Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Craft Masonry.
BAEEOW IN FTJKIS-ESS . —Sindpool Lodge ( No . 1 , 225 ) . —A meeting of this lodge , held at the Queens Hotel , took place on the 16 th inst . There were present : —Bros . Geo . Dniifield , P . M . ; Arthur AVorrall , P . M . ; W . H . Silver , S . W , ; R , W . Graham , J . AV . ; AV . Ashburner , jun . Treas . ; Thos . Lcary , Sec ; G . S . Ormandy , S . D . ; Dr . Sinclair , J . D . ; J . Minis , I . G . ; H . Stuart , Org . ; . 1 . Cauby . Tyler . Bro . Thos . Kendall , J . D . 1021 and Bros . Johnson , Howard , 1021 were present as visitors . Mi-Day AVoodhonse was initiated , Bros , Nicholls and Turvey passed , and Bro . Wilkinson raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The first and second degrees were given with full choral service .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIYEUPOOT .. — Ancient Union , Lodge ( No . 202 ) . —This ledge , held at the Masonic Temple , 22 , Hope-street , met on Thursday the 18 th inst . Present -. Bros . J . M . Pastor , P . M . ; J . Laidhuv , P . M . ; B . W . Rowson , I . P . M . ; E . Hushes , S . AV . ; R , Bulman , J . AV . ; J . Parsons , Sec . : C . R . Martorell , J . D . ; G . R . Shepard , I . G . Visitors : Bros . C . J . Bannister , P . G . S . B . of England ;
James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., AVest Lancashire ; J . K . Smith , P . M ., 1 , 094 ; R . H . D . Johnson , P . M ., 1 , 094 . In the absence of the AV . M . Bro . John Hughes , the chair was taken by the I . P . M ., Bro . B . AV . Rowson , who initiated Messrs . Samuel Myers and Daniel AA illiams . Tlie business of the evening included the appointment of an audit committee , the proposition of Mr . J . S . Hunt for initiation , when the brethren adjourned to the banquet , of which about thirty partook .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 523 . )—The brethren of this lodge assembled for their usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , ou Thursday the 12 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Toller , AV . M ., who most ably conducted the ceremonies of the evening . The P . M ' s present were : Bros . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M .. and AA ^ . M . 279 ; Duft ; AA . B . SuretteTreas . ; and
, , C . Johnson , Org . ; and Bros . Buzzard , S . W . ; Sculthorpe , J . AV . ; Baines , See . ; Rev . Dr . Kaycrofb , S . J ) .,- Partridge , J . D . ; Atkins and Sargoant , Stewards ; Lewin , I . G . ; E . Spencer , Marr , Richardson , Fletcher , and Dunn ; Bembridgo , Tyler . Visitors ; Bros . Pettifor , P . M . ; AVeare , P . M . ; Miller , Palmer . Ride , Pegg . McAllister , and Donisthorpe , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 . The lodge having been opened , a ballot was taken for
four candidates for initiation , viz : the Revs . John Harford , M . A ., of AVistow , and AVilliam Targett Fry , M . A ., of St . Andrew ' s , Leicester ; and Messrs . Charles AVhitaker , F . J . Smith , were unanimously elected . Tho two reverend candidates were prevented attending on this occasion , but the other two were severally initiated into our mysteries . On the conclusion of the ceremony , the AV . M . gave the lecture on the tracing board , and
the D . Prov . G . M . tho charge to the candidates . The lodge having been opened in the second degree , Bro . Fletcher passed a highly satisfactory examination , alter which he was duly raised , to the third degree , with a full musical service , conducted by Bro . Charles Johnson on the organ . The lodge having been lowered to the first degree , among other matters of business , a long discussion took place ou a motion by tho Rev . Bro . HaycroftD . D . on the expediency of having the present organ put
, , into thorough repair , or replacing it by a more efficient instrument , which resulted in a committee being appointed to ascertain the cost of efficiently repairing the present organ , which was purchased by subscription ou tlie erection of the Masonic Hall ten years ago . On the conclusion of the business the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent an hour or two most pleasantly and harmoniously .
