Article A PUBLIC ORDER OF MERIT. Page 1 of 1 Article A PUBLIC ORDER OF MERIT. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LODGE OF GLASGOW ST. JOHN. Page 1 of 3 →
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A Public Order Of Merit.
By LUPUS . I beg a few lines to say a word in favour of the establishment of a public Order of Merit in this country . The only decoration within reach of persons of even good social position is the Bath ,
and this is restricted to the army and the civil service . The subject has been agitated more than once , and has been as often under consideration of the government only to be abandoned . There is a hypocritical fashion in this country
of professing to deride , in civilians , those outward marks of personal worth which in all States , and at all times , have proved incentives to noble deeds , skilful enterprises , and useful inventions : and which , whether they be exemplified in the
humble Cross of Merit or the Legion of Honour of France , form alike the reward of some good , virtuous , or beneficial action . But notwithstanding this professed contempt for what they are pleased to call " playthings " ( the first Napoleon
said , " playthings , if you like , but suppose the people like them ? " ) I venture to assert that there is no greater desire in any country under the sun , to possess these marks of honourable distinction , than in our own fair land . Nearly every
State , great and small , in Europe , has its cross , or decoration , of merit , open to literary genius , inventive skill , or other talent of all classes . Why then should England stand alone ; not only refusing to give , but declining permission to
. The learned and accomplished antiquai'y , Nicholas Carlisle , wrote in 1839 , " I may safely predict that the institution of a civil Order , would obtain the unanimous approbation of the Bz-itish people , and that every national expression of
gratitude would be offered at the foot of the Throne , for such an act of wise and liberal policy , an act the more auspicious , as gracefully marking the commencement of the reign of a young and lovely Queen . "
Is it not much to be regretted that Carlisle ' s prediction should have had no opportunity of fulfilment ? Blanchard Jerrold , in his excellent little " Story of the Legion of Honour , " says , " We want an
Order of Merit in England , because we want to see a state recognition of hundreds of men who have never received the least token of public gratitude . A few men of genius—who happened
A Public Order Of Merit.
to be men of fortune—have received titles ; a scientific authority has even been rewarded by an inferior place at court ; but the state has in no way properly recognised the valour by which it ha & maintained its reputation , nor the genius which
has shed a marvellous light upon the livinggenerations . " I feel that I am occupying too much space , let me therefore conclude in the words of an eloquent friend of my own , when he says that such honours
should be assigned " not only to the learned historian , the erudite philologist , the accomplished linguist , the profound natural philosopher , the refined poet , but to the professors or representatives of the kindred arts , to the skilful painter ,
the expert engraver , the talented sculptor , the able musician , the ingenious mechanist , the deserving discoverer or inventor , or , in brief , to the whole united body of eminent civilians who have most conspicuously devoted their gifts and energies to the welfare and enjoyment of their fellow-men . "
The Lodge Of Glasgow St. John.
By Bro . W . P . BUCHAN , P . S . W . NO . 3 bis , and ' Grand Steward , Grand Lodge of Scotland . { No 6 , Continued from Page 44 ) Ou 27 th Dec . 1852 . Election of Office ^ Bearers , Bro . Robert Craig , R . W . M .
On 27 th January , 1853 . A meeting was held where 13 brethren passed the chair as " Chair Masters . " Bro . Rev . Doctor John Graham was made an honorary member . On 3 rd March , 1853 , " The lodge agree , and
authorise the secretary to order a copy of the FEEEMASON ' S QUAETEELY REVIEW AND MAGAZIHI for the use of the lodge . " " On 17 th March , 1853 . Agreed to give Bro-Pollock , Tyler , 3 s ., for each candidate initiated .
On 8 th December , 1853 . "Agree that the Architectural Institute shall be allowed the use erf the lodge room for four nights in the year , on the understanding that a weeks' previous no ticsshall be given .
An entry occurs here of £ 12 10 s . that was collected for Dr . Rattray ' s funeral expenses , & c . On 27 th December , 1853 . Election and festival . Bro . David Manwell , R . W . M . On 22 nd March , 1854 . David Manwell , his J . W . and two others were made Chair Mas onSj after which Bro . Dunett gave a lecture .
