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List Of Lodge, Meetings, &C., For Week Ending 5th February, 1870.
( Abbreviations . —F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; Ro Rooms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sq ., Square ) . METROPOLITAN LODGES AXD CHAPTERS . Monday , Jan . 31 si . LODGES . —Pythagorean , Ship Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich ; Universal , F . M . H . ; British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tav . > Bancroft-pl ., Mile-end .
Tuesday , Feb . 1 st . Colonial Boarel , at 3 . LODGES . —Royal York Loelge of Perseverance , F . M . H . ; Albion , F . M . H . ; Old Dundee , London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . ; Temple , Ship anel Turtle , Leaelenhallst . ; Old Concord , F . M . H . ; St . James's , Leather Market Tav ., New AA eston-st ., Bermondsey ; Grosvcnor , Victoria Station , Metropolitan District Railway Station ; Golden Rule , Great AA estern Ho ., Bayswater ; Duke of Edinboro , ' New Globe Tav ., Bow-rel . CHAPTERS . —Prudent Brethren , F . M . H . ; Temperance , White Swan Tav ., Deptford ; United Pilgrims , Horns Tav ., Kennington .
Wednesday , Feb . 2 nd . Grand Chapter , at 7 . LODGES . —Westminster and Key Stone , F . M . H . ; Zetland , Anderton's Ho ., Fleet-st . ; Mac Donald , Hd . Qrs . 1 st Surrey A ol . Corps , Bruiiswick-rd ., Crmberwell . Thursday , Fob . 3 rd . LODGES . —Egyptian , Anelertons' Ho ., Fleet-st . ; Strong Alan , F . M . H . ; Good Report , City Terminus Ho ., Cannon-st . ; Lion
and Lamb , City Terminus Ho ., Cannon-st . ; Ionic , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . ; St . Andrew ' s , F . M . H . ; La Tolerance , F . M . H . ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Alctoria Rifles , F . M . H . ; Excelsior , Sidney Arms , Lewislnim-rd . ; Perfect Ashlar , Gregorian Arms , Bermondsey-rd . CHAPTERS . —St . James's , F . M . H . ; Moiiah , Albion Tav ., Alelersgate-st . ; AA estbourne , Now Inn , Edgeware-roael ; Crystal Palace , Crystal Palace , Sydenham .
Friday , Feb . ith . LODGES . —Florence Nightingale , M . H ., AVilliam-st ., AVoolwich Hornsey , Anderton ' s Ho ., Fleet-st . ; Star , Marquis of Granby Tav ., New Cross-rd . CHAPTERS . —British , F . M . H . ; Prince of AVales , AA'illis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s .
Saturday , Feb . 5 th . Gen . Com . Boys' School , at ' F . M . H ., at 1 . St . Thomas's , Brldge-st ., Blackfriars . METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS OF INSTRUCTION . Monday , Jan- 31 st . Temple , Old Goorge , St . Alary Axe , E . C . ; Justice , Royal Albert ,
New Cross-id , Deptford ; Old Concord , Turk's Head , Montcombe-st ., Bi'tgi ave-sq . ; Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Louelon-st . ; St . James's Union , Swan Tavern , Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq . ; Industry , Dick ' s Coffee House , Fleet-st . ; Crystal Palace , City Arms Tav ., West-sq ., Soutbwnrk ; AVestbourne , the Grapes , Duke-st ., 11 anchestcr-sq . ; High Cross , White Hai t Ho ., Tottenham ; Tower Hamlets Engineers , Duke of Clarence , Comroercial-rd ., East ; Eastern Star , Royal Ho ., Burdett-rd ., MUeend-rd . ; Camden , Adelaide Tav . Haverstock Hill .
Tuesday , Feb . 1 st . Faith , Fisher's Restaurant , Metrop . Dist . Kail ., A'ictoria Station ; Domatic , Palmerston Arms , lliosvenor-nark , Camberweil ; Jordan , Alwyne Castle , Canonbury ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Prince Frederick William , Knights of St . John ' s Tav ., St . Jobn's-wood ; British Oak , Silver Lion Tavern , Pennytield , Poplar ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward , TriangleHackney ; Royal AlbertWiiite
HareAbchurch-, , , lane ; City of London , Shepherd aud Flock Tav ., Bell-alley , Moorgate-street ; New Wandsworth , Freemasons' Ho ., New AA andsworth ; Robert Burns , Sussex Stores , Upper St . Martln ' slane ; Rose i . f Denmark , George Ho ., Aldermanhury ; Mount Slon , AVhite Hurt , Bishopsgate-st . ; Royal Union , Duborg's Ho ., Haymarket ; Hervey , George Ho ., Walham Green .