Lor / GllBOKOrjGir . —Some and Charmvood Lodge ( No . 1 , 007 ) . —A meeting of this lodge ( which has been , unfortunately , dormant for the past two years or more ) -was held some weeks since for the election of AA . M ., when Bro . John AVilson , a Past AVarden of the Lodge , was chosen to that office , and bis installation was ( after some delay ) fixed to take place at the Bull ' s Head Hotel , on Thursday the 11 th inst . Tlie meeting was well attended by members and visitors from the Leicester lodges .
The chair was taken by Bro . Major Brewin , one of tlie P . M . ' s , and P . M-, No . 523 , and P . Prov . G . S . AA ., who performed the ceremony of installation in his usual highl y efficient manner , assisted by Bros . Pettifer , P . M ., 979 , and P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; and Weare , P . M ., 279 , and P . Prov . G . S . D . ; and others . The AV . M . having appointed and invested his officers . A ballot was taken for Mv . AVm . Grimes Palmer , jun ., surgeon , Loughborough , and
Mr . Arthur George Chamberlin , Poor-law Auditor , Leicester ; who having been duly elected , were severally initiated . On the conclusion of the business , the brethren adjourned to the banquet . It is hoped that now the lodge lias been revived , it will , as at its establishment , have a prosperous career . OAKHAM . — Vale of Catmos Lodge No . 1 , 265 ) . —The second meeting of this lodge since its consecration was held at the Agricultural Hallon the evening of Wednesday the 17 th inst .,
, when among the members of the lodge present were : Bros . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Geo . Brown , AA . M ., and P . G . J . W . ; the Revs . AV . Langley , W . M . No . 1 , 130 , and P . G . S . AV . ; AA . K . Robinson , P . M . 1 , 130 , and P . P . G . E . ; and Fred . Orme , P . Prov . G . S . W ., Herts , and Prov . G . C . ; Geo . M . Ash forth , M . D ., S . W . ; Thos . Markham , J . AV . ; Bennett , See . ; Kew , S . D .: Hardy , J . D . ; Capt . Bailey , Org . ; Crowson , Morris , Fisher , and others . The
lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the former meeting read and confirmed , a dispensation vras read for the initiation of Mr . William Hibbit , as a serving brother , and , the ballot being unanimous in his favour , he was afterwards regularly initiated . Bros . Morris and Fisher were then examined as E . A . 's ., and , having been approved , were then passed to the second'degree : after which the D . Prov . G . M . ( who presided during the ceremonies ) delivered the lecture on the tracing board
of the degree . Bro . the Rev . E . Hawley , of the Pelham Lodge , 939 , was elected a joining member of this lodge . Some business in connection with the bye-laws having been transacted , and several propositions of joining members or candidates having been received , tho lodge was closed by the AV . M ., and the brethren adiourned to refreshment at tho Crown Hotel .
OXFORDSHIRE . CnirpiSG-NoETON-. —Sowi / sr Lodge ( No . 1 , 036 ) . —This lodge met at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday the 18 th inst . Bro . D . H . AA . Horlock , Esq ., in the chair ; supported by Bros . Henry Hartley , P . M . ; Robert Parsons , S . AA . ; CD . Faulkner , J . AV .,-and other brethren . Bros . Henry Margetts , P . M ., Churchill Lodge ; J . M . Byar , Lodge Caledonian ( S . C ) , were present as visitors . There being no business , the first section was worked . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the banquet , whena very pleasant evening was spent in the manner usual among Masons .
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . —St . Lulce ' s Lodge ( No . 225 ) . —A special lodge was held on the 4 th inst ., nt the Coach and Horses Hotel , Brookstreet , to raise Bro . Griffith and pass Bro . Edwards . Present : Bros . C . Davy , P . M ., as AV . M . ; J . W . Rohb , S . AV . ; J . Turner , P . M ., as J . AV . ; A . Barber , Sec ; T . Prentice , I . G . ; and Syer , Tyler : J . AVhiteheadAV . R . TaylorAV . T . AVe . stgateand S .
