Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 4 of 4 Article IRISH CONSTITUTION. Page 1 of 2 →
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Craft Masonry.
and Adams were duly initiated , the ceremony being ably performed by Bro . J . AVhitehead , P . M ., the working tools explained by- Bro . AA estgatc , P . M ., the charge and lecture on the tracingboard by Bro . J . AAliitehead , P . M . Lodge closed in peace , and thc brethren retired for refreshment . British Union Lodge ( No . 114 ) . —The usual monthl y meeting of this old established lodge was held on thc 18 th inst . at the
Masonic Hall . Present : Bros . AVm . Rob y , P . M ., AA . M . ; A . J . Barber , S . W . ; P . Cornell , J . AV . ; Spalding , Sec ; and Schulen , P . M ., Treas . ; Spalding . Tyler . P . M . ' s .: R . AV . D . Prov . G . M . Rev . Isaac Lockwood , Chas . Sehuleu , and G . H . Moore . A isitor : Bro . C Davy , P . M ., 225 . Owing to ill health , and other circumstances , several brethren were prevented attending . The only business on the summons being the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when Bro . A . J . Barber was unanimously
elected . The Treasurer , Bro . P . M . Schulen , was re-elected , and also Bro . Spalding , Tyler . Lodge closed , and the brethren retired to the banquettinghall . Perfect Friendship ( No . 376 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at tlie Great AAHiite Horse Hotel , on Wednesday the 17 th inst . Present : Bros . Stodilon , AAsM . ; J . R . Stephens , S . W . ; W . A . Smith , J . W . ; J . R . Fraser , S . D . ; J .
Waller , J . D . ; S . B . King , P . M ., Sec ; W . P . Mills , P . M ., Treas . ; and Syer , Tyler . Bro . P . M . Findley , M . C . ; and about twenty others . Lodge opened in first degree . Minutes of last lodge read and confirmed . Lodge opened in second and third degrees . Closed down to first degree . The only business on the summons being to elect AV . M for the ensuing year , the ballot was then taken , and declared unanimous in favour of Bro . Stephens , the S . AA . ; Bro . P . AI . Mills was re-elected Treas ., and Bro . Syer , Tyler . Lodge duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet .
SURREY . GOTEDFOED . —Royal Alfred Lodge ( No . 777 ) . —The November meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , tlie 11 th inst ., Bro . Pigott , AV . M ., in the chair , supported bv Bros . Drewitt , P . M ., AVells , P . M ., AA hite , P . M ., Cookson , S . AV ., Mason , J . AV ., Bolting , S . D ., Gaudy , J . D ., a good muster of members , and Bro . Stacey , a visitor from the Mauritius . The lodge was opened
in duo form , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . Alter the examination and passing of Bros . Smallpiece Radford to the superior degree of F . C . The AV . M ., on the proposition of Bro . Drewett , P . M ., in the name of the members , after several suitable remarks , presented Bro . Neales with a very handsome jewel as a token of their esteem and high appreciation of his invaluable services for many years past to the Royal Alfred Lodge as Secretary and Treasurer . The intention of tlie brethren
was not known to Bro . Neales until the presentation tool : place , when he expressed himself quite overcome with this manifestation of the kindl y feelings existing towards him . He said he had had many surprises during his life , but never one that gave him greater pleasure . The jewel , ivhieh was made expressly for the occasion , was of 18-carat gold and blue enamel , and ornamented srith the insignia of the iwo offices and the name of the lodge .
Irish Constitution.
METROPOLITAN . GBAND LODGE . A special meeting of the Grand Lodge was held , on tlie 18 th inst ., at the New Masonic Hall in Moles worth-street , on which occasion the splendid hall devoted to the purposes of Freemasonry was filled to overflowing by members ofthe Craft , each with the other to do
vieing honour to the noble Duke , who for such a lengthened period bus presided over the Order in Ireland . Peculiar circumstances tended to enhance the interest felt b y the brethren on this occasion . The meeting was convened at the special request of tlie M . AV . the Grand Master , who had expressed his intention of being present , in order to announce to the Grand Ledge the gratifying intelligence that his Royal Highness tlie Prince of Wales hadin the most gracious manner
, , consented to accept the position of patron of the Masonic Order in Ireland , the highest honour which the body had it in their power to bestow , and one which had iu bygone days been held by her most gracious Majesty ' s predecessors on the Throne of England—King William IV , and George IV .
