Article IRISH CONSTITUTION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND FINE ARTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Irish Constitution.
to the Grand Lodge as their report . —Signed on behalf of the committee , AIEXUMNEY , Chairman . Lucius T . DEEKIJTG , | Honorary GEO . T . AVHITESTONE , > Secretaries . While the report was being read thc three pictures were uncoveredand their striking appearance in the very beautiful and
, massive frames , which had been specially carved for them by the Messrs . Strahan , of Leinster-street , elicited loud and long-continned applause , all the brethren rising simultaneously . The R . W . Bro . Rev . J . J . Maesorley , S . G . Chap ., moved , and the R . AA . Bro . Sir John Stewart , Bart ., Prov . G . M . of Tyrone , seconded that the report now read be received and adopted . The G . M ., in putting the resolution ; congratulated the Grand
Lodge ou the magmrVeent hall iw which they were now assembled . It was indeed a credit to their Order , and he hoped the Grand Lodge would long continue to prosper and flourish . On the motion of the Hon . Judge Townsend , P . D . G . M ., a vote of thanks was passed to the Grand Muster for his attendance on the occasion , and for the deep interest he has at all times manifested in the welfare of the Order . The proceedings then terminated .
Royal Arch.
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . METROPOLITAN . C 0 USECEAT 102 , - OF THE CHAPTER , OF PHTJDENT BBEIIIBEH-( No . 145 ) . The consecration of this new chapter took place at Freemasons' Hall on Thursdaythe 25 th inst . Tlie ceremony of
conse-, cration was performed in tho most admirable style by Comp . J . Hervey , Grand Scribe E ., assisted by Comps . J . Brett , P . Z ., and H . Jeppor , P . Z . The selection of music played and sang during the consecration was conducted and executed by Comps . AV . H . Taylor , P . Prov . G . Org ., Theodore Distin , and 11 . Barnby . Comp . R . AV . Little acted as Dir . of Cers . The chapter having been opened by the G . S . E ., tho companions
entered in order , aud the introductory prayer was repeated . The Dir . of Cers . addressed the Principals , who made suitable replies . The Acting G . S . E . having read the Petition and Charter , the M . E . Z . inquired of the companions if they approved of the Officers named in the Charter . The companions having signified their approval in Masonic formthe M . E . Z . proceeded to constitute the companions into a
, regular chapter in ancient form . An oration on tho nature and principles of the institution was then delivered . The anthem , " 'Tis a pleasant thing to soe , " was then given . The first part ofthe dedication prayer having been repeated , the
chant , " So mote it . bo " was sung , the companions all joining . The pedestal was then uncovered and the Dir . of Cers . carried the elements of consecration three times round the chapter , solemn music being performed during the ceremony . The anthem , - 'Ihave built thee a house , " was beautifully rendered . The Chapter was then dedicated and constituted in due and ancient form .
The following Companions were then invested and installed in their resyjeetive offices : — Comps . John Boyd , M . E . Z . ; G . F . Shavpe , H . ; AV . Carter , J . ; G . S . States , Scribe E . ; H . P . Allender , Scribe N . ; J . Last , Treas . The following appointments were also made : — Comps . G . Pitt , Prin . Soj . ; J . Lancaster , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; J .
Bull , 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; AV . AVatson , Steward ; G . AVood , Dir . of Cers . AV . G . Laing was also invested as Janitor . The furniture and jewels of the chapter , supplied by Comp . Wm . Piatt , were of the most recherche description , and elicited the approval of all present . Thirty-three names were g iven as candidates for exaltation , and fifteen companions were proposed as joining members . ~ The M . E . Z . proposed that Comps . J . Hervey and J . Brett should be honorary members of the new chapter , which was unanimously carried , and those companions returned thanks in Buitablaterms .
Royal Arch.