, , , B . King , P . M . ' s ; Lewis , Favre , Griffith , and Edwards . The lodge was duly opened and Bro . Edwards passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Griffith raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The ceremonies were ably performed by Bro . C . Davy , P . M ., assisted by Bros . AVhitehead and AVestgate , P . M . ' s . Lodge closed in peace with solemn prayer , and thc brethren adjourned to refreshment .
On the 10 th inst . tlie regular monthly meeting took place . Present : Bros . P . Whitehead , W . M . ; j . AV . Rohb , S . AV . ; J . Turner ., P . M ., as J . W . ; A . Barber , Sec ; C . Byford , S . D . ; G . Golding , J . D . ; T . Prentice , I . G . and Tyler ; AVhitehead , Garwood , Davy . AA estgat , e , aud King , P . M . 's ; Jackson , Pratt , Griffith , R . ' Dance , Meek , Flory , Skinner , Lewis , O . AV . Godball ,. and others . The lodge was opened iu the first degree , and the
minutes read and confirmed . Bros . Dance , Jackson , and Favre were then passed to the degree of F . C , the ceremonies being conducted by Bros . A \ liitehead , AA estgate , and Davy . The next and most important business was the election of AV . M . for the ensuing year , when the suffrages of tho brethren fell upon Bro , J . AV . Robb . The present Treasurer and Tyler were also reelected . Lodge closed down in peace , aud the brethren adjourned
for refreshment . Tlie usual loyal , Masonic , and complimentary toasts were given and duly honoured . —On the 17 th inst . a lodge of emergency was called by summons to ballot for , and , if accepted , initiated , Mr . G . Dance ( leaving the neighbourhood ) and iir . Av . Adams , Master Mariner ( leaving for sea ) . Present : Bros . P . AVhitehead , AV . M . ; J . AV . Robb , S . W . ; J . Turner , P . M ., as J . AV . ; A . Barber , See . ; C . Byford , S . D . ; Golding , J . D . ; Prentice , I . G . ; and Syer , Tyler ; Whitehead , Taylor , AVestgate , and Davy , P . M . ' s ; Griffith , Dance , Godball , Lewis , Jabbot , and others . The ballot being unanimous , Messrs . Dance ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
BAEEOW IN FTJKIS-ESS . —Sindpool Lodge ( No . 1 , 225 ) . —A meeting of this lodge , held at the Queens Hotel , took place on the 16 th inst . There were present : —Bros . Geo . Dniifield , P . M . ; Arthur AVorrall , P . M . ; W . H . Silver , S . W , ; R , W . Graham , J . AV . ; AV . Ashburner , jun . Treas . ; Thos . Lcary , Sec ; G . S . Ormandy , S . D . ; Dr . Sinclair , J . D . ; J . Minis , I . G . ; H . Stuart , Org . ; . 1 . Cauby . Tyler . Bro . Thos . Kendall , J . D . 1021 and Bros . Johnson , Howard , 1021 were present as visitors . Mi-Day AVoodhonse was initiated , Bros , Nicholls and Turvey passed , and Bro . Wilkinson raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The first and second degrees were given with full choral service .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIYEUPOOT .. — Ancient Union , Lodge ( No . 202 ) . —This ledge , held at the Masonic Temple , 22 , Hope-street , met on Thursday the 18 th inst . Present -. Bros . J . M . Pastor , P . M . ; J . Laidhuv , P . M . ; B . W . Rowson , I . P . M . ; E . Hushes , S . AV . ; R , Bulman , J . AV . ; J . Parsons , Sec . : C . R . Martorell , J . D . ; G . R . Shepard , I . G . Visitors : Bros . C . J . Bannister , P . G . S . B . of England ;
James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., AVest Lancashire ; J . K . Smith , P . M ., 1 , 094 ; R . H . D . Johnson , P . M ., 1 , 094 . In the absence of the AV . M . Bro . John Hughes , the chair was taken by the I . P . M ., Bro . B . AV . Rowson , who initiated Messrs . Samuel Myers and Daniel AA illiams . Tlie business of the evening included the appointment of an audit committee , the proposition of Mr . J . S . Hunt for initiation , when the brethren adjourned to the banquet , of which about thirty partook .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 523 . )—The brethren of this lodge assembled for their usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , ou Thursday the 12 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Toller , AV . M ., who most ably conducted the ceremonies of the evening . The P . M ' s present were : Bros . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M .. and AA ^ . M . 279 ; Duft ; AA . B . SuretteTreas . ; and
