Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 4 of 4 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 →
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United Grand Lodge.
The next toast was that of "The Right AA'orshipful the Provincial Grand Masters , " for which Bro . Fawcett , Provincial Grand Master for Durham , returned thanks . The G . MASTER said the next toast he had to propose was one at all times acceptable to Mason—ifc was "Success to the Masonic Charities , " and he felt delighted afc the manner in which they were now supported by the Craffc . He coupled
with the toast the name of Bro . Patten , Secretary to the Girls School . Bro . PATTEN , in returning thanks for the three Masonic Charities , said lie hoped the brethren would not forget the Festival for the Girls' School , which would take place on the 10 th of May . They had built a new wing to the Girls' School ,
and hail taken in twenty additional children , but on lately comparing the receipts of 1803 with 1861-, he found thafc he was in the latter year £ G 0 O deficient , and what with the extra expenditure ifc would make a total deficiency of £ 1 , 200 . Therefore he earnestly hoped the brethren would support them well at the next festival .
The next toasfc was "Tho Grand Stewards for the Year , " for which Bro . F . AV . Truscott returned thanks . The toast of " The Ladies who have honoured us with their presence" brought the proceedings to a close soon after ten o ' clock . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro .
James Stimpson , P . M . 93 S , and f > he performers were—Madame Rudersdorff , Madlle . Florence Lancie , Miss Lizzie Such , Bros . E . E . Walker , Bradbury , T . Lawlor , Mi * . Baxter , Mi * . R . J . Ward , and Master AVillie Pope . Bro . Harker was the toastmaster , ancl it is almost needless to say that he discharged the duties with his usual ability .
DOMATIC LODGE ( XO . 177 ) . —The last regular meeting for the season of this nourishing lodge was held on Friday evening , April 21 , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , it having since its removal to this place been attended with a success unprecedented in its history , no less than 29 new members having been admitted to it from December last , and every night there are numerous candidates unable to obtain admission . Bro . J . B . OsborneAA . M . presided ; Bros . SimpsonS . W . ; W . Y . Smith
, , , J . W . ; Henry Thompson , Joseph Smith , T . A . Adams , James Brett , M . Hnydon , T . Marshall , Henry AVilson , anil Elmes , P . M . ' s and the following visitors : —Bros . AV . AVatson , Globe ; Slomau , Robert Burns ; Hamilton , Whifcfcingtoii ; Kirby , Confidence ; Clayton , Lily ; Gil ' . cn , Athol ; Baker , St . David ' s-in-tlie-Rasfc , Calcutta ( S . C ); and Jvcivns , C-inonbury , besides a lull attendance of members . Tho lodge having been opened and the minutes read , the following gentlemen presented themselves as
candidates for initiation into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry : —Messrs . Mealing , Thomas Bailey , D . Scott Bayfield , James AVilliam Manton , and Hadris . This important ceremony was ably performed by the WM . The lodge was then advanced to the second degree , when Bros . Whitfield , Ferguson , Afcfcwood , J . IV . Smith , Cheek , Norman , Bennett , Fountain , Rice , AVood , anif Matthews , were passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then opened in the third degree
, and Bros . Branford , Farron , and AVood wero raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge having been resumed to the first , degree , several new propositions were made , and the next business was to take into consideration at what place the summer festival should be held , and it was unanimously agreed that it should be celebrated at Bro . Basham's , the AVhite Hart , at Chigwcll , on tho second Thursday in Julyand a committee
, of stewards was appointed to carry out the arrangements for the same . There being no public business the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the largo room for refreshment , to which 79 sat down . The banquet was "furnished in Bio . Clomow ' s usual beautiful style , and it gave unanimous satisfaction . After the clofcl : was drawn , the W . M . gave tho usual loyal
and Masonic toasts , which were all duly honoured . Tho health of their newly-initiated brethren was given by the W . M ., for which Bro . Bayfield returned thanks . Bro . Henry Thompson ' I . P . M ., said tho brethren could readily understand for wha purpose the W . M . had delegated to him the power of addressing them , and he should use that power during the brief period it was entrusted to him to pufc ir . the best way he could , and that was by proposing the health . of their AA . M . ; and he did ifc with
