Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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THE MASONIC MIRROR . ^ -. j , * All communications to be addressed to 19 Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems
UNIVERSAL MASONIC CALENDAR JOB 1 SG 9 . —A few remaining copies of tlie second edition are for sale at a reduction of 25 per cent . ROYAL MASOXIC INSTITUTION FOB Bors . —OCTOBER ELECTION . —Votes are earnestly solicited In behalf of Frank Loud , aged eight and a half years , "So . 49 on list of candidates . Girls '
School votes will be equally acceptable for exchange . His late father , Bro . William Loud ( who died suddenly on the 23 rd of May , 1869 , leaving a widow and nine children ) , was initiated in the Prince Edwin Lodge ( No . 125 ) , Hythe , in which he held the office of Warden . He was also a member of the Invicta Lodge ( No . 709 ) , Ashford , from its foundation , in 1857 , until
his decease , and has been a subscribing member to Grand Lodg e for eighteen years . His widow and eight of the children are entirely dependent upon their friends for support . The case is strongly recommended . Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of George Albion Coombs , son of the late Bro . George Albion Coombs , who was a member of "So . 700 , and a licensed victualler , at
Shooters Hid , Woolwich : died ISth May , 1866 , leaving two orphan children depending upon their friends for support Proxies thankfully received by Bro . J . Ewart , Koyal Carriage Office , Royal Arsenal , Woolwich . The death of Bro . AVm . J . Newman , long connected with , and of late years Superintendent of the Exhibition Department , Crystal Palace , and member of the Crystal Palace Lodge ( No . 742 )>
whose talents and amiability endeared him to all who enjoyed the pleasure of his acquaintance , has deprived his family of their means of support , as well as of their best and dearest friend . His brethren in Freemasonry are desirous of testifying- their respect for the memory of their late brother by presenting one of his sons , who is of suitable age , for education in the Royal
Masonic Institution for Boys . In furtherance of this object ) votes are earnestly solicited in favour of his son Herbert Horace Newman , for the election in October next . The case is strongly recommended by several influential brethren as a most deserving one . Proxies for Girls' School , ' or the Benevolent Institution , thankfully received for the purpose of exchange . Communications and votes may be forwarded to Bro . W . H . Harper , Crysta l Palace , S . E .
GRAND LODGE meets on Wednesday , 1 st September , at 7 o ' clock ; the business on the agenda paper is not of very great importance . PORTRAITS of the Et . Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., Q . C . B . , M . AV . G . M . Mason of Scotland , can now be obtained at this office , price 3 s . Gil- each . Copies , with ornamental border and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large size paper can be had , price 10 s . Gd .
REMOVAL or LODGE . —The Gosport Lodge ( No . 903 ) , formerly held at the Star Hotel , is now removed to the India Arms Hotel , High-street , Gosport . The lodge meets on the second Tuesday in every month . THE Star Lodge ( No . 1 , 275 ) , will be consecrated on Friday next , September 3 rd , at four o'clock p . m ., at the Marquis of Granby , Slew Cross-road , by Bro . J . Hervey , G . S . Bro . J . Smith , P . G . P ., "W . M . designate .
Masonic Mems
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION I ? OR B OYS . —OCTOBER ELECTION . —Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of AVilliam Grant Fabiau , for this the fourth application . His father , B » . Augustus Fabian , has been very zealous and energetic in the cause of Masonry , and lias been instrumental in founding and resuscitating several lodges and chapters . He is a P . M . of the
Portsmouth Lodge ( No . 487 ) , P . Prov . S . G . Warden of Hants . Mark M ., Royal , Rose Croix , and Knight Templar , but owing to sudden and severe misfortunes , impossible to foresee or control , his circumstances are now very reduced , and his means are totally inadequate to maintain and educate his large family , four of whom are entirely , and four partially , dependent on his
very limited resources , and he is compelled to make this appeal to the brethren and subscribers . This case is vouched for , and urgently recommended by a strong list of influential brethren as very deserving of support . Bro . Fabian will feel very grateful for votes . Address , S , Waterford-terrace North , Walhanigreeu , S . W . Girls' School or Benevolent Institution proxies equally valuable for exchanging .
INSTRUCTION . METROPOLITAN LODGE OE INSTRUCTION . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the 20 th instant , at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury- Among the members present we noticed—Bros . "AV . Ashby , J . R . Foulgor , Gotthiel , Mackowery , D'Arcy , Worrell , and several others . The lodge having been opened with the usual formalities , was opened up to the third degree , and the
said degree very creditably rendered by the W . M ., who , assisted by his officers and the rest of the brethren , worked the sections of this degree in an able manner .