, , C . Johnson , Org . ; and Bros . Buzzard , S . W . ; Sculthorpe , J . AV . ; Baines , See . ; Rev . Dr . Kaycrofb , S . J ) .,- Partridge , J . D . ; Atkins and Sargoant , Stewards ; Lewin , I . G . ; E . Spencer , Marr , Richardson , Fletcher , and Dunn ; Bembridgo , Tyler . Visitors ; Bros . Pettifor , P . M . ; AVeare , P . M . ; Miller , Palmer . Ride , Pegg . McAllister , and Donisthorpe , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 . The lodge having been opened , a ballot was taken for
four candidates for initiation , viz : the Revs . John Harford , M . A ., of AVistow , and AVilliam Targett Fry , M . A ., of St . Andrew ' s , Leicester ; and Messrs . Charles AVhitaker , F . J . Smith , were unanimously elected . Tho two reverend candidates were prevented attending on this occasion , but the other two were severally initiated into our mysteries . On the conclusion of the ceremony , the AV . M . gave the lecture on the tracing board , and
the D . Prov . G . M . tho charge to the candidates . The lodge having been opened in the second degree , Bro . Fletcher passed a highly satisfactory examination , alter which he was duly raised , to the third degree , with a full musical service , conducted by Bro . Charles Johnson on the organ . The lodge having been lowered to the first degree , among other matters of business , a long discussion took place ou a motion by tho Rev . Bro . HaycroftD . D . on the expediency of having the present organ put
, , into thorough repair , or replacing it by a more efficient instrument , which resulted in a committee being appointed to ascertain the cost of efficiently repairing the present organ , which was purchased by subscription ou tlie erection of the Masonic Hall ten years ago . On the conclusion of the business the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent an hour or two most pleasantly and harmoniously .
Lor / GllBOKOrjGir . —Some and Charmvood Lodge ( No . 1 , 007 ) . —A meeting of this lodge ( which has been , unfortunately , dormant for the past two years or more ) -was held some weeks since for the election of AA . M ., when Bro . John AVilson , a Past AVarden of the Lodge , was chosen to that office , and bis installation was ( after some delay ) fixed to take place at the Bull ' s Head Hotel , on Thursday the 11 th inst . Tlie meeting was well attended by members and visitors from the Leicester lodges .
The chair was taken by Bro . Major Brewin , one of tlie P . M . ' s , and P . M-, No . 523 , and P . Prov . G . S . AA ., who performed the ceremony of installation in his usual highl y efficient manner , assisted by Bros . Pettifer , P . M ., 979 , and P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; and Weare , P . M ., 279 , and P . Prov . G . S . D . ; and others . The AV . M . having appointed and invested his officers . A ballot was taken for Mv . AVm . Grimes Palmer , jun ., surgeon , Loughborough , and
Mr . Arthur George Chamberlin , Poor-law Auditor , Leicester ; who having been duly elected , were severally initiated . On the conclusion of the business , the brethren adjourned to the banquet . It is hoped that now the lodge lias been revived , it will , as at its establishment , have a prosperous career . OAKHAM . — Vale of Catmos Lodge No . 1 , 265 ) . —The second meeting of this lodge since its consecration was held at the Agricultural Hallon the evening of Wednesday the 17 th inst .,
, when among the members of the lodge present were : Bros . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Geo . Brown , AA . M ., and P . G . J . W . ; the Revs . AV . Langley , W . M . No . 1 , 130 , and P . G . S . AV . ; AA . K . Robinson , P . M . 1 , 130 , and P . P . G . E . ; and Fred . Orme , P . Prov . G . S . W ., Herts , and Prov . G . C . ; Geo . M . Ash forth , M . D ., S . W . ; Thos . Markham , J . AV . ; Bennett , See . ; Kew , S . D .: Hardy , J . D . ; Capt . Bailey , Org . ; Crowson , Morris , Fisher , and others . The
lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the former meeting read and confirmed , a dispensation vras read for the initiation of Mr . William Hibbit , as a serving brother , and , the ballot being unanimous in his favour , he was afterwards regularly initiated . Bros . Morris and Fisher were then examined as E . A . 's ., and , having been approved , were then passed to the second'degree : after which the D . Prov . G . M . ( who presided during the ceremonies ) delivered the lecture on the tracing board
of the degree . Bro . the Rev . E . Hawley , of the Pelham Lodge , 939 , was elected a joining member of this lodge . Some business in connection with the bye-laws having been transacted , and several propositions of joining members or candidates having been received , tho lodge was closed by the AV . M ., and the brethren adiourned to refreshment at tho Crown Hotel .