greater pleasure than he had over done on any former occasion , inasmuch as he had been for some days suffering from indisposition , but happily he was then restored to thafc state of health in which every member felt delighted to see him Under his auspices and guidance , the lodge had obtained n . degree of prosperity hitherto unknown in the history of the Domatic Lodge , and he thought the W . M . had really good reason to be proud of the magnificent assemblage he saw before him , not
only for the numbers but for the high respectability of their members . At the same time while be presided over a lodge , pf such numbers and such respectability , which ho believed to be second to none in tlie Craft , it brought with it a corresponding amount of responsibility to see tlie duties properly performed , and the interests , the comfort , and the happiness of its members fully maintained . Ho believed he had done that , and thereforewithout further commenthe asked the brethren to
, , drink health and long life to the A \ . M . The toast was very enthusiiisfcirally responded to . Bro . Osborne , AA . M ., in reply , said he felt deeply grateful to their I . P . M ., Bro . Thompson , for the very flattering terms in which he had spoken of him , and to the brethren for having so cordially received the toast , and he must say that it was no small responsibility to preside over a lodge of upwards of 100 in number ; but he could assure them
that no effect should be wanting on his part to give them satisfaction , and in conclusion he thanked them sincerely for the honour he had conferred upon huu . Bvo . Shnnan sang one of his characteristic songs , which included notices ol many of those present , and was warmly applauded . The AV . M . said the next toast he had to propose was always one very pleasing to the members of the Domatic Lodge , as ifc was the health of their visiting brethren , whom they were pleased to see amongst thorn , and they gave them a hearty welcome . Bro . AVatson
returned thanks , and alluded to his early acquaintance with the Domatic Lodge , he having installed as W . M . Bro . Smith , their oldest member , and he was rejoiced to see its present prosperity . Bro . Baker , from Calcutta , also acknowledged the compliment , and said ifc would be a groat pleasure to him to communicate to his brethren in India the hospitality ho had received . The health of the P . M . ' s of the lodge was given , for which Bro . Carpenter returned thanks . The officers of the lodge was
the next toast given , ancl the Tyler ' s toast brought a truly successful and harmonious meeting to a close . There will be an emergency meeting for the admission of members on the 5 th of May . iS £ \ v CoycoriD LODC-E ( XO . 813 ) . —Friday , the 21 st insfc ., witnessed the active commencement of his duties by tlie recently elected AA . M . ( Bro . Boyee ) who was enabled to signalize the occasion by the initiation of no less than live candidates , the
ceremonies being performed with cave , ancl evidencing considerable training and preparation on the part of the W . M . At the banquet the W . M . was well supported by a numerous body of members and several visitors . After the usual Masonic toasts , the healths of Bro . Emmens , P . M ., Grand Pursuivant , and of Bro . Hodges , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Sec , were severally given and responded to . At the request of Bro . Emmens the health of the \ A . M . was proposed bBro . Hodges who spoke highly of
y the excellent working of the W . M ., and the efficient support of the officers , adding that any lodge might justly be proud of such working as had been witnessed that evening . Bro . Masterman of the Old Concord Lodge returned thanks on behalf of the visitors , and the immediate P . M . ( now confined to his rjom by a serious illness ) was feelingly proposed by Bro . Emmens and cordially drunk by tho brethren . Bro . Ford ( of the Wellington
Club ) , one of the newly initiated , returned thanks in a neat speech , and tho other four E . A . also expressed thoir acknowledgments . ROYAL ALBERT LOBC . E ( XO . 007 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge w-. is held afc the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , the 17 th insfc . Tho lodge was duly opened by the AV . M Bro . J . Downs , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . J . A . Farnfield and Peters , and the members of the previous meeting being read and confirmed , Bro . J . A . Farnfield , AA . M . elect , was presented by Bro . Smith to receive the benefit of insfcalla-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge.
