Article THE LODGE OF GLASGOW ST. JOHN. ← Page 2 of 3 Article THE LODGE OF GLASGOW ST. JOHN. Page 2 of 3 →
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The Lodge Of Glasgow St. John.
In November , 1854 . Committee appointed to see about aiding the Patriotic Fund in aid of the Wives & c , of Soldiers & c , now serving in the East . On 27 th December , 1854 , Election , when
Robert Orr . ickshank , is R . W . M . On 20 th March , 1 S 55 . Gavin Park , measurer ' , is initiated . Also Bro . Memro , as announced in last minute , presented a bust of the late R . W . M " ., David Hamilton , * and Bro . David
Winton presented a handsome bracket for supporting the bust , & c . On 3 rd April , 1855 . Robert Neilson affiliated from St . Mark's .
" On 11 th September , 1855 . James B . Walker , Painter , aged 29 , admitted . Ou 27 Ui November , 1855 , James Noble Sutherland , elected an honorary member . On 4 th December , 1835 , Robert McCord and James Watson admitted .
Ou 27 th December , 1 S 55 . Installation and festival ; James Cruickshauk , R . W . M . On 22 nd January , 1856 . Rev . Dr . Graham gave a lecture on Egyptian Architecture . Ou 5 th February , 1856 . Brother Taylor lectured on Architecture .
On 29 th April , 1856 . "The R . W . M . mentioned some matters that carae before the last meeting of the P . G . L ., regarding a Benevolent Fund about to be established by the several lodges . In reference to the above , Bro .
McCulIoch proposed , seconded by Bro . Jas . Watson , that the Lodge St . John vote £ 2 2 s . for this years' contribution , and 2 s . Gd . for each candidate admitted . " On 13 th May , 1856 . Thomas Ramsay ,
Painter , initiated . On 27 th May , 1856 . Moved by the R . W . M . ff to present from the St . John's Lodge a suitable testimonial to Brother Donald Campbell , for the zealous- ' , laborious , and unwearied exertions on his
part on behalf of the promotion of Freemasonry , and in particular to the St . John ' s Lodge . " He often worked tlie ceremonies for them .
Or . 7 th October , 1856 . Bro . D . Campbell gave a lecture on tracing-board . C 1 The R . W . M . intimated that he would be most happy to furnish this lodge with lectures by
The Lodge Of Glasgow St. John.
brother Masons , from time to time , for the instruction ofthe lodge . * " It was suggested by the R . W . M ., that this lodge and St . Mark ' s should agree to hire or purchase a piano or harmonium for the amusement of
their respective lodges . In December , 1856 . The R . W . M . intimated that he and others attended the late G . L . festival , and were cordially received ; thereafter visited the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Chapel ) , No . 1 ., and
were there welcomed iu a similar manner . "Itwas agreed to hold a Lodge of Instruction on Tuesday first aud every alternate Tuesday this month . " Had this been followed by due application , much good might have resulted . On December Oth , 1856 . " A number of the
brethren were instructed m the initiating of new members . The R . W . M . intimated that he had , along with Brother D . Campbell , ofthe St . Mark ' s Lodge , been successful in getting a piano for the use of the two lodges , further that he had got
Bro . David Greenshields to promise to be present at our meetings , and assist in giving us all the assistance in his power , for tbispm-pose the R . W . M proposed Bro . Greenshields for affiliation as an honor-ary member at next meeting . "
On December , 16 th . " The treasurer was authorised to pay one guinea to the Provincial Festival Committee , should it be found necessary , in order to defray expenses , in consequence of the low price of the tickets . " Bro . Robert Ramage proposed as Proxy Master .
On December , 30 th , 1856 . The " 799 th anniversary" celebrated , when Bro . James York presented an old chisel taken from the foundation of Stockwell St . Bridge , which chisel be supposed to have been imbedded there several hundred
years , and " he had no doubt that it belonged to a former member of our mother lodge . " Bro , James Cruickshank is still E . W . M . On February , 3 rd , 1857 . Bye-laws of the lodge ordered to be strictly enforced in regard to
the admission of new candidates . W . G . Lennox " was solemnly initiated to the entered apprentice degree iu a most efficient manner by Bro . D . Winton , S . W . ; " then follows a " memorial sent to Sir A . Alison , Bart ., P . G . M ., praying him not to appoint BrosJ Rowand and Rochead , of St . Mark ' s No . 102 , as his P . G-L . Wardens seeing
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The Lodge Of Glasgow St. John.