Among the Grand Officers present were : — Bros , Robert AV . Shekleton , D . G . M . ; Right Hon . Baron Athlumney , S . G . AA . ; Sir Edward Crogan , Bart ,, J . G . AA . ; Arthur Biishe / G . Treas . ; Rev . J . J . Macsorley , aud the Hon . aud Rev . W . C . Plvniket , G . Chaps . ; C . A . Ciuneron , mid S . II . IX LiTonchc , G . D . ' s ; G . D . Astley , G . Sup . of AA orks ; Alderman J . Manning , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Theophilus E . St . George , G . Steward ; George Hepburn , Grand Sword-bearer ; S . N . Dane , G . I . G .: Charles T . Wahnislcy
, Dep . H . Sec ; Samuel B . Oldham , Aassist . Sec ; Philip C . Smyly , Ri ght Hon . Major-General Dunuo , P . G . M ., of Midland Counties ; Andrew Browne , P . G . M . S ., Connaught ; Rev . II . B . AVestby , P . G . Chap . ; John Cottle , Rep . G . L ., A'irevinia ; Richard B . DeBurgh . Rep . G . L ., Illinois ; Henry B . Haffield , Rep . G . L ., Tennessee ; John II . Goddard , Rep . G . L ., Lisbon ; Capt . A esey Dovoreu , Rep . G . L ., Spain .
Precisely at four o ' clock , with that punctuality for which tho Duke of Leinster has always been noted , bis Grace entered tlie Grand Lodge-room , attended by the Grand Officers , several Prov . G . Officers , and representatives from foreign Grand Lodges , and assumed his place on the throne . The Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form , the Grand Master stated that the Grand Lodge , being desirous of bestowing some mark of distinction on His Royal Highness the Prince of AVales ,
had referred the matter to hiin . In accordance with thc usual etiquette , he had , in the first instance , consulted the wishes of His _ Royal Highness , and had been favoured with the most gracious answer , saying that His Royal Highness would gladl y accept the intended honour . He had very great pleasure in making this announcement , mid proposing that the Grand Lodge should confer on His Royal Highness the Prince of AA ales the title of Patron of the Order in Ireland . Tliis titlewhich has
, been held by His Royal Highness ' s grand-uncle , would not confer upon him any Masonic rank that would in the slightest interfere with the rights or privileges of their Grand Master ; but if His Royal Highness should ever come amongst them , lie felt sure that they would all be . glad to see him , and receive him with all the honour and respect to which he was entitled .
His Royal Highness was then saluted with full Masonic honours . The Right Hon . Lord Athlumney , who occupied the Senior Grand Warden ' s chair , stated that the portrait committee were desirous of submitting to Grand Lodge a report of their proceedings , and The It , M . Lucius B . Deeringone of the honorary
secre-, taries , then read the following report : — "Your committee at once entered on their duties , and have in the interval held many meetings , and carefully considered the important subject intrusted to them . Your committee , with the view of exciting a generous emulation , and securing firstclass objects of hi gh art , confided the execution of the portraits to residents in the three kingdoms—that of his Grace the Grand
Master to Air . Catterson Smith ; of the Hon . Judge Townsend , to Bro . Barclay , of Edinburgh ; ofthe late Bro . Thomas Mostyn , to Mv . Lucas , of London . In handing over the portraits to the Grand Lodge , the committee , fortified by the judgment of the best critics , can confidently congratulate the brethren , on the possession of three works of art of the hi ghest character ; they cannot refrain from inviting the attention to the force of the conception , the breadth of the handing , and the delicacy of the finish , such as matured art alone could bestow .
