Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article LITERATURE, SCIENCE, MUSIC, DRAMA , AND THE FINE ARTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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termination of its second , converted into a surplus of £ G , This has been effected without any neglect of the virtue of hospitality , or—more important still—of the higher virtue of charity , for , be it known , that this lodge , so recently established , has devoted itself to the inculcation , by example , of a knowledge of the easiest and mostpractical means of relieving from debt the institution with which it is so intimatelconnected—the Boys' School—b
y y annually giving up one banquet , and appropriating the amount thus saved to the aid of that School . Will other lodges do likewise ? The officers for the year ensuing are—Bros . A . C . Fowler , W . M . ; J . R . Coves , I . P . M . and Sec ., Basil Ringrose , S . AV . ; A . Leaud , J . W . ; S . May , Treas . ; F . Binckes , Dir . of Cers . ; W . Edwards , S . D . ; AV . Hol' . ingsworth , J . D . ; J . Row , I . G . ; — BadstowSteward ; and C . R . SpeihtTler . Amongst the
, g , y visitors we noticed—Bros . W . Ough , P . G . Purst . ; H . Massey , W . M . 619 ; Bourne , P . M . 749 ; P . W . Pearse , P . M . 657 ; Coleman , P . M . 182 ; J . G . Baker , P . M . 241 ; Johnstone . J . W . 23 ; S . J . Furrian ( late 91 ) , Hd . Master R . M . I . B . ; B . P . Todd , P . M . 27 ; H , G . Buss , P , M . and Sec . 27 ; and others whose names we regret our inability to record .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . — " Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , on Thursday , the 19 th inst ., but under the interdict before named , no report of the proceedings can be furnished .
Cape Of Good Hope.
PORT ELIZABETH . LODGE or GOOD WILL ( No . 711 ) . —The installation of the W . M . and officers of this lodge took place at the Masonic Temple , on the Hill , on Thursday , the 24 th June , being St . John's day , a day highly reverenced by the Craft . There was a very large gathering of the ancient brotherhood to assist at the interesting and imposing caremony , including tho W . M . ( Bro . George
Smyth ) ofthe Lodge of Good Hope , No . 863 , the P . Ms ., officers , and members of the lodge , P . M . Bro . Captain Petherick , and several other visiting brethren . The retiring Master ( Bro . J . C . Kemsley ) took the chair at hi gh twelve , and , after opening the lodge with the customary formalities , he , assisted by the P . Ms , present , proceeded with the installation of his successor ( Bro , Samuel Bain ) which he performed in a very satisfactory manner . The newly installed Master afterwards appointed and
invested his ollicers , and subsequently entered upon the active discharge of his newly assumed functions by initiating two candidates , which ceremony he conducted with marketability . Tbe lodge was then adjourned from labour to prayer , when the brethren proceeded to Trinity Church , where evening service was conducted by tho incumbent , the Rev . H . I . Johnson , M . A ., and an impressive and appropriate sermon preached by Bro . the Rev . Samuel Brook , Rector of St . Paul ' s , North-end . Mrs . Barrick presided at the organ and accompanied the choir , who kindly lent their assistance for the occasion . A collection was made
at the close of the occasion in aid of the Lodge ' s Benevolent Fund . The annual banquet took place in the hanquctting hall of the lodge , which was also numerously attended . The newly installed Master presided , supported on bis right by the W . M . of the sister lodge , the Rev . Samuel Brook ( Chaplain ) , and several P . Ms ., and on his left by Bro . John Campbell ( C . C . and R . M . ) , John Miller ( M . L . A . ) , & c . The Wardens acted as croupiers . Justice having been clone to the creature comforts , the
cloth was removed and the wine and dessert introduced . The usual loyal , Masonic , and complimentary toasts wjjre given and responded to with much spirit and good feeling . Harmony was then had recourse to , the company breaking up at II o'clock , after having spent a most agreeable evening . The lodge is now composed as follows : —Bros . Samuel Bain , W . M . ; John C . Kemsley , P . M . ; Henry E . Tonks , S . AV . ; James E . Whiley , S . AV . ; Edward Dunstervillc , S . D . ; William A . Rennick , J . D . ; Rev . Samuel
Brook , Chap . ; John E . Bruton , Treas . ; John W . Riches , Sec . ; W . Knight ( P . M . ) , Director of Ceremonies ; William Sutherland , Org . ; George Dunstcrville , I . G . ; Clement W . Frames , Frank A . Peason , Stewards ; James Morley , T .
