , of bis own design and make , tho W . M . stating that he would challenge the world for its equal , the brethren then adjourned to the Town Hall , where a banqut't was p-. ovided by Mrs . Cocks , of the Queen ' s Hotel , whose entering ., it need not be said , was excellent , as that has now become patent . The chair was taken by Bro . Ivey , W . M ., who filled the oliice in a very effective and genial maimer .
Among the brethren present , most of whom had been at the installation , were Bros . A . W . Adair , Prov . G . M . Somersetshire ; AV . W . Beach . M . P ., P . Prov . S . G . AV . Oxon and Hauls ; the Rev . Sir John \\ . Hayes , Purl ., P . G . Chap . ; . 1 . Devercux , P . M . 771 . Prov . G . See . Berks and Bucks : C . Hidden , Prov . G . Treas .: II . D'Ahmiine , W . M . 915 , Prov . . 1 . 0 . 1 ) . Berks : md . Bucks ; Hie Rev . T . G . Mortimer , P . M . 91 . 3 , P . Prov . (»' . C'linp . Oxon ; Vi " . 11 . Valpv , St . John ' s Loclge , Maidenhead ; C . W .
Wyudh . 'im , P . M . 5 SG , Prov . 0 . Supt . of Works , Wiltshire ; P . A . " l ' uiiev , P . M . 4-14 , P . Prov . G . S . I * . Berks and Bucks ; W . W . Moxh-iv . ' P . M . 414 , P . Prov . ( J . Reg . Berks ; R . T . Woo . lhouse , P . M . 41-1 . !' . !> Prov . G . M . Perks ; C . Sherrv , P . Prov . S . I ' . VV ; Hants , P . M . 70 ; 11 . S . llulbcrt , P . M . G 7 G , Prov . . 1 . 0 . W . Hants ; W . J . ford . P . M . G 9-J-, Prov . G . Reg . Hunts ; . 1 . Blandv Jenkins , ( late Hiirh ' Sheriff of Berks ) , P .. A 1 . < JI 5 , P . Prov . J . G . W . Berks and Bucks ; C . Smith , S . W . 414 , Prov . G . Supt . of- . Works ,
Berks and Bucks ; A . Seilar , W . M . 414 ; P . Prov . J . G . I ) . Berks and Bucks ; J . Smith , Steward 414 , Prov . G . Purst ., Berks and Bucks ; R . Ii . Body , I . G . 414 , P . Prov . G . Steward , Berks and Bucks ; J . W . Hounslow , 414 , Prov . G . Steward , Berks and Bucks ; 1 ! . Bradlcv , -113 , Prov . G . Steward . Berks ancl Bucks ; . 1 . H . Walker , 41 . 4 ' ; Charles Butler , 414 ; J . it . Rogers , 111 ; 11 . Lovegrove , 444 ; Granville Sharp , and tlie following ollic-evs ol Grev friars Loclge ; Bros . W . Biggs , I . P . M . ; P . Prov . S . G . W . of Wilts , & c ; the Rev . R . J . Simpson , Chap ., P . M ., 771 , P .
Prov . G . Chap . Berks , and Bucks . ; J . Ellis , S . W . ; Prov . Assist G . Dir . of Cers ., Berks , and Bucks . ; A . Beale , J . W . ; J . Weightman , T ' icns ., G . Steward . Berks , and Bucks . ; F . B . Housh ' ton 09 ; W . P . Ivey , Jun . Sec ; )! . C . Hurley , S . D . ; Prov . G-.. Steward , Berks , ami Bucks . ; George Lyddon , J . D . ; Prov . G . Steward , Berks , and Bucks . ; G . Chancellor , I . G ., P . G . Steward , Berks , and Bucks . ; E . J . Tabor , P-. C . ; J . Stransom , Steward ; W . H . Birch , Org . ; W . Godsmark , Steward and Almoner ; J .