Wednesday , Feb . 2 nd . Confidence , Railway Tav ., London-street ; United Strength , Bull and Gate , Kentish 'town ; New Concord , Rosemary Brunch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . Mark's , Mawby Arms , Mawby-sf ,, S . Lamb beth ; Peckham , Edinboro' Castle Tavern , Peckham Rye ;
List Of Lodge, Meetings, &C., For Week Ending 5th February, 1870.
Pythagorean , Piilce of Orange Hotel , Greenwich ; Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catherine-si , Poplar ; Prosperity , Gladstone Tav ., Bishopsgate-streot . CHAPTEB OB IXSTRTTCTION . —St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq .
Thursday , Feb . 3 rd . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , Lonelon-st ., Fitzroy-sq . ; Kent , Duke of York , Borough-rd ., Southwark ; United Mariners , Three Cranes , Mile-end-rel . ; Vitruvian , White Hart , College-st ., Lambeth ; StGeorge's , Globe Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , lohn-st ., Berkeley-square ; Tranquillity , Sngai-LoafTav ., Gveafc St . Helen's , E . G . ; AVhittington , Thatched House Tav ., 9 , Red Lion-st . ; Royal Oak , Royal Oak Tavern , Deptford . CHAPTER OE IKSTRT / CTIOH ' . —Joppa , Prospect of AVhltby Tav ., 57 , AVapping-wall .,
Friday , Feb . ith . Robert Barns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . ; St . Luke ' s , Pier Ho ., Cheyne-walk , Chelsea ; Temperance , Victoria Tar ,, A ictoria-rd ., Deptford ; Stability , Guildhall Tav ., 33 , Gresham st . ; Unions ( Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . I , Freemasons' Hall ; United Pilgrims , Horns' Tavern , Kennington ; AVellington Lord Duncan TavernBroadway
, , , Deptford ; Florence Nightingale , Freemasons' Tav ., AVoolwich ; Ranclagh , Windsor Castle Hotel , Kiug-st ., Hammersmith ; Belgrave , Duke of Wellington , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; St . James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Lily , Greyhound Ho ., Richmond ; Doric , Three Cranes , Alile End-rd . ; Rose of Denmark , White Hart , Barnes , Surrey ; A ictoria , George Ho ., Aldermanhury .
PROVINCIAL . Monday , Jem . 31 st . LODGES . —Social , Queen's Ho ., Manchester ; Lights , Masonic Rooms , Saukey-st ., Warrington , Lancashire . Tuesday , Feb . 1 st . LODGES . —Ncwall , F . M . H ., Islington-sq ., Salford ; Furness , Ma . Te ., Ulverstone , Lancashire ; Marquis of Granby , F . M . H ., Durham ; AVarden , Royal Ho ., Sutton Coldfiekl . CHAPTER . Ala . Te ., 22 , Hope-st ., Liverpool .
Wednesday , Feb . 2 nd . LODGES . — -Duke of Athol , Nottingham Castle , Denton ; near Manchester ; Naphtali , Private Rooms , York-st ., Heywood , Lancashire ; Earl Ellesmere , Church Inn , Farnwortb , neer Bolton , Lancashire ; St . Thomas , Griffin Ho ., Lower Broughtou , Manchester ; Harmony , Private Rooms , Ann-st ., Rochdale ; Albert , Duke of York Inn , Shaw , Lancashire ; KeystoneNew InnWlntworihnear RuclidaleLancashire ;
, , , , Ellesmere , Royal Oak Ho ., Choiley , Lancashire ; St . John's , Royal Alersey Yacht Ho ., 90 , Duke-st ., Liverpool ; Royal A ictoria , ALT ., 22 , Hope-st ' , Liverpool : Athol , Ma . Ha ., Severn-sir ., Birmingham ; Phoenix , F . AI . 11 ., Sunderland . CHAPTER . —Fidelity , 1 , Hamilton-sip , Birkenhead . Thursday , Feb- 3 rd . LODGES . —Prince of Wales , ' Derby Ho ., Bury , Lancashire ;
Commerce , Commercial Ho ., Mnrket-sq ., Bolton , Lancashire ; Affability , F . M . H ., Cooyjer-sfc ., Manchester ; Mariners , 22 , Hope-st ., Liverpool ; Tees , Masons'Court , Stockton , Durham . CHAPTER . —Howe , JIa . Ro ., Newhall-st ., Birmingham .
Friday , Feb . 4 th . LODGE . —Friendship , F . M . H ., Manchester ; Sefton , Ma . Te ., 22 , Hope-st ., Liverpool . [ This information is extracted from the " Universal Masonic Calendar , " published at 10 , Salisbury-street , Strand , and brethren who may detect any inaccuracies ( and there are , doubtless , many ) , are respectfully requested to communicate the same to the Editor at the Office , No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . ]
To Correspondents.
* . { , * All Communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury street , Strand , A \ . C , SEVEJUI , communications stand over till our next .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
List Of Lodge, Meetings, &C., For Week Ending 5th February, 1870.