The next toast was that of "The Right AA'orshipful the Provincial Grand Masters , " for which Bro . Fawcett , Provincial Grand Master for Durham , returned thanks . The G . MASTER said the next toast he had to propose was one at all times acceptable to Mason—ifc was "Success to the Masonic Charities , " and he felt delighted afc the manner in which they were now supported by the Craffc . He coupled
with the toast the name of Bro . Patten , Secretary to the Girls School . Bro . PATTEN , in returning thanks for the three Masonic Charities , said lie hoped the brethren would not forget the Festival for the Girls' School , which would take place on the 10 th of May . They had built a new wing to the Girls' School ,
and hail taken in twenty additional children , but on lately comparing the receipts of 1803 with 1861-, he found thafc he was in the latter year £ G 0 O deficient , and what with the extra expenditure ifc would make a total deficiency of £ 1 , 200 . Therefore he earnestly hoped the brethren would support them well at the next festival .
The next toasfc was "Tho Grand Stewards for the Year , " for which Bro . F . AV . Truscott returned thanks . The toast of " The Ladies who have honoured us with their presence" brought the proceedings to a close soon after ten o ' clock . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro .
James Stimpson , P . M . 93 S , and f > he performers were—Madame Rudersdorff , Madlle . Florence Lancie , Miss Lizzie Such , Bros . E . E . Walker , Bradbury , T . Lawlor , Mi * . Baxter , Mi * . R . J . Ward , and Master AVillie Pope . Bro . Harker was the toastmaster , ancl it is almost needless to say that he discharged the duties with his usual ability .
DOMATIC LODGE ( XO . 177 ) . —The last regular meeting for the season of this nourishing lodge was held on Friday evening , April 21 , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , it having since its removal to this place been attended with a success unprecedented in its history , no less than 29 new members having been admitted to it from December last , and every night there are numerous candidates unable to obtain admission . Bro . J . B . OsborneAA . M . presided ; Bros . SimpsonS . W . ; W . Y . Smith
, , , J . W . ; Henry Thompson , Joseph Smith , T . A . Adams , James Brett , M . Hnydon , T . Marshall , Henry AVilson , anil Elmes , P . M . ' s and the following visitors : —Bros . AV . AVatson , Globe ; Slomau , Robert Burns ; Hamilton , Whifcfcingtoii ; Kirby , Confidence ; Clayton , Lily ; Gil ' . cn , Athol ; Baker , St . David ' s-in-tlie-Rasfc , Calcutta ( S . C ); and Jvcivns , C-inonbury , besides a lull attendance of members . Tho lodge having been opened and the minutes read , the following gentlemen presented themselves as
candidates for initiation into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry : —Messrs . Mealing , Thomas Bailey , D . Scott Bayfield , James AVilliam Manton , and Hadris . This important ceremony was ably performed by the WM . The lodge was then advanced to the second degree , when Bros . Whitfield , Ferguson , Afcfcwood , J . IV . Smith , Cheek , Norman , Bennett , Fountain , Rice , AVood , anif Matthews , were passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then opened in the third degree
, and Bros . Branford , Farron , and AVood wero raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge having been resumed to the first , degree , several new propositions were made , and the next business was to take into consideration at what place the summer festival should be held , and it was unanimously agreed that it should be celebrated at Bro . Basham's , the AVhite Hart , at Chigwcll , on tho second Thursday in Julyand a committee
, of stewards was appointed to carry out the arrangements for the same . There being no public business the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the largo room for refreshment , to which 79 sat down . The banquet was "furnished in Bio . Clomow ' s usual beautiful style , and it gave unanimous satisfaction . After the clofcl : was drawn , the W . M . gave tho usual loyal
and Masonic toasts , which were all duly honoured . Tho health of their newly-initiated brethren was given by the W . M ., for which Bro . Bayfield returned thanks . Bro . Henry Thompson ' I . P . M ., said tho brethren could readily understand for wha purpose the W . M . had delegated to him the power of addressing them , and he should use that power during the brief period it was entrusted to him to pufc ir . the best way he could , and that was by proposing the health . of their AA . M . ; and he did ifc with