Amonest the companions present we noticed : — Comps . AV . J . Taylor , 68 , P . Prov . G . O . ; Henry Pyne , 534 ; Donald King , St . James ' s Union , 172 ; F . W . Gilbart , Z . 534 ; R , AV . Little , Z . 177 , P . Z . 975 ; J . 'Pepper , 28 ; H . G . Bass , P . Z . 177 ; R . S . AA arrin < rton , P . Z . 8 ; W . Piatt , P . Z . 19 ; John Coutts , M . E . Z . 382 ; C . J . AVatson , P . Z . 11 ; J . AV . H . Doughney , S . E . 206 ; R . Barnby . 820 ; J . Hevvey , G . S . E ., ; R . J . AUenden , 742 ; James BrettP . Z . 177 W . FarnfieldP . Z . 5 ; MercokZ . 534 ;
, ; , , J . Avrillon , 712 ; Theodore Distin ; H . Massey , J . 619 ; J . Horwood , 1 st Assist . Soj . 28 ; D . Stile , Rose of Denmark ; E . Bingham , Melita . ST . JAMES ' UNIOST CHAETEB , ( NO . 180 ) . —Tho companions of this chapter met at Freemasons'Hall , ou Tuesday , the 23 rd inst . There were present ,: —Comps . H . A . Stoner , M . E . Z . ; T . AV . AVatsonH . J . AV * DawsonJ . ; C . JacksonP . Z . Scribe
, ; , , , E . ; H . A . Stacey , P . Z . ; T . AV . Sedgwick , P . Z . & Trea ? ; H . Robinson , P . Soj . The visitors were : —A . Codner , H . 25 ; J . F . Berry , ISO ; and K . Hardey , 753 . Bros . Frederick Shelley , 180 ; G . F . Crenier , 180 ; and John Hidden , 511 , were exalted to the Holy Royal Arch degree .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTEIJ . — Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —A quarterly convocation of this chapter was held at thc Freemasons' Hall ou AA ednesd . \ y , the 10 th inst ., the officers present being the Rev . John Spittal , M . E . Z . ; L . A . Clarke , H . ; Pettifor , P . Z ., as J . ; Kelly , P . Z ., and P . G . H ., Treas . ; Stretton , E . ; Patridge , N . TollerP . S . BuzzardA . S . ; BembridgeJ . ; and a
num-; , ; , , ber of other companions . The minutes of the last quarterly convocation and of a chapter of emergency held in October , having been read and confirmed , a letter was read from Comp , the Rev . Charles J . E . Smith , of Rugby School , and of the Euclid Chapter , Cambridge , who was elected a member at the last meeting , apologising for his inability to attend on this occasion . The absence of the G . Principal was occasioned by his
being in the United States . Two candidates were due for exaltation , but neither oi them being present , tho chapter was closed at an early hour in ancient form . MELTON - MOWMAY . —De Mowbray Chapter ( No . 1 , 130 ) . — The regular meeting of this chapter w-as held on Thursday , November the 11 th . Present : Comps . Rev . AA . Langley , M . E . Z . ; F . P . Neweome , H . ; H . AV . Kelly , P . G . H . J . ; Robinson , Brown ,
Adcock , Chester , Neweome , Fast , and others . The ballot was taken for Bros . Rea , Petty , and Duncome , and , being in their favour , they were exalted by the M . E . Z ., Comp . Kelly giving tho lectures in his usually perfect manner . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to supper , after which a happy hour was spent , and the meeting was broken up at an early hour .
Mark Masonry.
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . LEICESTERSHIRE . MELTON MOWBEAT . —Howe Mark Lodge ( No . 21 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday the 18 th inst ., the AV . M ., Bro . Rev . AV . Langley , presiding . There was a very good attendance of brethren , aud five out of six candidates
for this honourable degree were duly advanced by the W . M . and his officers . The AV . M . also delivered the lecture of the degree . The lodge being closed , a very pleasant evening was spent , and the brethren separated at 10 o ' clock .
Literature, Science, And Fine Arts.