( Abbreviations . —F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; Ro Rooms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sq ., Square ) . METROPOLITAN LODGES AXD CHAPTERS . Monday , Jan . 31 si . LODGES . —Pythagorean , Ship Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich ; Universal , F . M . H . ; British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tav . > Bancroft-pl ., Mile-end .
Tuesday , Feb . 1 st . Colonial Boarel , at 3 . LODGES . —Royal York Loelge of Perseverance , F . M . H . ; Albion , F . M . H . ; Old Dundee , London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . ; Temple , Ship anel Turtle , Leaelenhallst . ; Old Concord , F . M . H . ; St . James's , Leather Market Tav ., New AA eston-st ., Bermondsey ; Grosvcnor , Victoria Station , Metropolitan District Railway Station ; Golden Rule , Great AA estern Ho ., Bayswater ; Duke of Edinboro , ' New Globe Tav ., Bow-rel . CHAPTERS . —Prudent Brethren , F . M . H . ; Temperance , White Swan Tav ., Deptford ; United Pilgrims , Horns Tav ., Kennington .
Wednesday , Feb . 2 nd . Grand Chapter , at 7 . LODGES . —Westminster and Key Stone , F . M . H . ; Zetland , Anderton's Ho ., Fleet-st . ; Mac Donald , Hd . Qrs . 1 st Surrey A ol . Corps , Bruiiswick-rd ., Crmberwell . Thursday , Fob . 3 rd . LODGES . —Egyptian , Anelertons' Ho ., Fleet-st . ; Strong Alan , F . M . H . ; Good Report , City Terminus Ho ., Cannon-st . ; Lion
and Lamb , City Terminus Ho ., Cannon-st . ; Ionic , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . ; St . Andrew ' s , F . M . H . ; La Tolerance , F . M . H . ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Alctoria Rifles , F . M . H . ; Excelsior , Sidney Arms , Lewislnim-rd . ; Perfect Ashlar , Gregorian Arms , Bermondsey-rd . CHAPTERS . —St . James's , F . M . H . ; Moiiah , Albion Tav ., Alelersgate-st . ; AA estbourne , Now Inn , Edgeware-roael ; Crystal Palace , Crystal Palace , Sydenham .
Friday , Feb . ith . LODGES . —Florence Nightingale , M . H ., AVilliam-st ., AVoolwich Hornsey , Anderton ' s Ho ., Fleet-st . ; Star , Marquis of Granby Tav ., New Cross-rd . CHAPTERS . —British , F . M . H . ; Prince of AVales , AA'illis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s .
Saturday , Feb . 5 th . Gen . Com . Boys' School , at ' F . M . H ., at 1 . St . Thomas's , Brldge-st ., Blackfriars . METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS OF INSTRUCTION . Monday , Jan- 31 st . Temple , Old Goorge , St . Alary Axe , E . C . ; Justice , Royal Albert ,
New Cross-id , Deptford ; Old Concord , Turk's Head , Montcombe-st ., Bi'tgi ave-sq . ; Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Louelon-st . ; St . James's Union , Swan Tavern , Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq . ; Industry , Dick ' s Coffee House , Fleet-st . ; Crystal Palace , City Arms Tav ., West-sq ., Soutbwnrk ; AVestbourne , the Grapes , Duke-st ., 11 anchestcr-sq . ; High Cross , White Hai t Ho ., Tottenham ; Tower Hamlets Engineers , Duke of Clarence , Comroercial-rd ., East ; Eastern Star , Royal Ho ., Burdett-rd ., MUeend-rd . ; Camden , Adelaide Tav . Haverstock Hill .
Tuesday , Feb . 1 st . Faith , Fisher's Restaurant , Metrop . Dist . Kail ., A'ictoria Station ; Domatic , Palmerston Arms , lliosvenor-nark , Camberweil ; Jordan , Alwyne Castle , Canonbury ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Prince Frederick William , Knights of St . John ' s Tav ., St . Jobn's-wood ; British Oak , Silver Lion Tavern , Pennytield , Poplar ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward , TriangleHackney ; Royal AlbertWiiite
HareAbchurch-, , , lane ; City of London , Shepherd aud Flock Tav ., Bell-alley , Moorgate-street ; New Wandsworth , Freemasons' Ho ., New AA andsworth ; Robert Burns , Sussex Stores , Upper St . Martln ' slane ; Rose i . f Denmark , George Ho ., Aldermanhury ; Mount Slon , AVhite Hurt , Bishopsgate-st . ; Royal Union , Duborg's Ho ., Haymarket ; Hervey , George Ho ., Walham Green .