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE . EXMOUTII . —Sun Chanter ( No . 106 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held on Monday , the 16 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Royal Beacon Hotel . It being the meeting for installaof Principals , they were duly inducted to their respective chairs by Comp . N . Bic ' kford , P . Z ., viz ., Comps . W . Haymes , N . ; G . Glanfield , II . ; W . T . Maynard , J . On the admission of the
companions the minutes were read and confirmed . Bros . Burnell , Madras Civil Service , and Sherwin , engineer , who had been duly balloted for and unanimously accepted , were then exalted to this supreme degree by Comp . Hodge , P . Z ., acting as M . E . Z . ; Comp . Haymes taking to duty of P . S . The business of the chapter being concluded , the companions adjourned to tho usual banquet , which was served in Comp . Bastin's usual good style . On the removal of the cloth tho usual loyal and
Masonic toasts wore given and responded to . Amongst the visitors present were—Comps . Glashier , 33 ; C . Deacon , P . Z . 444 ; W . Cann and H . Syms , P . Z . ' s 112 ; Toley , 444 ; Way and Troyte , 112 ; Shaw , & c .
Literature, Science, Music, Drama , And The Fine Arts.
The Athenceum announces the discovery of letters from Newton to Martin ¥ olkes , giving a new account of the origin of the theory of gravitation , and rejecting the traditional apple . Folkes was one of the early Grand Masters and President of the R . Society . A penny edition of " Hymns Ancient and Modern " has just been published .
The Presidentship of the British Association for 1870 is to be offered to Professor Huxley . One ofthe stories now going on in All the Year Hound is by Mr . Dicken ' s daughter . The Rev . G . L'Estrange and the Rev . W . Harness are jointly busy on a memoir of Miss Mary Russell Mitford .
Mr . T . W . Robertson's new comedy "Progress-, " originally intended for the Haymarket , is announced for production at the Globe Theatre . The Roman Catholics of Quebec have been warned by their pastors against attending the performance of La Grand Buchessa and La Belle Helena . A young lady of Lyons , Mdlle . Sibert , has just
presented herself for examination to take the degree of bachelor of letters , and passed with great eclat . A project is entertained of establishing in Paris an " Opera for the People , " to which the prices of admission should range from half a franc upwards . The Egyptian Government Exploring Expedition to Lake Nyanza , tinder the direction of Sir Samuel Baker ,
will leave Alexandria on the 1 st of September . Mr . Gladstone is now considering with his publisher whether any part of his book ( Juvenilis Mundi ) , can be thrown into a more popular form for wider circulation . Gustave Dove and Blanchard Jerrold have been exploring London , from Wapping to Kensington , among high and low , with a view to a work on the great capital .
The Rev . J . Austen-Lei gh , Vicar of Bray , is about to publish a life of his aunt , Mrs . Austen , the authoress of " Sense and Sensibility , " and of so many other popular novels . The Rev . Charles Kingsley has consented to preside over the Education department of the Social Science Association at the forthcoming Congress to be held at Bristol .