The following letter appeared in the Times from Mr . Holland , Secretary of the Fund for the Exploration of Sinai : — " Sir , —A letter from me appeared in your columns ot the 3 rd inst , respecting the exploration of the Till Desert , or the " Wilderness of the AVanderings . " It is with great pleasure that I now write to announce that the committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund have decided to take the proposed expedition under their charge , and that henceforth there will be only one fund
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Irish Constitution.
to the Grand Lodge as their report . —Signed on behalf of the committee , AIEXUMNEY , Chairman . Lucius T . DEEKIJTG , | Honorary GEO . T . AVHITESTONE , > Secretaries . While the report was being read thc three pictures were uncoveredand their striking appearance in the very beautiful and
, massive frames , which had been specially carved for them by the Messrs . Strahan , of Leinster-street , elicited loud and long-continned applause , all the brethren rising simultaneously . The R . W . Bro . Rev . J . J . Maesorley , S . G . Chap ., moved , and the R . AA . Bro . Sir John Stewart , Bart ., Prov . G . M . of Tyrone , seconded that the report now read be received and adopted . The G . M ., in putting the resolution ; congratulated the Grand
Lodge ou the magmrVeent hall iw which they were now assembled . It was indeed a credit to their Order , and he hoped the Grand Lodge would long continue to prosper and flourish . On the motion of the Hon . Judge Townsend , P . D . G . M ., a vote of thanks was passed to the Grand Muster for his attendance on the occasion , and for the deep interest he has at all times manifested in the welfare of the Order . The proceedings then terminated .
Royal Arch.
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . METROPOLITAN . C 0 USECEAT 102 , - OF THE CHAPTER , OF PHTJDENT BBEIIIBEH-( No . 145 ) . The consecration of this new chapter took place at Freemasons' Hall on Thursdaythe 25 th inst . Tlie ceremony of
conse-, cration was performed in tho most admirable style by Comp . J . Hervey , Grand Scribe E ., assisted by Comps . J . Brett , P . Z ., and H . Jeppor , P . Z . The selection of music played and sang during the consecration was conducted and executed by Comps . AV . H . Taylor , P . Prov . G . Org ., Theodore Distin , and 11 . Barnby . Comp . R . AV . Little acted as Dir . of Cers . The chapter having been opened by the G . S . E ., tho companions
entered in order , aud the introductory prayer was repeated . The Dir . of Cers . addressed the Principals , who made suitable replies . The Acting G . S . E . having read the Petition and Charter , the M . E . Z . inquired of the companions if they approved of the Officers named in the Charter . The companions having signified their approval in Masonic formthe M . E . Z . proceeded to constitute the companions into a
, regular chapter in ancient form . An oration on tho nature and principles of the institution was then delivered . The anthem , " 'Tis a pleasant thing to soe , " was then given . The first part ofthe dedication prayer having been repeated , the
chant , " So mote it . bo " was sung , the companions all joining . The pedestal was then uncovered and the Dir . of Cers . carried the elements of consecration three times round the chapter , solemn music being performed during the ceremony . The anthem , - 'Ihave built thee a house , " was beautifully rendered . The Chapter was then dedicated and constituted in due and ancient form .
The following Companions were then invested and installed in their resyjeetive offices : — Comps . John Boyd , M . E . Z . ; G . F . Shavpe , H . ; AV . Carter , J . ; G . S . States , Scribe E . ; H . P . Allender , Scribe N . ; J . Last , Treas . The following appointments were also made : — Comps . G . Pitt , Prin . Soj . ; J . Lancaster , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; J .
Bull , 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; AV . AVatson , Steward ; G . AVood , Dir . of Cers . AV . G . Laing was also invested as Janitor . The furniture and jewels of the chapter , supplied by Comp . Wm . Piatt , were of the most recherche description , and elicited the approval of all present . Thirty-three names were g iven as candidates for exaltation , and fifteen companions were proposed as joining members . ~ The M . E . Z . proposed that Comps . J . Hervey and J . Brett should be honorary members of the new chapter , which was unanimously carried , and those companions returned thanks in Buitablaterms .
Royal Arch.