Each a drama of a single scene . " The committee tender thanks to the artists as well for the works themselves as for their liberalit y in , under the peculiar circumstances , making large reductions from the honorarium customary for such works , and so enabling your committee to secure specimens which may proudly be ranked amongst the chefs d ' eeuvre of portrait painting . The
council of the Royal Hibernian Academy having applied to your committee , requesting that the portraits mi ght be exhibited at their late exhibition , your committee , deeming it due , as well to the artists as to the Craft , that the public should have an opportunity of viewing the portraits , consented , the academy assuming a portion of the attendant expense . The committee append a return of tho subscri ptions and outlay , and in doing so , allude with pleasure to the fact that the subscribers
' list was not confined to the members of the Craft in Dublin , but embraced a large number of our provincial brethren . AU which the committee submit , with their iraternal salutations ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
and Adams were duly initiated , the ceremony being ably performed by Bro . J . AVhitehead , P . M ., the working tools explained by- Bro . AA estgatc , P . M ., the charge and lecture on the tracingboard by Bro . J . AAliitehead , P . M . Lodge closed in peace , and thc brethren retired for refreshment . British Union Lodge ( No . 114 ) . —The usual monthl y meeting of this old established lodge was held on thc 18 th inst . at the
Masonic Hall . Present : Bros . AVm . Rob y , P . M ., AA . M . ; A . J . Barber , S . W . ; P . Cornell , J . AV . ; Spalding , Sec ; and Schulen , P . M ., Treas . ; Spalding . Tyler . P . M . ' s .: R . AV . D . Prov . G . M . Rev . Isaac Lockwood , Chas . Sehuleu , and G . H . Moore . A isitor : Bro . C Davy , P . M ., 225 . Owing to ill health , and other circumstances , several brethren were prevented attending . The only business on the summons being the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when Bro . A . J . Barber was unanimously
elected . The Treasurer , Bro . P . M . Schulen , was re-elected , and also Bro . Spalding , Tyler . Lodge closed , and the brethren retired to the banquettinghall . Perfect Friendship ( No . 376 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at tlie Great AAHiite Horse Hotel , on Wednesday the 17 th inst . Present : Bros . Stodilon , AAsM . ; J . R . Stephens , S . W . ; W . A . Smith , J . W . ; J . R . Fraser , S . D . ; J .
Waller , J . D . ; S . B . King , P . M ., Sec ; W . P . Mills , P . M ., Treas . ; and Syer , Tyler . Bro . P . M . Findley , M . C . ; and about twenty others . Lodge opened in first degree . Minutes of last lodge read and confirmed . Lodge opened in second and third degrees . Closed down to first degree . The only business on the summons being to elect AV . M for the ensuing year , the ballot was then taken , and declared unanimous in favour of Bro . Stephens , the S . AA . ; Bro . P . AI . Mills was re-elected Treas ., and Bro . Syer , Tyler . Lodge duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet .
SURREY . GOTEDFOED . —Royal Alfred Lodge ( No . 777 ) . —The November meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , tlie 11 th inst ., Bro . Pigott , AV . M ., in the chair , supported bv Bros . Drewitt , P . M ., AVells , P . M ., AA hite , P . M ., Cookson , S . AV ., Mason , J . AV ., Bolting , S . D ., Gaudy , J . D ., a good muster of members , and Bro . Stacey , a visitor from the Mauritius . The lodge was opened
in duo form , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . Alter the examination and passing of Bros . Smallpiece Radford to the superior degree of F . C . The AV . M ., on the proposition of Bro . Drewett , P . M ., in the name of the members , after several suitable remarks , presented Bro . Neales with a very handsome jewel as a token of their esteem and high appreciation of his invaluable services for many years past to the Royal Alfred Lodge as Secretary and Treasurer . The intention of tlie brethren
was not known to Bro . Neales until the presentation tool : place , when he expressed himself quite overcome with this manifestation of the kindl y feelings existing towards him . He said he had had many surprises during his life , but never one that gave him greater pleasure . The jewel , ivhieh was made expressly for the occasion , was of 18-carat gold and blue enamel , and ornamented srith the insignia of the iwo offices and the name of the lodge .
Irish Constitution.
METROPOLITAN . GBAND LODGE . A special meeting of the Grand Lodge was held , on tlie 18 th inst ., at the New Masonic Hall in Moles worth-street , on which occasion the splendid hall devoted to the purposes of Freemasonry was filled to overflowing by members ofthe Craft , each with the other to do
vieing honour to the noble Duke , who for such a lengthened period bus presided over the Order in Ireland . Peculiar circumstances tended to enhance the interest felt b y the brethren on this occasion . The meeting was convened at the special request of tlie M . AV . the Grand Master , who had expressed his intention of being present , in order to announce to the Grand Ledge the gratifying intelligence that his Royal Highness tlie Prince of Wales hadin the most gracious manner
, , consented to accept the position of patron of the Masonic Order in Ireland , the highest honour which the body had it in their power to bestow , and one which had iu bygone days been held by her most gracious Majesty ' s predecessors on the Throne of England—King William IV , and George IV .