MIDDLESEX . WOOD GREEN . —Lewis Lodge ( No . 1 , 185 ) . —In no locality in England is it possible that the practical good effected through the Masonic organization can be more patent than at AVood Green . The unanimous recognition of its benefits so publicly manifested , naturally led to a desire on the part of many residents in the neighbourhood for a knowledge of the secrets and nysteries of
an Order so favourably brought prominently to their notice , and it was felt desirable to attempt the formation of a lodge by means of which the oft-experienced wishes should be gratified . The attempt was made in 1867—was justified by most satisfactory progress iu 1 SG 8—and is an accomplished fact in 1869 . On Saturday last ( 21 st inst . ) the second anniversary was celebrated , under circumstances most encouraging and auspicious . Hitherto the lack of proper accommodation at the Nightingale
Tavern has necessitated the inconvenience of providing for labour and refreshment in the same room . On this occasion , however , was inaugurated the spacious new room built by the worthy host and proprietor , Bro . \ V . Jones , capable of accommodating more numerous gatherings than have ever yet been there attempted , the dimensions being 54 ft . long by 28 ft . wide and 18 ft . high . Herein assembled , on the 21 st inst ., 50 brethren to do honour to the elevation to the cliaii- of ICS . of Bro . Arthur C . Fowler ,
who , during the stated hours of labour—after Bro . Gibbon had been passed to the second degree by the retiring Master , Bro . Coves—was installed as W . M . for the year ensuing by the Senior P . M ., Bro . Frederick Binckes . The whole of tho proceedings were admirably conducted , aud great praise is due to the host , Bro . Jones , for the skill with which ho catered for his numerous friends , the exception being that so universally complained ofdefective attendance . Nor must Bro . Jones' liberality be lost
sight of , for in the enthusiasm of delight at having his work brought practically to a conclusion , he requested permission from the AV . M . to pledge him and all his brethren in a bumper of the sparkling product of Epernay ( veritable ) , which ho most hospitably supplied . Courtesy demanded compliance with the request , which was cheerfully accorded , and " Happiness and prosperity " was the wish cordially expressed to Bro . Jones " and his . " The lodge now numbers forty-seven members , and must be considered as iu a flourishing condition , inasmuch as a deficit of £ 14 at the end of its : first year of existence has been , at tbe
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . ^ -. j , * All communications to be addressed to 19 Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems
UNIVERSAL MASONIC CALENDAR JOB 1 SG 9 . —A few remaining copies of tlie second edition are for sale at a reduction of 25 per cent . ROYAL MASOXIC INSTITUTION FOB Bors . —OCTOBER ELECTION . —Votes are earnestly solicited In behalf of Frank Loud , aged eight and a half years , "So . 49 on list of candidates . Girls '
School votes will be equally acceptable for exchange . His late father , Bro . William Loud ( who died suddenly on the 23 rd of May , 1869 , leaving a widow and nine children ) , was initiated in the Prince Edwin Lodge ( No . 125 ) , Hythe , in which he held the office of Warden . He was also a member of the Invicta Lodge ( No . 709 ) , Ashford , from its foundation , in 1857 , until
his decease , and has been a subscribing member to Grand Lodg e for eighteen years . His widow and eight of the children are entirely dependent upon their friends for support . The case is strongly recommended . Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of George Albion Coombs , son of the late Bro . George Albion Coombs , who was a member of "So . 700 , and a licensed victualler , at
Shooters Hid , Woolwich : died ISth May , 1866 , leaving two orphan children depending upon their friends for support Proxies thankfully received by Bro . J . Ewart , Koyal Carriage Office , Royal Arsenal , Woolwich . The death of Bro . AVm . J . Newman , long connected with , and of late years Superintendent of the Exhibition Department , Crystal Palace , and member of the Crystal Palace Lodge ( No . 742 )>
whose talents and amiability endeared him to all who enjoyed the pleasure of his acquaintance , has deprived his family of their means of support , as well as of their best and dearest friend . His brethren in Freemasonry are desirous of testifying- their respect for the memory of their late brother by presenting one of his sons , who is of suitable age , for education in the Royal
Masonic Institution for Boys . In furtherance of this object ) votes are earnestly solicited in favour of his son Herbert Horace Newman , for the election in October next . The case is strongly recommended by several influential brethren as a most deserving one . Proxies for Girls' School , ' or the Benevolent Institution , thankfully received for the purpose of exchange . Communications and votes may be forwarded to Bro . W . H . Harper , Crysta l Palace , S . E .