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A Public Order Of Merit.
By LUPUS . I beg a few lines to say a word in favour of the establishment of a public Order of Merit in this country . The only decoration within reach of persons of even good social position is the Bath ,
and this is restricted to the army and the civil service . The subject has been agitated more than once , and has been as often under consideration of the government only to be abandoned . There is a hypocritical fashion in this country
of professing to deride , in civilians , those outward marks of personal worth which in all States , and at all times , have proved incentives to noble deeds , skilful enterprises , and useful inventions : and which , whether they be exemplified in the
humble Cross of Merit or the Legion of Honour of France , form alike the reward of some good , virtuous , or beneficial action . But notwithstanding this professed contempt for what they are pleased to call " playthings " ( the first Napoleon
said , " playthings , if you like , but suppose the people like them ? " ) I venture to assert that there is no greater desire in any country under the sun , to possess these marks of honourable distinction , than in our own fair land . Nearly every
State , great and small , in Europe , has its cross , or decoration , of merit , open to literary genius , inventive skill , or other talent of all classes . Why then should England stand alone ; not only refusing to give , but declining permission to
. The learned and accomplished antiquai'y , Nicholas Carlisle , wrote in 1839 , " I may safely predict that the institution of a civil Order , would obtain the unanimous approbation of the Bz-itish people , and that every national expression of
gratitude would be offered at the foot of the Throne , for such an act of wise and liberal policy , an act the more auspicious , as gracefully marking the commencement of the reign of a young and lovely Queen . "
Is it not much to be regretted that Carlisle ' s prediction should have had no opportunity of fulfilment ? Blanchard Jerrold , in his excellent little " Story of the Legion of Honour , " says , " We want an
Order of Merit in England , because we want to see a state recognition of hundreds of men who have never received the least token of public gratitude . A few men of genius—who happened
A Public Order Of Merit.
to be men of fortune—have received titles ; a scientific authority has even been rewarded by an inferior place at court ; but the state has in no way properly recognised the valour by which it ha & maintained its reputation , nor the genius which
has shed a marvellous light upon the livinggenerations . " I feel that I am occupying too much space , let me therefore conclude in the words of an eloquent friend of my own , when he says that such honours
should be assigned " not only to the learned historian , the erudite philologist , the accomplished linguist , the profound natural philosopher , the refined poet , but to the professors or representatives of the kindred arts , to the skilful painter ,
the expert engraver , the talented sculptor , the able musician , the ingenious mechanist , the deserving discoverer or inventor , or , in brief , to the whole united body of eminent civilians who have most conspicuously devoted their gifts and energies to the welfare and enjoyment of their fellow-men . "
The Lodge Of Glasgow St. John.
By Bro . W . P . BUCHAN , P . S . W . NO . 3 bis , and ' Grand Steward , Grand Lodge of Scotland . { No 6 , Continued from Page 44 ) Ou 27 th Dec . 1852 . Election of Office ^ Bearers , Bro . Robert Craig , R . W . M .
On 27 th January , 1853 . A meeting was held where 13 brethren passed the chair as " Chair Masters . " Bro . Rev . Doctor John Graham was made an honorary member . On 3 rd March , 1853 , " The lodge agree , and
authorise the secretary to order a copy of the FEEEMASON ' S QUAETEELY REVIEW AND MAGAZIHI for the use of the lodge . " " On 17 th March , 1853 . Agreed to give Bro-Pollock , Tyler , 3 s ., for each candidate initiated .
On 8 th December , 1853 . "Agree that the Architectural Institute shall be allowed the use erf the lodge room for four nights in the year , on the understanding that a weeks' previous no ticsshall be given .
An entry occurs here of £ 12 10 s . that was collected for Dr . Rattray ' s funeral expenses , & c . On 27 th December , 1853 . Election and festival . Bro . David Manwell , R . W . M . On 22 nd March , 1854 . David Manwell , his J . W . and two others were made Chair Mas onSj after which Bro . Dunett gave a lecture .