T . Brown , . 1 . T . Freeman ., J . Etrgintou , E . Margretfc , AA . AA . Wynne , H . L . Righton , W . W . Pulley , G . J . Shaw Lefevre , A . Welch , J . Hemmings , &<• ¦ On the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . Bro . the I ' ev . Sir John W . Hayes in responding to that of tho Grand Officers of Grand Loclge , congratulated this lodge on its great prosperity and success , expressing bis belief that the annals of Freemasonry did not afford a parallel case ; indeed the
principles of Freemasonry ' .. ad become now to be more thoroughly appreciated and developed , evincing most clearly the popular feeling by the great progress which Masonry was making not only in England but throughout the whole world . Tho W . M , in proposing the health of the Pi . iv . G . M . of Somerset , Bro . A . AV . Adair expressed the great gratification he felt at being surrounded by so high and influential : i gathering of dignified brethren of the Craft , it being the first festival this lodge had
met to celebrate , and he trusted that at every annual meeting each brother in succession who had tho honour of filling the chair would be supported in a similar manner . Bro . Adair who had a most cordial reception , said that he had heard a most glowing description of the state of the lodge , but had found that the picture was not overdrawn ; ho complimented Bro . Biggs most highly upon the efficient manner in which he had conducted the ceremony of installation ; and
also the officers of the lodge generally , upon showing such a thorough acquaintance with their duties . He also alluded to the gratification it afforded him to meet Bro . Beach , by whom , he was initiated into tbe Order some years ago . Bro . W . Biggs , I . P . M ., in proposing 1 : tho Health of Bro . Beach and the Grand Officers of Hampshire , " said they esteemed him as a friend , as a member of society , as a country gentleman , ancl as one holding a high position in the Order of Masonry , and remarked , in
highly eulogistic terms , that in no province , were tlievo more working Masons to be found than in that of Hants ; but when they considered the number of years it had been under tlie rule of that distinguished and venerable Bro . Sir Lucius Curtis , he should have been surprised had it been otherwise . He hoped it would please the Great Architect of the Universe to spare our Bro . the Prov . G . M . of Somerset , so that in course of time he might arrive at the same dignified position in the Craft as
that of Hampshire , the premier Prov . G . M . of England . Bro . Beach , in reply , made an able speech , in which . ho expressed his thanks to Bro . Biggs , to whom he was well known , as au old Mason of Hampshire , for having proposed his health , and stated tho pleasure it gave him to meet so large a gathering , particularly amongst them one whom he had the pleasure of initiating , viz ., the Prov . G . M . of Somerset , who , having proved himself so worth } - of honour , had been raised to his present
high position . Referring to Masonry in general , he said that all attacks upon it had proved futile , for it bad held unchangeably to its principles , and steadfastly , and , therefore , it could not bo shaken . Nothing could disperse the halo which surrounded her . One of these principles was , that all political and religious discussions were banished . Long might it continue to be the pride and privilege of Masonry to advance the prosperity and well-being of society . Bro . Simpson , Chaplain
, congratulated the brethren upon the events of the day , and of that most important part , the installation of the W . M . Having bad the experience of six months working from him , and ofthe way in which the work had been done , it augured well for the prosperity ofthe lodge . He concluded by proposing the health of their highly esteemed Bro . Ivey . The W . M . returned thanks in a most feeling aud appropriate manner . Bro . J . Ellis , S . W ., proposed '' Prosperity to the Masonic Charities , " which was
responded ( o by Bro ] Biggs , I . P . M ., as Steward to the Girls * School for the province , at the same time placing on the table , as a gift to the Grey Friars Lodge , a most unique and elegant broken column for the collections , which was passed round for contributions , and a most liberal response was made by every brother . Other toasts were given , for which we have notspaco iu our present number , aud were replied to by Bros Ellis , A . Beale , Lefevre , and A . Welch . A very agreeable evening was spent . About sixty were present at the dinner .