OXFORDSHIRE . CnirpiSG-NoETON-. —Sowi / sr Lodge ( No . 1 , 036 ) . —This lodge met at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday the 18 th inst . Bro . D . H . AA . Horlock , Esq ., in the chair ; supported by Bros . Henry Hartley , P . M . ; Robert Parsons , S . AA . ; CD . Faulkner , J . AV .,-and other brethren . Bros . Henry Margetts , P . M ., Churchill Lodge ; J . M . Byar , Lodge Caledonian ( S . C ) , were present as visitors . There being no business , the first section was worked . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the banquet , whena very pleasant evening was spent in the manner usual among Masons .
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . —St . Lulce ' s Lodge ( No . 225 ) . —A special lodge was held on the 4 th inst ., nt the Coach and Horses Hotel , Brookstreet , to raise Bro . Griffith and pass Bro . Edwards . Present : Bros . C . Davy , P . M ., as AV . M . ; J . W . Rohb , S . AV . ; J . Turner , P . M ., as J . AV . ; A . Barber , Sec ; T . Prentice , I . G . ; and Syer , Tyler : J . AVhiteheadAV . R . TaylorAV . T . AVe . stgateand S .
, , , B . King , P . M . ' s ; Lewis , Favre , Griffith , and Edwards . The lodge was duly opened and Bro . Edwards passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Griffith raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The ceremonies were ably performed by Bro . C . Davy , P . M ., assisted by Bros . AVhitehead and AVestgate , P . M . ' s . Lodge closed in peace with solemn prayer , and thc brethren adjourned to refreshment .
On the 10 th inst . tlie regular monthly meeting took place . Present : Bros . P . Whitehead , W . M . ; j . AV . Rohb , S . AV . ; J . Turner ., P . M ., as J . W . ; A . Barber , Sec ; C . Byford , S . D . ; G . Golding , J . D . ; T . Prentice , I . G . and Tyler ; AVhitehead , Garwood , Davy . AA estgat , e , aud King , P . M . 's ; Jackson , Pratt , Griffith , R . ' Dance , Meek , Flory , Skinner , Lewis , O . AV . Godball ,. and others . The lodge was opened iu the first degree , and the
minutes read and confirmed . Bros . Dance , Jackson , and Favre were then passed to the degree of F . C , the ceremonies being conducted by Bros . A \ liitehead , AA estgate , and Davy . The next and most important business was the election of AV . M . for the ensuing year , when the suffrages of tho brethren fell upon Bro , J . AV . Robb . The present Treasurer and Tyler were also reelected . Lodge closed down in peace , aud the brethren adjourned
for refreshment . Tlie usual loyal , Masonic , and complimentary toasts were given and duly honoured . —On the 17 th inst . a lodge of emergency was called by summons to ballot for , and , if accepted , initiated , Mr . G . Dance ( leaving the neighbourhood ) and iir . Av . Adams , Master Mariner ( leaving for sea ) . Present : Bros . P . AVhitehead , AV . M . ; J . AV . Robb , S . W . ; J . Turner , P . M ., as J . AV . ; A . Barber , See . ; C . Byford , S . D . ; Golding , J . D . ; Prentice , I . G . ; and Syer , Tyler ; Whitehead , Taylor , AVestgate , and Davy , P . M . ' s ; Griffith , Dance , Godball , Lewis , Jabbot , and others . The ballot being unanimous , Messrs . Dance ,