greater pleasure than he had over done on any former occasion , inasmuch as he had been for some days suffering from indisposition , but happily he was then restored to thafc state of health in which every member felt delighted to see him Under his auspices and guidance , the lodge had obtained n . degree of prosperity hitherto unknown in the history of the Domatic Lodge , and he thought the W . M . had really good reason to be proud of the magnificent assemblage he saw before him , not
only for the numbers but for the high respectability of their members . At the same time while be presided over a lodge , pf such numbers and such respectability , which ho believed to be second to none in tlie Craft , it brought with it a corresponding amount of responsibility to see tlie duties properly performed , and the interests , the comfort , and the happiness of its members fully maintained . Ho believed he had done that , and thereforewithout further commenthe asked the brethren to
, , drink health and long life to the A \ . M . The toast was very enthusiiisfcirally responded to . Bro . Osborne , AA . M ., in reply , said he felt deeply grateful to their I . P . M ., Bro . Thompson , for the very flattering terms in which he had spoken of him , and to the brethren for having so cordially received the toast , and he must say that it was no small responsibility to preside over a lodge of upwards of 100 in number ; but he could assure them
that no effect should be wanting on his part to give them satisfaction , and in conclusion he thanked them sincerely for the honour he had conferred upon huu . Bvo . Shnnan sang one of his characteristic songs , which included notices ol many of those present , and was warmly applauded . The AV . M . said the next toast he had to propose was always one very pleasing to the members of the Domatic Lodge , as ifc was the health of their visiting brethren , whom they were pleased to see amongst thorn , and they gave them a hearty welcome . Bro . AVatson
returned thanks , and alluded to his early acquaintance with the Domatic Lodge , he having installed as W . M . Bro . Smith , their oldest member , and he was rejoiced to see its present prosperity . Bro . Baker , from Calcutta , also acknowledged the compliment , and said ifc would be a groat pleasure to him to communicate to his brethren in India the hospitality ho had received . The health of the P . M . ' s of the lodge was given , for which Bro . Carpenter returned thanks . The officers of the lodge was
the next toast given , ancl the Tyler ' s toast brought a truly successful and harmonious meeting to a close . There will be an emergency meeting for the admission of members on the 5 th of May . iS £ \ v CoycoriD LODC-E ( XO . 813 ) . —Friday , the 21 st insfc ., witnessed the active commencement of his duties by tlie recently elected AA . M . ( Bro . Boyee ) who was enabled to signalize the occasion by the initiation of no less than live candidates , the
ceremonies being performed with cave , ancl evidencing considerable training and preparation on the part of the W . M . At the banquet the W . M . was well supported by a numerous body of members and several visitors . After the usual Masonic toasts , the healths of Bro . Emmens , P . M ., Grand Pursuivant , and of Bro . Hodges , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Sec , were severally given and responded to . At the request of Bro . Emmens the health of the \ A . M . was proposed bBro . Hodges who spoke highly of
y the excellent working of the W . M ., and the efficient support of the officers , adding that any lodge might justly be proud of such working as had been witnessed that evening . Bro . Masterman of the Old Concord Lodge returned thanks on behalf of the visitors , and the immediate P . M . ( now confined to his rjom by a serious illness ) was feelingly proposed by Bro . Emmens and cordially drunk by tho brethren . Bro . Ford ( of the Wellington
Club ) , one of the newly initiated , returned thanks in a neat speech , and tho other four E . A . also expressed thoir acknowledgments . ROYAL ALBERT LOBC . E ( XO . 007 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge w-. is held afc the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , the 17 th insfc . Tho lodge was duly opened by the AV . M Bro . J . Downs , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . J . A . Farnfield and Peters , and the members of the previous meeting being read and confirmed , Bro . J . A . Farnfield , AA . M . elect , was presented by Bro . Smith to receive the benefit of insfcalla-