Amonest the companions present we noticed : — Comps . AV . J . Taylor , 68 , P . Prov . G . O . ; Henry Pyne , 534 ; Donald King , St . James ' s Union , 172 ; F . W . Gilbart , Z . 534 ; R , AV . Little , Z . 177 , P . Z . 975 ; J . 'Pepper , 28 ; H . G . Bass , P . Z . 177 ; R . S . AA arrin < rton , P . Z . 8 ; W . Piatt , P . Z . 19 ; John Coutts , M . E . Z . 382 ; C . J . AVatson , P . Z . 11 ; J . AV . H . Doughney , S . E . 206 ; R . Barnby . 820 ; J . Hevvey , G . S . E ., ; R . J . AUenden , 742 ; James BrettP . Z . 177 W . FarnfieldP . Z . 5 ; MercokZ . 534 ;
, ; , , J . Avrillon , 712 ; Theodore Distin ; H . Massey , J . 619 ; J . Horwood , 1 st Assist . Soj . 28 ; D . Stile , Rose of Denmark ; E . Bingham , Melita . ST . JAMES ' UNIOST CHAETEB , ( NO . 180 ) . —Tho companions of this chapter met at Freemasons'Hall , ou Tuesday , the 23 rd inst . There were present ,: —Comps . H . A . Stoner , M . E . Z . ; T . AV . AVatsonH . J . AV * DawsonJ . ; C . JacksonP . Z . Scribe
, ; , , , E . ; H . A . Stacey , P . Z . ; T . AV . Sedgwick , P . Z . & Trea ? ; H . Robinson , P . Soj . The visitors were : —A . Codner , H . 25 ; J . F . Berry , ISO ; and K . Hardey , 753 . Bros . Frederick Shelley , 180 ; G . F . Crenier , 180 ; and John Hidden , 511 , were exalted to the Holy Royal Arch degree .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTEIJ . — Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —A quarterly convocation of this chapter was held at thc Freemasons' Hall ou AA ednesd . \ y , the 10 th inst ., the officers present being the Rev . John Spittal , M . E . Z . ; L . A . Clarke , H . ; Pettifor , P . Z ., as J . ; Kelly , P . Z ., and P . G . H ., Treas . ; Stretton , E . ; Patridge , N . TollerP . S . BuzzardA . S . ; BembridgeJ . ; and a
num-; , ; , , ber of other companions . The minutes of the last quarterly convocation and of a chapter of emergency held in October , having been read and confirmed , a letter was read from Comp , the Rev . Charles J . E . Smith , of Rugby School , and of the Euclid Chapter , Cambridge , who was elected a member at the last meeting , apologising for his inability to attend on this occasion . The absence of the G . Principal was occasioned by his
being in the United States . Two candidates were due for exaltation , but neither oi them being present , tho chapter was closed at an early hour in ancient form . MELTON - MOWMAY . —De Mowbray Chapter ( No . 1 , 130 ) . — The regular meeting of this chapter w-as held on Thursday , November the 11 th . Present : Comps . Rev . AA . Langley , M . E . Z . ; F . P . Neweome , H . ; H . AV . Kelly , P . G . H . J . ; Robinson , Brown ,
Adcock , Chester , Neweome , Fast , and others . The ballot was taken for Bros . Rea , Petty , and Duncome , and , being in their favour , they were exalted by the M . E . Z ., Comp . Kelly giving tho lectures in his usually perfect manner . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to supper , after which a happy hour was spent , and the meeting was broken up at an early hour .
Mark Masonry.
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . LEICESTERSHIRE . MELTON MOWBEAT . —Howe Mark Lodge ( No . 21 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday the 18 th inst ., the AV . M ., Bro . Rev . AV . Langley , presiding . There was a very good attendance of brethren , aud five out of six candidates
for this honourable degree were duly advanced by the W . M . and his officers . The AV . M . also delivered the lecture of the degree . The lodge being closed , a very pleasant evening was spent , and the brethren separated at 10 o ' clock .
Literature, Science, And Fine Arts.
The following letter appeared in the Times from Mr . Holland , Secretary of the Fund for the Exploration of Sinai : — " Sir , —A letter from me appeared in your columns ot the 3 rd inst , respecting the exploration of the Till Desert , or the " Wilderness of the AVanderings . " It is with great pleasure that I now write to announce that the committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund have decided to take the proposed expedition under their charge , and that henceforth there will be only one fund