Mr . Charles Dickens will shortly appear in the new character of a biographical editor , the work being " The Religious Opinions of the late Rev . Chauncy Hare Townshend . " A new drama by Mr . Dion Boucicault , in which Mr . and Mrs . Charles Mathews and Mr . "Vining will appear , is in preparation at the Princess ' s Theatre , aud will be produced early next month .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
termination of its second , converted into a surplus of £ G , This has been effected without any neglect of the virtue of hospitality , or—more important still—of the higher virtue of charity , for , be it known , that this lodge , so recently established , has devoted itself to the inculcation , by example , of a knowledge of the easiest and mostpractical means of relieving from debt the institution with which it is so intimatelconnected—the Boys' School—b
y y annually giving up one banquet , and appropriating the amount thus saved to the aid of that School . Will other lodges do likewise ? The officers for the year ensuing are—Bros . A . C . Fowler , W . M . ; J . R . Coves , I . P . M . and Sec ., Basil Ringrose , S . AV . ; A . Leaud , J . W . ; S . May , Treas . ; F . Binckes , Dir . of Cers . ; W . Edwards , S . D . ; AV . Hol' . ingsworth , J . D . ; J . Row , I . G . ; — BadstowSteward ; and C . R . SpeihtTler . Amongst the
, g , y visitors we noticed—Bros . W . Ough , P . G . Purst . ; H . Massey , W . M . 619 ; Bourne , P . M . 749 ; P . W . Pearse , P . M . 657 ; Coleman , P . M . 182 ; J . G . Baker , P . M . 241 ; Johnstone . J . W . 23 ; S . J . Furrian ( late 91 ) , Hd . Master R . M . I . B . ; B . P . Todd , P . M . 27 ; H , G . Buss , P , M . and Sec . 27 ; and others whose names we regret our inability to record .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . — " Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , on Thursday , the 19 th inst ., but under the interdict before named , no report of the proceedings can be furnished .
Cape Of Good Hope.
PORT ELIZABETH . LODGE or GOOD WILL ( No . 711 ) . —The installation of the W . M . and officers of this lodge took place at the Masonic Temple , on the Hill , on Thursday , the 24 th June , being St . John's day , a day highly reverenced by the Craft . There was a very large gathering of the ancient brotherhood to assist at the interesting and imposing caremony , including tho W . M . ( Bro . George
Smyth ) ofthe Lodge of Good Hope , No . 863 , the P . Ms ., officers , and members of the lodge , P . M . Bro . Captain Petherick , and several other visiting brethren . The retiring Master ( Bro . J . C . Kemsley ) took the chair at hi gh twelve , and , after opening the lodge with the customary formalities , he , assisted by the P . Ms , present , proceeded with the installation of his successor ( Bro , Samuel Bain ) which he performed in a very satisfactory manner . The newly installed Master afterwards appointed and
invested his ollicers , and subsequently entered upon the active discharge of his newly assumed functions by initiating two candidates , which ceremony he conducted with marketability . Tbe lodge was then adjourned from labour to prayer , when the brethren proceeded to Trinity Church , where evening service was conducted by tho incumbent , the Rev . H . I . Johnson , M . A ., and an impressive and appropriate sermon preached by Bro . the Rev . Samuel Brook , Rector of St . Paul ' s , North-end . Mrs . Barrick presided at the organ and accompanied the choir , who kindly lent their assistance for the occasion . A collection was made
at the close of the occasion in aid of the Lodge ' s Benevolent Fund . The annual banquet took place in the hanquctting hall of the lodge , which was also numerously attended . The newly installed Master presided , supported on bis right by the W . M . of the sister lodge , the Rev . Samuel Brook ( Chaplain ) , and several P . Ms ., and on his left by Bro . John Campbell ( C . C . and R . M . ) , John Miller ( M . L . A . ) , & c . The Wardens acted as croupiers . Justice having been clone to the creature comforts , the
cloth was removed and the wine and dessert introduced . The usual loyal , Masonic , and complimentary toasts wjjre given and responded to with much spirit and good feeling . Harmony was then had recourse to , the company breaking up at II o'clock , after having spent a most agreeable evening . The lodge is now composed as follows : —Bros . Samuel Bain , W . M . ; John C . Kemsley , P . M . ; Henry E . Tonks , S . AV . ; James E . Whiley , S . AV . ; Edward Dunstervillc , S . D . ; William A . Rennick , J . D . ; Rev . Samuel
Brook , Chap . ; John E . Bruton , Treas . ; John W . Riches , Sec . ; W . Knight ( P . M . ) , Director of Ceremonies ; William Sutherland , Org . ; George Dunstcrville , I . G . ; Clement W . Frames , Frank A . Peason , Stewards ; James Morley , T .