Among the Grand Officers present were : — Bros , Robert AV . Shekleton , D . G . M . ; Right Hon . Baron Athlumney , S . G . AA . ; Sir Edward Crogan , Bart ,, J . G . AA . ; Arthur Biishe / G . Treas . ; Rev . J . J . Macsorley , aud the Hon . aud Rev . W . C . Plvniket , G . Chaps . ; C . A . Ciuneron , mid S . II . IX LiTonchc , G . D . ' s ; G . D . Astley , G . Sup . of AA orks ; Alderman J . Manning , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Theophilus E . St . George , G . Steward ; George Hepburn , Grand Sword-bearer ; S . N . Dane , G . I . G .: Charles T . Wahnislcy
, Dep . H . Sec ; Samuel B . Oldham , Aassist . Sec ; Philip C . Smyly , Ri ght Hon . Major-General Dunuo , P . G . M ., of Midland Counties ; Andrew Browne , P . G . M . S ., Connaught ; Rev . II . B . AVestby , P . G . Chap . ; John Cottle , Rep . G . L ., A'irevinia ; Richard B . DeBurgh . Rep . G . L ., Illinois ; Henry B . Haffield , Rep . G . L ., Tennessee ; John II . Goddard , Rep . G . L ., Lisbon ; Capt . A esey Dovoreu , Rep . G . L ., Spain .
Precisely at four o ' clock , with that punctuality for which tho Duke of Leinster has always been noted , bis Grace entered tlie Grand Lodge-room , attended by the Grand Officers , several Prov . G . Officers , and representatives from foreign Grand Lodges , and assumed his place on the throne . The Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form , the Grand Master stated that the Grand Lodge , being desirous of bestowing some mark of distinction on His Royal Highness the Prince of AVales ,
had referred the matter to hiin . In accordance with thc usual etiquette , he had , in the first instance , consulted the wishes of His _ Royal Highness , and had been favoured with the most gracious answer , saying that His Royal Highness would gladl y accept the intended honour . He had very great pleasure in making this announcement , mid proposing that the Grand Lodge should confer on His Royal Highness the Prince of AA ales the title of Patron of the Order in Ireland . Tliis titlewhich has
, been held by His Royal Highness ' s grand-uncle , would not confer upon him any Masonic rank that would in the slightest interfere with the rights or privileges of their Grand Master ; but if His Royal Highness should ever come amongst them , lie felt sure that they would all be . glad to see him , and receive him with all the honour and respect to which he was entitled .
His Royal Highness was then saluted with full Masonic honours . The Right Hon . Lord Athlumney , who occupied the Senior Grand Warden ' s chair , stated that the portrait committee were desirous of submitting to Grand Lodge a report of their proceedings , and The It , M . Lucius B . Deeringone of the honorary
secre-, taries , then read the following report : — "Your committee at once entered on their duties , and have in the interval held many meetings , and carefully considered the important subject intrusted to them . Your committee , with the view of exciting a generous emulation , and securing firstclass objects of hi gh art , confided the execution of the portraits to residents in the three kingdoms—that of his Grace the Grand
Master to Air . Catterson Smith ; of the Hon . Judge Townsend , to Bro . Barclay , of Edinburgh ; ofthe late Bro . Thomas Mostyn , to Mv . Lucas , of London . In handing over the portraits to the Grand Lodge , the committee , fortified by the judgment of the best critics , can confidently congratulate the brethren , on the possession of three works of art of the hi ghest character ; they cannot refrain from inviting the attention to the force of the conception , the breadth of the handing , and the delicacy of the finish , such as matured art alone could bestow .
Each a drama of a single scene . " The committee tender thanks to the artists as well for the works themselves as for their liberalit y in , under the peculiar circumstances , making large reductions from the honorarium customary for such works , and so enabling your committee to secure specimens which may proudly be ranked amongst the chefs d ' eeuvre of portrait painting . The
council of the Royal Hibernian Academy having applied to your committee , requesting that the portraits mi ght be exhibited at their late exhibition , your committee , deeming it due , as well to the artists as to the Craft , that the public should have an opportunity of viewing the portraits , consented , the academy assuming a portion of the attendant expense . The committee append a return of tho subscri ptions and outlay , and in doing so , allude with pleasure to the fact that the subscribers
' list was not confined to the members of the Craft in Dublin , but embraced a large number of our provincial brethren . AU which the committee submit , with their iraternal salutations ,