GRAND LODGE meets on Wednesday , 1 st September , at 7 o ' clock ; the business on the agenda paper is not of very great importance . PORTRAITS of the Et . Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., Q . C . B . , M . AV . G . M . Mason of Scotland , can now be obtained at this office , price 3 s . Gil- each . Copies , with ornamental border and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large size paper can be had , price 10 s . Gd .
REMOVAL or LODGE . —The Gosport Lodge ( No . 903 ) , formerly held at the Star Hotel , is now removed to the India Arms Hotel , High-street , Gosport . The lodge meets on the second Tuesday in every month . THE Star Lodge ( No . 1 , 275 ) , will be consecrated on Friday next , September 3 rd , at four o'clock p . m ., at the Marquis of Granby , Slew Cross-road , by Bro . J . Hervey , G . S . Bro . J . Smith , P . G . P ., "W . M . designate .
Masonic Mems
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION I ? OR B OYS . —OCTOBER ELECTION . —Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of AVilliam Grant Fabiau , for this the fourth application . His father , B » . Augustus Fabian , has been very zealous and energetic in the cause of Masonry , and lias been instrumental in founding and resuscitating several lodges and chapters . He is a P . M . of the
Portsmouth Lodge ( No . 487 ) , P . Prov . S . G . Warden of Hants . Mark M ., Royal , Rose Croix , and Knight Templar , but owing to sudden and severe misfortunes , impossible to foresee or control , his circumstances are now very reduced , and his means are totally inadequate to maintain and educate his large family , four of whom are entirely , and four partially , dependent on his
very limited resources , and he is compelled to make this appeal to the brethren and subscribers . This case is vouched for , and urgently recommended by a strong list of influential brethren as very deserving of support . Bro . Fabian will feel very grateful for votes . Address , S , Waterford-terrace North , Walhanigreeu , S . W . Girls' School or Benevolent Institution proxies equally valuable for exchanging .
INSTRUCTION . METROPOLITAN LODGE OE INSTRUCTION . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the 20 th instant , at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury- Among the members present we noticed—Bros . "AV . Ashby , J . R . Foulgor , Gotthiel , Mackowery , D'Arcy , Worrell , and several others . The lodge having been opened with the usual formalities , was opened up to the third degree , and the
said degree very creditably rendered by the W . M ., who , assisted by his officers and the rest of the brethren , worked the sections of this degree in an able manner .
MIDDLESEX . WOOD GREEN . —Lewis Lodge ( No . 1 , 185 ) . —In no locality in England is it possible that the practical good effected through the Masonic organization can be more patent than at AVood Green . The unanimous recognition of its benefits so publicly manifested , naturally led to a desire on the part of many residents in the neighbourhood for a knowledge of the secrets and nysteries of
an Order so favourably brought prominently to their notice , and it was felt desirable to attempt the formation of a lodge by means of which the oft-experienced wishes should be gratified . The attempt was made in 1867—was justified by most satisfactory progress iu 1 SG 8—and is an accomplished fact in 1869 . On Saturday last ( 21 st inst . ) the second anniversary was celebrated , under circumstances most encouraging and auspicious . Hitherto the lack of proper accommodation at the Nightingale
Tavern has necessitated the inconvenience of providing for labour and refreshment in the same room . On this occasion , however , was inaugurated the spacious new room built by the worthy host and proprietor , Bro . \ V . Jones , capable of accommodating more numerous gatherings than have ever yet been there attempted , the dimensions being 54 ft . long by 28 ft . wide and 18 ft . high . Herein assembled , on the 21 st inst ., 50 brethren to do honour to the elevation to the cliaii- of ICS . of Bro . Arthur C . Fowler ,
who , during the stated hours of labour—after Bro . Gibbon had been passed to the second degree by the retiring Master , Bro . Coves—was installed as W . M . for the year ensuing by the Senior P . M ., Bro . Frederick Binckes . The whole of tho proceedings were admirably conducted , aud great praise is due to the host , Bro . Jones , for the skill with which ho catered for his numerous friends , the exception being that so universally complained ofdefective attendance . Nor must Bro . Jones' liberality be lost
sight of , for in the enthusiasm of delight at having his work brought practically to a conclusion , he requested permission from the AV . M . to pledge him and all his brethren in a bumper of the sparkling product of Epernay ( veritable ) , which ho most hospitably supplied . Courtesy demanded compliance with the request , which was cheerfully accorded , and " Happiness and prosperity " was the wish cordially expressed to Bro . Jones " and his . " The lodge now numbers forty-seven members , and must be considered as iu a flourishing condition , inasmuch as a deficit of £ 14 at the end of its : first year of existence has been , at tbe