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE . EXMOUTII . —Sun Chanter ( No . 106 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held on Monday , the 16 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Royal Beacon Hotel . It being the meeting for installaof Principals , they were duly inducted to their respective chairs by Comp . N . Bic ' kford , P . Z ., viz ., Comps . W . Haymes , N . ; G . Glanfield , II . ; W . T . Maynard , J . On the admission of the
companions the minutes were read and confirmed . Bros . Burnell , Madras Civil Service , and Sherwin , engineer , who had been duly balloted for and unanimously accepted , were then exalted to this supreme degree by Comp . Hodge , P . Z ., acting as M . E . Z . ; Comp . Haymes taking to duty of P . S . The business of the chapter being concluded , the companions adjourned to tho usual banquet , which was served in Comp . Bastin's usual good style . On the removal of the cloth tho usual loyal and
Masonic toasts wore given and responded to . Amongst the visitors present were—Comps . Glashier , 33 ; C . Deacon , P . Z . 444 ; W . Cann and H . Syms , P . Z . ' s 112 ; Toley , 444 ; Way and Troyte , 112 ; Shaw , & c .
Literature, Science, Music, Drama , And The Fine Arts.
The Athenceum announces the discovery of letters from Newton to Martin ¥ olkes , giving a new account of the origin of the theory of gravitation , and rejecting the traditional apple . Folkes was one of the early Grand Masters and President of the R . Society . A penny edition of " Hymns Ancient and Modern " has just been published .
The Presidentship of the British Association for 1870 is to be offered to Professor Huxley . One ofthe stories now going on in All the Year Hound is by Mr . Dicken ' s daughter . The Rev . G . L'Estrange and the Rev . W . Harness are jointly busy on a memoir of Miss Mary Russell Mitford .
Mr . T . W . Robertson's new comedy "Progress-, " originally intended for the Haymarket , is announced for production at the Globe Theatre . The Roman Catholics of Quebec have been warned by their pastors against attending the performance of La Grand Buchessa and La Belle Helena . A young lady of Lyons , Mdlle . Sibert , has just
presented herself for examination to take the degree of bachelor of letters , and passed with great eclat . A project is entertained of establishing in Paris an " Opera for the People , " to which the prices of admission should range from half a franc upwards . The Egyptian Government Exploring Expedition to Lake Nyanza , tinder the direction of Sir Samuel Baker ,
will leave Alexandria on the 1 st of September . Mr . Gladstone is now considering with his publisher whether any part of his book ( Juvenilis Mundi ) , can be thrown into a more popular form for wider circulation . Gustave Dove and Blanchard Jerrold have been exploring London , from Wapping to Kensington , among high and low , with a view to a work on the great capital .
The Rev . J . Austen-Lei gh , Vicar of Bray , is about to publish a life of his aunt , Mrs . Austen , the authoress of " Sense and Sensibility , " and of so many other popular novels . The Rev . Charles Kingsley has consented to preside over the Education department of the Social Science Association at the forthcoming Congress to be held at Bristol .
Mr . Charles Dickens will shortly appear in the new character of a biographical editor , the work being " The Religious Opinions of the late Rev . Chauncy Hare Townshend . " A new drama by Mr . Dion Boucicault , in which Mr . and Mrs . Charles Mathews and Mr . "Vining will appear , is in preparation at the Princess ' s Theatre , aud will be produced early next month .