Wednesday , Feb . 2 nd . Confidence , Railway Tav ., London-street ; United Strength , Bull and Gate , Kentish 'town ; New Concord , Rosemary Brunch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . Mark's , Mawby Arms , Mawby-sf ,, S . Lamb beth ; Peckham , Edinboro' Castle Tavern , Peckham Rye ;
List Of Lodge, Meetings, &C., For Week Ending 5th February, 1870.
Pythagorean , Piilce of Orange Hotel , Greenwich ; Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catherine-si , Poplar ; Prosperity , Gladstone Tav ., Bishopsgate-streot . CHAPTEB OB IXSTRTTCTION . —St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq .
Thursday , Feb . 3 rd . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , Lonelon-st ., Fitzroy-sq . ; Kent , Duke of York , Borough-rd ., Southwark ; United Mariners , Three Cranes , Mile-end-rel . ; Vitruvian , White Hart , College-st ., Lambeth ; StGeorge's , Globe Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , lohn-st ., Berkeley-square ; Tranquillity , Sngai-LoafTav ., Gveafc St . Helen's , E . G . ; AVhittington , Thatched House Tav ., 9 , Red Lion-st . ; Royal Oak , Royal Oak Tavern , Deptford . CHAPTER OE IKSTRT / CTIOH ' . —Joppa , Prospect of AVhltby Tav ., 57 , AVapping-wall .,
Friday , Feb . ith . Robert Barns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . ; St . Luke ' s , Pier Ho ., Cheyne-walk , Chelsea ; Temperance , Victoria Tar ,, A ictoria-rd ., Deptford ; Stability , Guildhall Tav ., 33 , Gresham st . ; Unions ( Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . I , Freemasons' Hall ; United Pilgrims , Horns' Tavern , Kennington ; AVellington Lord Duncan TavernBroadway
, , , Deptford ; Florence Nightingale , Freemasons' Tav ., AVoolwich ; Ranclagh , Windsor Castle Hotel , Kiug-st ., Hammersmith ; Belgrave , Duke of Wellington , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; St . James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Lily , Greyhound Ho ., Richmond ; Doric , Three Cranes , Alile End-rd . ; Rose of Denmark , White Hart , Barnes , Surrey ; A ictoria , George Ho ., Aldermanhury .
PROVINCIAL . Monday , Jem . 31 st . LODGES . —Social , Queen's Ho ., Manchester ; Lights , Masonic Rooms , Saukey-st ., Warrington , Lancashire . Tuesday , Feb . 1 st . LODGES . —Ncwall , F . M . H ., Islington-sq ., Salford ; Furness , Ma . Te ., Ulverstone , Lancashire ; Marquis of Granby , F . M . H ., Durham ; AVarden , Royal Ho ., Sutton Coldfiekl . CHAPTER . Ala . Te ., 22 , Hope-st ., Liverpool .
Wednesday , Feb . 2 nd . LODGES . — -Duke of Athol , Nottingham Castle , Denton ; near Manchester ; Naphtali , Private Rooms , York-st ., Heywood , Lancashire ; Earl Ellesmere , Church Inn , Farnwortb , neer Bolton , Lancashire ; St . Thomas , Griffin Ho ., Lower Broughtou , Manchester ; Harmony , Private Rooms , Ann-st ., Rochdale ; Albert , Duke of York Inn , Shaw , Lancashire ; KeystoneNew InnWlntworihnear RuclidaleLancashire ;
, , , , Ellesmere , Royal Oak Ho ., Choiley , Lancashire ; St . John's , Royal Alersey Yacht Ho ., 90 , Duke-st ., Liverpool ; Royal A ictoria , ALT ., 22 , Hope-st ' , Liverpool : Athol , Ma . Ha ., Severn-sir ., Birmingham ; Phoenix , F . AI . 11 ., Sunderland . CHAPTER . —Fidelity , 1 , Hamilton-sip , Birkenhead . Thursday , Feb- 3 rd . LODGES . —Prince of Wales , ' Derby Ho ., Bury , Lancashire ;
Commerce , Commercial Ho ., Mnrket-sq ., Bolton , Lancashire ; Affability , F . M . H ., Cooyjer-sfc ., Manchester ; Mariners , 22 , Hope-st ., Liverpool ; Tees , Masons'Court , Stockton , Durham . CHAPTER . —Howe , JIa . Ro ., Newhall-st ., Birmingham .
Friday , Feb . 4 th . LODGE . —Friendship , F . M . H ., Manchester ; Sefton , Ma . Te ., 22 , Hope-st ., Liverpool . [ This information is extracted from the " Universal Masonic Calendar , " published at 10 , Salisbury-street , Strand , and brethren who may detect any inaccuracies ( and there are , doubtless , many ) , are respectfully requested to communicate the same to the Editor at the Office , No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . ]
To Correspondents.
* . { , * All Communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury street , Strand , A \ . C , SEVEJUI , communications stand over till our next .