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The Rise And Purposes Of Speculative Masonry.
every persuasion in the firm and pleasing bond of fraternal love ; they are taught to view the errors of mankind with compassion , and to strive , by the purity of their own conduct , to demonstrate the superior excellence of the faith they may
profess . Thus Masonry is the centre of union between good men and true , and the happy means of conciliating friendship amongst those who must otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance . '" Thus the idea of Freemasonry is as sublime and
magnificent , as it is rooted and grounded in the very being of man . Such an universal association was most essentially necessary . Amongst all men of generous minds , capable of practising selfdenial , and wishing to promote the general good of mankind , there is a secret affinity ; they resist all exclusiveness , and desire to enter into a bond
of love with any one having the like inclination . All associations which depend upon similarity of calling or of rank , upon p olitical opinions , patriotic sentiments , or reli g ious creeds , suffer more or less from exclusiveness . Against all such partition
Avails is a societ y required , which shall possess a code of laws embracing as wide a range as possible , and having regard alone to the inward worth of the individual ; a society which shall stand above all others , removing or ameliorating all that is
prejudicial , and guarding itself from becoming an object of hatred , contempt , and persecution . This union of unions which unites all good men into one famil y , in which the principles of equality and brotherly love ( i . e . love of the human race ) are
the predominant ones , and the end and aim of all its efforts , this is Freemasonry . Its unity does not depend upon the mere binding by oath ; no
an alliance voluntarily entered into is one of pure love and friendship . A warm loving heart , and a steadfast purpose to strive after what is good and right , are the only solid possessions of her sons , whereon Masonry founds happiness ; these alone
constitute the firm neutral basis on which every variety and difference of opinion are made to accommodate themselves , in the struggle after the knowledge of the truth , the cultivation of the beautiful , and the practice of virtue . In this
association , which unites all parties and denominations , and reconciles all opposing interests , can man fulfil those duties imposed by all reli g ions . The zealous activity of the Grand Lodge caused Masonry to develop itself rapidly in England , and it immediatel y met with a favourable reception in Europe , and in all other parts of the world . " { To be continued . )
The Origin Of The Lodge St. Ayles East Anstruther.
The following particulars of tho history of Freemasonry in Anstruther will bo read with interest at this time . The first effort to form a lodge here was in 1762—or 108 years ago—when a body of thirteen Masons met , and in consideration of the inconvenience of being so far from their respective mother lodges , resolved to form St . Ayles ,
which they proceeded to do , by electing the following interim office-bearers , viz .: —Bros . Gabriel Halliday ' schoolmaster and professor of mathematics , as he designated in West Anstruther , B . W . M . ; James Wirkie , S . W . ; George Peebles , J . AY . -, Patrick Brown , D . M . ; Andrew Barnsay , Sec . ; and Samuel limes , Steward . The lodgo
was opened , as in the present ease , under the powers of a working letter , and it continued until St . John ' s night of that year , when a charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and office-bearers were then elected in regular form , Bro . Alexander Young , stationer , at the same time being elected E . W . M ' . In 1764 , Bro . Philip Anstruther was appointed to that office , and in the
following year no less a personage than Sir John Anstruther , the Superior of the burgh , aspired to the honour , which lie filled for three consecutive years . The year 1765 appears to have been the most brilliant period in the history of the lodge , as in that year she numbered amongst her " sons " Brothers Islay Campbell
and George Wright , advocates in Edinburgh , John Lnmsdane , of Blunorue , Benjamin Plenderlcafch , Admiral Substitute , and most of the leading merchants in Anstruther' , Pifcfcemueem , and St . AToiranee . On the Sfc . John ' s day of that year the brethren had an out-door demonstration by walking to the ruins of the ancient
chapel of St . Ayles , which they encircled by taking hold of one another ' s hands , after which they proceeded iu a body to West Anstruther Port , when they then returned to ther lodge-room , where , as the records tell us , " they passed tho evening in jovial mirth , and with that social and free liapiness which distinguishes this honourable and frea society , when the meeting was closed at eight o ' clock in the evening . "—The Weelil-y News .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
1 IASONT . C EEI-OB . M . As the Master ' s degree is worked in Scotland , we have a password and the M . M . ' s word , which , with the ceremonies connected , I consider to be the ne plus ultra of Craft Masonry . As for any pretended discovery of the lost wordI look upon as a
, fallacy , and as the first opening of the door for the the admission of the legion of so-called " high degrees . " We might as well pretend to call up a spirit from the tomb to tell us the secrets of the grave ! No ; the Scottish Craft Masons were wise in their generation when they refused to have any
connection with the Eoyal Arch or any other Royal pretensions ; and it would be well for England to copy Scotland in this respect , just as it would be well for Scotland to copy England in many others . —Prcxus .