In November , 1854 . Committee appointed to see about aiding the Patriotic Fund in aid of the Wives & c , of Soldiers & c , now serving in the East . On 27 th December , 1854 , Election , when
Robert Orr . ickshank , is R . W . M . On 20 th March , 1 S 55 . Gavin Park , measurer ' , is initiated . Also Bro . Memro , as announced in last minute , presented a bust of the late R . W . M " ., David Hamilton , * and Bro . David
Winton presented a handsome bracket for supporting the bust , & c . On 3 rd April , 1855 . Robert Neilson affiliated from St . Mark's .
" On 11 th September , 1855 . James B . Walker , Painter , aged 29 , admitted . Ou 27 Ui November , 1855 , James Noble Sutherland , elected an honorary member . On 4 th December , 1835 , Robert McCord and James Watson admitted .
Ou 27 th December , 1 S 55 . Installation and festival ; James Cruickshauk , R . W . M . On 22 nd January , 1856 . Rev . Dr . Graham gave a lecture on Egyptian Architecture . Ou 5 th February , 1856 . Brother Taylor lectured on Architecture .
On 29 th April , 1856 . "The R . W . M . mentioned some matters that carae before the last meeting of the P . G . L ., regarding a Benevolent Fund about to be established by the several lodges . In reference to the above , Bro .
McCulIoch proposed , seconded by Bro . Jas . Watson , that the Lodge St . John vote £ 2 2 s . for this years' contribution , and 2 s . Gd . for each candidate admitted . " On 13 th May , 1856 . Thomas Ramsay ,
Painter , initiated . On 27 th May , 1856 . Moved by the R . W . M . ff to present from the St . John's Lodge a suitable testimonial to Brother Donald Campbell , for the zealous- ' , laborious , and unwearied exertions on his
part on behalf of the promotion of Freemasonry , and in particular to the St . John ' s Lodge . " He often worked tlie ceremonies for them .
Or . 7 th October , 1856 . Bro . D . Campbell gave a lecture on tracing-board . C 1 The R . W . M . intimated that he would be most happy to furnish this lodge with lectures by
The Lodge Of Glasgow St. John.
brother Masons , from time to time , for the instruction ofthe lodge . * " It was suggested by the R . W . M ., that this lodge and St . Mark ' s should agree to hire or purchase a piano or harmonium for the amusement of
their respective lodges . In December , 1856 . The R . W . M . intimated that he and others attended the late G . L . festival , and were cordially received ; thereafter visited the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Chapel ) , No . 1 ., and
were there welcomed iu a similar manner . "Itwas agreed to hold a Lodge of Instruction on Tuesday first aud every alternate Tuesday this month . " Had this been followed by due application , much good might have resulted . On December Oth , 1856 . " A number of the
brethren were instructed m the initiating of new members . The R . W . M . intimated that he had , along with Brother D . Campbell , ofthe St . Mark ' s Lodge , been successful in getting a piano for the use of the two lodges , further that he had got
Bro . David Greenshields to promise to be present at our meetings , and assist in giving us all the assistance in his power , for tbispm-pose the R . W . M proposed Bro . Greenshields for affiliation as an honor-ary member at next meeting . "
On December , 16 th . " The treasurer was authorised to pay one guinea to the Provincial Festival Committee , should it be found necessary , in order to defray expenses , in consequence of the low price of the tickets . " Bro . Robert Ramage proposed as Proxy Master .
On December , 30 th , 1856 . The " 799 th anniversary" celebrated , when Bro . James York presented an old chisel taken from the foundation of Stockwell St . Bridge , which chisel be supposed to have been imbedded there several hundred
years , and " he had no doubt that it belonged to a former member of our mother lodge . " Bro , James Cruickshank is still E . W . M . On February , 3 rd , 1857 . Bye-laws of the lodge ordered to be strictly enforced in regard to
the admission of new candidates . W . G . Lennox " was solemnly initiated to the entered apprentice degree iu a most efficient manner by Bro . D . Winton , S . W . ; " then follows a " memorial sent to Sir A . Alison , Bart ., P . G . M ., praying him not to appoint BrosJ Rowand and Rochead , of St . Mark ' s No . 102 , as his P . G-L . Wardens seeing