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The Rise And Purposes Of Speculative Masonry.
every persuasion in the firm and pleasing bond of fraternal love ; they are taught to view the errors of mankind with compassion , and to strive , by the purity of their own conduct , to demonstrate the superior excellence of the faith they may
profess . Thus Masonry is the centre of union between good men and true , and the happy means of conciliating friendship amongst those who must otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance . '" Thus the idea of Freemasonry is as sublime and
magnificent , as it is rooted and grounded in the very being of man . Such an universal association was most essentially necessary . Amongst all men of generous minds , capable of practising selfdenial , and wishing to promote the general good of mankind , there is a secret affinity ; they resist all exclusiveness , and desire to enter into a bond
of love with any one having the like inclination . All associations which depend upon similarity of calling or of rank , upon p olitical opinions , patriotic sentiments , or reli g ious creeds , suffer more or less from exclusiveness . Against all such partition
Avails is a societ y required , which shall possess a code of laws embracing as wide a range as possible , and having regard alone to the inward worth of the individual ; a society which shall stand above all others , removing or ameliorating all that is
prejudicial , and guarding itself from becoming an object of hatred , contempt , and persecution . This union of unions which unites all good men into one famil y , in which the principles of equality and brotherly love ( i . e . love of the human race ) are
the predominant ones , and the end and aim of all its efforts , this is Freemasonry . Its unity does not depend upon the mere binding by oath ; no
an alliance voluntarily entered into is one of pure love and friendship . A warm loving heart , and a steadfast purpose to strive after what is good and right , are the only solid possessions of her sons , whereon Masonry founds happiness ; these alone
constitute the firm neutral basis on which every variety and difference of opinion are made to accommodate themselves , in the struggle after the knowledge of the truth , the cultivation of the beautiful , and the practice of virtue . In this
association , which unites all parties and denominations , and reconciles all opposing interests , can man fulfil those duties imposed by all reli g ions . The zealous activity of the Grand Lodge caused Masonry to develop itself rapidly in England , and it immediatel y met with a favourable reception in Europe , and in all other parts of the world . " { To be continued . )
The Origin Of The Lodge St. Ayles East Anstruther.
The following particulars of tho history of Freemasonry in Anstruther will bo read with interest at this time . The first effort to form a lodge here was in 1762—or 108 years ago—when a body of thirteen Masons met , and in consideration of the inconvenience of being so far from their respective mother lodges , resolved to form St . Ayles ,
which they proceeded to do , by electing the following interim office-bearers , viz .: —Bros . Gabriel Halliday ' schoolmaster and professor of mathematics , as he designated in West Anstruther , B . W . M . ; James Wirkie , S . W . ; George Peebles , J . AY . -, Patrick Brown , D . M . ; Andrew Barnsay , Sec . ; and Samuel limes , Steward . The lodgo
was opened , as in the present ease , under the powers of a working letter , and it continued until St . John ' s night of that year , when a charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and office-bearers were then elected in regular form , Bro . Alexander Young , stationer , at the same time being elected E . W . M ' . In 1764 , Bro . Philip Anstruther was appointed to that office , and in the
following year no less a personage than Sir John Anstruther , the Superior of the burgh , aspired to the honour , which lie filled for three consecutive years . The year 1765 appears to have been the most brilliant period in the history of the lodge , as in that year she numbered amongst her " sons " Brothers Islay Campbell
and George Wright , advocates in Edinburgh , John Lnmsdane , of Blunorue , Benjamin Plenderlcafch , Admiral Substitute , and most of the leading merchants in Anstruther' , Pifcfcemueem , and St . AToiranee . On the Sfc . John ' s day of that year the brethren had an out-door demonstration by walking to the ruins of the ancient
chapel of St . Ayles , which they encircled by taking hold of one another ' s hands , after which they proceeded iu a body to West Anstruther Port , when they then returned to ther lodge-room , where , as the records tell us , " they passed tho evening in jovial mirth , and with that social and free liapiness which distinguishes this honourable and frea society , when the meeting was closed at eight o ' clock in the evening . "—The Weelil-y News .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
1 IASONT . C EEI-OB . M . As the Master ' s degree is worked in Scotland , we have a password and the M . M . ' s word , which , with the ceremonies connected , I consider to be the ne plus ultra of Craft Masonry . As for any pretended discovery of the lost wordI look upon as a
, fallacy , and as the first opening of the door for the the admission of the legion of so-called " high degrees . " We might as well pretend to call up a spirit from the tomb to tell us the secrets of the grave ! No ; the Scottish Craft Masons were wise in their generation when they refused to have any
connection with the Eoyal Arch or any other Royal pretensions ; and it would be well for England to copy Scotland in this respect , just as it would be well for Scotland to copy England in many others . —Prcxus .